Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1968, p. 9

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18 tenders tender for sand truck sealed lenders will be rccciv cd bv the township of esquc ting clerk rr 1 georgetown until 12 00 m tuesday dec ember 3 1968 for one truck g vw 25 000 minimum on an tiourly basis the hour ly rate shall include operator fuel and all operating cosls an allowance of one hour per day standby lime will be made to cornnemnte for off days contract time from decem ber s 1968 march 15 1949 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted c x snow roatf superintendent townihip of esqucsing rjl 1georgetown ont 18b21 tender for snow ploughing scaled tenders will be receiv ed by the townswp of ewque sing clerk rr no 1 george town until 1200 pm tues- dav december 3 19a8 for one grader 100 horsepower minim urn on jn hourly basis the hourly rate shall include operator fuel and operating costs an allowance of one hour per dav standby time will be made to compensate for off davs contract time from decem ber 15 1968 march 15 1969 lowest or any lender not ne cessarily accepted c e snow road superintendent township of esquesing r r i georgetown ont 18b21 the corporation of the township of nassagaweya notice of nomination and polling 1 a take notice that the meetings to nominate candidat es for the halton county board of education and the halton county roman catholic separ ate school board shall be held on monday november 18 1968 from 7 30 p m until 8 30 p m at the following locations municipality location addrtu burlington central high school 1433 baldwin street burlington oakville administration building 1225 trafalgar rcl oalmllf georgetown high school gymnasium 70 guclph st georgetown milton martin street pub lic sdiool 184 martin st mil ton esquesing esquesing com munity hall stewart town nassagaweya acton nus- sagaweyj township hall cimphetlville b as the township of nas sagaweya and the town of ac ton uill be combined to elect oni member to the halton county board of education the nomination meeting will be conducted by the township of nassagayveya and will be held at nassagaweya township hall campbelk litt le as the town of milton and the toyynships of esques ing and nassagayvtya will be combined to elect one member to the halton county roman catholic suparatc school board the nomination meeting will be conducted by the town of milton and will be held at mai tin street public school 1 martin street milton d the meeting to nominate the members to the halton county board of lducation to represent the separate school supporters within the county will be conducted by the town of burlington and will be held at central high school 1433 baldwin street burlington 2 polling if required shall he held in all municipalities in the county of hultun on mon d v december 2 1968 between the hours of 1000 am and 800 pm c mcintyre returning ofticcr 19b28 successful sales begin with listings in the free prpss 19 legal notice notice of the closing of the allowance for road between conces sions 2 and 3 in front of lot 15 township of esquesing notice of a proposed by t au no 27tih for stopping irp tli- illowiiilt for roja between contcssions 2 and 3in front of ut j5 ol the townunp of es- questtjtf ind for authorizing the convevance of th pqition wj stopped up to th adjoining owners or owner fy d whereas council i desir ous of topping up the allow ance for the above road and of umvejing the portions so stop ped up to the adjoining owners or owner now therefore the council or the municip al corporation or the township or esouesing fnacts as tollows from and after the passing of this bylaw the allowance for road described herein shall be closed and stopped up and convoyed to the adjoining owners or owner description of part of road allouance nerueen cons 2 and in iront of lot 11 twp of t qtcsmg all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lvmg and being in the township of es qui sing in the county of hal ton and province of ontario and being composed of part of the original road allowance between concessions 2 and 3 in front uf lot is in the said township containing b admeasurement 664 acres be the same more or less and which said parcel of land is more particularly described is follows premising that the south limit of the kings highway number 25 as shown on reg istered plan number 421 on file in the registry office for the said county and crossing part of the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 has a beiring of north 77d 2215 west astronomic and relating nil bearings herein thereto commencing at the point of micrsechn vf tlte northeast limit of tlwsajd road allowance being also the soutlvwest limit olthe west half of said lot 15 n said concession 3 with a line drawn parallel to and 66 00 feet in perpendicular distance meas- rred northwesterly from the southeast limit of the west half of said lot 15 in said conces sion said point of intei sec tion being distant 66 41 feet mure or less measured north- uesierlv along the said north east limit of the said road al lowance from the south angle ot the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 thence north 44d48 30 west along the said northeast limit ol the said allowance 1008 39 feet more or less to its point of intersection with the southwest limit of the kongs highwav number 25 as shown on registered plan number 421 on i tie in the registry office tor the said counn and cross ing part ol the west half oi said lot is m said concession 3 thence north westerly al ong the north westerly pro duction ot the said south west limit ol the kings highway number 25 being along a curve to the tight h iwng a radius ot 1j5 2 ttet a chord distance of 117 62 itet more or less on a chord be inng of north 59d- 45 m west to the point of in terse ctiun ol the said north westeik prihtiiction of the said siuuhuist limit with the north c astir 1 production of the line ot a unit running southwest ern tlitncl south 3u 50 10 west along the said north casterh production et the line ot the said letrc 37 10 feet moie or less to the point of in tersection ol thi line of the said tencc with the southwest limit ot the said road allowance be ing also the north east limit of tie east halt of said lot 15 in the atoresaid concession 2 tiiencf south 44d3 30 i ast along the said southwest limn ol the said road allow- uiux 1126 40 feet more or less to a point therein distant 66 46 teet measured north westerly long the said southwest limit ot the sud road allowance from the east angle of the east half ot said lot 15 m haid conces sion 2 thence north 3sd34 east 33 22 feel more or less to the point of intersection of the centre line ofn- the said rctfid allowance with the aforesaid line drawn parallel to and 66 00 feet in perpendicular distance measured northauest- erly from the aforesaid south- continued next column 19 lgal cast hnut of the west half of said lot 15 m the aforesaid con cession 3 thence north 38d8 30 lisl alonf the said parallel 1 ne 13 21 ftet more or less to the point of loinitkhlcmcnt take notice that the mun icipal council of the township of esquesing will lake into con- delation of the passing und tf approved will pass at its meet ing to be held on tuesday nov ember 19th lw8 at the hour ol j30 oclock ill the evening v the municipal chamber of the said township of esquos ing a ti law stopping up and selling thu aboe described pro perly 111 the sud township tind the council will ht that time and place tyiar in person or by his counsel soheflor or agent an person who claims thai his land will be prejudicially affect ed bv the b imv and who ap plied tp be heard dated at esquesing thtj 2 st da of october ad 1968 k c lindsay ontario clerk of the township of esquesing 18b20 form 4 section 12 clerks notice v first posting of voters list 1968 municipality of township of esquesing county of halton notice is hereby given that i have complied with sec- lion 9 of the voters list act ind that i hae posted up at m office rr 1 georgetown on the 4th i of november 1968 the list of all persons en titled to kite in the municipal it at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all oters to take imme diate proceedings to have any errors 01 omissions corrected according to km the last day of appeal being the 18th day of november 1968 dated this 4th dav of novem ber 1968 k c lindsay clerk twp of esquesing the corporation of the town of acton notice of nomination and polling 1 a take notice out the meetings to nominate candid- ales for the halton county board of education and the halton county roman catholic separate school board shall be held on mond i november 18 1968 trom 7w pm until sw p in at the lollowing loc ations municipality location- address burlington central high ichool i4u baldwin street burlington oakville administrition building 122s trafalgar rd oakville geoigetown high school gwnnasium 70 guelph street geoigetown milton martin sticet pub lic school 1k4 martin street milton t squesing i squemiig com munitv h ill stew irttown nassigiwca acton nas sagaweva township halt c imphcll die lb s the tow n sin p of nas sagaweva and the town ol ac ton will be eomhuied to c lect one mctnbei to the ii tlion coiint boird ot i diicalion the mom in it ion mee tin w ill be conducted b the township of nissigiwev i and will be held at issigiwii townslup hall i unpbelu iltc u as the town ot milton ind the townships ot i sques ing and iss ig iwe i will be eombllud to eleel ohc itiem be i lii the halton tountv ro man cat nolle sepai ate school boaid the vtointn ition vecj- ing will be conducted b the town ot milton and will be held it m irtm street public school 184 martin st milton id the meeting to nominate the members to the halton countv board ol education to represent the separate school supporters within the countv will be conducted bv the town of burlington and will be held at central high sdiool 1433 baldwin street burlington 2 polling if required shall be held in all municipalities in the countv of halton on monday pecember 2 1968 between the hours of 10 00 a m ai4j 00 p m j t hurst returning officer 18a20 19 legal notice to creditors and others in the estate of ambrose fawcett eaton deceased all persons having claims ag mist the estate of ambrose i awcett eaton late of the lown of acton m the county ol halton retired lay minis ter deceased who diet on or about the 6th day of august 1968 aie hereby notified to send in to the undersigned per son jl representative of the ald deceased on or bcrore the 15th i of december 1968 full par ticulars of their claim lmmediarelv a f the said dale the said personal rcpre sentative will distribute the as sets of the said deceased hay ing regard only to the chum of wlmh it shall then have not ice dated at hamdtort this 31st dav of october i96s halton peel trust si savings company 282 lnkeshore road east oakville ontario executor bv vance and vance their solicitors herein 19a2i tour of watershed includes fairy lake the aclon free pren wednesday november 13 1968 o chairman of the information and lducation advijutry board of the rcdit valley conservation authority piovtded a running commentary light to 1 2 rigid laboratory tests are performed on each hlood donation to ensure that it meets the high standards of the canadian red cross blood blinding rain wind and gray skies of early morning turned to sunshine and warmth for the tcccnt credit valley watershed tour taken by the stieetsvilte council and interested staff and ratepayers of the town almost 50 people participated lirst stop was the headquarters o the authority til mcjdowvale visitors were 20 auction sales for complete auction service chris a schouten auctioneer sajes of all types bior small ill do them all sales conducted inywhcn tel area 416878576 or local 8532943 h r 3 milton ont clearing auction sale of iloutchold furniture and the family car in the town or georgetown situated at 134 prince charles drive for peter dirnrom saturday november imh at i pm california stle chesterfield uith matthint chair like new this set is less than a year old also italian provincial coffee table drum table commode cadenza all of the same stvle also like new these pieces are also less than a year old dm ette set with 4 chairs real nice kitlliln set wood tabic and 4 chairs 2 matching tub chairs snider batterv operated wall clock like new 3 table lamps olmeca art wall plaque from mexico er nice lazy boy chair kroehler chesterfield and chairs snid er eoifee tabic and mntching step table 2 chests of drawers 2 students desks writing desk continental double bed with mattress continental single bed and mattress cosmetic dresser with round mirror and matching chair 9 x 12 carpet with underlay 2 small ruga 7 8 6 x 4 quantity of scatter rugs large plastic living room plant singer treadle serving ma chine desk lamp telephone table babv crib and mattress the regular household utensils glasses dishes etc appliances apartment sie fyigidatre refrigerator in- tfhs tappan 4 burner 30 elec tric stove eureka vacuum cleaner and attachments floor polisher rogers majestic radio- record player toaster steam iron zenith 23 tv set with stand like new crosley man tel radio viking wringer wash ing machine good shape misc tish aquarium with all equipment 50 gal rerring ton portable typewriter and case umbrella clothes line as sortment of christmas decora tions assortment of toys one pair of mens skates size 11 like new 3 pairs of girls ska tes girls bicycle small girls biccle regular size tricycle bathroom and bathtub curtains matching assortment of the re gular garden and carpentry tools assortment of wrenches step ladder lawn chair and chaise lounge with pad electric quarter hp motor northern llectric transformer 10 volt 10 watt amplifier and speaker 2 sheets 4 x 8 of ribbon maho- gony plywood car 1966 barracuda fast back 6 cvhnder automatic radio undercoated if not pre- iously sold auctioneer note- age sale no reserve house i plan to attend this is a better than aver- id owner leaving country nov 22 tera1s are cash or cheque day of sale owner and auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of chris a schouten jim langedyk clerk auctioneer phone 8782576 20b28 clearing auct sale of cattle horse implements mucellaneoui fd furniture antiques etc the undersigned has received instructions from to sell bv situated on the limn 7s0 to 800 lbs 5 steers until 000 to 700 lbs 4 steers hum wt i ss0 lbs 6 heifers liotii mh to 700 lbs 2 short mm ti iuvs norbr pvilomino stallion wirs ulit quuh and saddle huiki n william wragg auction at faim lot ii con 4 erin township third line h ill mile south of 24 highway on saturday november 16th commencing at 12 noon cvttle 12 beef type cows mg trough for butchering 1000 p imuu bred since mid ma to ual gas tank new vacuum i lleutoul bull h good eahes i pump and pipes andjall cocks limn mm io 700 lbs also selling or 20 eous electric jirooders 2 luad ot top quatits stocken watcrers and feedew 40 jjal i nd teeders consigned b goruast iron pot set of pipe dies id m leshe ot acton 5 iteers i iiuantit ot doors and win clows good ones wagon with tin nek and grain box set of tractor chains fit 11 x 28 tires m ill chain saw 24 good order post hole digger 3 ph pto qu intits ot barrels burdizzo set set ot stewart clippers small toolb etc teed 25 tons of oats 10 ton tit baled straw furniture and antiques oil space heater lamps ant iques pine table oak side board morris chair oak rock ng chair 2 cane bottom chairs oak student s chair sleigh bells horse brass fire guard several old crocks 2 sets erf old scales oil lamps crock made into electric lamp large iron pot umbrella stand and drain er oak order or sale antiques and furniture at 12 noon fol lowed bv implements teed and cattle terms cash with clerk on day of sale no reserve owner is busy with gravel business farm is for sale owner or auctioneer not responsible in case of ace went day of sale max storey auctioneer 20b20 rockwood phond 8564755 impll mi nts ford fer guson stirt mth cultivator 3 ph toid double disc 2 ph set ii he iv v h irrows 4 section rivcl btuket tor sedore load- ei mil 1wav disc 9pi itq imc ace bottom plow earth seoop 3 ph walking plow miscellaneous pile of fence rails dump box with hoist and pump 7 x 9 pony cutter horse cutter wooden silo 12 x 28 complete cald- impressed with the beauty and efficiency of the office built inside the old mill lloutc era ik 30 the tour wound its way north along the valley to the lerrj cottj conservation area where the authority provides j multiple use area as j showcase of all conservation projects after coffee and doughnuts the tour went on to bcifountaim coiiscrvahmi area and on through the iork of credit this part of the valley is one of the most beautiful in ontafio and everyone agreed that the jlituihn season was the time io ce it at its best a rip u oungeville to look at the new orajigcville reservoir almost ready for flooding was next thu reservoir wtjl hold 1u million gallons of water when full jmu will provide flood control for the upper teaches of the river monora conservation area at orangcvile was included on the itinerary the bus then proceeded south and west from orangcvillc past the wild area owned by the authority in the vicinity 6f caleoon lake this s00 acre area will be preserved as it is forest swamp and grass land ihllsbu gh conservation farm was next stop then on to acton for a look at the pilot d edging project of the authority at i airy lake this project is well on its way to completion and if it proves economically feasible more snull lakes and ponds in the credit valley and other valleys in ontario will benefit the tour wound its way home down highway 2 through the halton region conservation authority areas along the escarpment a m hap grcenaway business d proffssional oireltory is i s i ii v iniuiiii rcu i ross isiooa throughout the trip and even ed r 1m c j r i it i i ranslus on service and tlf c c p architect donald e skinner darch mrjuc i7a mill slrcet suite 2 aclon telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit j74j428 funeral director phone 853050 night or dy bruce e shoemaker mjnr appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 8534720 appraiser and intunnce over 50 yean in actoa juti the mutual life i af 8ft hani iidumnih nai robert s hart agent 341 orville road acton bus 4164313440 rei 5198531527 dental dr leonard embrack dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill si e acton oat for appointments phone 1531300 chiropractic donald j armstrong d c chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street fhoa guelph ihtril brian v mcpherson bsc dc chiropractor xray 3 elgin st n at mill mon si wed 6 10 to 10 v p m saturdi 10 a m 4 pm for appointment phone 8530641 during above office houre altti optometrists arthur a johnson od optometrist wednesday and saturday 9j0 am to 500 pan phone 8532320 54 mill st ej acton new or rebuilt pianos end electrohqme organs available now at gfasftty established 1177 carneh wyndham nd macdonnkix v in montreal your lav at the windsor itntel will he nn adwniiin of old uurld rharm nnil roifiplfli relaxation i he windsor is montreal s most li hnm lied hotel overlook i n nonunion square in the lit art of donntoun win re si ntible prn i mil i in pi i i able sinne omhine for l perfi i t isit kwfe u windsor 1171 iei 1 st lei kill kill h i r itinn i onfiritn il for the i nnl imc in 1 1 r 1 1 i i oroiitu mm presenting the jfa christmas color party bring your family have their pictures taken in living color by a professional photographer your color photographs will be returned to you mounted in beautiful portrait folders our special price 1 3 x 5 coio potreai 79 acton pharmacy 2 main st north acton ont phone 8531620 friday november 15 1968 i pm to 8 pm dinnbt houh 630 h 7 im

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