Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1968, p. 16

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the acton froo prats wodnesday novomber 20 1968 b3 tmkeb smcial cash donations were made at the fire hall lattmonday night chief mick holmes presented cheques to mrs r ginger of the canadian girl guides ron lewis of the actoo scout group committee and cyril swim of the acton minor hockey association that sflmc night actons volunteer hrp licjhtrs were out canvissinq ihr town for 1 muscular dystrophy contribution sliff phnto mrirtohtms leo synott dorson frizzell ed mcgllloway and did price assisted santa claus saturday in selling tickets on himself county clerk put an leave the sleigh and reindeer in december draw will be held a three month leave of absence was granted llilton county clcrkadnnnisatjr gurfielu brown due to illness the leave was granted in the end of decemhcr at full pay in recognition of his excellent service to the county deputy clerk repotted mi expecled home this week staff photo lare mik ly blown was irom hospital fun is like insurance the older you get the more it costs jfrtc jjrcss bithtl christian reformed church minister res p brouucr da bd acton ontario church notices 1wr sunday november 24th 10 00 am english service 1110 am sundav slikjoi 2 10 pm alternating dutch and english service snturdav bible classes 10 12 a m eiervone welcome maple avenue baptist church 81 maple ae georgetown pastor res robert c lohnes churchill community church chilli lull road vihlll mimsloi li rotvn c v llsck r a phone xn22 sunday november 24lh 1968 here is our sinceie invitation to the uhole tamils to attend church 9 4s am sundav school all ages 1 1 00 am morning sen ice 7 00 pm evening evangel 7 45 pm wednesdav prayer meeting georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s 1 thoman pastui 82715 slindw movr mhi r 24lh 1988 1100 a in 1imiimg worship and smut is school all ik wlliollli al llu chinch on ihe hill the church of st alban the martyr anglican lot in i willow si anil si mb in s diivi res ii j dim son ii a h hi sunda november 24ih 19ts 1000 am sundav school 1 1 00 am morning worship 7 00 pin evangelistic service tuesdav 8 pm pravcr service and bible studv thursday 8 pm christ ambassadors fridav 6 4 p m crusader john 3 3 jesus answered and said unto him veilv verdv 1 sa unto rhee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom ol god susidw nol mill r 24lh 1968 sunil is ix uituii ilvuil 9 00 i in hols i lie h ii ist 10 10 a in chut ch silioul anil miiimis 111 w a in link i mil iiim huiii the 10 u mivicc tin l w will niiki t he it coiptu ill ciiiiiiiuiiiion trinity united church ministei tlu rev cioidiiu 1 tuimr h bd diioilui ol music di gioigi i lliotl m phd presbyterian church in canada knox chimcij acton andreu ii mekenie b a b d minister mr e a hansen ba organist and chair master rev sunday novfmber 24th 1968 9 45 am church school for ages 3 to 15 sears 9 45 am ministers church member ship class for teenagers 1100 am public worship of god sermon theme self assurance that feeds on thei greatness of god 8 jo pm adult study group at the home of mr and mrs c m coles r r 2 acton everyone most welcome si d u i mhi it 24 h lr 1000 i in win ship s rui 1100 am talk hick lidulls in ill iloeue on lie senium ind related mlllits si l mhooi 10 00 i iii ntlllseiv to ti ulc 4 11 00 am lit idis s u s we welcome mi aiul our runils to tlki pirt 111 llie llie uul wellstlip ell l mils acton baptist church rounded im2 kistor rev staulcv ilinion res 144 tutcv uc phone sd 16m sunday 0lmh1r 24 h i 9 4s i m i hutch seh i inl ehili bible class 1 1 00 a in muriune worship pillars ur we is no evening se wednesday pravir and bible slue fridav 7 00 pin b ii f in the cross of cliusi i glorv touenng oer the isks ol time st v lets play bridge by bill coats i ist luesdiy i weill to the georgetown bridge i luh loi a game of duplicate bridge while my wile entertained three local ladies in a game ol riihlier hndge i came home to find the rubber bridge uiine still in progress i told the ladies about niduutg a grand slain ui no trump al iluplnmchlil thete was no problem 1 here were 1 1 high card tricks on the hand i was invited lo 0m llie rubber bridge inilcli my wife claims i lucked tier into making cuflee so i could play after a pirt score hand i deall the lollowing assouth nokiii s 0 in h ii i h s l i 7 k j 4 wl si s 9 7 11 ii h i i0 9ki1 4 h 7 i i asr s t ii kin 9 7 i n i i u s sin in t a k j ii a 1 4 2 i a k o a 9 1 i ik liiilillnr soi til 1 n i tsldlt iii i as 6 n all ijv opening lead 10 of diamonds it s not ollen you pick up i hand as good as smiths hand actually its worth 2k points since you should add one point for all lour aces i should have really opened a demand hid bin i decided lo bid three mi trump so i could play ihe hand this hid shows 2s to 27 points my partner raised lo six with her eighl points declarer won tho opening lead and look stock there are 1 1 tricks for sure even il the hcail finesse fails hut yoil dont take loo many finesses if you waul lo nuke slams declarer cashed the ace and king of spades and overtook the jack with the queen the spade ten s is cashed and a low club discarded i ast discarded a low heart and a small cluh now the heart finesse was taken and was succcsslul the heart ace was cashed and west showed out now two high diamonds were taken and i ast showed out now declarer had a perfect count on both wests hand and i asts hand west had started vvilh three clubs while fast had lour flic odds arc slightly in favor ot i isl stalling willi the queen hill wail what did i isl discard on tint i isl diamond ii it was a heart there is no problem simply ic id a lieu i old i asl will h ive the lead and must icul a club up lo dummys kmujick no i asl discaided i club declarer chased the cluh aic and i ast dropped the ten a lilsc card a hlulc whnsan he sine i linessed ihe cluh ick ind last two more tricks o heart king and leu ihese girls were too smart lot me ill stick to- duplicate sometimes useisiei last weeks winners il tin acton llridge cluh weie lust glenn hulks mid hetty ashley second mi aud mis linles davidson thud nancy i iiinei and iliiiia oats lied loi louilh mi and mis pal jellaics with mr and mrs art noins wild weekend for motorists slushy snow and high winds combined with the clemnit ol surprise lo hit il moionsts in the pockethook on the weekend millun ol i investigaled 2 accidents saturday night and sunday allei ma niliui dumped the winlets lust serious snowfall on the ninth ii illon area they serve ihe collisions tanging irom singk cat mish ips lita livecar pile up involved v vehicles aud look a piopeily toll esimuted at s115 theie were 10 persons minted in the weekends icciienls including mis peter j mclllwiailh and liet diughtci sheryl ann ol it r i amphcllvillc iliey siillcred bruises and lacerations when a car driven by mr mclllwrailh went ofl the roid on guelph line siiulh of 10 sideroad sunday atleiniion set speed although it is true that the faster you go the harder you hit speed is nut the big trail it killer lour out of five fatal tralfic accidents occur al less ihat do milcs an hour hut relative speed speed in relation to driving conditions thats another matter its this invisible speed limit that should set youi speed under november conditions that hake the meal rnou lovell bros modern meat market red brand beef prime sirloin and wing steaks 99 ib lean shoulder roast 69 under blade and short rib roasts 79 lb fresh ground chuck 69 lb fresh made link sausage 59 ib for your freezer red brand beef sides 65c ib fronts 53e ib hinds 79c ib lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acta phot 1533340 daily d haltanmp riid lwhitiiu reports mm ottawa i ii i 7 l mtiili f ikhil heard and vml around ottawa tlit day about llif attitude and at lions of youth i iitciulcil a lunihioii of the voluntary committee mi health of the senile ind llouw ot wumoiik wlmii was uddrciud by a leading montreal pyjiiitml and a profcmh on the ntill ol mcdill umvomly lie opened ins talk wdh lluvtjtomml i see mi hope loi the tut mo iuir generation and whethei or ol our people il i hey are dependent on ihe frivolous youth ol unlay tor erlaudy oil youth ure reside s heyoild word when i wav a hoy we were uiiihf to he district uid tlspeltlul ol elders hut the pieujit youth are ekteedingly wise and unpilieiit o relriinr i h it w is wiillen in he eijhtli lliiiuty lk by hcsiod and is one ol in iny uolations which i loiild use to illustrate that llimuiihoiit iclorded history idull society has been alanlied hv the seenitni excesses o each youth yeiu ration lo say thai lluie is considerable puhlil coiileru ihnut our current crop ol yount people is lo state a liinsin lo squeeze the list drop ot blood out ol a foregone conclusion and ihe character ind ippueui extent ol youth disturb iiilcs certainly leave little room lot complacency i rue cert un ol our youth are enaited in certain unorthodox ichvitics which c u se concern even panic in the older generations aud the talk goes on in the press over television aud hi speeches fo borrow irom hurchill never in ihe field ol human conllict have so many said so much about so lew we inusl remember thai only a sin ill minority ot our youth sonic s to mff ot youth arc involved in the group disturbances mich as the use of illicit units the hippies or siudent denuinstril ions 1 his was brought up in a study recently made by i aval university in quebec a similar figure turned up in a study recently released by the students in oakville and in winnipeg ihe crucial question is of course whether or not tlm minority is representative of not ihe group disturbances are likely lo spread maybe too iuoji is being said hm i question whether enough ik being said of ihe right hung i mile a suggestuui itijhe iflouse some weeks g that ihe i edcral government should show icudcrship in cducatlo nal campaign warning against the djngerft of bene varlou types of hallucinary drugs available to youth today i was pleased to see in u speech delivered by honourable john muuro minister ol national health and welfare but his department bad established a secretariat to coordinate information and education il miterial on drug and he said hts department is prepared to asslst provincial minor i hes m eveiy way mssijlc in the development of piorams designed in cdulile uijr younk people i here i no spliplu tolqtinn to tins probleui hut il s only tbrougli tie interest ol till ul us that we do find a solution i hope to write lurthei on this subject elect hinton for mayor for sound and sensible administration and full value for your tax dollars from your local trust company o s guaranteed investment certificates excellent interest on your money amounts irom s1 00 to 1 00000 interest paid hall yoarly by choquo or it canbodopositodtoyoursavingsaccount logalinvostmontfortrustfunds 7 for 2 3 years 7 for 1 4 5 years come in for further details to our office in oeoroetown 55 main slrmi north 8t7336 john a edgar manager local director w j bejtty vict preside ni north iialton advisory board john t armstrong chairman reford gardhouse maurice c beats michael lcdwiih john goy dr b d yiunr lome skucc convenient office hours mon thufs 9 00 500 tndays ul 6 00 head office oakville other offices brampton burlington sinicoe delhi cooksvillc millon dundas halton peel trust savings company the moioef ot hilton l p trutt wtlh canada trust huron ena man lhai nil ol our tafviceawill tmininuindandauornrttdbviriafaeilititof anation wide orfjamzaiion

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