Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1969, p. 1

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0tfu t nlfw4yfounh yaar no 39 acton ontario widnkoay march 24 19tw twenty page terr cant ugktnmg bolt maybe hit car lilt safe to be in i car during timnderstornit bui knight f it r 2 aclon is oegiorung to wonder after i what happened to him last thursday lie wis driving home front the hockey tournament la georgetown during the store when at sihrtieek he suddenly u a brillon blue ball of fli right before hit eyes the car all teemed to turn blue and then a split second liter the sky iii up with the lightning the sudden flash of light had been to bright he had to stop the or before he could tr properly to drive on again there were no marks on the car and he didnt feel any electric shocks no one he has talked to since teems quite sum what the marks or results would be if the car had been struck if it wasnt that is as close u i want to come anyway he exclaimed water break church rd a letter on flood asilittnc read at tuesday nights meeting of acton council revealed a break in ihe water line on churchill road north monday afternoon had required some long hours for the town work staff they were in water up to their knees repairing the break from 5 30 in the afternoon until midnight the mayor told council they should appreciate the conditions town employees often have to work under dont be surprised if we get a claim for damage however he said was there a flood in lakeview subdivision asked councillor orv chapman of remark passed in the conversation clerk joe hurst told council that tome runoff water wu following the old creek bed instead of going into the new tunnel but there was nothing serious councillor greer in the chair for committee of the whole session remarked that maybe council should ask nassagaweya to take over lakeview acton ihora sob 1q education up the county hoard of lducjlion will be atkhig local municipalities far im15h42 to iieel total expenditure of s3202s422 occoiding to a budget approved by the board on liiuiulay the province will pdysi32iohko acton and milton ratepayer n expected to tee the greatest rite in ihe null rate unofficially estimated at h h mills for alton and h4 nilllt for milton the major reaum cited for tltete increatet wat the pattern of beginning the pail year willi a diane rtshsh tnutgie the bright red teseeeakln tug the won tea door priie during the larche spring fashion show last thursday night suit photo council votes pay for two boards minor accident in parking lot a minor accident in the station hotel driveway was investigsted by acton opp friday at 735 pm cars dnven by florence roadknight rockwood and richard henderson cobblehill rd acton were in collision the henderson car had 50 damage this was the only accident investigated by police during ihe past week aclon council passed a resolution at tuesdays meeting approving an honorarium for planning board and committee of adjustment members the motion wu a departure from previous policy which discouraged any of the appointed boards in town from receiving remuneration for services the original motion which was debated vigorously alto included a provision that some form of compensation be given to members of other official boards serving the town at councils discretion however an amendment which deleted tint wording passed and all councillors went along with just paying planning board and committee of adjustment no ftguret were discussed councillor earl matiles said the honorarium was an attempt to get more members to come out to the meetings the work will get more demanding as time goes on he asserted and take up much more time reeve f ojkes indicated that teenage fashions and the sound ol music are an insagsarable combination a cathy osborne show modelling a pant suit in the rockwood home and school fashion show last weak pictum and story insldeistatf photo no i committee of council decided these two boards with a type of work relative to the general administration of the town should be given remuneration they work in close liaison with council and can legally receive an honorarium the parks act prohibits remuneration to parks board he pointed out the record indicates there have been mass resignations from both bodies mayor les duby said caused quite possibly by repeated rejection of recommendations from boards the mayor pointed out the committees were formed from laymen using all the knowledge they possessed on particular things sometimes council had a little more knowledge on issues and turned recommendations down he also favored remuneration since he felt they were called on to do much valuable woik for the town often of a dull administrative nature councillor peter marks fell if the motion did not include other boards tome members would feel slighted the mayor replied that certain people serving on town hoards would reject any remuneration for their services the reeve and councillors coats and marks voted against the amendment deleting provision for compensation to the other appointed bodiet but went along when the amendment won skating carnival concludes season a record number of 1 30 girls and boys will take part in the figure skating club carnival this saturday for ihe first time there wdl be two performances a matinee in the afternoon and a repeat performance in ihe evening the dress rehearsal is friday there have been extra practices preparing for the annual big show that ends the season instructors nancy skuce and solly leathetland wdl also skate in the show special guests are brother and sister patricia and cordon modde of wallaceburg both champions in singles competition the two halves of the program are entitled disneyland and sounds or music with a surprise presentation of trophies in stween for top club members in different categories surplus and ending wlui deficit twi lhr of former boards tins year lo raise or equal amount spent tail year causes ihe mill tale increase it it estimated that actons education bill to he raised lucally will be up 401140 while miltons will lie u2ook i iqueung fowriihlpt school cottt are expected to be 1162751 allt nattagaweyat j37i7h9 oikvillet cwt will be 7m2554 and lluilingtons s7139572 llementary school costs lo apportionment may change apportionment d the ext of unvtrilbv school education in helton is under review by the department of education because of the effects of ra- in helton test yr according to county board of education superintendent bruce llndley mr llndley pointed out the there each municipality will pay of the total elementary school budget was initially calculated in accordance with current lealstetlon because of ntatamtal in helton leh year end lie varying effects en each municipality how the department was recorteldering its formula the depertmental review will tot effect the totals of the budget but could reeult in a variation in the thare to nunlelpi lit let the superintendent suggested wwwwwseyywwsawwwwjyimwmymmsmywimwumymyieeiee blasts toronto board chairman for irresponsle statements about hahon board of education inaccurate and irresponsible statements such as that attributed to you can only make the tasks facing the new divisional boards more difficult llalton county board chairman fred armitage told ylng hope chairman of the toronto board of education mr hope had been quoted in the globe and mail as saying we heard of one county board willi jutt 22000 students that has a director of education an assistant director four superintendents and 1 1 assistant superintendents all earning between 21000 ond 33000 later reference in the story attnbuted the reference to ihe llalton board of education mr armitage pointed out the llalton system will have 48000 students and the salary range for administrative and supervisory officials is 20000 lo 31500 i wish also to point out thai the entire tupervisory and consultative ttaff of the llalton county board of education is considerably lets than so per cent of the same staff for the city of toronto yel the school population in llalton county is approximately so percent of the school population in the city of toronto the chairman suggested that before mr hope makes further statements on comparing situations you would be well advised to carefully check information regarding supervisory staff studentstaff ratios and cost per student board opposes bank extension an application for extension of ihe present bank of nova scotia was disapproved by the planning board at their meeting last thursday evening members agreed to recommend to the committee of adjustment that approval should not be given because of lack of parking tpace and because the present building occupies the maximum allowable area the committee of adjustment is holding a public hearing on the application tuesday april i at 730 in the council chambers the bank seeks to extend the present building to within one foot of the rear property line providing an additional 1000 square feet for building purposes cranston criese was present to present another plan of subdivision on hit property this was one of several plans which mr griese has presented to the board questions were asked regarding the five per cent dedication the location is presently landlocked the plan wdl be submitted lo the town engineer and consultants for their recommendations chairman bob drinkwalter told mr griese he would be informed as soon as possible clerkadministrator joe hurst was also present to outline the recent meeting held in his office february 12 which involved planning board application procedures he also reviewed the towns present position in regard to the official plan and i zoning bylaw mr hurst agreed to have copies of the planning outlines provided for members of the board changing in zoning which could involve the town in considerable expense were discussed with the possibility of making the charge to the applicant due to personal reasons charlie perry resigned from the planning board and the chairman expressed the boards regret replacements were discussed hahon board inspectors of adhs three tepresenlatives of the halton county board of i education are spending tuesday wednesday and thursday in the acton high school assessing administration and teaching procedures apparently the school and teachers are to be rated and a report submitted to the board for consideration ilaltun texpayets will be 9mh57j whlu secondary costiwiuu jmh7269 release of ihe provincial grant structures last wednesday enabled the administration lo prepare final projections on the effect of the new budget detailed reviews of ihe expenditure hems had been htld at a pieviout meeting the current grant structure outlined briefly to board members meant the grand will be paid based on the current etlimatet previoudy they had been paid on the basis of the patt yeart expendlluret application of an adjusted rate at ihe public school level complicates calculations superintendent bruce undley explained the spiesd between ihe amount spent by some boardi in 1968 over what they raised that year wai reflecting in this years levy these boards are faced with picking up last years problems this year he noted increases in aclon requirement wete based on the public school boards expenditure of 20000 of a surplus carried forward from 1967 at the high school level it was based on expenditure of the previous years surplus of approximately one mill and the incurring of a deficit of approximately 47000 increases in milton requirements were described as ihe result of the use of 30000 surplus in 1968 from 1967 plus ihe incurring of a deficit of 10000 and nonrecurring sundry revenue of 40000 unofficial mill rales revealed at the meeting indicated a i 7 increase for burlington 4 i for esquesing 2 6 for nassagaweya a reduction of ii for georgetown and 1 for oakville last year the municipalities raised 8345097 compared with this years requirements of 9948573 for elementary schools for secondary schools the last years ratepayers paid 7031850 compared with this years requirements of 8487269 overheated space heater trips alarm firefighters quiokly extinguished an overheated space heater al the residence of w c smallwood rr i aclon saturday evening about 730 the house is located on smallwood acres a trailer and camp park on fairy lake along the first line esquesing three servtei campus is lenten all eves front and centre at the childrens puppet show last thursday afternoon in the acton public library more pictures and story on second front staff photo urge development of industrial park acton council heard pleas from several councillors and the mayor lo get the induttrial paik properly in the north end of town developed at toon at possible two local concerns are seeking to expand on the property the mayor told council i know myself weve misted choice industries by being negligent on development of the property representatives of prospective industries sent here by the department had lo climb fences and hop over cow flops when there was no road into it and this often discouraged them before they started out council s first concern should be to help local industries expand in town the mayor insisted but if the property is kepi as swamp brush and weeds it is pretty hard to convince anyone of its worth councillor coats said the price of 1500 an acre offered for a five acre parcel by aclon wood products wu not low guelph is offering serviced land for 1 000 an acre and erms giving it away i dont think we can gel the money out of it its a game municipalities play he old council we may have to sell the land at a lost lo get industry after five years in the industrial park we cant be a bunch of casper milquetoasts and sit here and do nothing the mayor went on deputyreeve ted tyler said he wain i totally against the idea of telling land for si 500 an acre but hed like to be assured he wu doing the right thing we wont subsidize a homeowner but a factory comes along and were going to subsidize him he argued chaplain speaker the aclon clergy association has again organized a series of three lenten service to be held on the evenings of sunday much 30 tuesday april i gad thursday april 3 in trinity united church time u 8 pats the choirs of the various churches will participate guest speaker will be the rev morris n greidanus campus chaplain of the christian reformed church rev greldtnus came as i teenager from amsterdam the netherlands to edmonton canada he tamed his ba and bd degrees at calvin college and seminary grand rapids micrl did post graduate work at jhe free university of amsterdam seived four years u the pastor of an established eongrtgatioh fat medicine hat and la now serving as campus 4ipiin at the university or toronto and at macmaater university in hamilton he is associate pastor of the taunton rd rhfatfan can anyone hazard a guess within a million dollars what the town would realize if all ihe loll on the induttrial park were filled up asked councillor marks weve invetfed 75 grand now weve got to go ahead and develop it if we dont get off our feet and get ttarted well never know uid councillor greer the development commission lias worked hard on this the mayor reviewed the hittory of another large local induttry which located bi acton and told council the chance they took was never regretted lie advocated supporting the engineers suggestion of a road extension into the industrial park all ihe way council later pasted a motion to extend the induttrial park service road an additional 1 186 feet and include water and sewer service cons urges safe biking parents if your child tide a bicycle be sure he know end obey the traffic rule lor safe evchna says pnw corset roy wood acton school safety officer thl week remember to nwisjate eatery through today traffic young cyclist need to know the tern rule el the road that the ear d ex required to knew boat forget your childs safety could depend on hi kncmnedge of the traffic rule for safer cycling winter i lust about over and that mean younej eycliet will be out lr fun forte cam wood linen lett year in ontario 40 turjrert under 18 year of aa went kissed white riding bicycle and an 1470 were injured the town of actors tee accident free is isger fc bicycle accident in mm and your ontario pwxln to keep h the tame way during the te l year ttttt we need the help of you the parent and all the if your ohltd ride a bicycle make tarn he know and obey the trails rule and that bit nlcyaat la tele to be on the roasl bkycaj safety teat m be heed fa apr and las but no the aaaet reformed caaardt of toronto concentrating on work with university students hit overall theme wdl be what a way to win in virtue of hi work and interest the speaker should prom stimulating especially for the younger generation a sporeiman for the clergy aald the association extends moat cordial invitation to an the members of the community to attend eharp lookout tor yttassttsii axsonssntj out of emeesaajy and for ttta ttvatatarsmsad cydmworjtaahautyalcia tstsi rchtb bvlaast yon emeav atway watoh lor cssmress on bssnndaa i know you an all proud of our town let tat est be proud of our aaeii raeeid and drive the bapc way fmsteva a-it- vfev oaarwiy uvnoajw msjaraatetei mammmmmmammmmmwwmm

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