g tha acton fr praia wxirtday fttnwy 26 l6 the new politics a man called peter curling team af cwossa by larry martin at one 1 1 no of hit participation in current events ii luffnted no lesi an organization than the kremlin a supporting runt when he appeared outride a southeastern ontario hh school the principal called provincial ujnlstet or education davis and he it barred front attending any ontario high chool hia opponent tie 10 tvideapnadand in a number of cue to diillnguhhed the desirable journalistic piocedun of u to the other tide was totally impractical our impressions of thenr therefore were gained through a lengthy convolution with him and teadlng of die admittedly leftist nugaiine rev of which he is circulation miniget arid a coalribulini editor hit runt u peter komwh early in the qui6 school ternt al kastdile secondary school in welland he successfully carried off 75 per cent of the balloltlng for iludent council president hit acttvitiei there however which resulted in a student walkout and in actuallly tnniser of the design of tlie iludent council into more of a iludent union with clu teprewntalivei ai itewardt were not approved by the administration participant in the threeartdonehalf diyi ilrlke about onesixth of the tchool population were threatened wlln lou of exemptions loss of position on ihe football team and deitruclion of induitrlil aril proleclt those who would relum lo claia on the other hand would be free of the fear of luipeniion or detentions the iludenli relumed when the board of education riromiied lo let up an nveitlfitlng committee of students teachers and oltlciiu almost immediately we are told 10 and isday luipentloni and long tenlencei of detention were handed out mtjw kormot wai impended when he arrived at ihe tchool lo ditcuu hia suspension it war dropped and a new one immediately put into effect for imolence and assault by trespassing thli tecond one wai ignored by him on the grounds it it illegil tlnce ii duet not tpecify a lenglhof lime or reasons court proceedings lasted three and onenilf months during ihoie 100 days he was not allowed to attend tchool hit family allowance was cancelled and steps were taken to prohibit his receiving welfare cheques reluming to the tchool after a verdict of innocence he found his locker had been forcibly entered and belongings confiscated- reportedly destroyed ills name had been removed from the attendance rolls and his old lob as student council president filled by a principals appointee since then he has immersed himself almost totally in the jim holmes comet from tort irk he has hit b a horn wiuiloo ualvertily colleae with majors in bttilotofihy and psychology and minors in eniuth and hulory in hit fourth year at a djis he ikes near oqeriflfe pedagogues are people kath m mr holmei ipent hit flrtl year of teaching al smooth rock fall in ihe jamei bay lowlands he claims ii really wasnt the occasional 62 degrees below zero weather but ihe sheer isolation of ihe area thai sirsuided him back to southern ntario it was a good year for contemplation he concludes after four yean of leaching at a d iis he ii convinced that english doetnt have to be a bore lo students i think it depends on the interest you can create in ii and the course of study english is an eclectic type subject that is you have a vast source of material to draw from he compliments department head mr lambourne lor selecting a variety of boots for study thai can be inleresling at ihe high school level he admits thai for most students ihe word poetry bnngs on nausea in an effort to overcome this initial dislike he includes the lyrics from various current folk songs on the curriculum for example his classes have studiedcord ughtfoott old mart ojme home from the forest and ihe beatles kleanor rigby ive found that very few students have thought about the words or meanings of the longs before we study them when asked for his thought on the new county school board system mr holmes remarked in ihe last few months it seems there hasnt been enough money lor various school activities considering the high salaries of ihe top administrators on ihe board i would say the money is going to the wrong place and the allotment for salaries is topheavy mr holmes would like to tee more emphasis placed on school excursions especially to live theatre productions not a particularly avid sports fan mr holmes claims that king pong was the bit rage while e was at university so many kids were skipping classes that they finally look out the tables i was only a mediocre player though he admits tins fall he coached the boys senior soccer learn during his summci vacations he has done considerable ravelling most recently to notth africa spam the balanc islands frjnce and england among other things he recalls rotting punt around regent park in london and losing an ice cteam cone lo a sneaky swan a first prize winner in the beard contest mr holmes says he was surprised and pleased with the success of the winter carnival effort it was the best attitude ive ever seen in students for an outside activity i think a lot of credit should go to the administration who were so lenient with the experiment all we need niw is a school cafeteria 5anadas americanowned food aclorlei because the usa control prohibit contracts from certain countries and countless other tiluallonf in this vein apart front his provincial rambling the newly established 500circulition magazine rev is a forum for many of these views edited mainly by rev robert k wright it is published by michael p cyopi and peter u a contributing edilqr and circulation manager and what dews he see lor ihe future a revolution il inevitable although ihe form it will take cant be determined now al present 200 economists are controlling ihe country hie power of government mutt be placed in the hands of ihe masses problems ol students and other members of western society he consider oppretsed this includes travelling by thumb over most of the niagara peninsula and much of the retl of central ontario at well roughly three weeks ago an assembly of young new democrats of ontario elected him one of two provincial high tchool coordinatort a newlycreated potilion ii includet a certain amount of tpreading of the ndp message and in pelers interpretation organizing students to defend themselves against oppression from ihe community this will apparently be attempted through organization of student unions a kormosapproved society would include workercontrol of the factories with either ihe laborers owning the business or receiving wages from the general public the area of concern of peter kormot also includes ihe compulsory cadet training of some high schools slowdowns of a bad start which cost the acton boys curling team their flni link meant sudden death in cwoma curling finals in brampton last monday afternoon cord reed barry buchanan neil anderson and paul youngblul came out behind in their first game with west hid collegiate owen sound welt hill went on lo become cwossa champions aclon defeated wyerton district high school and guelph collegiate during lite afternoon but unfortunately il was thai first game ihacounled coordinator- mrs nan hurst said she wis pleased with ihe learn of the eighl schools competing in ihe tinili many were from larger centres such as kitchener call and guetplt that have up lo 100 utters in their school stubs i figure we placed third in over all performance tlie laid eailier this year the team defeated the three schools in guelph and georgetown and came home with ihe pergui school board bontplel trophy this was ihe last competition for the boyi this year the girli team goes locwosa on march 17 young generation more than 90- auended ihe young generation dance al st ajbsvs parish hall lit friday nighl the young generation ptpvtdei dance entertainment for public tchool age tludenlt e5vy friday nigh its inlerdenorriinationil so anyone can come an entrance fee of 25 ceuls is charged with pop 15 cents and chips 10 cents further information may be obtained from sam and debbie schonnop margie i rlzzell indy and debbie hair fresh tracks by barbara mdhtosji youth page grade 13s lightfooted charioteers michael jo bill landtboroufth ray hibbartl took tint prize in the winter carnival chariot race barry buchanan wayne barber jim lis gord lalt doug allan claud champion gaoro read staff photo willis cam forbes hidden head harry oehlrlch afterthoughts on winter triwt are several ways tlie average canadian cut feel about wuiler he can hibernate look al il through plale guu and diearo of summer lie can quietly endure il pretending ii could be- worse or he can enjoy il actually tliere are a numoer of hidden advantage to subfreezing temperatures and kneedeep snow drifts you carl loot al ii at a kind or challenge ihals supposed lo build up that canadian character imagine going through an entire childhood and hcver experiencing a frostbitten ear the joy of nuking angels in freshly fallen snow or tlie thrill of having school cancelled due lo slippery roadt without winter we wouldnt be able lo look forward lo spring with the same degree of excitement tliere wogld be noditllnclion lo being ihe tint on your block lo find puttywillowt or ihe lasfcf your friends to drain the anlifreeze uul of your car radiator winter it a particular advantage lo fashionminded women its an excuce to indulge in an entirely different wardrobe and il challenges ones ingenuity to come up with ideas that thow enough lo look like a gnl bul cover enough lo keep warm some canadians dont need excuses they actually like winter and complain thai it doesnt last long enough for them speeding down a slope on skis is ihe giealest thing that could happen to a weekend others prefer lo bounce around on a skldoo or spend ihe morning in a shack fithlng through a hole in ihe ice naturally its belter to cope than complain but for those who spend their wlnlen wishing ihey were in the canary island or frantically counting the days until april the future is looking warmer all ihe lime thanks lo modern scientific advances ihey will soon be able lo change al leatl a tmall area of their world back into summer an outdoor swimming pool can be used all year if its covered in a glint plastic bubble one type of enclosure available in canada is made of polyvinyl chloride film 121000 thick supported by arches of galvanized steel the toronto cricket skating and curling club installed a plastic tent over a tennis court last october and no doubt winter will he kepi off more sports fields in the future r buckmimster fuller ihe creator of the united stales pavilion al expo 67 predicts total communities enclosed in such domes completely protected from the weather personally speaking theres nothing like thai cool crisp winter air and ihe crunch of snow underfoot to make one burst out in a rousing ontari ari ario svvv1v1111 4h opener the first meeting of the aclon 4h girls on feb 13 marked ihe slarl of another club our leaders once again are mrs kaye lynch and mrs rulh macnaugliton the current project cottons may be smart involves ihe sewing of a cotton dress by all members and the more experienced girls may try iheir hand on jacket also the tricky art of installing a zipper and hemming with the slip stitch will be taught by ihe leaders president of this club is cone maxwell with linda sayers as vicepreiidenl secretary is kathie lynch treasurer is shirley sayers and reporter is mary ann freuler shirley jocque eas been given ihe new post of lelephoner other members include jean hiscock linda beers and dorothy newton tlie meetings are being held monday nights al ihe homes of different members but in the future hope to have use of speyslde public school the name cotteens seems to be favourable with most club members but a definite club name has nol yel been decided our thanks to the leaders for ihe work ihey wdl be sharing with us we are sure it wdl be profitable did you hear what one tonsil said lo ihe other tonsil youd better get dressed the doctor u coming lo take us out tonight hintons 5- to 1 your hartz mountain pet store justairsveb lausotairaba mlbfz mouimill singing canaries km 4 tssnll fnilltttl special 598 that vour canary to hartz mountain food products free goldfish aba inui wriauye ount childan usual ba accameanlad by pgfsnfa cut out this section of ad and bring t lo hintons pst dipt this entitles you to a free goldfish at our free ooldfuh stand aba saa aur aalaetton af common and pan tall goldfish sku- bunllns calico black moor tsuitaapaa an just arrived i young budgies beautiful aaaattmant ol colors btauant ouahfy tame them train them teach them to talk spici al 398 and 598 a computs slack af harts mountain budgte feed and tey go ish supplies hartz mountain cat utter 5 10 25 lb bag 65c to 359 goldfish and turtle bowls aquariums and reflectors pumpsj heaters filters gravel fish foods jim holmes sporting his pfixshttlnnlna van dvksistfr photo bel aq water conditioning co acton 8531703 don durhiis mrmttoftattvf water conditioning products soft water soap supplies salt delivery service to all makes free water analysis water condition specialists for cats and dogs harness leashes collars treats beefhide bones toys etc hey kidsi turtles florida turtles special 77e tortls dills food colond wild bird treat for your winter friends wild bird sftftd mixture stlsusm ul haos 39c to 695 a1so sunftowm sbds birdcages stands brackets foods toys medicines equipment and supplies