tho acton frea ran wadnctday january b 1969 5 ymca slim and trim classes keep ladies losing and laughing inches from christmas eating nahitd th trutmant at monday ntaht tha oroup work out ovary monday and wodnciday th tint tntlon in tha nw yar of tha ymc a tllm and trim class evening for an hour undor tha direction of miu mary golem whilo spilling the piha s 4 lac jon b o w li is g ta n es by ken hulford pee wees lose three but not discouraged dae 30 deuute only winning one gimc from i lalitan hippie moved up for a share of ihc lop runt oft the triple ind tingle plateaui fat hbikhen were don harris 688 deaana mcdowell 677 doug driycott 667 301 dunrse uatfceson 246 ami ken milne 3 05 lusding up ihc hlmiiei roll wai hoftcit jcjin dennit who trundled hit tint 600 uicounl of the tcaton a tidy 655 ray atkinson m0 jake viadetkooy 600 lajl weit 200 dve shannon 20h ullue i abun 232 and fred buocco 216200 tlaibeem proved to be the oppoiite when they met tip with the lucky strikea they won all games although ihey were hard preued to win the lail canto by 16 pint atlk white 611 ohn conalinllne 211 240 and llll buchanan 231 tripled and tinglod for lictbeeru getting the mentioiuhk for the lucky strike were charlie llubhle 634 316 jane mcoca 214 and howie jank 203 hot shot wrapped up the first two game from buk angela- but the angela flapped their wings to good effect in the third canto ami won it by enough to take the tingleton for totals on the triple end tingle ptaleaui for hot shots were jen lrycr 730 cor vrycnhock 623 and ron mceachem 229 up there for blue angle i were vic roach 613 lyte crippa 603 and will lesueur225 league landing hipplea 63 lucky strikea 63 llaiboem 62 mnlihen 60 blue angeli 49 hot shota 39 caroline garden centre dec 30 evergreens increased their league lead when they made every game a winning one from the maples clarence llaringa s94 223 bert robertson 592 236 dot milton 385 237 and howie jank s5h 245 nooed the win tops in the mapkv trundling were mary anderson 626 224 malt charles 505 ikk and betty jank 477 173 tin second place mou that lens failed to gain on the leaders but kepi up to the pace with a triple win from the lowly ashes bob martin 672 256 jot vostry 627 247 and call timbers s65 234 headed up the win albert ctouiier 586 228 andy anderson 559 316 and mike dejong 521 203 were best tor the ashes oaks were a two and totals winner from the cedars who made with a u in in the middle canto by 25 pins murray baleman 674 us pete llouwman 666 254 and alma timbers 518 219 were top trio for the oaks i or cedan it was bob doyle 607 221 or porte ui 196 and sally boijwman495169 league standing tvergrccnt 37 mountbaltens 35 mark 31 oa 31crdart27 ashes 19 i major jan 3 sports comer didnt stop to admire the scenery and they took ail games from scenic pools uith jcfl rryer 925 304329 bruce shullu 781 311 and al nome 725 253 leadirtj the hit parade pete walkers 650 251 was a loner for the scenic pools acton lanes made every game a winning one with dominion hotel being the lours had deloresl 761 274 dee deioreat 737 276 and eaifoulddleton 693 293 paced the win top trundling trio for the dominion were pete homer 8is 316 ivan kuby 662 244 and mike churchill 629 265 aclon meadows were on i heir way iq a triple win but the opposing i fin i on store grabbed the tail chukkcr by 26 pins to avcrl ihc shut out uachcrnngton 8h0 339 jim nullouth 752 2sh and jim timlcck 711 238 headed up the win rest in the hintons efforts acre hji shannon h24 292 bob doyle 718 274and bob tutkou 71327 league standing sportst omcr 56 acton meadow 47 ihntont store 45 acton lanci 36 scenic pools 13 dominion hotel 7 aclon i riends jan 2 aflcr taking ihc tint game from the oaks by i pin thcllms went on lo uin the lecond canto but fell flat on their collet live faces in the third ami the oaks took the game by enough pint to grab the unglelon tor lotah hartley oles 554 210 ami lllll differ ihgsint 517 w26 and barb smith 5hh 252 tipped the roll maples broke their tie for iccond place wilh the idirs when ihey took cm for two and totals cedars made a win in the ucond canto by 10 pint my gal sa llouwman 535 196 charlie mltnr 527 191 and i loyd schmidt 525 ih6 headed up the maples efforts top trio for the cedars were charlie tomion 494 184 don ma no 448 175 and donna milne 444 178 pine un the lint chukkcr from wuiousby 13 pins loci out in the second then came back strong in the third for a two and total win don archibald 598 243 hon schmidt 521 185 and allan sihinck 519 192 paced the uin john chapman 85 210 june hunter 492 230 and dave hunter 490 212 were tupi for lite wuious league standing oaks 69 maple i 54 pines 53 lectin 51 wuious 45 i inn 43 acton mined jan 3 vt ps took no chances on losing tint place ihey made ulth a two and total win tram the bobcats a i ik- white 681 240 shorty loam 676 270 wuo near 550 221 and lea 1 1 lour 523 204 sparked the win i or bobcat bob price s 240 kcith wclhvood 477 171 and ted muehltueher 496 i8h u best the lucky thirteen alter losing the tint epaun to the llopclu ones luuinced back lo win the next luo and totals lcn mitchell 570 204 larry drysdak 554 227 and andre rrouiuard 51 1 212 ucrc top tno in the uin tail uest 5f2 mm helen brouillord 506 203 and id htaur 486 172 topped hopeless ones trundling hlukes took the tint game from botucn b 15 pin then wore off mid running and uound up with the bundle i rvnchy conuay 68 217 nane jensen 576243 and don mono 548 218 headed up the uln llee daiglc 650 258 vema arbic 5m 181 and i red daiglc 476 188 gave it the btg tftort for boojcrs league standing vips 68 lucky thtrtoens 6b i lukcs m bocucrs 55 bobcat 4 hopeless ones 42 big lour jan 3 we arc sorry we cannot report on the big lours results al this time the line of communication broke down regarding ihc team result but uc can five you the high tricountt and tolo jake varulcrkooy 632 john detcnk 689 dkk dcllocr 624 immy i rylci 237 205 harry hofsicdc 209 ocear i ecntln 239216 joe homrdr 205 john vuclstra 21h rink duiker 20k and cor vryenhoek 21 1 headpinhtlilee with thmtma and new year celebration over our bouhny hve will pet hack lo normal and llu month chtuitd ice ihc oua 2401ko and under talu pucc arul of 11k tlarl of ibe i our slcp lo slarditm oi our y u boulcr wc ucie quite pjatlhed at the turnout of ihc parent and relative ulth our y ii i bowkr in the annual i amity twovoinc of couiu there were come rrd face where the ounpter turned in belter icure lhan uk adulu but lo quote a ilk he a puod tinu ua had by all llul uind il up for now my friend le u adio amlfu and eohnighl anleihury village tricowly downs legion in allstar pee wee match acton tn county allstars downed the legion all stars in a tee wcc exhibition game on sunday afternoon dee 20 tim mclntyre tcorcd the only goal of the first period for he tncounty team on a pass from ken withers in the second mike rcrauson tied it up on a ptay by charlie mcruc and steve urunclle tncounty turned on the power to bring in four more coals by tim mclntyre from bill mcgilloway terry holmes unassisted russell coultrup from tim mclntyre and ken withers unassisted ron death scored unassisted for he legion to bring their total to two goals against tncountys five then chris tennant finalized ihc jpamc with the sixth point for tncounty on an assist by terry holmes tritounty lineup mike luly ken withers rill mcoilloway tim mclntyre kent kcntner russell coultrup jelt townslcy john ashley wade mcknight chvc ord kusscll van licet terry holmes chris tennant gary harden legion line up tom milne dill paul kevin muiumv byron timbcn steve buchanan peter hargrjve her me taylor steve brunelle harlc allen george artem george carnegie ron 4495 jry interior decorating painting paper hanging floor sanding all- work guaranteed 30 years experience pfclone timbanks 8531249 you rl safe and secure save money too bapeco under the protective roof ol insurance dennys insurance agency 17 mill st w at umtso- residences bid 6532445 harold 6532565 whim vou am yftvated ukk a rt rtton not a numbin save with satecos broafrnsk homoownars policy no dangerous gaps no costly overlaps yot it costs loss tharv many ordinary policies for tho complote roof of pro- toeupn call us today the program ol euorciso is dosiqnwj to tone up muscles and slim combined th luom wilh rogulatgddiett for thou who keep it up down inches rather than low wnolii many of tht ladies havo faithfully 10g9 will be a lean year failed lo cmc the home club were the oppniturmls i hey ill ilked iipm tolcid tiiils by ken wilhcrs and hu van i ice i assisted by terry utilities in he second period put i lie ys men hack in the game while oakville got one hilly mcgilluw iy and he final alioii marker in the thud from kent keiilner ind ken withers oakville goi two more the team meets brampton here wednesday tonight 1 imms to sticctsville george lown and oakville all a teams haven i dse mi raped acfon ys mens pee wees outside of jjic ml loss lo gcoigelown where hie score didnt really indie ilc phy ihc acton liui was ilways m lontcntion mrcctsville inllnted the inst lovs c1 lieforc hristmas the visitois sioicd four second peruul goals and singles in the i list mil ihifd tn miner the victory ailon int singles in euh period i mi mclntyre billy mcgilloway ind ictry holmes scoring wide knight russ van i teet tim mclnlyic and hits tennant each picked up an assisl giorgclown oulclassed the alton hoys after a power failure in the georgetown arena held up tlur game for lull an hour oacn harry inscoe indiialed the score could be different when the timus meet again in acton jan 22 lolh he harden twins paul daley and russell oultrup were missing from the lineup when the y s mens pee wees visited oakville last sunday they lost a 71 decision j acton hemmed the oaks or their own end for several minutes in the first period hut ab supermarket 9 mill st death cjiarlcs mcrac john carrier son mike hcrguson steve ward van stumpc acton red brand beef 8530075 calgary oven roast winnipeg pot or oven roast chuck steaks ground chuck t8ianoie good morning 1 ib pko breakfast sausage 45 pnrsswood compass bologna ajjlc proctor and gamble 32oz bottle save 18c liquid detergentc qc 59 famjiv size save 119 stripe h paste buy 1 get 1 free family size save 91 iv sihikb tooth paste 119 mazoia 34 oz bottle save 3k corn oil 59c christies 1 lb pko save 17c plain or salted premium crackers 2s69 monarch parchment 1 lb pko save 43c margarine 5 1 clarks 14 oz tins save 47c pork beans 61 nabob 1 lb bag save 26c coffee 69c sarong 19 oz tins save 53c sliced tfcrr pineapple 5 1 produce paiiy- can no 1 pei 10lb bin potatoes 43c us no 1 size 34 head lettuce 245c clarks 10 oz tins save 40c tomato of vegetable soup 91 duncan hines assorted save 9c cake mixes 289c free cake tin with every 2 pkfli prices effective jan 891011 grade a medium eggs w57c del monte 4b 0z tins save 17c pineapple orange r j pineapple gratvtih works jl aylmer 9 pz jars sav1 45c assorted jams jellies 5 s 1 4