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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1969, p. 20

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m th acton ftm prttae wadnatday june 18 1969 gfo vote next tuesday hold information meetings big halton rally is friday halton furrier wert urged to nuke a ipedj effort to cut their ballot al the ontario general farm organization vole next tuesday jtln 24 al iwo tpeciaj infof matloci meetitlm lite halton gfo committt held last week tom foalef of buihnjton ckalmun of the local committee promoting the gfo vole chilled trteetiiit al uoyne centre hi oakville on wednetday nd brookvllle mall ih nauagaweya on thursday lo help aqualnt aiea turners with the issues behind ihe vole about 40 attended ihe flat meelinji and a inull crowd of only 10 showed op on thurulay bul mr flute i wu optimistic thai many more rural residents were belter acquainted with the purpose of tuesdays election a big rally for the whole couhly is being held ihia friday evening june 20 at mewarltown tall with ipeaken expected on behalf of ihe provincial gfo campaign committee the meeting ilarlt al 8 pm and k open to everyone aimers their wives childien over 20 and anyone actively engaged in farming are eligible lo mark ballot on ihe proposed general farm organization they will face five leparald quftlluiis alt on ihe one ballot lint quetlion j whether or nol they favor a general fjrm organization with a compulsory checkoff the second quetlion dealt with giving ihe marketing board of ontario a vote op ihe piovlncial gfo council the hex iluee questions deal with ihe financing and give voters a choice between voluntary membership payments automatic tnembenhlpi covered by the checkoff and a combination of membership end checkoff financial sponsorship mr foster pointed oul al last weeks meetings lhal the checkoff would be a maximum of s2 per si 000 of goods told aiftj only gods sold through a government maiketing plan would be eligible for hie payment the checkoff figure will lie 11 by tht tovincjl council and will probably be j i pei si 000 which would give tile ci o an operating budget of si 250 000 in hie fust year he said the gl o would set up ubout 100 locals appioxlnutely 1 000 farmers each and each local would have one diiector on ihe provincial council discussions al wednesdays meeting swung around lo ihe consumer boycott on beef products yes said the clulrmjui ihe consumers would like to sel ihe piles of beef now hut they didnt want lo do it a few years ago lie lamented what seemed today in be a protected society fur everybody eke but a free enterprise system for the fusniers an advunte poll fo those unable to vote on june 24 will be held iomwiow thursday ftoni o j m to 5pm ul the ontario department of agriculture and lood office ihi main st millnn farm page young scottish farm visitor sees ontarios agriculture yqrwrr gmh bt pound mora whos to blame for sharp increases in beef prices a dairy farmer fiom dairy ayrshire scolland it currently bout halfway through a three andone half month slay in ontario hubert ijinunl who is a partner with his fjther in cockenle i arm 10 miles south west of glasgow arrived in ontario apul 21 jiae then he lus stayed fur periods of lime in duffenn ihdn and halton counties and temitkamlng dlslrlcl willi lennox addniglirti and iwnfjew ouulies logo me is one of eight delegates including four from scolland two from tyiilliern ireland and one cjiii from i ngljiid jnd wales who ure observing jnjdiail farm inellinds through a cisoperjlive piojeil of ihe ontario junior i aimers and the young farmer organization of britain the young farmers granted hie price of the 22 yearold voimant plane fare over bul hie trip home and expense during is days free time will be from his own- pocket accommodation during the majority of his your it supplied by ontario junior fanners in llifflr own homes he has noticed a uunibel of differences between biilidi dairy farming methods and ours while ihe majority of i aiudian dairy hami ure iwotlorey with the cattle below and the luy above britidi authorities prohibit rlut type of tiruifurc on sanitation grounds koherl jlui noted ontario crops grow higher although their vcotliih counterparts have a higher yieldper acre land use is also at a slight variance to canada on cockertzie for example 60 acres are used for grain 45 for hay and hie rest of the xoicn estate for grass there are jio milk quotas in britain a dairy farmer produce as much at he wjibes telling at prices established by hie milk marketing board this varies mr lamont leporls between 30 and 45 cents per gallon the british producer is paid on solids rather than hultetfat i arming is a little more intensive in scotland hun here the visitor reported we use 50 long tons 2 240 pounds of fertilizer on the 200 acres although ontario experiences higher temperatures than ihe ayrshire area of scolland their mowing season is longer concern over current beef price in ontario have raised a welter of conflicjwig reports over ihe parlies lo blame for the sudden shaip increase the president of one brge firm has urged housewives to boycott beef according to another report the president of the ontario beef improvement association said that ontario beef producers are embarrassed by ihe current high prices for beef our readers write ukgfcs yls voti on farm organization dear sir we are now in ihe last week of the campaign to build the best farm organization in canada today we know thai farmers from coast lo coast are watching ontario and are planning lo follow our lead tuesday june 24 will be one of the most important days in both ontario and canadian agriculture ll is the starling point for farmers lo build a really effective provincial and national farm organization aflr 10 yean of the o f a and 1 7 years of ihe oh farm incomes aie much too low another 17 years of either of these two orpmzations will nol solve the pioblem ll is time foi a change and its lime for the farmers lo nuke ihe decisions that is what will luppen on june 24 no farm leader is going to tell the farmers what tort of organization he is going to have the farmers will decide this by ihe way each one casts hit ballot bach of ut has an equal say there have been a number of wild and irresponsible accusations and claims which have come and gone like this weeks specials at ihe supermarket however the last of these while il is typically wild and irresponsible should be dealt with before vote day so that we reach june 24 with ihe air cleared of this red hernng lets be clear about this the o f u wanted legislation ihe o f a wanted legislation and now we have ihe legislation with less government interference than with any other legislation used by any other group in our society but what is much more important the government cannot dissolve this organization or remove its check off powers without going back to ihe legislature to amend or remove the act can you imagine ihe uproar in the house if the government were to try thai i hope that ihe farmers are not confused and scared lo the point thai they fail to take this opportunity lets take this legislation and use it to our advantage if it is as bad u some would have us believe we can drop it remember that we can vole this gfo out every two yean if we dont like it as they say if you havent tried it dont knock it i would like to make one pinal point about my own position i hall not stand for election as a delegate to the founding convention and will therefore not be eligible for election tb the provincial council or the executive this it not because i am trying to avoid tome future responsibility but merely because 1 hope that this will dispel any idea that i am trying to create an empire for myself thank you for the space i hone thai every farmer and his wile and all olliers eligible to vote will gel oul on june 24 and vole for a much belter general farm organization and a brighter future your sincerely malcolm davidson chairman gfo campaign committee brucefield onl iven the disc jockeys are in the act with stories like i went lo the bank today lo gel a loan what for tor a down pjymenl on a steak the minister of agriculture and food the hon win a stewart has now come oul publicly in hie legislature losay thai he is nol in ihe least embanassed by ihe current high pnees for beef he says lhal the statement by the president of the beef producers did nol fairly represent his views the association does not feel beef prices are too high their chief concern has been the suddenness with which this price increase occurred the minister hat said that the record will show thai despite rising production cost producer prices for beef have remained relatively unchanged since february of 1952 when canadian beef was temporarily barred from ihe us and this caused prices lo drop some h cents per pound in a few weeks ll is important lo point out name rosemary booth 4h meeting delegate by ted peluk miss rosemary booth of r r i milton has been chiicn halton countys delegate lo the annual provincial 411 conference al the university of guelph rosemary has completed 17 projects and has held ihe office of resident in ihe halton 411 strawberry club rosemary has extra riders ry ye en who lvery year you read of children who have been lolled or injured while riding on a tractor their deaths and injuries are completely unnecessary tliere is only one seat on a tractor and this is for the operator he has no time lo watch children when hes operating equipment so donl take a chance on your childs life make a no riders rule on your farm fetid tips by e estabrooks be selective of the time when you apply pesticides for insects disease and weed control pesticides are only used when there is a pest problem or potential problem diseases can be expected lo be j problem on most plants during wel weather while insects commonly show up dunng hoi dry weather weeds ll seems slum up any time and all ihe lime once you have established the need lo apply a pesticide try to apply hie spray in the morning or evening when theie is generally no wind your spray coverage should improve if spraying is carried out during the heat of the day many of the spray droplets will evaporate before reaching the plant the possibility of causing injury to your plant is also increased particuaily when temperatures are very high participated in 4 ii for seven years and has served as press reporter for ihe halton 4 ii forage club about 75 outstanding 4 11 agricultural members from across the province will attend the program of the fiveday conference which begins on june 21 will include group discussion on leadership effective program planning the future of 411 and related problems of todays youth individual involvement in the activities of the conference will be emphasized conference delegates have been chosen by local leaders and agricultural representatives from each of ihe 54 counties and districts of ontario in previous years selection was limited to one delegate per county but this year each county having moie than iso members will tend two representatives thai there is nothing mysterious about this prue rise ihe minister told ihe legislature ll was nol brought about because more cattle are being exported to the united stales he continued because in fad exports to the us are approximately half ihe volume of a year ago i armers arc not withholding cattle cither mr stewart claimed during january and i ebruary farmers were actually marketing almost 5 000 more head of cattle per week than they did a ycjr ago now supplies have run oul during lie week ending may 11 almost 7000 fewer cattle were marketed than a year ago the minister went on to say lhal farmers as a group liave nol been able to benefit from the efficiency they have applied lo their industry there have been no increases of up to 10 per cent in farm product prices recently and farm incomes have nol made ihe substantial gains acquired by some tradesmen in recent months the tradesmens pins in farm products are subject to eyelet and in many cases only temporary in fact said the minister this inability lo obtain a fair price for their product has created the very situation that causes so much concern to consumers of beef beef producers have nol been receiving fair pnees production has declined and now we are reaping the harvest producing fewer ocef feeder cattle at a time when the population is growing and per capita consumption of beef at an all time high hie minister asserted comparisons reveal lhal beef is a belter buy than it was five 10 or is years ago boycotts may be effective in driving prices down temporarily but will inevitably lead to greater shortages and still higher prices i am told that when one makes a full consideration for culling dressing trimming and shrinkage that an r cent per pound increase for live beef should reflect a 15 cent per pound increase at the processing plant the minister said wellington duffcrm m p john the family farm depends on you on junk 34 vow 6f0 tybt an mhission of opinion pou mncrihg the mopcsio general farm organization in ontario will be held on tuesday june 24fh 1969 between ihe hours of 8 a m and 8 p m at lie fallowing locations in halton county boyne community centre 5tewawt0wn hall brookville hail lowville united church ttoot meanwhile in a leier in llm newipjpcr says it will be very interesting o discover wlut c j uwd he very sharp rise in the coil of beef when the return to the fj imer advanced by approximately k tent a pound live weight and is cent dirtied many people are dropping out or ihe production or agricultural products because of ihe mull margin of profit and in many unci a it us consumer most of whom will never realize the urge wage gains of he electrician union in toronto are confuted about ihe entire picture many can simply not afford ihe large increases and have opted for leu expensive cuts of meat most would prefer beef bul cjnnol pay prices demanded at present it would seem that until there is an adequate supply of cattle lo meet inc demand the price will remain high the mysterious factor of course is who is collecting the extra 30 cents or more a pound in the price rise which ihe fjrmer does not see so you thought if you waited until now to visit your pontiacbuick dealer youd get a better deal bigger selection immediate delivery pontiac parislonno sport coudo good thinking that s the kind ol thinking that will get you nothing but savings by buying your new car now you can probably buy directly out of stock so you get im- rriediate delivery too no matter which fine car you want pontiac buick beaumont firebird acadian cvery gsi car has lo nuka it balor mark it or viva your pontiac dealer is ready with the kind ol deal you vo been wailing for he knows why you waited until now so see him right away go in and tell him what kind of a deal has going to give you qm puttee- buick beaunx sea your local aulheriiad pontiac dealer- per mason motors umith 338 quelph street phone b77b908 georgetown ont mmtc x

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