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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1969, p. 2

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th acton free pre wedneeday march 5 1 969 by wendy thomson once people mow to th country l menu that all koala of fanning iroilnctl com to th turfaet and they dig and plant and bury vigorously fat all direction w did llttu bit or digging and audi but meetly w acquit somebody alwaya know of auroeom be who baa eomeihlftg thy wt wenl thai t juil what we head and w gat it when ita animal dont really rnwdjhough theflrailotweaafeoxono thkkt refugee from tome other family hatter they had atarted logrow into their pin feather and h l y h hhk h iftectloni end it wa decided pwected by th gowntinenl that th country wa the only f j ik rouble thai thing place for lhnl they enjoyed th outdoor life for two day then 1 lowlying fug and two lowcreeping dog both cloaej irt on them at th lam time and that wat th end pf the chicken cord arrived at th pen jutl in tlm to te th dog dltappeariitaj over th hill our next wntur w thie pig i forget hut haw they got out but i remember gold charing them up and down our littl hull lb wai fatter than they wert on the ttreteh but on th turru they lrt hhii flat on hit face up till now i figured that th led i had to do with th anlmall th bitter it would be for all concerned judging by the retain of my effort to help build the houu but then i made the mittake of removing th doortlep cautlng gord to fall out and brtik hit ankle and i became chief pigfeeder and watercarrier every now and then cord would decide to have look and until he could walk hed want a ride hed fold hit eix foot two into the wheelbarrow haul in hit can and tay okay sam to the market at a gallop if he had the pail of water in there with hfan it made thlngt quite nterettlai on the way down i dont think hea ever been the tame tine the plgi did well ceuttj me hut dimmer i wai quit ready to thumb my ttoae at coniervatlori and try and thoot it mywlf every lime i uw it and ita mat out circling id have 1o atop whatever i wu doing and be ready to tun out if they pot too low then a hawk joined in th game ii ul in a tree down by th ireek whet i could tee him from the kitchen window and im tur he tluck out hit tongue every time i looked hit way one day id had about enough and i thought id try and fu him in the tall feather i got gotde gun il and wa loaded i wai down at the pen before it regulered that id loaded with a jug rather than blrdthot and id forgotten how lo unload that hawk teemed to know of my predicament and jutl ul and itared at me till i got to mad i lei fly with the jug and atmott knocked myself flat will the recoil the tawk lew off and im ture he ul in the iteea and lull about killed himself laughing now therea a thought for all the work we put into thoae chickent there werent too many made il lo the freezer but what did gel there we enjoyed my favorite company dilh il paimeiancrumbed chicken i make up the crurnbt ahead of lime and lomelunei roll leftover maihed potato in though the next year w got tin them to reheat chicken curry it including a tpotted pig i picked from on of the 441 rojecli out of the fitter mainly becauie md u very nice for leftover id never aeen 1 tpotted pig before for tome reaton or other he could get out under the fence while the rett couldnt and hed come up to the houte every few dayi to call on sue our hound the two would go trolling around together in quite a friendly way although sue couldnt quite tee what the attraction wu for spottypig in mud puddlet each year it aeemt we acquire more and more of thit and that but have finally decided thai whatever we do get it wont be chlckem any more we teem lo be tunning a tetfaerve counter for hawkt and wild anlmali we lotl a lot the year before lut and while cord wu building the bam he kept the aholgun dote one day he looked up to tee the ugliett bird he had ever laid eyet on twooplng over him over the pen and out of tight in the tract that night we looked through our bird bookt looking for tontethlng that might fit hit detcriptlonaboul tut foot wing apan blackiih with a longlth neck and a bare ugly red head i had thought he wai exaggerating a little and quite aurpriied when we found it the turkey vulture or turkey buzzard that hat been moving north from the statet itt tuppoied to be a carrioneater but it wu making definite pataei over our chlckem much to gordi diiappointment he couldnt lit down and wait for it chicken pahuesan crumbed ctuckln mix 1 cupi dry toad cnirttbt i buy ike eacktaed umjoi udi 34 cup parmaun cheere i tttip dried parsley 1b tip auuc powder 3 lip ull 18 tip pepper dip s or 6 pound of cut up clikkin in i cup melted butler roo in crumb arranae n a ihallow routine pan pour butler over beat at jso degrees for i hour chicken curry pan fry i imtll chopped onion and i until chopped apple in 2 ttip butter until tort stir in i can cream of chicken roup i or 2 up curry powder and 14 lip ull heat slowly until unoolh add 2 te tile pieces ileal thoroughly serve on hot boiled rtce makes 4 servings cmvsscrf in lut weeki hit of canvaturt for the c n i b eeveral namei were omitted alto helping with the luccettful campaign were mrt chetter anderton mluet gay and bobbie netiet mrt ii f tlolmei mrt j m steele and mra clark armttrong new offices the original front lobby of the robert little tchool ii no longer in ute iti now a guidance centre and office lor vice principal doug copeland desaibes heift available emotional problems students the association for children with learning dlubllitlei held ita monthly meeting in the library of the george kennedy public tchool in georgetown acting pretldenl doug cretwick mtroduced the guetl tpeaker dr join e bowert provincial tupetvitor ipeclal education dr bowert made the following comment the department of education provide to tchool boardt which hive developed program for diaturbed children ipecial financial grintt if particular requirement are met these mtmlremettu are 1 chlldien mutt be diagnoaed by 1 minimum of three profetilodt if pottlble piychlilry psychology and education should be lepreaented 2 the teacher mutt hold a certificate in education of emotionally diaturbed children 3 the clattroom equipment mutt be tulted to the need of the children 4 a board of admltaioni f of a minimum of hum member mutt approve dance fashion show plans made by larche auxiliary newlyinducted member of acton ve mertetlee are shirley broottad lynn robertson carol bomant kate elliott donna ualeman aiul louise clerk tin induction mmnonv followed ik regular meeting of in ve man leal thursday member ol the inducting team ware mary mckenile dorolhy noarwakluiri ilea duholi maroarat wilson and vivian smith staff pholu mission circle meeting the placement of the child in tuch a program the principal of the tchool in which the program il placed acti u chairman dr bowert went on to describe tome of the emotional problem of ttudenti being helped by tuch program betidei the tpecuil clauet now in progreti ciltet acrou ontario are trying other teaching methods volunteer program protected claaaei and integrated cliuroonu retulta hive been very gratifying the meeting ended with mrt secord thinking dr bowert for the uulght the had given ut into tome of the problems being faced refreshment were served by the membert of the atioclation the next meeting will be held tuesday march 25 with the guett speaker being mr armstrong superintendent for special education for hilton county and mr graham atllitantsuperwtendent for special education for north hilton daughters of knox plan world day of prayer pack flnlsl the main theme of the llunllst mlulna circle meeting held monday evening in hie dirndl wai an enjoyable itudy of the world day or prayer with pretldenl jettle colet taking a leading pail and oilier menibeii joining in il wat a good introduction for the world program to be held in the united church thit lrlday afternoon in which acton ladlet will paillupate in addition prayers weie given for foreign and home million work during the business seulon plant were made for klng a food parcel for india inluiing wliile cross woik and completing a recipe book begun a few yean ago membert were reminded of the ipring rally to he held in gait april m with mrt j kudd at afternoon tpeaker alio the local mlulan circle spring thank offering it to be held april 14 with mrt paul antrobut relumed miulunary from india at guetl tpeaker al the dote of the meeting a delicious lunch wat terved by edna gordon and frances feltham prtibyietkl pints synedltttl the brampton preihylerial of the pretbylerlan church in canada held their meeting on feb 26 in si andrewt church brampton 13 churchet antwered the roll call the pretldenl read a letter from synodical pretldenl mrt john mcfjrlune the morning wat ipent making plant for the torontokingtlon tynodlcal meeting in brampton on april 222124 singing i ivmg for jetut in iiuluin and repeating hie ninllm opened hie meeting of hie dauglilert of knox held in hie mii i lien aiideiuin room on monday march t mri tom wutuui preiiding inked mil win loth in hie ahience of hie seaetary mrt milan mooie lo read the niinulet und hie roll cull iwelve members amweied the mil ull hy numliig their favnrlle hymn or ucred long pljnt weie liimplelcd for hie woild day of piaycr uivicc on sunday march al knox chuiih with mrt i oibet thomuin ui guetl ipeakei aflcr a dltcuuion on moving hie nuiiery lo hie hateinent und furniihing it hie lommiltee in ihuige it to bring pricct to out next meeting mil jack pink introduced min debbie llouifield who enlenalned hie gioup with two lovely piano uiloi mrs harold swallow and her group opened hie devotional period with the hymn lord we thank thee for our llmlheri arrange banquets knox ladies aid the monthly meeting of knox ladlet aid wat held tuetday afternoon with mrt william mclnlyre in the chair arrangementi weie made for two banquet one march h and another march 1 3 devotiom were taken by mrt macpherton and mri mclntyre mrt mccutcheon gave two thort reading the meeting closed with hymn ss2 and the lordt prayer after which a toclal time wat enjoyed over a cup of lea mil mikenic lead the uilplme ii or 4 lupter followed hy llu hymn i11ui our llmiher taken liom hie study hook wu ihul the t lunch mint ieje tulklllg lo hull und ipeuk in people in their own tongue a group dluiiwinn followed on whether modern muiii in the church und coffee liouiei for the youth would piove lo he un udvuntuge 1 lie meeting iloud with the hymn deiluie llcjvcm the i old of spjcc followtd hy prayer hy mri loin wulvon lunch und u mhiii time followed jpul the larche auxiliary to meet at her home on feb 2a and one new member wei welcomed mia pel carlo it it hoped that fuluie meetingt the fourth wedneidey of each month will he licld al the library the nekl meeting will be march 7 and any new facet will le welcome 11 dance arrangemenla are going well wrciwdihg lu mil j prlte hill llvele are tllli a few llckelt twit told and any in withlng to buy one thoutd ioiilacl mrt pflc ylilw the diiicewlh ii held on mirth 7 al hie i eaumi hip and dip men and poodlea have been obtained from arc liuliklrkit hopi woikilopt new heme jlieie wai be uud at priei at everyone admlied iheni ul hie lull daiue flie i uuiion show ii ului pioceeding well und lickefi for tlm uie now on ule heuidinore coiupjny kindly donated a seek books for library mitft lunik nr lite new icuiune tenlic in lie knhrrl i it lie uimmii jie mtiii utusjit lite llhfjify coihiiiliinl nir tin region tn wte led lo hhrurun mri kjvjnjtui ilitit liiilenlt jmii fuieut inlgfjil luve utrne untjlile- ihitt ul inline lliiit won i j lie very uve fill lo lite indent she would like picture hookt fur the primary ttudenu uny lithik luiljtile for u uhmi hhrury tiuei u lo lo yejrt paper hat k tl ihey are ujitahle lor elernenury iludenlt refereike hook or uted period leal the m hennelt ixihmji hasnt made uny timilar appeal ihcv have no nwim for more hook until theyre moved into the new addition lowly iheeptkjf rug to t uwd u dkxrf piite kb lucky tkkl mr jwt gkine dmald it beuillful lewl eaiilng und recklik ml of uah coventry fewcllery u u draw fcvd mil beernun xne u ic cttxhet centra piece bko to hi uvtd ui 06 diw otlkf ptitei md mill blng livd uliy jenny kuiket aid tu wiwyjap libit fxjd iniilerul kridif uny tmftf lifcd kny of th fojtwinj wkild they pumts conticl t il h1 ii7s ftbiic io4 clow iu uptuduery nd dfpry fabric for stool and clean nylons faaier gifla ami card lie again being kciil lo it mi local relaided cliildien fvmidenl it oiutia it wm fepofted that thi thdui of the hrittian mefom hufcii md llgcif annual valenline bave uu ut slmpvm hemii order office tliey kindly donaedst lo our caue we would like to thtik tin ldi of tfe church arid slrnpuwi u1u fhe tnevliotg wtt adoufited und uiffee wul cake wrved hy mr i ouputi mri from antigui dilh heller hai felurrwd i rip lu ttjtida and mr and mri al hainnvel lmdon viuted utt town kotaerl i it tie uhool teatlirr mr l hitkin i j palienl in ciuelph dene rat lloipital i lie i lont club had a tictetful dance saturdjy evening in the mutu entre mrs vivun sluw k k 1 acton hat returned home from cuelpti fierveml llntpifal and i recovering from an operation viuting with mr and mra f i anduwuough m he weekend were major jmi mri m suidalr iin4 ami an of kingsloti ind mr and mr ait yer of swiila hydro t oinruiv vilf mil acltern tuutoh cliairnun wilf mil ucltern loinniiuwhwr j k mdi arthur and superintendent llougmaton are attending the annual convention of tlu- a m i 1 in week al the uoyal york hole m lomnlo mr and mr i d owen uoteford terrace lew to montreal for lite weekend and attended saturday night st unit mluevmontreal anadten n ii i game after the gjime ihey had hie opportunity lo talk to teveral of lite ttolh team player frmn wc once knew u lurgeon who hrunch office u tucceuful had uveral acton electric company pfsideniial indusfrial commfbciat free estimates no job too big op too smau pksne gj314 s main n acton whintons 5c to 1 store w reduction sale on westinghouse products smmmmn6 install the famous ozite long wearing carpet runner stain reiuunr color fait foam rubtttr back silo proof clean easily us anvwhhm youk rtook neios rgottctlon 5 colors to choose from 27 width 159 tunnino foot discount lakeview ctn r1js3 deluxe twoooor froat free refrigerator 131 cu ft a medium rcfriscrator for a medium family but large on convenience frost free for sure so the only ice youll find will be in the icecube trays and a convenient 13 lb meal keeper and 124 lbs of frosi free frccrer space butter compartment twin icecube iravs twin porcelain crispers to keep vege tables crunch a container for about 22 eggs that lifts out when vou need it and magnetic door gaskets that never give up choose avocado antique copper or while right or left door opening weetlngbotim tj cu h cdtttmvh model fcvkoj a thrifty choice 9j cu ft refrigerator only 24 wide include 33 pounda frozen food ato- rage plua a 13m lb chiller tray deep door to hold iota or small or ull item clou at hand along with leparateffeitter and cbeeae compartment rack for 1 eggs white night hand door opening rafl 23900 sale 189oo rant price 41900 sale price 299 oo hintons 5c tb 1 store acton 8531147 imttba made anun a glance at tne deluxe atutr control panel tella you thkr ie a lot of range infinite he awitche control blgbepeed element two ol them 8 inrhaat and 2600 watte owe control give you crtlmt clock timer take over while youve out control uputaee outlet too nojturd speed broil that broil both aide at onoe selfbejttma tottaaecle deluxe atyling toucbee t ceaaed top fuluaidth wood- grtn door handle big window baevdeaning teefai p out aurlace ev and tttt- up tiltdown rlrmmte avoca do antique copper cm white rg 34900 sale 279 oo

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