square dancing popular form nassagaweya club if there b true folk dance for thb particular aactloa or rural canada it mull be tj raultiveralonsd and npllcated cjttare dance atthooth u ha flourfahed since the early days it appear to be heading for new orjataugfst of popularity in n at i it all began ttie only ditappolnunent to far brookville teacher leon dulfleld one of the duba founder noted b thai loaie parent would rather drop their children off at the dub instead of staying to enjoy ii with thent the dub under the steering of an advisory cocnmittee which i among other thing considering fame for it began in january the firt three friday evening anyone a welcome tdvltend and join in the entettalnmeril the fourth friday registration fee for firm mempenhlp fat i began when group of ttudetik at brookviue public school became faltered far aquire dancing they met weekly to leant the baak mowjneru and dance to recorded called musk late u november the group the dub were invited beginners from an actoo members cart not square dance club 16 jobs them fat a dance at the school and the success of the venture wae to measurable the idea of an actual square dance club for nassagaweya was conceived the nangaweya dub fa unique in that unlike most adutorienled dubs it welcomes and encourages students to join at equal members one main though in fact wmi to provide s place where parents and students could come to enjoy a style of dancing both enjoyed county now until fall we cannot continue to accept new members because the lessons progress from week to week and it would be unfair to spend time each evening to reteach what has already been covered mr dullleld noted the price it two dolws membership and so cents per evenings instruction oi adults one dollar membership and 35 cent per evening for students well over 100 member have signed up or the ftiil teatori with dance instructor arid caller orville phelps of gueiph supervising ition to special committee opposition of 1107 niiiagaweya ratepayeii to regions government wai carried to tlalton county council by lloyd ctilsholnt and haul mcdonald mr chiiholm empliatued to council members that tarns 91 reminisces milton david meniles of k r a milton turned 91 years of age sunday march 4 bom in the missive threestorey georgian home he presently occupies mr meruies worked on the family farm until he was 21 years old then in l0l he joined a harveiters excursion in the western provinces and returned the following year he then began growing jlimon for hit uncle who had several patches of the herb cultivated foi retale having had hit fling at that he worked for i i chmlie a wellknown area merchant and industrialist as general conttructnr and maintenance nun tills included upkeep and expansion of mr christies lime kilns at gait kelso christie and gueiph a project which necessitated supervising the erection or buildings right from their existence at trees in the bush although he parted with mr christie on good terms he felt himself he was a little light for that type of wink and the fivefoot fourinch descendant of a scottish family originally called mlngus began the engineering of several buildings in milton including the princess tlveatre now the rosy nassagaweya residents wanted lite township retained at a ruial unit he noted a petition signed in five days by 1107 tatepayeis of nassagaweya had been presented that morning lo the minister of municipal affalri the minister didnt commit himself but he did indicate the boundaries proposed were flexible mr chiiholm reported the speaker underlined the concern of many tatepayeis that attachment of a tuial area to an uibon centie with heavy dehentuie debt could talse taxes for the rural residents who would not benefit fiorn all the services offered during auestions he ohseivdd assagaweyu and lluihngtnn lesidenlt uinietmies compared tax bills acrihs the fence they are paying quite a few moie tax dollars than we ore he observed llurlmgton lepuly reeve w a reeve also observed some of us in north lluihngtnn look longingly over the fence when we eye tax hills loo considerable debate developed when j move to rclcr the brief esquesirig council defer plan board budget esquetlng council deferred a decision on the ss000 budget requested by the newly formed planning board until the next meeting following a discussion about the role the board would play when regional government cornea into being reeve george currie told council that in hit estimation the planning board already had outlived its usefulness when regional government comes in the reeve could tee the area being planned by professionals and the appointed boards either dissolved or merely acting as advisors moat councillors agreed it would be better to hold the request over until the meeting with the minister of municipal affairs is over deputy reeve tom hill didnt think any suggestions the board could nuke would have any effect on the ministers plant i think djrcy mckcoughs kind to listen said mr hill but hes made plans and it going to tee them through he might get more opposition than he thinks mused councillor ken marshall mentioning that opposition wo reaching a peak for tome parts of the regional government proposal a reeve cume tided with the deputyreeve with the feeling the meeting with the minister was just a token effort by mr mckeough to be nice to people assessor art benton gave his two month report to council and pointed out that farm and residential assessment was rapidly outdistancing commercial mr benton also disclosed that the deputy minister of municipal affairs w ii hammer had contacted the township assessing department and required information on all personnel working in assessment to ease the system into regional government the township will lit into tome form of regional government and the township office will also likely fit into tome use the assessor said council also i authorized the payment of three grant of 50 each to three championship toftball team from glen williams five championship team from the township will put lis on the map observed the reeve gave permission to mervin barber of rr i acton to operate a park on hit property on lot 25 concession i mr barber explained he had developed much of hit property to accommodate campers and tents for the season only he proposed to run a snowmobile park in the winter months took no action on a request from limil zuber to have an ok for a development in norval mr zuber wants to change hit plant from a town house development to four apartment buildings received a letter from the crown attorney concerning a stretch of road on the sixth line between 17 and 20 sideroads htfmtt fairy drtkks sought got any old harness dairy equipment ilillon county museum director maj ii j newman is presently on the loukaulfiu ojumiirnr saddles and dairy articles to be used in setting up displays the museum in kelso conservation area will reopen ogam in april for the season rough edges of the road and lack of signs were blamed for an accident the letter suggested the inadequacies be corrected and reduced speed signs installed reeve george currie presided for the meeting with all councillors present protest closing stations opposition by hal ton county was added tuesdjy to those protesting the propound closing of cpr stations at milton jiil gueiph junction the county council favored u resolution advanced by deputy reeves ron harm and mrs a macattluit the cpr is currently applying to i ho canadian jtxanspait commission for permission to withdraw agent from 42 stations in the london area service in thai jrca would then originate iron london wvttut wen happii faster vmi el bin tifaicoml 14 h lifatttmi imuliftilty to mm smimmiii w tv talc km lo nrnftniber t3tur to tdd ttowtthu of lhe smsoii lo everyon who meant somathlng to you 5 our eotlscuon dills stationery the acton freer press wednesday march- 36 1969 150 nominated for ford awards i persons been nominated for the first community service award program sponsored by the oakvtue community relation committee ford motor company of canada limited cocnmittee chairman william s ibter announced the nominee are employeeor the wive or husbands of employeeist the oikville assembly kant the ontario trutk tunt and ford of canadas central office in oakville they will be horsored for community service m the municipalities in which they reside including oakvtue hamiltoa toronto burlington mistbsauga milton port credit weston witerdown wulowdafc dundas georgetown acton and brampton in addition to citations and engraved plaque top award known a the town crier bell will be given to the outstanding nominee canada 19 national park had almost 12 mill loo visitor kl 1967 the 4s0 provincial park had four time that number so swing your partner adults and students find common interests at the square dance dob in niannaoiitya brookvlll public school although not school kmmhoiad the etob bon a a result 6l chtwe held durlrvg school hour mar th promenade it taken by debbie milne and nol burbldo wlile mr and mrs o kennedy follow instructor orv thlpi observes stall photo to the comity committee on regional government materialired deputyreeve w gillies interpreted such a move as an endorsement of the petition which lie had not yel teen lie inferred llie brief might be bated on parochial and bigoted attitudes deputyreeve mrs a macarthur dared at this suggestion assuiing council the bilef had been subject of considerable discussion and deep thought council approved the reference of the brief in llie committee after defeating llepulyreeve gillies eltort to have the matter lahlcd fur a month 75000 visit terra cotta last year during the year a new gatehouse and new enttance road were constructed at the terra cotta conservation area of the credit valley conservation aulhoiily the annual meeting wat told recently new connecting roadways and parking lots were officially opened last june and the county peved a new road into the area approximately 75000 people visited the area and is 000 campers used the camping facilities during the year swimming lessons were provided for 171 children with qualified instructors monora conservation area just north of orangeville wat officially opened last tpring the authority built a new 40 x 100 foot equipment storage building which will be used to store both antique and modern farm equipment on the llillsburgh conservation farm government approval was obtained in 1968 for the master development plant for future development of meadowvale and limehouse conservation areas belfountain conservation area played host to almost 31000 dayvisitors during the year wellington opposes plan to shut stations wellington county council hat dicidtd tooppote an application by the canadian pacific railway company to remove agent- and tcrvlcet from various tocalinni in the london divuion t the propoul to be heard ly the canadian trumport commlitinn ii to establidt a cuitnmer wrvitet tenlrc al london and to dote up ttjtiotn and other faefhtiet it it tuggeited thai hi plan will provide compulurage urrvilc fuller and more direct tervice to llie public there will be vervice 24 hours a day through a loll free telephone line i lie railway imi fs7 mile of rail tine living mulhwettern and mullicm ontario it w unmngham deputy reeve of i crgm seemed to turn up the con nly opinion when he pointed out ilia industrial projects in i ergut need tint uivltc and the plan tliould in oppoud capture the spirit of easter with beautiful flowers and plants order florals for your church as easter gifts for your homo cheese feem our cut flower and plant e t marks mill st acton m303i0 vtiluth tkempath jueu dsttrlbutor of horn and farm ptstrelaum product serving acton and district slnoe 1946 ir heating oils if lubrication oils a greases gasolines -a- diesel fuel phone 8532174 ditinoaue oil turner sales sttvicf lssssasasasafjsm44 ytmlrig st acfmi manure compost weed fttee steam sterilized government recornrrtendedl for shrubs gardennowvbw lawns compost top eilssino for iawns one inch of manure compost will keep your lawn in good condition ail summer long holds moisture in sandy ioam mix with clav to break it up compost or uowli ano simuu for best results mix manure compost with soil before planting flowers or shrubs then appiy one inch of compost over the plants cash and carbv 35c bushel 3 bushels for 100 10 bushels for 300 1400 a load 5 yds pick up ano biuvstv mcnair mushroom farm iimifie 25 highway 8532759 m mius south op actom osma every week day 7 am to atm excellent interest on your money 5 year term guaranteed investment certificates 56 mill st u32o30 amounts from 100 to s100 000 interest paid halfyearly by cheque tw it can be deposited to your savings account legal investment for trust fond 7tt for 3 ft 4 year 714 for 1 2 yoart ask for further details georgetown 5s main strt nab jekn a ejstar manatj wtttm convenient office hours mon thurs 900 500 friday tall 600 j local director w j beattv vicepreslciant north halton advisory board john t armstrong chairman before gardhout maurice c beary michael ledwith john gov dr d young lorn skucat halton peel trust savings company th rnjtrgk df hlton and pmi trutt with canada trusthuron and erlmaant that all of our wrvlcah will b maf ntalnad and augmantad by tha facllllivt of a natlonwtda organization