ix tha acton fnw prats wednesday march 26 1969 jtire ftoss editorial pagn xetj um the jchpdt recreation and education jnay soon be headed in the tame direction if hints and icnpt of information being ladled out in the bit few week are baaed on fact it ii expected that the new county board of education will aoon announcer a new policy regarding us of school building after class hour optimist are looking for a weopert door policy which will make ichool facilities available for all gorta of adult education and recreation penimiiu enviiion a toelnthedoor policy at first perhaps followed by a more liberal attitude later it u popular to pillory thenew board of education for its policies regarding teachers and trustees wages not to mention the salaries of the senior adminlatrators but this move will erase some of the bitter taste in taxpapers moutlu we can think of all kinds of recreation activities and adult educational classes which would be right at home in school facilities here and in the district with a few additional facilities many more educational and recreational possibilities could exist as well taxpayers have contributed the money for educational facilities it is only right they should than in the benefits brand new buildings are only being used from 9 to 4 in many cases standing idle for the evenings and weekend at a tiirte when taxpayers could use additional recreation facilities and meeting places but are hindered by skyrockettfng tax rates it it a forward step to make the schools available for other purposes it will help take off some of the edgy feeling if ratepayers are sharing in the program recent suggestions that acton could have an indoor swimming pool in a school make sense if they are available for all to use it is not necessary to point out that a fair sized grant is also available frerelict autca eyeacha yes well go along with a campaign to clean up eyesores caused hy the broken down hulks of old cars there is nothing so obscenely grotesque than a graveyard for old cars piled along the side of the road or in someones yard some of the prettiest spots in the district are marred by useless auto hulks rusting away while old boats may make a seascape picturesque derelict autos offend the eye and add nothing to the landscape a well brokenin car with lots of life in her yet and rust spots is like an old friend as someone has suggested nor is there- anything more gallant than a battered old heap which still tumbles along with a desire to get you to your destination but an old rusting of better days parked on the side of the road is nothing but an eyesore there ought to be a law in some places there is pabwhaye afaluhej the post office department has traditionally been accused of patronage through the years and recent remarks by postmaster general eric kierans do nothing to allay the suspicions testifying before a house of commons standing committee mr kierans maintained that the post office would no longer be available as a political preserve to the m p s one m p asked if this meant tlut there was a certain amount of patronage now being done away with mr kierans answered with a parable let me put it this way he said when you find let uk say four subpost offices in an urea of about 2 8 miles and you look at it and you figure that you can replace the four subpost offices by adding 2 8 miles to un existing rural route and save the canadian taxpayers many thousands of dollars in the process and give the people who live in tlut areu much better service then you have to ask yourself how it was tlut the four subpost offices were opened would that all government departments had the same philotophyand the intestinal fortitude to implement their decisions wheel 9h ice summer iceskating practice is made easy with a new fun invention the financial post reports it is a roller skate that acts and handles like an ice skate to achieve the effect the wheels are set one behind the other off the cuff one point in favor of the horse over the car says an old timer is tlut it didnt drop 500 in value the day you drove it off the lot prisons teach us to live according to our convictions j oilier jjj phtttj jfwm the pet i a uiilj twim towers of tha toronto dominion centre we claarly visible from the st helena road south ol speyside on a clear day last saturday afternoon was such a day and the fra press camera captured the panorama from the escarpment road tha main 60 storey 740 foot toronto dominion bank tower is the tallest building in canada and the commonwealth the adjoining 40 storey goo foot royal trust tower will be completed in july tha ormn0 black skyscrapersit is reported could hold toronto s entire population ol over two million people stall photo sugar and spice by bill smiley corner of mill and willow years ago shows tha merchants bank hunters store hnd than scotts store mot tha board sidewalks and tha hitching post the building mains with tha cameo shoppe in tha corner location now a couple of weeks ago i sang a sdntt of hate in this space since spring theoretically is just around that comer which recedes steadily as you approach it the least i can do is sing a song of love and ask you to join me everybody loves something even if its only ills car looking into the backyard its prelty hard to get all goofy aboul spring ttie pile of snow pushed up beside the garage is now down to six feet my cedar lawn chairs look like a couple of matrons buried to the waist in blanc mange their arms extended pleadingly the picnic table still looks like a freshlyrisen loaf of bread bui the sun sines day after day and eventually those articles must reveal themselves in all their scabby shabby ugliness spring in canada is pure female unpredictable perverse passionate hotorcold cruelorkrnd and completely undefendable as far as mood goes in this crazy climate i have lam on fresh grass in march and in love and in sun that suggested the following month would be july and i have gone fishing on the first of may and had my hue ftecc to the rod there having expressed my mistrust of canadas spring i shall return to our theme love tins is a tavorite topic for poets who cant ihink of anything else to write about nut being a poet i will avoid trying to be poetic and thereby save both of us a lol ol embarrassment some people think that love is a potion cxpeually in the far bast you know rhinoceros horn ground up in a mixture of oysters and celery actually i wouldnt nund taking u swig at ii sounds jolly invigorating or something love is not a potion its a lotion it warms the cold heart as analgesic balm warms the sore shoulder it lubricates the grinding nerves ii soothes the tortured sould as olive oil does the babys bum it is ointment by the way mecca ointment is good for practically anything unpaid commercial and it is a mecca toward which you travel and from which you return rather wondering whether the whole trip was worth it sand and flies and heat and nobody else there but a mob of exhausted hot tired and disgruntled pilgrims like yourself thais love however one mustnt wax philosophical about love even on a highly elevated plane like this not in this country in this climate letvget down to specifics what do we love i love my country not the government or the people particularly the physical canada a black spring stream racing between the snowbanks in march the ghostly mist of green that slips into the trees in may the rockies in midsummer aloof sneering at the anls that crawl about their knees the sculptured blue while seascapes of january i love the peace and loneliness and theyre dam hard to come by nowadays its beautiful lo be alone sometimes without the yelp and clamor the stink and gaibagc of everyday living aboul the only place you can find it is in an inacessible bog wllh a fulling rod the outboard motor and the skldoo have seen to thai and i love all growing things grass flowers leaves bxcept when they have to be mowed or cultivated or raked and nearly all children lxccpt when they grow up and i love a good poker game especially when the cards arc coming right and a good argument especially when im right which seems to be nearly every time and i love my wife but oh you kid and i love my kids but oh you kids and i love to do a good lob whether its writing a column or teachinga dumbellj something or finding a new gimmick in my tax return it seldom happens but it makes me happy sometimes i can even love my neighbor as myself its a lol easier these days he hasnt an ox or an ass or a maid servant lo covel sec ive just begun i havent even mentioned hot bonfiies or cold beer or a thousand other things put down a list for yourself and youll decide youre not such an old miserable tfter all the acton free press phone 855300 buimmt tvuj edityil of flea iim l j w wills it afluat oetun ishwhir ftl u uui itunjwit ul cmiiukm tw ohiu wj omna utttiiuajj ri am iijiimi isi tutu ttu ww km it cmuu wtw i li louauw smjmf flu cavwau tmsju cttaa uk auilwnwd treats clttu ftul m mac taswjjftlmj oiuu avshmssujj u sstffstpipl cat iiw csjatssblltl taul m tsw tjf frssytsssvll w itoi gmhstm of uw athcthuets attt m- clafaattj sh lew uasts mayhjaaw writs mevutalsvsb tuimueftf ftv isejjjaulum ss4u ktm at kftfiwj fa tut leaf ttbetf ml its artha witt w mt tw u tw tasststkaimst lw let lass hmi j ltssfasfwsu h lashsttuastjj istetss t wih ft tank bite mommt meh tkltt tw mala 4aamussaj w msm m olsw swuli mm w teumrftssf bl gtw i tuu mitt turilrt calrt bm ummt wtw curiki ml wv f 20 years ago 75 years ago taken from the iulm of lh pies of thursday mrch 31 im fempssyecs of tfs wool tombing corporation in acton will receive enlarged insurance benefits as a reuill of wage negotiations between the company and officials of local 72 1 of the tentile wcwkeis union of ameilei the company sdl bear ih enlue cml of the revised personal intuiince rjan new ys men aie ray thunipusn id loollil harry aibcc all lamoreax don vvigsuis and tom atkinson rill denton conducted the induction ceremony william i dick k c dean nf t own attorneys in ontario hat letlifd after 45 years mr dick recalled lliefr has been no serious outbreak of crime during his term in office there was only une tnuider trial and he jury brought in a verdict of manvlauslitcr mnie recently he pmceculed during the trials of iwo of the tamphelivillebank robbers 50 years ago taken from lht luue f the i ice irevt of thuiiijjy marti 27 j hev mr mjunull of st albjn church walk to uotkwihhj jlmin the udul t me fur the urrvice at st john there a huh meet no of titiens it ulkd for tonight to further uwutv j untahte memonjl clerk mr corge ilynd 1m cnilered hi resignation the office of ilerk jiil treasurer will be advertised j1 the ulary of 400 a year pie thoma ilennelt reached home on monday morning me wav greeted at he llettric railway nation hy hundrtd ol tilien and received a niml cordial welcome home imc jamet tooncy lia alv arrived home and it receiving congratulation on all tides for winning he dtslmgusihcd ondutl medal pic i red roull arrived home with a dear little i nglixli wife and two wee girhc put that spare quarter into a thrift stamp ion w kelly has opened a new nual lorc at the corner of mill and 1 gin si lunclmuac junior relief held a box tuctal and dance in the hall with great success the proceeds of s50 arc in aid of the returned soldiers i und roc kw mid s ga well which is located on the james hamilton farm has been drilled to a depth of 21 ho feel by the imperial oil ompany it has developed 70 pounds of pressure it is anticipated oil will be secured motor cars pass through in greater numbers now some from distant points tauten from tlw lime of th fi piei or tjiunday march 29 hm an exciting runaway occurred tit cicwoi ccxncixi a ion md two daughters of mr ben wat kins of the fa hi wcr driving pait the corners in a deniocrat when on of the lines broke ind the lutrtats one j which wis a colt ran wy they were thowimut in the yrd of alek oripjk tfse hones wre ilmcnt to mctnloili before tliey were caught miti pauline johnst on the indun poe let will appear in mil ion town lull with mr owen smiley lh popuur humorous cluracter under the auspices of ktiov church v pa migli itanding in euhinatlottf at ubhn tclinol william sumerville andrew arlhuit ixincjn scoll agge mulholland mary kjey william mcplierson herbert mcliaafn better wallace willie stalker avsie mulholland hnstopher mcpfierson john kaley olhrant lintel amphelivill u for sale itoys handle your catapults a little more carefully or tlie cops will get you the special samces at i huichlll congregational church have been productive of much good and over m persons uugil ulvatmn kenneawin chemist uur latest are wallpapers with ceiling papers and border to match prues commence at 4 cents a roll and with a 10 cent paper we border the room free james iibbont of i uiucsing says he formed the first reform club in ciiielph in ihif after the rebellion my pretty new spring bonnet alas i did nit don il for fear of snow upon it last i a stcr morn the barbcring business should be throughly done in town now two new shops opened during the past week 100 years ago taken from the issue of the anadian champion milton march 25 iktvj lqucsing agricultural society a meeting of the directors of this society was held at stewarttown on saturday march 6 when after a protracted discussion it was decided to hold the fall show in acton the people of tlut village guaranteeing s100 to the pne list parties in the village or neighborhood willing to help to make up that sum can leave their subscriptions with mr p mccircgor merchant acton salt and pepper im about as popular as a skunk at a perfume testers picnic after last weeks column i was accused of being ami marriage anti social and and female for my remarks on predatory instincts of the ladies two wives said they were going to fncket my place with large signs one with icr tongue outstretched the other emitting a loud rarberry another after a loud tirade was going to take a poke at mo justifying suspicions that i had touched a raw nerve with advice to the bachelors its not true that ive got anything against women however alter all my mother was a lady which seems to be true of almost all the men i know with one exception mis mother was a mann ay she historical research bears this out there have been many tamous women whom i admire ivc always had a soil spot in rny hcatt for my wife for instance women are very feminine most are ladylike this is true of very few men thirls a oll saw that says something about there being a woman behind cvciy successful man iushmg ol course but the old saw doesn t mention that you nevei really appreciate your belter half until she takes a few days off reports sick or decides shell visit her mother mine has been on the shelf for the past couple of weeks in and out of the hospital and then hack in again were like sheep without a shepherd here at home plate no orders no instructions on what to do about the garbage are we undepressed overdressed or impressed no one to tell us the bills are almost all unpaid slacked on the dresser the towns going to confiscate th dog unless we pay the dog tax theyre going to cut off my credit cards unless i pay the gasoline bill its a good job i remembered to pay the water and electricity or wed probably be without water and lights the water bill was way up i couldnt figure it out never thought we were using that much water then the motherinlaw whos been doing yeoman service mentlonedno one sqn has diown an amazing affinity for water lately hes been taking a shower or a bath at least once a day whats so odd about ihaf prior to i w he showned a remarkable aversion to h20 baths were a torment inflicted by unloving parents on boys hed been swimming last summer gone out in the rain a couple of times wasnt that enough punidimenp well it looks like the message has finally sunk in with a vengeance or wouldnt you call doubling the water bill a vengeance im always a sucklh for a good sports story kan across this one recently about baseball player charlie orimm charlie nmm regarded himself not only as a top first baseman but also as a pretty fair banjo player at one time when he was a pittsburgh pirate he was with the team in california for spring training one afternoon following a workout he returned to his hotel room took out his banjo and began strumming pretty soon there was a knock at the door it was the bellhop bxcuse me sir said the utter mr paderewski the pianist who occupies the loom above requests you not to play the banjo so loudly he has to rest before hit concert bxcuse me sir he told the pianist mr charles grimm the fust basemen of the pittsburgh pirates who occupies the room below requests you not lo play the piano so loudly lie his to rest before his workout well when the old girl was around the told him in no uncertain terms that it darn well wasnt im more open to argument lie had me persuaded going out in the rain a couple of times and three or four dipt in fairy lake were enough for any normal canadian boy grimm complied the next morning ho wai awakened by piano mutlc coming from the virtuosos room a few minutes later there wa a knock at paderawakia door it wan the tame bellhop