Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1969, p. 11

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1mnmku churchill th alton frew pro wednesday february iv 1969 62 tea and bake sale nursery treat formation of venturers in report enjoy excursion to miami v ma by mrtr wright the scoot and cub mother auxiliary of kderi mm held a successful tea and bak tal on wednesday afternoon tn ejttutlvt which include fal warttte marion bould fcuth mitbori ewryo rurderi and radio communication for grand network flan cllberlioit were lit charge of arranjemenll for the lea and bake ule alio receipt the officer waited on table and mr dale preildent of the rockwood auxiliary kindly contented to pour tea tor tltf afternoon recent visitors of mit j a 3 0000 radii communication tytlciri across the grand river patented hat been approved by the grand river conaervalion authority work on the project it already under way it tliould be in fervlos by tprlni the actual network will only cover the northern half of the watershed however by siting it in conjunction with i mobile radio unit in the toulhern half of the walerthed the authority will have a radio network covering lie entire walerthed ilmar kao director of operalloni for the authority uld th network will provide a much belter and more reliable flood warning tyitem the present telephone flood warning tyilem a tuiceptlble to bieakdnwm al a tinv when the warning are needed matt during flood ice ttoimt uild tteavy raihi mr kao recalled hut the worst occaunn was in iw when an ke ttoini kmnked mil communlcatloni with the coneitotn and i ulhei djins it wat three moplht befme communlcatloni muld lie repaired at conetlogn and 10 montluat i ulher tlte authority will use die wellinelon county ladio towei at arthur for lit repealer tlation and will have it own fined ttallont at the fimettogo dam hie sliand dam and at the authority headquarter in gall in addition there will he is mobile and four portable radio unit gilberlton and her tliter were mr and mi ii bourne and family from huillnglon who will leave thursday to take up residence in winnipeg thursday morning liuteod of the regular routine of the nursery school which is eonduiled every tuesday and thursday ut conimunliy hall the children numbering 20 weie uteri to the pjik to enjoy sleigh tiding etc on the slopes then enjoyed hut chocolate and cookies at the boolh those in charge weie aiuui mark hell mis hloves mrs mcflilvaiy- mit keikhoveir and mrs unit and a few of the mothers joined in the fun a itcwlyfornved cluh called umehousf the venluier met thursday night in hie community lull and lire ounook is brlglil the boy ranging in age from 1 4 to ik are quite eager and expect great things in the near future included will he a st mill ambulance corns the hiownlet girl guildei cubs and scouts and the newly formed venturers held llteir annual chinch service suoday morning al i den mills ileshyleilau chuicli special fealuie of die seiwce was the dedication of the veutuivrs flag by tlse rev l k smclaii mi sinclair weliomed the galheiiilg and leaden in the service and delivered an appopuate uddiess residnfs vhit relatives in vancouver and ms hy mri a llfiifnu mr jtic tuw returned luinw from limpitul wliere lie wa recovering from a imhii or tlir in mr icudon unit lut lieen visiting hit iljiiftltcr and urn in law in viiiuomer miu hevnuy taiigille ttu firefighters from acfon snd milton ttrov vainly to uv 1h horn of mr and mr man bortut on trw sixth line nowev friday afternoon the family lost at mo it all ttwr posxetsions in 1kb fire staff photo nassagaweya family homeless after friday afternoon fire guts house a nauagaweya family wo left homeleu friday afternoon as fire almost completely destroyed their two storey frame home at r r i acton on tlic sutrtjine a mile south of 20 rjdeiojid mr and mr mervin bonus and children joyce q and two school age daughter barbara and matilda and mr bonuss brolher clarence lent almost all their possessions in the blaze firefighter saved a record player some articles of clothing leveral guns tome fishing equipment and three dogs from the flame the family has no insurance firefighter irum both acton and milton were called to fight the blaze in zero temperatures after a passing motorist noticed flames on the roof of the house only the eldest daughter joyce was home at the time mr and mrs bonus were in acton shopping it is believed the blaze was ignited by a spark irum the chimney the house was heated by cisal and wood acton firefighters were first on the scene hut the fire was loo far advanced to do much hut check flames the milton brigade arrived soon after and the two brigades coordinated efforts water was obtained from the well ond the acton truck refilled lis tunk at a neaihy creek neighbors of the bonus family arranged to house the family until some accommodation was found for them i nendt and neighbors were also planning to aid the stricken family while the fire burned mr bonus works at bcardmorc and co in acton and farms his fifty acre property only in ins spate time the family has lived in the insulbrick house for the past 20 years it was thought a dog was burned in the flames hut firefighters found the shivering animal unhurt in a downstairs room alter they had checked the fire enoufdi to enter the house the dog had resisted earlier efforts to rescue it mr bonuss brother clarence who arnvcd home shortly ufter the fue started managed to save tut wood cutting equipment firefighters were hampered in their efforts hy the intense cold been visiting her grandmother mrs tarnieron in lulamagouche nova siotla miss blanche lliigham k n ol nancy ii c is visiting her sister mrs j kmigliley and her husband mi and mit jas lllooi ol lliampton visited her sisled mrs led brown und family on sunday the w m s mel ut the home of mit a palleium on thursday evening 1iesiilenl mis mitchell was in ihulge with eight members attending mrs fatleisou read the unpliiie and mrs llenton led in prayer mr booth in chaige ol study d comments on writing in st i uk points brought up i d that only by putting miiiiillllr a ol ourselves into clojjon ian we gam something in renin lextword upright was answered in a verve ol scripture ns was roll call i he hostess srisred lunch after the meeting maybe this i a sign of spring mis beit llcnlim has a healthy hatching of giasvlioppert in terraritim norine noble president of cotton belles the first meeting ol the lunehouse 411 club was held i eh hat the home of leader mrs anderson the officers weie elected at follows president norine noble vice ptctident ruth kirkwond secretarytreasurer thelnia kirkwood press reporter mary i uchs the second meeting was held on feb i s at the home of assistant leader mrs kain the name of the club will be the limehouse cotton belles a discussion was held on choosing the right pattern size und on preparing material before sewing fire chief mick holme istsia imtructlon to flreflflhrer during the height of friday blaze harold towralay and will mceacham ar th flrohtrstaff photo carta station wagon ever be fun tie toyota corolla wagon coal a station wagon with a dlfferthicv there s over 53 cubic feet of moving space with the rear teat folded down and the roar a ate swings up high out of the way for trouble free loading corollas proven 60 h p engine cruises at 72 m p h and dont forget corollas uncommon extras double barrelled carb 4 on the floor 3 speed heater tilting bucket seats padded dash and up to 40 miles per gallon our emi price toyota 2050 corolla park motors no down payment if credit atwrcjwtl 1 mil ttolow sllvkhml on no 7 highway mt oooroetown 8779430 open til 9 pm dairy by mit i led macarthur mis vetiu stephens und mr and mrs u i davidson accompanied by lluee i idles from acton of their iiildeu age group returned home mi i liday after enjoying u 1 1 day excursion bus i rip to miami i loilda silverwood mr and mrs davidson were honored and presented willi a trophy for dancing a waltz al an award night concert on behalf of j canadian group mist nancy kiiok mr hryn kiioh of hampton and mis i uye wyles of llownunvllle spent use weekend with mr and mis hubert kerr mri cathy lindsay elected cotton queens president llymrt ii si uh tsllvtwittui cotton fjiueiis illicit llmif oftutrom hair new mijtif at tin linitii of mr- iloiniiiilt on menulay ltd 10 lieijtht ji hlnikjy vitc premlciit uiinic htintlinli mwtldry i tlltlj isuls illjuiki a n ii j nciismmi iflrplihiu nvimier n nay itiinkinsiin louitcy mil vi m i siitiiru k ml jill i lie u i wilt nine tn my nitl uiliicuil lo iiii mi van i kic is litiim ijiii iiiuwijlmn jiici miiyeiy m imontn liniit il hit hinhi wiotts nl llii ininiiuiimly n mn vin i mi mi murthiiigtiki opsfaetj lr inline to i lie kilverwimuj wnftiua inviituie nn tlmtwjjy jlifiinhii i rh i 1 for llifif nuiiilily tiuiiiih livjmuircut fvriils nil mis taue unit wji luiivtlill mrs john llml district itttitknl ijs niil swubcr jfid tifjikil tliuiissinn uroup nn miny l linliys pmhlfim liijt t ihis undent nots rk roll idll jnswficu hy j nrwnjujhr ilipping f iiirrrnt nitilisls mis i nvsll jpiffit in lw j ilckjimlc l he jirj lonvintion in iiiclpli nn april iii jiki mjy i in tisu it siwul lulf liutir losril llu iiirt l iiik mr und mrs wsrd hmlkmi ik i i 13 hetly mid andy spent ite weekend with her brolher and tiitertivliw mr snd mrs harper mcnidiol nl their cottage ut crystal like lljillburturi alfred knunders i a iwvek with tier iufile7 and urnln law mr snd mit roy hall and family uel fifi mr and mi wnlufri trihhu tf omiixvllie called m friday evening with mr and mis kol 1 1 kerr mr and mrs john wear visited on sunday wtvtli mr aiijj mrs wniijm llwyjy cuelplu miii dune chi ule own of thtawi prevenlly fakntg a pm tuidujle cthirve at the university of tmnilo tpeiil the weekend ut he home of mr and mrs nmmjii lurner and family two members district governor al smith of ancatler made hi official visit to acton uon club at tfce tegular dinner inoellng monday february l and acted on the induction team a art joneaand ivan kuby joined the club liont lohn troller and art gordon tponsored user new member lion vic blltow john iikfcneder bob mall and uon chief ray lvtlaa alto acted on tlie team b tlte district uvehhir spoke nn the them olliutlaitlc membership hi your i inntclub ihm vic hrittow wat awarded a huilderi frit for jim new member he hrouajit nlto the cluh in octnlier hank for a dance on mych l were finalled ttoukt t mami1von oi omomittht i lo mountainviasv road s 0a 777i b40v6ukmowt vbw ea buv a awsastt mvsv tovota eoaroua w tahy l7fl wdm vrt tvwilm ttav ft la xsae utj w tatk motom 7743 o 1 notice office closed the office of valarliiarlan dr f g oakes will be cloud the three dyt of feb 24 25 26th dr f g oakes bel aq water conditioning co acton 8531733 don ouult iimhfntativfl vvatof conditioning products soft wator 9 soap supplies salt dolivery service to all makes fro wator analysis water condition speciaiists ab supermarket 9 mill st fresh acton 8530075 side spare ribs 69 lb swifts 1 ib pkg lazy maple fresh iran side bacon 75 stewing beef 69 lb siiverdaie 3 lb bag save mt long grain rice 29 mazoia 33 ox bottle 10c off label corn 01 l 079c carnation 16 oz tin save 17c evpcred milk 6 s a fortune 30 oz tin savi 3sc cocktail289e pantrv shelf 48 oz tin save 29 ojtangfjuijjl birds eye 12 oz mo garden patch 14 oz tins save 19 peas 4 69c heinz 35 oz bottle save 25e new size ketchup 2 89c schneiders 1 ib pko sizzier sausage 59 prices effective february 19 20 31 22 avumet 16 oz jar savi 4w red plum jam 41 chase a sanborn 111 rao lavflav coffee 75 chtmtrs 34 or loaf aurrrtttmatfl white sliced bread 5 1 proctor ft gambie 25c off label save 31c detergent size 159

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