th acton free prat wednswday february 19 1969 cwossa r hockey opener by william milbchf lo fc it 3 o acton pieued cwosa h hockey wai urd intl cut lite lend to oiw goal ct up in two division thli year with acton elora and etln in the kouthern divltion after the schedule wtre wlup elora chopped out leaving acton and kiln to battle it out to we which would meet the winners of the northern group the first ume wai played a actort arena last wednetday and in a dote fought conteit erin came our on the liigjt ude of a 5 to 3 uoie the the neilher team could tain advanlae at the period ended with uo icmlng triii didnt take long tn tcote after the tecond periodilarted at i iv ihey nut he puck in the actun net only 40 tecotidi later actun tied it up on j giul by john miuwi with i red lliiiuk aitiiling lirin icnred ugjin befoie lit end of the period at the 35 wcond nuik of the third period erin scored tfiui fine effort by pete morrluin astitled by dale ljther erin moved two up on a clean shot from the blue line and core was now 4 to 2 with two minutes to go acton pulled dote ajtiin on u etui by bob turkot aitkted by john mason this gave coach hill coats a chance to fulfill a long standing desire he pulled he goalkeeper paul cooper with one minute j wuh7 1 vl willi uik iiiiiiuiv llw first period indicated tlut lfl and went wjlh six attackers game was going to be clow mu try to equalize lie score fl ilher team could gjlii an didnt take loo long for the puck puck to go into the net but it wjs the wrong net the final tcoie wai 5j hi favour of rlfii lligli school the local boy ae huiking forward to he retuui gamein erin this iriday if they tliould win a third game will be required to determine the divisional leaders game nfficuli were lid owen and harold townsley who did a fine job in keeping the ganie under control graceful as the bolshoi ballet harry ostrich 65 ttmpu to block 0 shot on in act on bukax surrounded by mi itchs loris foon 1 7 ken brown 1 1 and john hansen 2 1 the acion r admen turned the tables on the only team to beat them this taaion in an exhibition game on thursday staff photo acton redmen turn fables down milton 46 32 the acton senior redmen turned the tablet on ihe only team to defeat them in icpihily tcheduled rames this year defeating milton seniore 4oi in in exliibition haikelhall game in the acton gym on tliunday afternoon the game wai arranged at part of winter carnival oelehraliom acton took an early lead finishing the lint quarter 1311 by the end of the second tltey had widened the gap lo 2212 milton began putting on ihe preiuirc in ihe third lo bring the scoring up lo 3425 iktpile ihe excellent playing by no 12 lorii aggion ken lliown and john hansen milton cuuldnl manage to pull from behind llll smiling into that 16th si pie goes better wih coke r randy coker won ihe pieeating contest on wednesday downing 1 5 vi slices before giving up his fork clieered on by a capacity crowd in the school gym randy chewed his way through lemon rumpkin and blueberry for the 5 top prize following ihe conteit he remarked i feel rotten fred regenl finished second after 12 slices making a dramatic exit into ihe boys change room over 25 pies were donated by ttudents and mothers for the event and those thai didnt get eaten were auctioned off to the ttudent body top scorers for ihe acton team were rox turkos making is points rill landsborougli 14 harry oehlrich 6 phil dupuis 3 mike marcoux 1 jim lee 2 and george wallis i milton line up ken brown no 1 1 lorii faggion no 1 2 john hansen no 2lielemarshno 22 dave hunter no 11 steve wellwood no 11 keith leriche no 14 larry drew no 44 acton link up george waltis no 4 fred flisnik no 1 1 steven kobb no 11 dob tuikosy no 14 mike marcoux no is bill landtborough no 21 phil dupuil no 22 jim lee no 21 lloyd smallwood no 31 harry oehlrich no 55 did it once the police helped ihe battered man up from the gutter in front of the local tavcm and asked can you describe the man who hit you thats exactly what i was doing when he hit me replied the battered one shadowed dv redman phil dupuis miltons lorlt faojlon stalls for a shot on goal fooqon chalked up seven points for milton but acton won the gams 46 32 staff photo fresh tracks by barbara mclritosh by this time practically everyone who can hold a pen or yell in the park has had something to say about last weeks student riot on sir george williams campus in montreal rather than be outshined by stokley carmichael im about to add my opinion to the list for the past three years students have been protesting their way to power fur everything from student choice of reading litti to beer in the school cafelerta their golden rule if you dont like a situation you merely tilui standout ojutdown or blockup until things cojne around to your way of thirfking you consider yourtelf in a j hhter form e society within a society immune to the rules jut govern the outside- w tic id tlieres no swat ttudents can get away with anything in ihe name of student power yiumg people have forced iheir way onto administrative hoards demanded- resignations dirupled class schedules slopped traffic and in general managed to keep lie word jituofnt constantly in the headlines in all ejus where they have been hroughl into court charges have btcn dropped or sentences greatly reduced it would seem to me it is lime ttudents were treated on an equal basis with he rest of ihe civilian population if it had been 5 workers from general motors who staged ihe twoweek occupation of a down town building and ended up unauung ihe 2000mk computer there would be no question in anyones mind what ihe consequences should be liven if a student works himtelf to ihe bone to earn the si 500 or u needed lo pay luilion resident fees and hooks it costs ihe taxpayer 3500 a year for every student in a canadian university ovir half of the students involved in ihe not weie noncanadians nuny of them here al ihe expente of ihe canadian government society does not owe ihem ihe right to live outside our laws or order and responsible behaviour certainly here is a need for many improve menu m our educational system and the student power movement has brought about a number of worthwhile renovations here however changes cost money and there are more logical and intelligent ways of forcing change than ihe blalent destruction of properly in the case of sir william the complaint was racial discrimination surely at the university level of learning it should be obvious that if such discrimination did exist it isnt going to he eliminated by becoming a public menace quite possibly many of ihe students involved had no intentions of violence and were merely caught up in ihe frenzy of a frustrated mob nevertheless the damage was done perhaps it is time ihe boom was lowered and an example made a full awareness of the serious consequences of irrational action might possibly sway student power hack lo he student newspaper petitions and intelligent studentstaff negotiations barrelling on through blueberries wi well a winner at 15and a bit that make the meal from lovell bros modern meat marketf red brand beef choice boneiess prime rib roast 99f roast 99 choice wing or rump tenoek blade and short rib roast 79 lb iean shoulder roast 69 ib uan ground chuck 691 tor your freezer red brand bf cut and wrapped side 63c ib fronts 53c ib hind 75c ib lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill i attirt rhorte 1533349 daily deuvmv 4u floor models many models and colors to choose from savings galore 30 frigidaire range this thrlfrv thirty wllh cook- master automatic oven control now with infinite heat surface units a full tins feature with frl- gidaire would highlight any mo dern kitchen ii has e aiant size oven a plain glass teethrough oven window and full width re movable storaae drawer re cessed spillsaver cooking top and automatic appliance outlet plut full width fluorescent panel light ing and en interior oven light 21 9 9 with tlabi 13 cu ft automatic defroit 110 ib zero zone freezer now only 2195 othh modus as iow as w 1795 now is the time to buy manning electric 54 mill st e