tho acion free piatt wadnotday january b 1 969 3 poverty chief problem for indians allan lauder a former actoti ttldrtt rrporis on hji pitivnt work with the united cnuich of canada ort the long mill indian kurvc loulh of portia latvalilt tsolrttsing council for i960 took the oath councillor wilfred lwlla and ken marshall of offlca monday morning sealed in front are behind are clerk del french councillor ruuell deputy rav tom hill rewe georg currie and miller and clerk k c lindtay jsoroec fcontuud from poo f appoint committees preparation for negotiation with the curi union contideration of half requirement and a review of liuurance for bill coats on aueumenl and development the mayor urged a meeting with the alienor to discuss matter concerning reaiseumenl of land efc and reiulli of the ooniultanti report for peter marks welfare and property he suggested a review of cemetery treet and roads condition of all buildings such as the pump station and a review of welfare procedures for earl muales on roads he named an early mow blower demonstration need of repairs to bower ave church st and mill from elgin to wdbur consideration of a westerly connecting link finishing the work at park and mdl comer laltevtew paving or surfacing and new requirements for salt land and calcium for e tyler and sewer and wtur he listed a force main it octs-lbs- pump station to the new plant review of the progress at the new disposal plant peel st drainage in relation to the new developments on churchill rd n and the seynuck and vyie farms for jack greer lights and sanitation he recommended contideration of twoarm lighting on acton blvd review of dump site requirements study of the new pollution control regulations for orvol chapman on fire and police he urged a check of bylaws for valid enforce ment specially clauses on overnight parking and quarterly meetings with the brigade a representative of ontario housing corporation scheduled to speak to council on a new location for senior citizens housing and low income units auuuwu ustmad clua luii by tha poat oulra ouawa tor isuuau labl in ch at acton on dapt- allan lauder long plain indian reserve is some is miles toulh west or portage la prairie it has an area of about 11000 acre and contains 70 llamas with a population or 700 some homes are very old and others are new the old hornet which die the moat numerous have iwo rooms the newer ones lave four at five rooms there are half a dozen or more families who farm thousands of aeres of their farmlands jre leased out to white farmers now ihe leases are utr and next year the indian farmers will be working all their lands and will involve more of their people in it a group of experts have already been annulling willi the indians to improve their farming methods they will neeo a lot of new equipment to farm the larger area and this the will have to purchase on allowable credit many of the people of working age haven i enough education for gainful employment 1 lie standard has risen today but it is still well below that of ihe while man only o 7 per cent of the indian students gwduate from grade 12 many of ptei sevi found the roads from toronto forbidding and didnt start out he is expectad 10 come for the next meeting on an inquiry by peter marks joe hurst said he felt 20 senior citizen units could be filled at once and probably 30 sdme have had tfleir names in two and a half years now the ontario housing corporation has had representatives liere four times to try to find a site mayor ouby explained lnr some reason all choices have gone by the board and he urged councillors 10 give to give mayor ouhy explained for some reason all choices have gone by the board and he urged councillors to give a letter was read from mr and mrs harry mainprize thanking council for the card and gift marking their golden wedding anniversary formal aspects of the first meeting of ihe year included the naming of signing authorities payment of salaries for salaried and hourly employees of the town and the usual borrowing bylaw for 300 000 to cover periods of the year when taxes are not coming in the past year was exceptionally good in that h 9 per cent of all raxes were collected mr hurst said a strenuous attack on arrears a couple of years ago had produced the happy situation in the town coffers central ontario regional development corporation newsletters were given each member and dr oakes pointed out to the newcomers that the mayor is chairman mr duby added cordc has now been established by the department of municipal atljirs in an advisory capacity to the new regional government recognition by he government is the culmtnjtion of our work he said esquesing council took oath monday wtv will be a trying year nil over majton county predicted rcclectcd ttceve teorgc urnc in his inauguril spec4l1 to i squcsing council monday trum 1 rig wc arc on the brink of regional government and wc arc going o be asked to do a lot more in areas wc have never dealt with before the recently elected council for i squcsing township took the oath of oltice tins week with two newkonurs joining veterans around the tabic c uunullors ken marshall and ruscl miller share duties with reelected wilfred leslie and tom hill the rev r rugglcs of st albans church glen williams led a brief dcvotioiul service he stressed the danger of impersonality with the centralization of powers and suggested that the beatitudes could serve as a guide in municipal affairs i ollowing a break for lunch council stepped into 1069 bqsineu and passed a motion authorizing the borrowing of up to s iso 000 from the canadian imperial bank of commerce to meet current expenses until taxes are collected mr marshall questioned the sum of he loan and he interest that will come due on it he was assured by the rest of council that according to the municipj act a council could borrow up acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too sawl mttuw 1534234 s main st n acton january sale sunworthy wallpapers 40 off all in stock room lots rolls rolls 9s sale 1090 sale 57 sale glidden umuiioss hmmoss bmm 1030 tut paints sale 695 sale 755 interior latex 495 gal these above paints in gallons only georgetown decorating centre at rear of royal bank 37 mill st oawagrowrt w74iw level i that make the meal rnou brosmedern meat market maple leaf slicid side bacon j9 red brand beef choice boneless prime rib lean roast 99 lb shoulder roast 69t h tender blade short rib roast 79 lean ground huck 69 lb fresh made small unk sausage 59l lovell bros modern meat market rr miii e acton daily delivery prion 8531140 hit indians on trw reserve have no means of transportation to travel back and forth to a lob medically the reserve is served one day a week by a nurse if the indians neediny further medical attention they come to town the work of the church here lakes on mary facets the catholic cliurcjaat resent holds mass fn homes on the reserve eral gospel groups hold three hour fospel services hi weekly in a few reserve lomes the united church is at present not holding any religious services but it is concerned with the problems of ihe people for the most part they have loo much idle jntie the ckurch is working introduce programs to fill some of this lime we have started a weekly film night and ve are pleased that a good representation of teenagers attend aa big christmas party was held fur 410 children at tlte reserve community hall mjny gifts were received from united c liurclies in winnipeg high tlluff and portage la prairie we cooperate with the department of indian affairs the friendship enlre which serves indian and metis ui this region and ihe manitoba home for hoys we concern ourselves with the problems of the poor they endure many hardships the weather dipped to 14 below zero one weekend and we brought a young mother and her baby to our home sunday she was wearing running shoes we ii have lu try and get her some warmer shoes than those her baby was seven days old and she was bringing her by train from a distant hospital to her home on the reserve we are also interested in ihe problems of those who run from the law all of the laws are while mens laws and white men enforce them very often it it the white nun who is responsible because it is he who sells the indian ihe liquor which changes his personality and allows him to do things that he otherwise would not do we are concerned about the indians attitude toward the white man and about the altitude of many white men toward the indian some say trie indian is not subject to discrimination but i cannot agree with that statement the indian needs to be lifted out of his present state and he can only do this if the white man gives him a decent break but he ului needs lo he socially oriented to nicel ihe dwuands of the world outside the reserve mr lauilers address is c a lauder so 20lh st k w apt 36 portage la prairie mjnitobj leaves staff v linotype operator george i ware has left the free press 1o join the staff of the erin advocat mr and mr war and their two bryi who live on tyler ave are considering moving later to erin the next meeting of the urban board is lis actor wednesday jan 15 for memben or acton milton and ceorgctowncouncds thirty five red cross outpost jllospitals and nursing stations serve remote areas of canada where health facilities are not readily available oh well another couple of monlhs and the snow will be leaving us and everything will bev back to normal whatever that is even this lowest priced frigidaire dryer has durable press care lu 70 per cent of their expelled lax revenue or 560000 we wont burrow it all at once mr limluy imured lilm he noted that bit year council approved a loan of up to s2s0 000 and ended up borrowing only 11 000 which was paid back when taxes were in a motion was passed to out a letter of appreciation ldwin harrop who hasx submitted bis letter of resignation from the committee x of adjustment mr harrop is expected to continue his duties until late spring a letter was received from the georgetown council agreeing to the principle of accepting sewage from glen williams a study is being made of the entire situation and no action is planned a yet in response to complaints from several residents of excessive blasting in the townships two quarries council is considering a special meeting with quarry officials to discuss a solution it was agreed that council should first acquaint themselves with the rights of industries and what can be termed excessive blasting a letter is to be sent to mpi jim snow for suggestions on who could advise council on the situation the next regular meeting is set for january 20 esquesing council appointments the following appointments were made during the inaugural vneeting of esquesing township council on monday morning fire areas bsquesing no 1 wilfred leslie and russel miller acton no 2ken marshall and tom hill mutonceorge currie hall boards balhnafadtom hill hornbygeorge currie g carney and r rigglesworth etqueslngwdfred leslie russel miller conservation area credit valleytom hill llalton regiongeorge currie georgetown memorial hospital boardwilfred leslie muieum boardgeorge currie industrial development committeegeorge currie modal dcasm qnowcrast whlla i durable press cart proper timrjarilure plus indof cycle cool down brings durable prass lltms out ol the dryer ready lo wear without ironing i unlit flowing heat pampers fabrics dries them frosts and soft i nfritoop fint math oicron lint screen on the door l169 95 electric how much money can you make v three minutes the three minutes it takes to read this advertisement could earn you thousands before and after you retire raise chinchillas with canadas largest chinchilla marketing association consider thoso facts has long boon rocogn xod as ono ol tho world most valuable tun the velvety softness and light weight of chinchilla has contributed to tho spectacular growth of the induatry and the demand lor top qua ty polts far oetcaods tho supply in tho tradition of broad roiearch quality and consumer do m and tho guild mamto nt it e loadorshtp commercial pelting has become o roality tho chinchilla guild provide all ranchere a written con tract whorom thoir chinchilla offspring aro purchosod by tho guild at a minimum guaranteed price tho guild a contract also provides a uro ouchungo program controlled by ibm machines ch nch lias aro gonorally roisod m basement and spare room at they are among the cleanest of animals odor froo qu ol and gontle care and feeding chinchillas cost less than 3 00 a yoar to food and second families in their spare time produco mosf of tho pelts sold on todays market you too can share in the millions of dollars bong oarnod by thoso people throughout tho world chinchilla income convenience service investment force priming grading killing pelting dressing and marketing are provided by the guild including ranch inspoction ironing seminars and delivery of related equipment and supplies the chinchilla busmoss is one of the easiest and least costly in which to oaf staffed with ftnawjino availablo from tho guild your down payment need not be large as modest as 70000 chinchilla ii youare facini ranching also providos special tint advantages incomo and fond of animals lot us show you why retirement or in need of a second a can be abound investment n chinchilla guilb ot canada alberta manitoba ontario quebec maritimes canada latin america united kingdom an international organization oodicatad toward maintain intj high quality breading stock unity among ita membart proflma and furthering ihe production ol high quality chinchilla fur l for complete information return this form todayi the chinchilla c of c tuldlawblud maikhlm viilaga ont yattphona 307 3fi82 i would liko to hava additional information on tha guild a mathod ol chinchilla production i undsratand this raqueat doaaftot obligat ma in any way name arsa addreaa city occupation hiona i am intoreatad in an additional incdma 6t 2500 rp 8000 7600 10000 cteh year r i j v