colleen wright hw had low for animals all he lit which th now transfer into pupils who take riding lessons from hw at a farm naar roekwood staff photo the acton free presi wednesday may 14 1969 rock wood news by lorraine root mannings and offer you the all fabric wringer washer model 3271 with automatic pump tha simplicity wrlnow it nullity iliiuhtd in whit wimal qulppad with full tm til bmrino turlftcu ar umirrluictd th 11 lb tub is vtsd ot trmeo iron nd mumalud for tttlitm buufv the slmpladrk pcwutr purrtp mrhmltm tub in 90 mcondt 13 h p tfttcuuv dl0ftj motor lug 2 wring mil 3 vw warranty 139 95 with trade colleen wrights love of horses shows as she reaches ridhg mwwwwwwwwvvwmwmiraamaaaaac rockwood goes western the exhilarating and wonderful sport of horseback riding hat taken a popular swing upwards in tint area ever mice the roekwood trail riders became an established local club the children of roekwood and even wine of the adults are fortunate in being able to deyelop their riding skills under the able and capable training efforts dtfcolleen wrightwlio is fueiently leaching tiding at tlic ionic of drbarbara kuiguotc of spirit valw i arm located just outside of he village colleen is a bright and pretty university student who is actually not new to this area site was born in guelph and raised on the grounds of the reformatory there where her father was the superintendent she learned to love horses almost inherently as her falher monty wrjght was at that time in the royal canadian dragoons cavalry and he himself performed in the first niuucal nde ever staged m canada at the royal canadian txhibition her equestrian prowess was already being developed at lite tender jge of four yjjftrs- when she learned to rule if a morgan mare which was given to iter falher by the ontario vet college later we moved to j he horseless suburb of port credit uid colleen and i used to walk 14 miles a day just to tide or take a lesson on various horses she credits much of her opportunities to advanco ip ihe twing field to the kingscote family and she was given live finvilege of training one of trieir lorses an angloarab gelding druid at the briar hall stables in oakvilte whnli was tun and operated by doug- hood ihe former jriaiban equestrian team laplain alidrinw iath 7 v 1 robin kingscote listens as co i loon wriqht givvf her ad v ico on tho proper way to sit in 0 saddle ot the kinoscote farm robin has boon taking lessons since the spring broke and already rides well stam photo beth isaiah synagogue host several men and women from the various other churches in rock wood ldcn mills and acton attended an invitational visit recently at the beth isaiah synagogue in guelph at the request of the roekwood united church women unit t rabbi kuuincr extended a cordial welcome to his visitors and it was interesting to nyte that a representative from every church denomination was included in the visating group of over 100 people visitors were impressed to find that the interior tmd furnishings of the guelph synagogue were completely simple and lacking in the ornamcntit dressings of many of our christian churches there were no glaed windows or ornaments the only decor was the hebrew inscriptions behind the altar accompanied by the ten commandments also written m hebrew and two candelabra which hung on either side of the front ot the synagogue with seven lights rcprescntingscven undies rabbi kushncr gave ins guests a tascinatmg explination ot judaism and then showed a number of the jeuish scrolls which in hebrew arc called torah these scrolls provided tremendous interest because the hebrew inscriptions were written on the original parchments alter this the visitors were invited to look around the place of worship the trip to guelph to sec the synagogue was first suggested by mrs joy law for her rock wood group when she volunteered to be the program convener for that particular evening mrs law said that in her interest in the history and backgrounds of township will appeal school board requisition religions other than her own she presented he suggestion of the visit to the church group and was pleased hat their convent resulted in such a prosperous and inspiring evening giving the ladies of the united c hurch some interesting material for any future discussion programs which could evolve from ihe visit lrjmosa township council has decided to appeal for an arbitration over the requisition from the wellington county school board the requisition was discussed at the last meeting anti council thought the estimates of the board regarding the lh deficit were cxhorbttaut they instructed the clerk to have the township solicitor enter an appeal tor an arbitration on the deficits 011 secondary and elementary education as apportioned by the board a request from harvey tuftin to est lbhsh a trailer camp in rock wood was held in abeyance until further information was received irom legal counsel it was later learned hat a trailer camp can not be opened without an amendment to the zoning bylaw and the clerk was instructed to notify mr tuffin council was also concerned with undeveloped streets being used for the parking or storing of used and undesirable cars they felt this was a hardship on adjoining property owners and suggested the trustees board give he matter consideration a resolution was sent o he roekwood trustees council raised 110 objections to robert sinclair renting canoes from the township property adjacent to he conservation park lake the township will assume no liability in the event of an accident however a by law to provide for the collection removal and disposal of barbate in roekwood and roekwood hippies manning electric si mill e acton 8532950 colleen went on to uy he is also one of the finest teachers m canada andj learned a great deal from him he taught me to jump properly and he gave me the opportunity to ride some top canadian riding horses i alto learned valuable techniques by watching many of he best nders from his stable now colleen herself teaches tiding and trains wliat die lerms as gieen horses i gear my- leaching so thai kids who normally could not affod lessons have the opportunity to learn what hole i can give them too many sports are geared only to ihe upper middle clan and too mjny potential ndets are lefl out because of motiey this pert young student made juick reference to her great love or all animals which is really ihe mafk of a truly dedicated student in lite field of veterinary science she glibly tallied on about how she plagued her mother with toads in milk boxes and garter snakes in bottles when ihe was much younger she chuckled when recalling some of her youthful huuness endeavors with raising and telling madly multiplying mice her monopoly m the fish market and her spoon fed liards and now colleen is soon to embark into her second year at the university of guelph prior to veterinary medicine this girl who is a natural in her field lv it seems slrunge lo be finishing my education next door to the place where i began at macdonahs consolidated it brings back memories of a police search for me when i wut five because instead of getting on the bus for home i decided to visit the animals at ihe college 50 you sec i am only returning to the scene of the crime colleens final ambition is to get her i lorscmastcrs certificate in i ngland but this will have to wait until she has completed her university training some day she hopes to raise and tram horses which arc versatile enough lo be able to hunt and show and yet will be capable of carrying heir rider calmly over a trail ride people should be able to regard their horses as friends and companions and not just as a means to a show ribbon she said and continued i enjoy endurance riding over so miles of land as much as i enjoy the more demanding phase of jumping there arc so many facets of riding to explore that one lifetime is not enough through her summer holiday colleen is employed at the ktngscote farm and is teaching riding as a side venture many of the aspiring young students come from roekwood and some come in from guelph their enthusiasm and energies keep colleens very busy schedule hopping and already her timetable is filled until the end of july by the time the summer is over roekwood should be able to boast hat more of ontarios young potent ml riding equestrians are on their way to fulfilling a happy future of good horsemanship taught by an expert and qualified teacher eden mills was passed a special levy on all properties in the two police villages will defray expenses council passed a resolution that the doa controller be paid 6 per dog for taking stray dogs into the guelph humane society council agreed to pay the s2 fee and st so for three days for board fees a request from messrs mccanncll and wingate to have a portion of a superseded road closed was endorsed council instructed the clerk to have the township solicitor take the necessary steps to have the superseded road from the west side of queen st to the c n railway right of way and if necessary close queen st from the south side of station st to the railway right of way all costs of care to be borne by the roekwood lime co ltd accounts amounting to 51 2470 74 including s5820 56 for roads were passed for payment council discussed with the road superintendent the following false bottoms be purchased for the ford truck from frink canada limited for 180 that a letter be tent to the department of highways for consideration of a development road on the 4th line at the conservation area boundary roads between the townships of guelph and west garafraxa were discussed ft was decided that due to lack of funds construction on these roads would be limited by wilms and r ton student council reporter thii is the final week for badminton the final game will be played on wednesday the winners up to date are may 6 sieve mcdougsil and lynn duncan steve lowrie and nancy meredith may hmike ferguson and sandy root charlie mcrie and dale hamilton may 1 2 mike lergaton and sandy root sieve lowrie and nancy meredith now it is a battle with steve lowrie and nancy meredith vs mike petguton and sandy root 0 best of luck to ihe wo teams on wednesday ihe winners in floor hockey front ihe grade 7 and k learns were brian storey captain john lark sieve shultis bob brown clare medougjii mike i crguson roger darby ke li harding donnie harding van slump g happenings at roocwood centennial school in baseball team are being drawn up for grades 48 girls and boys garnet will start shortly w room 12 elm 8 a had a rabbit raffle at easter fortyfive dollars was collected for the canadian red cross winners of the two cliocolate rabbits were vf klngrley and borrnie mckertie oliver twist it in ihe final stages of production and wih be but on for the student body friday may it grade light graduation it drawing near the graduation banquet to he held on may 2 and it is occupying the minds of many grade eight students also occupying live minds of the students but not on the ilieery side is the fact that exams are drawing near a summer itrfezl the warm summer hreee blows daintily by leaving ihe essence of summer behind airou the sweet faces of pansy and rose the secrets of summer the wind will disclose it crosses the mrjdow and on to ihe bank of the river thai flows swiftly on it tickles ihe leaves as it blows on high tis the brealli of summer p ssing me by marie saunders grade i iglit news and views by lorrainfe till prooi oh till fudgi is not always till judgl i was highly amused the other day to read in an article written by one of the free presss own correspondents a reference to a fudge contest in which ihe writer had participated as judge well it so happened that i had been at the other end of that contest so to speak in the role of participator and what the respected judge did not know was that the real humor in the nights event all took place in the kitchen who thought of it to begin with the contest was the ingenious idea of one mrs audrey hudson president of ihe anglican c urch women for st johns church in roekwood there were approximately 20 ladies attending the meeting which meant there were at least 20 pieces of cjndy to be assimilated into their various categories by one unbiased open mouthed judge now i was in a key position to watch ihe judging proceedings because i had been appointed lunch arranged and coffee setter upper in the kitchen which meant that i could watch the behind the scenes operation while the w a meeting was being conducted in the main room of the parish hall that night i had left my abode fully assured by my own family that i had really outdone myself and certainly the sample of fudge which i had constructed was my best effort ever and it was certain to win first prize back to the parish hall as the samples of fudge began to crowd up the display and judging tray i chortled mernly to myself absolute confidence reigned in my fuy little mind the different varieties of fudge were cut sampled and then pushed lo either one side of the tray or ihe other obviously the judge must be trying hurriedly to reach my vestige of dehciousness in order to tag it as the winner how many fudges can you remember7 the varieties of fudge were astounding there was pink fudge brown fudge gray fudge and yellow fudge fudge that leaned sideways in questionable spendor and fudge that just laid down period one ingenious mothers little helper had cleverly dtawn and attached a drawing of a skull and crossbones to a particular variety of candy which was one of the many into which i had had my greatest difficulty in trying to insert a toothpick with itt number on it finally the meeting was concluded the judge had reached her decision the audience in the main room of the hall wat tense with excitement who had won who could be the proud victor of this spectacular contest the tray was wheeled out on the squeaky tea wagon in a display of spendor with gay little winner flags attached to the winning specimens who did win i waited in the kitchen coyly expecting to hear someone call my name and tell me to come out and get my award i mentally prepared myself to accept first pme graciously but no one called no one uid anything at all like that in fact all i could hear were voices of ejaculation and pleasure at each winning name was called out more names more mumble still no one had called my name finally the presentations were over and all too quickly the contestants were consuming the repast which had been prepared for them by my expectant little fingers when t noticed rapid evacuation into the kitchen by several of the ladies at the meeting now there had been nine winners appointed uid of thou not chosen nearly all of them were in the kitchen sorting over tig flags and bags of candy certain that an error had been made the real winner not announced it would teem that i was not alone but only one of the remaining 1 1 ladies who had anticipated winning the cherished first prize and to the great question could the judge haw been in error could the have consumed to much sugar that her taste buds had tqueezled out in any event it is a certainty that every piece of candy on the tray that night were all winning pieces of fudge eramosa township minor softball mr bill ward it still looking for coaches and helpers for the roekwood and area minor softball teams for all age groups anyone who enjoys working with youngsters please contact mr ward