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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1969, p. 8

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m ths xfloh r press wednersday june 18 1969 name six champions at mz bennett field day field day champions itm z bennett school shown above ere on the lett front to btdi carol ann mario junior girls cttarnplon cindy la intermadlste girls ann maria luty senior guis on the right front to back steve brunll junior boy kevin pevklne intermediate boy tnd larry quinn senior boy still photo student at m z bennett chool were blessed with beautiful weather for their annual field day last friday carol and maizo compiled two find and two second to walk off with the junior glib championship intermediate glib crumpltui tea cindy le with two firsts and a second ann marie luty t four tint and two seconds mined her the senior glrli charnplofuhlp steve brunelle reigned w junior boys champion after winning tint plac in all five tvinu kevin feskins hgd four anils and a second to take the intermediate h o charripjonshlp senior boys chsmrjlocl was lilly qulim who luiited in five null and a second result of each individual event follow siniok bovs 100 ysid iwh lany qdlnn sheuon surler sbwn stellar 210 yard diii uny quliui ji steve lienor ted llss 440 yard dash larry quinn i 04 sktuort baiter chsiles ucclnn tilth umb skeuon bilker 4 4 lairy quinn tad llagsn triple lump running vuin 3 4 suw ut lugin huiuiuw long jump larry quinn 14 it steve uelloe sheuon baiter oeea bio steven mrllor 3 44 ken hurrm gary usilera inttltuldiatt bovs 100 yard dsuikevta fertlni 13 0 rutsencoultrup jamie davidson 100 ysid dsih kevin putins 31 0 ftutuli coullrup robert wlueni 440 yard dash kevin pettlni 115 j robot wuu hasan atllie luly run coiltr lame lowe nnlng long lump muisell 1st kevin evillne triple lump ninnina kevin tertinl 30 runeu cuulliub rvltr rsu lllsdl jump mumeu coullrup 4 peter ferli busy payne junior iovs 60 yard dth sieve bnilwbe nslkinlku jim cinllet 100 yud ilslh mrie uluutie 1 3 fi welkin i uuiinioetilui triple tump luruliw sieve vrunelie 30 10 jamie- v rjity robin fuuoe stunning ioh jump ho libboml llev lliuitelle 13 i nlhirthcu lord alio tllzh lump sieve hrurwlle j 7 i oj afton rlety holmes mniokoikis 100 yud dh atiw milk luly 14 0 turn atkinmui judy lluhnri 330 vsrd dh anae uuii i uly 31 4 juhnctle dunn ksitu albinton illgji jump johnnie dunn 4 arm maris luly wniy coulure running ion jump el anivj marie i uly beru ne pcermtn girls open 440 yd run ahne steele luly t 34 j jo ahm luphum judy holmes inllkuhhitv glruf 100 ysid dmhuiends brixvm lll indy i pslil inuul iloysldileih debbie ortnkwsllrf 35 reunite llepbum clnjy bur lllh umb tuisn urysdsle 4 joanne hepburn debbie dilnwiii ruiuim lohajump cindy vh 13 17 fell dunn shsiunluvfby ilijins wwuj lump indy lm 1 bwnda ruovne llvbble dfinkwslkr juhllom cikts h yud ituh lanke uukwlui f uo ahh ufjo jnj hi i 100 yud dli lanke urlnhwelur 13 4 jol ann muso louevb jotjsh thei iunp t not ann mujo ulnlocdsn monllj uhiji uunnlike hwe ump leuie luilclt i ik klruu ttiuill suurtne mrvenwih slsndlna utht jump luai ann unto ttv jsnue drlnkwuur coavmh toidsa 13 3 larry r u karcn kwamp leapt ovr th bar on hor way to first plac in iha senior girls hlah lump at rockwood centennial school field day hld last fllday stall photo obituary mn edith smith mrs edith smith former acton diilrict resident passed away in st catharines general hospital after a proloosjesa stay iter first husband the late william junes was killed in an industrial accident in acton ln 1923 her second husband waa- the late sydney smith mrs smith aged 84 was the loving mother of five children mrs joseph brochu marlon of georgetown mrs kenneth harris fthel of georatlown mrs ernest keep luitl and howard james both of st catharines and uoyd james of markhafti she is also turvfeed by eifiit pandchildren and elfht feat grandchildren mrs smith was bom fat fenmylionu she lrrtd many yean in acton district and had bee in st catharlneithelaatll years funeral tervke was hcjd at he rdtiilcy sjioemaker funeral home acton on friday june 13 at 2 pm pallbeuen were jim lurm larry james jack gudgeon rae coskwtll and llowsrd keep grandsons and i men keep son inlaw interment was in fairvlew cemetery acton theyre off and running in tfwboyvo opn at m z bnntt school held day steve mellor won the event in 7 44 with ken hurren second and gary matters third stall photo wf ari pl as i toiiavi iii lnciiosi n as contractortoinsta l roofing and sheet metal on the new addition totiie mz bennett public school it has been a privilege toserve acton op anrqmv iroofing and r ej1 1 uw heating ltd 345 queen st w brampton p1ione4si6704 ann marie luty displays the form that won her the senior glrh runnlne long lump at out wednesdays laid day at m z bennett school ann marl went on to become senior girls champion for the day staff photo speyiidc school held their annual field day last week winners of each event will compete against other eiqucting township schools on wednesday june 18 a list of events and winners follows minor bantam girls 10 and under 30 yard daihwanda haters martsni mctraih diaie overland 100 yard dashwanda rosen dixie ovetlsiid margaret mctraih long jumpmargaret mctraih dude overland loma savers high jumpdixie oviiund wanda leah murcruson rogers i standing broad jumpmargaret mctraih rose cochrane heather mclachani ball throwlinda macleod debbie ewles rose cochrane bantam girls it and over 73 yard dashlinda davis kathy stokes daneae leblanc 110 yard daihunda davis phyllis bnggs kathy stokes long jump- lane lareen linda davis datleae lejuaru high jumbsuilli mcmiau linda upsusan eursao triple jump lcne lanen phyllis brigis kim worrau bad ihrowsuisn mcfhaa diana devriet darlene leblanc 440 open to both boys and pilibiuy cuihner don lwtles rick rodgers bantam boys ii and over 100 yard dashbilly cuihner robbie frame don ewles 130 yard daihbiuy cuihner robbie frame don lwles long jump robbie orsme biuy cuthner don ewles high jump robbie frame don fcwlesbev truing triple jumprobbie frsme don dale wayne allen shot pulldon lwles don collie billy cuihner minor bantam boys 10 and under 30 yard dun jim burns bruce smith dwayne hamilton 100 yard dashbruce smith dwayne hamilton jim bums long jumpbruce smith jim bums eddie hurgetl high jumpjim bums frank robinson bruce smith standing broadjumpjun bums bruce smith jim thomson bsll throw donsld corley bruce smith jim bums su our sidtweujf t indoor dismays for shoal buys eaaaaaahgtiasssssssssssssssssssgpssjssbis check our summer catalogue for fantastic bargains shcial maw saturday june 28th symon hardware bill garbuft plumbing lid 16 elgin st georgetown are pleased to have served at the new addition lo the m z bennett public school having installed plumbing heating acton can be proud of thlt new addition ventilating bill garbutt president phone 8773638 georgetown mi stxwalk sau maw mb 28 for home or office smammahrmanfamr wide selection ball pens 98 to s dv sheafer reg pens to a good assortment desk sets to s briefcases anache cases several styles and colors 375 to 1995 always utaeul model no 80 m0995 from seeour8election muxs rooks wddmg books mvltawhs desk and office accessories desk pads letter openers letter holders telephone index staplers personal files pencil sharpeners memo books book ends writing papers pencils erasers 3iiu stationery 56 mill st acton h

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