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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1968, p. 13

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2 th acton frea proti wadneiday november 20 1968 ik mayr nports two year terms benefits on councili behalf mayor lxi luby rcuct the following icpil monday it nomination mcoling may i fittl comment on the effect llie firtt two year term hue had on the towni administrative und workc operation many bencflti have become evident under the new lyilcm i he igoit important of whlcii was the udditimiul 0 or isflduyiol conliniioiu operation november through january of lull year normally hampered by lack of direction due to nomination lime und llie resulting election procedure and tin w uuijlly u coniummg delay until the new cougcit formw lie commit lirot i ini of courte will only happen once every twit years while hie two year term k in cllccl since regional govcriimeril uv we now understand it ic no douhl going to become a rculity the only thliii we can do in ihc meantime ir to fnve lei develop the heil program possible lor acton so llial tome eirabjmhed preferred tyre of operation will emt at llie time of the changeover and therefitre may become incorporated inio the new lynteni 1967 ot coiirie watferttcnmal year and most ol ylm are quite familiar with the ac livity and evenlv of that now historical period foi acton und the whole nation the desire lo do uinielhiiig important in i o eventually led to the construction of our ijew and udlyneedcd library and this wn tupplcnicnted by the action of hie local hydro uiiiiiiiv11111 when they managed to luuc compleled al the untie lime anolhei line building lo meet llieir need and dial of a growing coinmunily new residential construction caused an increase of over 101 percent in building penults issues in l67 and even exceeded thai in i96h the towns assessment has gone from s7mjd in ls io j7074m al the presenl tune which will increase our mill rate lo a value or almost shooo in l67 we became very concerned about our senior cilien accommodation and a possible town housing development for our lower income citizens who cannot afford the usual home being built in our regular subdivision developments today riirougli the year 0i7 we made great strides to get all the necessary approvals etc completed for our sewage liealiuent plant in that first year we also made vast improvements in our dump control program necessity and public demand caused us to improve our site and operations at a greatly increased cost we dealt willi matters of offslreet parking and tratfic control and our new personnel committee dealt with various items concerning stafl and administration procedure including llie negotiations with the canadian union of 1iihhc i mplovees the completion of the i any 1akc dredging operation should be fairly well timed with the completion of out new sewage treatment plant so thai the itnptoved tlow in lilick creek will help us to control the ii o i count of our final diluent lor which we are held responsible by llie owkc in january l7 the estimated cost was s4okhm but by the time hie lowest tender was accepted in june ixh il had mctcased lo sh7islk much of our lime and a great deal ol work ol course was taken up with the completion work in 1 ukeview subdivision and tl might be timely to inform you at this lime that lor the inline we have taken the required action lo jssure you will not have a repeat ol the problems we inherited in likeview we have had several meetings willi the conservation authority and lleardmore co and the contractors relative to the dredging m 1 uiry i ake and there is no doubt that in the final analysis hie aesthetic imptoveiiienl to hie lake the patk and hie total surrounding atea plus the addition usefulness to out people will be much apptectated by everyone considerable improvements were carried out in our police office which now gives them a much more tunctional facility our first crawlerloader was added to our equipment lot use at our new dump site llus is the type ol equipment icqimcd to cany out the approved umtaiy land fill method or dump control this past year we have also seen a marked improvement in our town office facilities lly utilizing the extra space made available by the library moving to heir new quarters we have been able with the cooperation of the v hoard lo oiler our public a more suitable dmvicc at a modest cost it has also proven lo be a much more functional atea in which to carry out the towns administrate work council did by resolution advertise properly on chuichill road south zoned for apartments foryule and invited options with the proviso thai it would he sold tof the express purpose ot providing apartments apartments are now unjci construction many plans of subdivision arc now beloie council and a good hard look is being taken al all ol the ramifications that accompany new development on a large scale our new subdivides agreement i mentioned earlier is nosv almost completed and this basic control plus the attached schedules as they apply lo each area lo be developed will enable us to accept llus new development in a rational progressive and secure way that will assure us ol a controlled growth as it relates to municipal financial responsibilities and its direct el feci upon the taxpaveis we have held two public meetings on the proposed closing ol actons station and the only recourse we have let t now is hie tinal hearing to be held in liiiclph in the neai inline a new fire agreement was drawn up with the ucighboimg townships ot i squesing vassagavveya and inn and ihey will he assessed smoo per annum to be shared at the discretion ol the three municipalities this yeai it was tound atler an examination ol our towns installation plans drawings and grade profiles thai deterioration had taken place over the years and many have become too brittle lor handling therefore new diawings ol all service installations sewers water roads etc ate to be replaced at a cosl ot s i mx the resignation this year ol our former cleikadmimslrator came more or less as i shock to council considering his 2 years ol past tatthful service we sincerely regretted this turn ol events but our former deputvclctk j t hurst was promoted to this position and we have obtained the services ol injiil islicr as deputy clerk treasurer we have also engaged the sets ices ol ronald mcknight the addition to the m llenuett school was finally approved at a debenture cost ol sts7xxl and application was made to the ontario tducatiou capital aid program tor sale ot these debentures to be effective december 1 1s cable television introduced ilselt to acton via georgetown cable tv ltd and council agreed in principle to an agreement being drawn up basically because they lelt u would make another service available to hie people ot cton it thev so desire it in closing my remarks this evening i most ceitainlv want tolhaiik council for the degree ol cooperation i have had at that level i have been nuwl appreciative ot the cooperation also irom our former clerk mr mcgcacluc and in recent weeks i have had a very close liaison with mr hurst our new clerkadministrator since he took over these duties at a most critical lime and not having the services ol a bookkeeper office manager and deputy during the last six weeks has his predecessor had he has already done a trojan job in his new offic with hie help ol his stall once again may i express on your belult a deep appreciation to all of the people we have appointed lo the various boards commissions and committees lor then unselfish contribution to the welfare of ihu community and last but certainly not least for the years i have served to date on this councd as councillor and mayor my thanks for your continuing confidence and support as we have nude steady and tound progress together my personal thanks lo you the citizens ol actotl horace blvth murray smith myth watson and smith in race for school seat lo men irom acton and one ironi nusagaweya will emitest the acton and nassagaweya seal on llalton minty hoard ol i ducalion vjassagjweya and acloil shale one representative horace itlyth ol nassagawcva and i mil watson ol acton appealed at the mnt nomination meeting in llrookville monday- night and addicssed the ralepiyers murray smith ol acton was nominated but did not appear al the lliookville meeting as he was speaking in acton duncan medial who has had six yeus on council and nine yeats on school hoard was nominated also but said he had no intention to stand bur years now i have gone away lo leave my wile on the farm and when she went away i stayed on hie farm some lime were going lo go away together he joked a lesident and laiuiei ol nassiigaweya tor 22 years horace lllyth will run lot county school hoaid a tuemhei of hie armed lorces foi hucc years he has gained is years experience on school hoard anil for llnee yeais acted as chairman he cited llrookville as being the first central school in the lownshtp and noted it had two tworoom additions two potlahle rooms and finally the centennial wing lloth he and mr watson weie members ol hie inteiim school orgaiualion ommiltee mr lllyth urged the people to support whoever was elected a resident ol acton all his lite with hie exception ol live yeats in the rca i loin watson goes into the race with ik yeais ol school hoard experience behind him he served the public school hoard ll years six as chairman he also seised on the high school hoard lour yeais mi watson has good reason to be interested in school hoaid business is he has six chitdien studying on three diltereut levels he said he would put an ej i tut lorward lo obtain the best teachets ami the best lacihtiis without hieakiug the public with education costs he asked the audience toi an oppoitiuutv to put what he h id learned in is yeais is uustec into wmk the only way to get anvwherc is lo start iron where you are liberals pick new executive hllllhi mill mlllthi 1 is i liihmk lillicii j new cxcuitivr dtiniil l lie s ll i ml inniul iiuilini lit llir riding lasullilion i 1 1 di v hut only titter 1 lie vole luit lit lie hiokcn ill llie president ul rate mem hers let died pitihlems iicuir lit voles inliei llus ye11 when llioy were ulethnu a tmiulidite for the ledeid election djvid hitler ojuille emered is president over lmdidites 1 rues aethinan nid jollll hi i gilt icolc juksiin milton wis lelurned is the only former niemher ol the executive he wis named a vili president olhei v it ep residents are 2jyear old maureen sweelnian ot milton an oral i tenth liilhei who promised to lepiesenl i he youth poml ot view ielei wallers ot oakville tnd i lizahe th uohsou ol ilorgetown joe smith emerged as secretary over murray llaesler and mike i edwiih was illliinnd is measurer he only position filled llul wa during two hours ol olmg by the 1 2 members lasting hallois ml kud whiting praisid llie hriel presented hy llie assoli iiion tor mihmismon to ihe leder il housing lask torte christmas gift suggestions sweaters blouses slims lingerie housecoats nylons leather suede coats jackets handbags and scarves dresses use our lay away plan where a small deposit will hold any article until christmas drop in now and our staff will be pleased to assist you in your choice cameo shoppe reeve deputy acclaimed rriiiiliiiuiit from mj t 111 i all masllcs icgiclled loslllll two evpeiu need coilllilllois ve almost could have had an all i akevuw council darnel mckenzie said his espeiicine was imsii lime al tunes bill it was woilh ll lo see pioiess 111 tin coiiiinunilv he tell the most iiiipiiiianl quality ol a tniyoi is iood kjdouliin not ins pluilmiii he promised in vaippmt iioeiessivc miasmes t ynl itishop school hoard ch 111 man now limning lor couniil reviewed ins decision not to niiv lor county school hoaid leelinji he had no choice but to withiltiw 10 picveul a split vole in acton and live the town an eili ll chalice he is piepiied to is oil lot the liilure lisil hapinan scluiol hoard niemher cited ins lout years on lliehohiil and ih yeais in acton hopinu to rn ike acton a bellet town to live 111 newconiei ietcr muks made a statement that biought consideiahle applause and lesulted 111 the chaiinians csclanyaiimi lls wonderlul in see yoiinji people income involved mr maik iesideutiil was iiiteiesled in industrial and business develojuiient sound ancient dieeks even piedicted hie discovery ol ainenca ihey said inhabited lands may he loiuid weslwatd irom spain oil hie way lo india plauuiiic policy wilh a study ol larger ci litres he would he objective and impartial since he is 110i associated in his woik with anyone in town he would solieil valid eoiiiilaiuls and lit as liaison he has been over it yeais in town not c pec i inn to be nominated and withdrawing ins lame kjniinan i iholl said he usl eauie as un ohservei and like the americans in viet nam 1 11 rl 11 it mole iliad hed anticipated i hroiidi inlereij he r s b e c o jn 1 11 h in o r e kuowlcilieahw hut he tell the iced im rcshinsihlc people piedicated lie dccluie s llvimt t aniildallt look then liiiiis jakc van ei kooy is youiisj in this leal laud nine years mil irom holland and has been linn yeais nu the yhnuid i think i can seive acton through llus c led lylei si recalled 0 yeais in aclon posts council deputy leeve niayoi he stalled the ol saw ihe start ol parks hoaid and planning hoard hes presently llydto chairman and stood on his record lloth willred mel achern and orville llrown spoke hnelly thanking supporters and siytng ihey would stand again lor their present hydro seals hy now loin watson and horace lllyth had amved after the school hoard nomiiialions in lliookville mi watson saw ihe room lull ol old tailhlnls who know me i dually see the culmination in the new school hoard id like lo be pail ol it as h becomes a success horace lllyth j years u township taimcii has been on nussagawoya school board i s years live as chairman with schools theyre proud ol i he new coimly hoard is a step in the right direction and i pialilicil ni servo haiiman carpenter whol provided ihe audience with aon leavening lunglilor during evening cupped the speeches cmi u serious note were going ii lie progressive whether we like 11 or not del nut and vole elect hinton for mayor for sound and sensible administration and full value for your tax dollars itiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiiiiaaiiaiiiiimi m save dollars at red white fresh plump tender chickens 37 whole cutup chicken- inabasket spi meat dep1 uullah sffcuials 3li pomt h0cks 3s sparerros ground beef 2 69 lua mtoy cfcwii ufu lb braising ribs 2 sausage skinless 2i red wmte sets the price fresh produce critp juicy rd ripe 3lb bafla mclntosh fancy apples 43 curly leaf 1001 bagt spinach 2 s 35 vitamin rich save 24c on jello jelly desserts 3oz pkgs auld variolut save 9c on or ballardi famoui 15i dog food champion 7 is save lie on kraft smooth or krunchy isoi peanut butter 2 2 1 save 11c stama and placat loox tina mushrooms 3 si this week only countryside english dinnerware unlimited quantities at this special price oray fmj waat flr ech ohb wmi hvkiiv a m h hu no uuith no fvidwinm uph skatinln0 faalural 3c oh pack mb he domestic 35c puuic 10 to ho fc ai garbage bags z 1 sunipun full pint biitiit icecream 41 rosin hood 7lb bag flour ail purpose 79 choice ouatltv 28ox tins tomatoes 451

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