jg th acton ft prti vvdryaadey may 28 19 provincial and countv honors cwtlflcalm ttottunlinf completion ol 12 and tin 4 h honvamaklng club projacti wre pratanted at tha halfon achlevamant day hald saturday at hlllcfmt church naar hornby mrs sheila totter front wh awarded a provincial honort cartif icata behind ha a wvan girl who received county honortucond row latlav cooper of athoove nancy swindlshurtt of ballirufad linda kirkwood of limahouu and bath laidlaw of norval third row haathar buchanan of ballirufad dabbia may of norval and karen shortill of ballirufad staff photo federation offers s scholarships in field of agriculture knowledge the hal tun county ledcration of asniulciire it offering two annujl uliotmhijh of 100 each to go to county it u denti tlte money is to go towards the cost or the first year or tcmeiter at any ontario agricultural university or cotlege of agricultural technology the award will he baud upon the applicants academic handing 411 club junior hariuer or community activities the tederationt education committee and ihe agricultural re preventative will for the tclection committee fur ichotarhip candidate at ihe regular monthly meet ing of the llalton federation of agriculture it wit announced bruce mccluie had appruached the clerk of the township of i squesing to ccc why the iii a lth grant had not been sent and alui to enquire about the grant for is he was assured it would be forthcoming the i ederation learned its rural learning representative mti tom alderinn would be attending he annual meeting of the federation to be held at geneva park june 6 to k hul t on i ederat ion of agriculture members were reminded uf the vole coming up in june for all fanner on ihe important one far m organization if accepted mm organization would rcprccnt tanners and marketing boards regarding marketing and its policies trade policies taxation input costs and expropriations north america has uvcr one btllton acres of productive furcst land farm page ftps en hayloge plan bus trip to demonstration iiyll j stanley i very year come farmer sh ave problems with their haylagc machinery gumming up and theve problems can be very uiuhiu it can unpen during harvesting m the fielu ihe filling operation at ihe silo m even when the luyhige is being taken out of ihe ilti jnd il means irritating slops to uiichvg pipes and nijclnneiy llic protiletn increases with llw peicetlage of ulfulfj in the forage mix this gumming problem occurs mmlly with forage m ho moisluro r jiile hvtwien and 5 per cent to solve gumming f problems ulmc imiisiuic levels lave driippiik into the danger mie run a stream of water with a bote into the blower if luylage liarveiling is going to involve large quantities of material mid if the ulo it going to be filled rapidly and there it going u be adequate packing then hiyuge can be nude a moisture leveu below the gunning rangtt in alt cases it is wive tu cut the material finely good packing it alio facilitated bycutlmgat hie right stuge that it ihe tale bud or early flower stage for alfalfa and the heademergmg ttage for grasses it is taler to operate at nuililure levels ubove the 5s per cent range especially for novice haylage maker or those using conventional sitot the mr to rs alfalfa weevil spreading watch out for them here per cent range it probably ihe best tu work in and nearer 65 per cent during the first attempts dont go over 70 per cent though or the silage may be lets palatable and smelly above 75 per cent you start lo get seepage looses from the silo a moisture tester is aval table ut the agricultural office in miltin fot use by italliui farmers a ylastic bug of the fijykigc should be brought in for mpisluie determination i tetd demonstrations and discussion on haylage making will ik- held al ihe i lora kesearih station on june 1 jt it a m and on the dick sjilcdcl farm at r r preston on june 10 a bus trip is being oipmed by ihe hilion soil and top impsciivettt association to i lora on june 4 all llalton farmers are invited to attend treated m4i most uf our seed grain and corrj seed is treated to protection against iniect dimag tlvete days this treated seed thould be handled with ihe respect it deserves since chemical tlut can kill insects nuy alio kill you follow the directions on the package and you should luve no problem these instructions are probably the huh i expensive literature ever printed and they are for your prelection all professional woodsworkers smoke only when silling down ll ii j stanley the allilh vwcvil lus ben spreading to the north and cast acrow 111 iv province il may ik r resent in llallon county ar livers should check i heir alfalfa fields twite a week to dele i mine whether or not ihe weevil is present llic worms are liny and yellowish at h itch become green wilh a white stripe over the hack and growing to nearly one half inch in length they feed between the veins on the alfalfa plant thus shredding and tkctctortimg the plants if ihe weevil is present in large numbers the field should be cut immediately for hay or sprayed with jii insecticide such as kevin pollock wvj campbill ml moo al s 3 w ti i ati b a sons b average can put monoy in dads pockot i to find out about safecos good student discount on family automobile insurance call dennys insurance agency 17 mill st wall acton phsrw usoiso safecd insurance office hours i mondjv thurfdav dam to 0 p m frhliv oam lo 8 p m after hours mill bill 853 3743 huom dinn h5u6i6 its bad enough lo be a quitter but iti worn to flniih tomethlng you never thould have ilarted arthur a johnson ojo optometrist mittom tmj actom k enlwaml budy fw ma heres winner car of the year toyota corona how showing at kaammaamjakaim oyora corona park motors no down payment ii crtdh astuevttl 1 mlu babtw sllverrali en ns 7 highway 1i omtrjatewi 7794m octet hi 9 pm dally luscious red california its our biggest sale strawberries iga k care produce of usa this week customers save more money than usual its dollar days youll find groups of items selling for the price of one dollar and they all represent extra savings take a little pressure off your budget this week and stock up during iga dollar days j atlmer choict fruit cocktail famct whole kernel stokely corn peas scon wime or coloured toilet tissue canada grade a eviscerated turkeys 38 fresh young 59 lb avg leansliced sidi bacon 59 tablerite wieners suhuuhrmmu tablerite sausage 2 111 si hum aiusi twain iur butch irur hcmu i nhtirte m miouu tablerite cooked meat 4 ira pies 2 s dollar day extra special nylons sizes 911 a m 1 frozen foods check youft iga handbill this week tor many more additional instore bargains fraservale fancy vegetables frencnkans miked vc6etam1s peas 12 ol 65