news of the district universitys own poet i bee guelph irving layton has consented to become poetinreiidence at the university of guelph for the winter semester january 3 to april 3 the well known canadian poet made his decision after being on campus and talking to students tor three days in november many canadian universities have authorinresidence programs but the university of guelph is the first where such a program has been initiated and sponsored by the students this was a major factor influencing lay tons decision interaction and involvement with students is the idea behind the poetloresidencc program irving layton wilf occupy an apartment in complex b the newest and largest residence on the campus approximately 30 men and women students who have indicated a particular interest in poetry will move into regular residence rooms immediately adjacent to mr laytons apartment irving layton uys as far as 1 know i will be the only canadian poetinresidcnce who will actually be living in residence most others live off campus while at the university of guelph mr laytonj duties will remain as unstructured as possible in order that he will be able to move freely mr laytons visit to the university of guelph will be sandwiched between a tour of lastern luropcan countries from which he has just returned and a tour of south america which he plans for next summer this fits in well with his method of writing poetry i am a sponge for five or six months of the year and then for the other five or six 1 squeeze myself he says mr laytons wife who teaches high school in montreal will remain at their home in montreal for the semester firefighters dispute fergusfergus will undergo a municipal fire survey early in the new year to determine just wtiat fire protection it really has this is the outcome of a dispute between the council and the local volunteer fire department over wages the firemen put in claim for extra time that was spent at a mill fire last august which the council refused to accept the firemen then threatened to stay off duty during holidays starling in lf9 finally the fire marshals department was asked to step in a complete inspection and report will be made on the present equipment fire hull firemen water supply and even traffic conditions that might affect the time needed to answer a call mayor campbell said that the police chief the manager of the public utilities and the town superintendent would be consulted by the examiner along with the firemen recommendations for improving service will then he given to the council how right he was fbrgus i hear figures for the highland games have been released as most people expected they had the biggest crowd ever theres quite a reserve fund piling up in the bank no longer do the sponsors have to worry about one rainy day wiping out the bank balance thats fine roy thomsons motto never a backward look might well be applied to the highland games the fergus park is ideal i believe it was hack in the ihqos when the fergus council bought the land for victoria park and planted a nice mixture of maples and evergreens on the hillside the games have come a long way since the executive of the chamber of commerce cat around on egg cases an hulls o one night and heard alex robertson suggest that fergus having a scottish background might he a good place to hold sucli games how right he was great ball of fire milton mr and mrs dill bourne of milton had just picked up a christmas tree a week ugo monday and were travelling towards milton on the sixth line of nassagawcya when they saw what mrs bourne called a yellow ball of fire in the sky mr bourne a cunstahlc with the milton detachment or the ontario 1rovmcul police said his wife saw what they thought was j meteorite she said it looked like a vcllow ball of fire then broke into a stream of fire coming irom the west and seeming to land near milton heights only two miles from where they were when asked wliui it wus mrs bourne said it wus too big to be anything else but a meteorite it was huge and really a beautiful sight she said the object tail about 200 tcet and dissolved hetore it hit the ground it turned u bright red then a yellow red to a pure white just like magnesium burning mr bourne said being a cop i took jog ot the tune and it was ipni i was more fascinated than afraid because i knew the area it landed in and it is just an open field he added reports about other u f os landing in lake ontario new york state and brighton led mr bourne to suspect what he saw may he part of the same object reported elsewhere point zero eight with the christmas party scene just around the comer ctvs safety special point zlro i igltt is a timely reminder ol the dangers ol drinking and dnying on thursday dec 1 10 301 1 00 p m our world will present this widely praised special elgin racing and rally drivers are shown undergoing scientilic tests under the direction ot or ii ward smith director ot the ontario centre ot forensic sciences watched bv the scientists the drivers first complete the tests while sober their blood alcohol content is gradually brought up to ok per cent by means of a lev mixed drinks they then repeat the tests designed to determine their driving ability vision reaction depth ol perception and judgment the drivers gradual impaired ability poor judgment and mistakes are presented as a warning to viewers the point zlro light study indicated that the permissible blood alcohol level probably should not be higher than 0 per cent the study was conducted at haiewood acres uwontano racing rack the film was produced and narrated by bd mcgibbou and directed by gordon fair local police recommend every motorist should see the program typical comments after the first showing were imaginative and effective application ot the television medium to focus attention on a problem of great concern to us all ii davtd archibald executive director ot the alcoholism and drug addiction research foundation toronto an outstanding institutional program it is a credit to ctv that this program was presented to the canadian viewing audience the canadian highway safety council a journalistic coupas a contribution to cutting down mayhem on our roads ctv distinguished itself roy shields toronto daily stir a filmed record of a much needed piece of scientific research the difference ws that the research was not only reported by the network it was commissioned by the network bob blackburn toronto telegram columnist a blunt toughly revealing documentaryrecorded measured coldly observed this was a dramatic illustration of what happens to i driver when he drinkswhit actually happens to his reflexes his tense of balance the speed of his reactions not what he tells himself is happening pal pearce montreal star columnist the program has been screened and sold to over 60 organizations in six countries including many highway safety councils and health education roups eden mills rockwood ucw holds successful bazaar tea hcw held a very successful holly tea and bazaar in the sunday school hall an except lojully large display of baking was lor sale a well as aprons fancy work knitting and christmas gilts the rooms were tastclullv decorated in c hrisinus designs the tables were lighted with candle centre pieces and candles and a gay christmas tree decorated the large tea table a green tree aparkled with lights and christmas records provided music the guests were received in mrs p tucker the ministers wife and mrs j hill president decorations were in charge ol mrs u thomson md mrs d brace mrs c manna was tea new crown takes over a new 11 own attorney beuan serving halton counl monda following swearing in ceremonies wednesday dec i i in judge man b sprague douglas 1 vi i mi i o t georgetown appointed to the pint ncail a month ago takes oer worn ronald thomas who was acting crown atome attei peter iv mcuihunis resigned last spring to pursue his political career mr latimer is married with two children he has practised law m georgetown tor the past nine years and is vnepresdcnt and a director ol the halton law association sunday school concert white gifts traditional parts of holiday season children at ihe eden mills nursory school show rapt a tontion is prosonls arc distri bulod al ihoir chrislniil con cert thursday they preinnt od a nativity play sanq carols and recoind qitts while par ents watched stall pholo ity mr k wright ihe i dell mills unilcd church wa tilled salurdiy ivumig for the suudiy school chinch coiiccil the kindergarten cl iw wk in charge of ann vos and tlirbira marsh ill twenty boys and girls in while imwns and red tits carrying hgliled candles sini aufyy in a manger and silent night with poems hy janet inlion lliadlcy sunt and uelu hesworlh kilhv fotiilinson and judv iliiuldv primary class pcruunicil a skn a llirllulay present lor jesus and sang o lit lie town nl hclhlehcm the jiiiuw class in clnrgc ol margaret shrive 1ml joan mcalpine presented a skit i nsi in sinta s pal ice with costumes of elves reindeer and santa margaret james class sing the twelve diysnf christmas and the angels of hristinas dressed in costume mabel paikeis seiuoi gnls wendy james and diane jackson sang a duet philip shrive senior hoy nave a iiililicil skit a piano solo by m irie parker was given the orchestra composed ol margaret james piano id watson org in philip mirivc banjo robert waldic guitar rendered servcral selections rev uusscll i inley was chairman and ih inked the teachers and superintendents for their work tu making the concert a success mrs r ilph i lioiiipsoi replied md asked ill lojoiu in singing jingle hells is santa arrived to give out the gifts ralph fhonipsoii acted the put in a suitable manner rhe while ciift service 1n i den mills united church was taken hy the stindiy school lloiiny mlrshall olfcred the prayer ian mitchell read the scriptuntaken i nun i like i 20 lljrhira marshall gave the story a small difl means a lot delia c heswiirlh in the thud advent caudle and i ive a poem the children brought their white ills in the ironl to a while hiskel john vos and tylor clifford collected from the adults ihe orchestia played for the hymns and mrs ami vos closed willi prayer while nil suudiy was ebenezer tfcrv christmas program shower or bride in news hy mrs ron mclean 1 he december u w meeting was held with 2 ladies present and the president mrs joss in the chair the conveners mrs ward and mrs kcith anderson had prepared an interesting hristinas program mrs darby and mrs mclean served lunch more than 40 friends and relatives joined to honor mrs doug hope ol gait formerly shirley i rank a recent bride at a shower t hristinas carols were all togi till r greater enjoyment and benefit can be gamed from activity which is performed with one or more people involve your whole family in exercise sports and games sung and a number ol coritcsk were enjoyed mrs hill davies sue richardson and mrs lloyd lucas helped the bride open her many useful and beautiful gifts shirley expressed her appreciation and lunch concluded the evening 1 he lirislnias concert is to be held monday dec 21 arthur a johnson od omomitiist orjn vry wednesday and saturday 34 mill si i atton 533520 hostess serving tea were mrs c cox mrs g ostrander mrs g brace mrs r tripp and mrs m mclaren pouring tea were mrs j a little mrs i ostrander mis a root and mrs c ii harris kitchen mrs i alton mis g lawrence mrs ii hill mis r gordon mrs p mcgillsras mrs s harris mis a rout sewing and gills mrs 1 marsden mrs ii richardson mrs g mcrae mrs c pens and mrs d brace baking and cands mis mcphedran mis i osirander mis ii bay ne mis i biovsnt mrs ci das and mis i llosklllg the me sse ntcs undei direction ol miss ii day ue and mis i tosh had a table ol miscellaneous articles lor sale includine the i mied lunch calendai 1 hey ceie assisted by roger mcgillsais linda o mlison ulace and susan tosh just arrived fresh shipment for christmas party dresses sweaters top coats turtle necks check our large stock of gift item suitable for any member of the family daily 9 am to 9 pm except saturday open paul nielsen clothing h s holden otfoauffnsy u cot si eam cuelhh ta hit another reason most people listen to billmcvean tim aclon free press wodnoidny december 18 1968 fl7 the i den mills and rockwood young peoples group met jt the church sunday evening to further plans for their candlelight services c hnstmas lve in both churches an invitation is extended to everyone support these youngsters in their endeavours a pot luck supper preceded the sundjy school christmas concert at lden mills presbyterian church wednesday evening rev d r sinclair en tert jincd with slides pertaining to the birth of christ after droit santa claus arrived and gave out the gifts observed in ldeu mills presbyterian church at the morning service rev i r sinclair told the story of how the while gift started which proved interesting to children and adults alike the gifts were brought forward during the miigmg of a hymn and will he donated o a worthy caus halton cooperative medical care plan p ay s individual or employe croup may enrol at any time of the year revised rates monthly single monthly iuj2 couple monthly 1152 j family payable quarterly or yearly i i all surgical operations doctors calls bald from first visit er conflnernenla anaesthetists services xray aik major medical w day waiting period halton coop medical services j 141 main si mlllon pleas settd information me oulaatlwi i home i addat dial 7i71j f roof trusses designed by trans canada truss rockett lumber co special designs for barns sheds low cost and economy mississauga cookvilu 2773183 zanmt 40350 area rap m pullan 4515661 celuet vcwfcc c dollar daddy saves you more 5p 4 rf socks games x tjh n 4 mbfion bayer 80 9se aspirin 69c rubin rag 49c scotch tope 37c anuuunl rag 149 denture cleaner 109 961 31s v d hlool at e0 flash bulbs flash cubes film 10 off savings w to 50 on clearout merchandise 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