m th acton ftm prma wadraaday may 14 1969 farm credit loans offer long ferm credit to all by ii j stanley th hull looictf of lonf fetrn audit for famm u now the farm credit corporation lonl earlier lhl year tke junjof fanner ipartl weie durxxttlnued an fndiviual farmer hai iwo choke under fcc up to mo 000 w js5d00 the in ii bated upon 75 percent or tke appiilied value of the land and buudufcr whereas the latter amount it elipble only to those belvkeen 21 and 45 yeati of age and include livestock and equipment if the applicant it under 15 and liar above average managerial ability lie could receive a loan up to x percent of the value for lnul and challeli ttte current intereit rate is h per cent for a maximum of 10 yean the intereit rale adjusted semiannually bated upon government of l anada bonds at that time application fortm ate available at i c c offices throughout onlano the office for i fill on counly ll private individual for located at 75 farquhar street mortgage these often can be cuelph cheaper however make iure that the farm improvement loam you have lead the fine print and are once again in operation with know the true interest rale up lo si 5000 to full time farmer for the puiche of land and an additional maximum of up to sis 000 for other lupous overall minimum if 25 000 to auytme individual the current mlereil rate which alio it adjusted semi annually is 8 permit for land purchase and 7 vi per cent for other purpose limit of the hull is m per cent for fencing drainage construction and repair 75 per cent foi bleeding sliwk and fjnn implements and mi 2 1 per cent for tiucks and station wagons farm improvement loans aic available al your local bank only to thoic who aie good credit risks because of the consideiably inkier inleicsl rales this year on the above two types of loans many faunas aie looking lo whether these aie moitgages as is v etc orvn action to look at a safely hazard is one thing to see what you look at u another to understand what you see ii a third and to learn from what you understand ii something else again uul to act on what you team is all that really matters so when you check for and see a potential hazard do something about it crop insurance farmers wishing lo protect themselves from lite disaiter of crop losses due to bad weather insect and plain disease mini apply to their local crop insurance- ageirs by ilie following dastes spnni gram oats and bailey may 15 grain corn depending upon aicu may i lo june i soybeans tunf 20 while beam june15 brookville parents go back to school plant bugs causing nubbin strawberries iklwccn is and 20 parents pjlhcrcd in hrookvilte public school wejnculiy nighl to go bjik to rejdm wrilm anil rilhmctii tcjiltcri gmy kerr and robert biute of the ujituil tk tided lo piit on 3 program intended lo iliow pjtenti of their grjdc nx iludentt juit whit jo on during a typical urhool ciuin two iciuuu were taught one in new uuth and ihe other a tcicncc letum dejting with the iludy of rmkt the reipoiuc jltoiding lo mi kerr wji excellent and mure than one pjiwit wjnttd to unit mut alter i in ilawct had fuuvlicd both it j t lit r wcrt 10 iniprewtd with tht rcuilu thty hope lo continue with tht program and would likt o involve the patents of all i lit iiudenls alttnding ilroolvillt sththtl t malformed fruit 111 strawberries 1 01 n manly refered to as nubbin or catfatc berries can be cauied by latk of pollination or frtut but 11 most commonly tauietl by feeding of the tarnished plant bug the danuge of tlie plant bug generally occurs during the tint two weeks of berry development so control measures must be started early the first spray to control bug should be applied at first bloom at tins tune 50 per cent thuubn or 50 per cent ddt may be used ten days after pint bloom a followup spray of ti nod an should be applied at the tame rale in order to control fruit rot sprays of captain should start at fits i bloom as welt sprays to control fruit rot should continue at 10 day inlcrvals until end of liarvesl i or rates of material lo use consult ihe label on the package or the spray calendar for home gardens or the ltv ontario truit production ret ommendations available from your total onlano department of agriculture and huh of lite new executive sbfe for ha lion parent assoebfion the i bit mi ounlv home and school tountil laid its fiisl annual meeting recently and over k0 representatives of county home and school associations attended the council elected us fust executive and the officers arc mrs ii a oatcs of north burlington president mrs j johnson of milton and mr d barber vice presidents tttording secretary mrs t a mcclurc corresponding secretary mi d k pud in mrs d r todd trcasuiw mrs j w hill mr 1 kidiino mrs i ih ilp and h king of hornby committee cluiimen j rank 1 1 of hit ontario home and school i cdtralion was on hand at tht nutting lo present boost tr ceitifitalts to miu ho mt a nd school associations in recognition ol tht fact then memberships have increased by 20 per cent or nunc during the past year world record price for pickets calf buellent prices were received at the national molsiein sale held may f at cuelph as 42 head sold foi si0h 775 an average of 2 sh each the national is ihe oldest animal livestock sale in anada having started in i tins year s average is the highest in its 50 year history trc highest previous avciage of io was nude in 1hh a six monthscild heifei calf sold for 5 000 this is the highest price ever paid for a heifer calf in anada and is believed lo be a woild record the calf oak ridges citation lanetle was sold by claude r picket georgetown and was jointly purchased by jerry tucker st catharines and james u lames geoigetown runnel up was rownlree barms uoodhiidge ljnrtle is a daughter ol bansue pabst laiu ihe grand hampion llolstem ow at the royal winter hair toronto and the international daily show chicago by virtue of these grand championships she was named the altcanadian and all amei lean aged ow of l6h ihe top showing honors ol canada and the usa sue ot the s2mxw call is the tamous class fcmra bull roufe nation r who was bied in canada and ii now owned by maicoi qtu of mexico city foi whom he has been five timet gland champion at ihe national dairy slum of mexico held al queieiaio twentyone head weie bought for export these included the highest priced bull wmtermai utopia sold by e s baunun floradale ontario and bought by pieite seile ol motloy fiance for si 3000 anothei eiomment foreign buyei was go dondoni of pavia italy who secured four head these including bulls at s2 250 from claude picket and s2i00 from howard tarzwell georgetown second highest price for a bull was 9350 paid by the quebec department of agriculture to d r mcintosh gait ontario for maildon citation champion this bull will be stationed at the quebec artificial breeding centre at st hyaclnlhe he is a ton of roufe citation r the national had a new home thli year u hayi farms international of oakvdle ontario were joined in their iponsorship of the tale terjes by brubacher bros of guelph this was the first sale held in the very tine sales pavilion creeled by brubacher bros al guelph and altiaded a crowd of over i floo buyeis five bulls averaged s5 h20 each 7 milking females si 431 34 bred heifers s i open yearling si 300 and five heifer calves 1x0 oilier excellent prices included s3 500 paid by rockwood international georgetown lo richaid schleissner jciscyville on behalf of an unnamed italian buyer s3 000 paid by claude picket georgetown lo j howard hamilton biantfoid si boo paid by jim millinglon georgetown merv scot i and peter llasenpdug to stuart ihilchms ol paris si hx paid hydaudcp prckcl lo james w carney dont waste money on insurance it t a fact tomo buiinossos are over msuiod with overlapping insurance policios others oro donfjorously under insured becauso vour businoss involvos customers and sup phots invontory and oquipmont bad dobts liability taxos employees etc otc you nood a business insur anco oxpoit wo know how to plan your business covorago so you have just tho insurance vou nood and no more dennys insurance agency 17 miu s wart acton hums s34i30 office hours lulondavthumlav 0am io 6 p m friday 0am lo 8 p m after hours mill ball 853 3243 safeda insurance harold danny 8s3 3666 last 3 days thursday friday saturday ryans may sale dont nttxs out sfuippmu riuirwl ly inornirjir is tinny huns nix in imiiiilci iiurltilics ami may be void c irly rymsisopcivl kiday cvcnmi unfil p m is well lor ymlr suoppii ryans sue ends saturday at 530 pm keg s9 00 ladies blouses auilw uyu iuiiu i rami utt 10 if 499 tttg to si 7 00 la wes name bkan0 dresses imulit lulltlu if hi hint ijtnv 849 uk shvh si2nnamfc brand uniforms nuiui i jif lirvurt itun i icls iviyuiu hi t u 699 subs of reg si 50 pr name brand host ujiuut mutll lotlcnui liy kjiyvr ttc hi i 59 less than jpkice lycra suwhrt hose njli tfully j imiu irtl iiijlilv p tuljr ujsii hl i4 is iaiu 237 ladies iihlssis that ork sold at si 7 00 to sfco 00 iii iii uyjll t ull 1 kk mt fkfk i y i j i u- al fill jmi ijlik lyk j9svv si000 shoo reg s26 00tos40 00 ladies allweather coats llll u j n tyllllla popuhr vhosk i y tcutinii nialili 1700 3300 reg s9capair seamless mesh hose s dcnur fml quality 2 iiputar uiakt in i lo 1 1 3 pair 97 mens rig ss00naml urand dress shirts vlmll lv l y uaitint iiukiii jm uil uri 111111 jil hii i j lit 399 sale of brand name luggage reg sells for s3 49 to sj9 50 llrjn i rumct you vull rvioinii immidutcty iuth ui samsonitc icllincr miunm aruin and uilicrt in l hit frnup you uilt find luggage for moiihii jn i nun wurdiiitnv 3uilctiau unkmluuv vjnily uut lu on sale j to m377 reg ss 95 mens koratron casual pants mi32 lo 42 tnuit tludct nam hranil no ironlnl 699 reg to shoo mens ss sport shirts ana la lop mal al it ttyt s m i xi 399 reg s7 9h mens koratron work pants tprunc iiccn name i ran i itc 30lo44 599 reg ss 98 young mens glue denim jeans bell botlums us ihillonn ilics 2hlo 36 477 reg ij98menspars koratron golf jackets prnuncnl prut 65 pcucni fortrcl35 pttttnl toll on ncucl prtntc had tn 16 lo 46 in group 999 reg values to si 20 00 each mens quality suits dfcuy uiadfi ncuct patlcrm by kl tulorlng finni 2forsi00 uk 7v 95 to l21htacii 5500 reg s2 9h boys jamaica shorts permanent prcu ic h lo 16 at il colour 257 2 for ss 00 reg s4 98 to s7 98 boys casual pants ftarc rep tyle a il fahcin uinit art pcrmj ptc lt h ik in jiioup 399 and 499 reg s9stos6 9s boys jackets ipllng ueigtit avtldtlvle chouc of rw pub l iudt by well intmn maker twchlo ik 499 boys ss knit shirts motk turlls neik olid iluckv tfip jwl 1 lolourt mt k to 16 188 reg to s3 98 boys s s sport shirts if jl uaillnb makl asxl d lyk ire bin ih ijo 2 for 300 reg sh 98 a yard genuine crimplene mt d li3tlct caty4ic f r dievvrt in 1 ipoitvuear yd 588 reg s5 98 origin l 45 mauri voile tljiton a volton von i ladt uon l shrink ium nitint yd 159 saveonmardigras homespun bedspreads jtcmhi ualily volton and rayon uiih iniiatini mlour vlnne nutluni uaoiatlc colourful me m x 1 10 aul d mlourv vliibt ub of hlvhcr pruc nread 8 97 reg si7 98 reversible 70 82 comforters filled ith n n alkrgcnr ortrel printe 1 riyon top reverie to u ltd ul d thidfi 1477 ii iiiissi nut un an mi a fc ii ihe nam doem of av sale spfiah thai u vill mil fiij at ryan j jurtnjr tin iu xt fdai lcn ilepi ml all 1 floors o fen genuine wi wifi avings that you iwl cant afford lo mla so come lo run s rw jnuiimsh uuelph tomorroh bring ihe iiuiatm free balloon free shopping bags and plenty of bargains free balloons for we youngsters free shopping bags and lots of bargains no down payment on a ryans allpurpose account ryans of guelph shot ryans until 9 pm friday division of graftonfraser limited ryans are located in downtown guelph at 115 wyimdham st north at the crosswalk