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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1969, p. 3

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esquesing hopes for permission for open burning at township dump eequettinf council hope lo cat pmnimlon lo continue open bununf at the towoihip dump an application will be made to the air pollution control branch of ihe ontario department of health legislation introduced last october prevent open burning however special perrnjsaiorl for certain cue can be given by ihe department iwe cent do anything else for jse time being reeve cunie commented at the courted meeting but week some councillor wondered aloud why ihe provincial government wu concerned about open fires cilntg the tefmeric and airplane ai other source of air polluliod eaqueting council alio decided lo request the ontario water resources coninilnlon to complete a coat ami feasibility atudy on ihe supply of a piped water system for the village of cleri williams once we know what it com we can lee whether we want to proceed with it raid deputy reeve tom hill apparently here are no serious water problem in the village but piped supply would be desirable because of expected growth three representative or ihe itillcrett cemetery at norval asked the townihlp to clean up the old anglican cemetery there treasurer of ihe board hyatt mccluie told council the board wa willing to maintain ihe cemetery lor a imll fee if it were fined up reeve curik explained ihe townihlp would come into ihe picture only if the cemetery had no owner actually ihe cemetery belong to the synod of the uloccie oliver hunter the chairman of the cemetery boatd uld the veilry of the anglican church in norval hail offered lo relmuuiih their claims in l il ihe towmliip would be tcctvomiblc for it reeve turrie ihthighl ihe lownthip had had no correspondence on the nutter a revolution from ihe town of tori brie wa endorsed by lsqutting it goes on record ai laying goverrtmenl operations and pending programs are escalating beyond ihe ability of many canadian to pay council registered no objection lo aler investments requett to gravel and use a portion of ihe unopened road allowance between cnnceuion 10 and 1 1 to give them acicu lo their properly in georgetown they would assume full icponsihllny for upkeep and maintenance and would understand litis give them no nghl in the raid allowance tile week of july 7 to 1 3 was declared conservation wek as council approved a request from ihe redil valley authority i have no objection as long as we don t have to spend any money explained reeve turrie the townships sluie of costs of ihe scutch block dam planned by llic halloo region authority will be sl7 council learned hie project is west of highway zs between acton and mitlon total cosl is sox 500 22 vw for land and 14ft mk for construction canvass every home in nassagaweya for funds to aid coulter families a townshipwide canvass for cash donations will be held in nassagaweya township this weekend to assist the coulter families of campbellville who lost their store us stock their living quarters and all their possessions in a fire dominion day a group of campbellville residents have formed the campbellville community assistance coninullee to organire the financial assistance for the family they suggested in a letter nulled in all township residents this week thai ail donations should be nude through hie committee rev d c nicholson is chairman robert blliol secretary and mrs reg austen treasurer canvassers have volunteered their services and every home in nasupweya will be called on this thursday friday or saturday if anyone is missed or if they are unable lo give a donation when the canvasser calls contributions can be sent lo the treasurer at campbellville persons living outside the township are invited to mail donations lo mrs austen the tragic morning fire on july i completely wiped out the coulter family about six customers and six clerks including rill coulter jr were in the store when a poof was heard and the store began filling with smoke tlie occupants didnt even have time to resuce tw cash register or call ihe fire department from the store recently renovated inside at a cosl of j is 000 the store was fulted and all the stock was lost ipstaira apartments and all the coulter familys possessions were also lost in the fire llic occupants escaped willi only the clothes they were wearing mrs bill coulcr jr jnd three daughters were j way at the can cofjfcfo on cottwil monday afternoon at p m two cars were in collision on cobblelull road one vehicle was being driven out of a driveway by fcva louise hunt and had an estmuted si 00 damage to the left headlight and panel driver ol the oilier car which received about sh damage to the right front was charles smallwood of toronto there were no injuries fresh start for board planning board will make a fresh start at facing the towns growing pains at their july meeting bob drmkwalter has agreed to relum to his seat as chairman he has recently tendered his resignation but was specially contacted by council to reconsider he attended a meeting of no i committee to discuss the difficulties of obtaining a quorum as a result mayor duby personally wrote to each council appointee to the planning board to stress the importance of regular attendance it regular monthly meetings councils representative g w mckenieie will call on councillors greer or chapman lo take his place when he la unable to attend tamilys collage when hie lire broke out william couller fir rill jr and his daughter cindy and mr and mrs cordon coulter fled from ihe store and apartments since the fire ihe building has been racd tlie families have been slaying at the cottage until they find accommodation in the village bill couller jr lold hits newspaper he hoped lo build a new store but the utiurjncc coverage was far loo low lo replace the building the couters father william sr and sons rill jr and dordon have oper iled ihe village store for ihe pail id years the family has been quite active in ihe community and hilt jr recently retired after serving on towndiip council eight years as councillor and reeve in l7 he was warden oflljllon ouriiy milton i lie chief a i lemcitl has conducted an invesligalion into the fire and believes a frayed extension cord is lo blame for starting ihe j7s000 lo 100100 ore he caid the cord attached to a portable cooler appears lo have burned hirougli the floor of ihe store police stress common sense during our reporting period from june 2 to july 5 22 hours were worked while miles were logged on the town cruiser general dunes consisted of seven occurrences two persons were arrested on committal warrants there were two liquor seizures and four charges laid under the liquor control act one accident involving a pickup truck and a car resulted in iwo people sustaining injuries while the vehicles received damages totaling 050 two charges were laid as a result other traffic patrol figures revcjl that seven persons were charged willi automobile violations such as speeding etc and four drivers were warned about committing less serious offences on june 10 at milton court 26 convictions lor various offences were registered with fines and costs totalling si5 once again hie holiday season is upon us and aclon opp stress hie importance of using good common sense in situations pertaining to swimming and boating summer classes adhs students il s back lo school for a dozen or so aiiiis students this week theyre taking summer courses to make up for subjects missed travelling daily by bus 1 1 students are attending classes at blakclock high school in oakville irom july 7 lo august i s one grade 1 1 student will be taking classes in hamilton which begin next week and continue to august 22 sunday disturb twee police nude luo arrests following a disturbance on mill st sunday night at ii upm a uarrant is out for a third arrest fred a hoffman optometrist 5j st georges sq guelph ont telephone tigwi tax notice 1969 municipality o acton second instalment now due attention is drawn to ihe nivmcnt of 0b0 taxes which ore now payable in four instalments tixes ire payable to the municipal treasurer ai the town of acton municipal office vmca mulldlna instalments are due as hollows must instalment may is second instalment july is thitd instalment september is khwh instalment novembett i according to the tax collection bv law a penally of i per cent per month or fraction of a month will be added on the amount remaining unpaid after the 15th dav of may this penallv applies to each instalment in a similar manner the attention of ratepayers u directed to the penalties and other clauses as printed and explained in detail on every tax bill make payment now and take your tax notice with you when making payment j y hurst collector the acton free press wednesday july o 19e9 about 160 have registered for swimming classes in georgetown tills summer till hi ahi sturdy new wooden chairs in ihe police office replacing ihe foldup card table type on tuisday llimllo1 automobile club hosted ihe o2nd annual picnic for wards uf lilldren s aid societies in niagara i alls visitors and holidays make news all summer phone or mail items of newa to ihe free press theyre all most welcome npw pakolp officer for ihe guelph reformatory it w l mclafferty native of kingston tup two niw tpallment buildings on churchill rd s are ready for occupancy now and silnie people have already moved in playground leaders doles jordan and of rwf lltjht at monday mornings opening of jeff coop gave their tyoup ol children a wall plavoaund go stall pholol deserved rest altar they had finnhad a hot game natwaewtya possible court battle over quarries an old wound was reopened at a nassagaweya council meeting held wednesday night and council members made sure ihe sore slays festering the old wound is ihe townships quarries and it was reopened by representatives of carter consttuction company which owns cloveileaf quarries situated in nassagaweya township across ihe told from moliawk raceway c alter wants to have ihcir isoacre quarry re classified from quarry holding to working uuarry and members uf council came out strongly against ihe proposal tlie land in question was bought by the tarter company during llie i so a and they obtained a licence lo operate a quarry in ihe area in i 60 allhough they did nol actually start woik the land was classified as quarry holding and under a bylaw ihe company could reactivate ihcir o p e r a 1 1 o n s only with nassagaweya councils approval representatives of the company approached council at last weeks meeting to have hie land classified as a quarry they revealed il would be sold to ampbellville sand and gravel deputy reeve mrs anne macarthur lold the carter delegation i cannot sec how we in any way can support carter lo sell one inch of ground to ampbellville sand and gravel because they ampbellville are mil good tenants of llie township it was also revealed at council the planning boaid had alio rejected ihe plan becauce of the large number of quarries already in hie ampbellville area the iwo caller renrtcentalives both lawyers told council these arguments would not hold up in couil of law and in later discussion membeis of council indicated they would be ready to contest carters application in civil couil jroxy mine thiatritr sh0wtimis8 fmjft ttwu tkcwl r mallfkm lp wid july v1j 4 mv rachel rachel adult color joannf woodward ma magic moust cartoo matinii saturoav jutv 13 manhunt in the jungle color sun mon tuis wio jutv is1 0miiiamci corruption color wnni prtcr cushng laitstse payment in blood adutthcelor cdd byrnes yhurs hi say july imi custer of the west color robert shaw marv urii hic up pup cartoon natural gas keeps dungs cooking right along mvm toys a week take it from the colonel cotonol sanders solves up tasty nod chickon and appot zing salads at over 60 dilforont leca tions in south wostorn ontino that s around five million pounds of chickon every voir and natural g is plays a vory important role in helping him ploaso tho palalos of thousands of hungry customors natural gas holps him as the hott onorgy sourco lor his cus torn built cooking pots oils used in his famous frying procoss must bo mamta nod at a prociso tompor oturo and tho colonol finds natural gis hoat complotoly dopondablo ho likes tho ciso of control and instant rospons vonoss of mtural gas too with tho thousands of customofs ho serves in a day his cookory must run effictontly tho colonol doosn t i mit h s uso ol nitunl q is to cooking oithor it hoats all his water for normal uso and natural gis providos his outlots with clean modorn irosh air hoat no mean task in tho m ddlo ol winter when his doors aro oiover opening and closing isn t it about t mo you got cook ing with mtural gas or hoat ng your water w th it or heating united gas total iniicv roa total coufoat your olliro or factory of sloro or homo with it you don t need 50 diffluent rotnl locations to mako natural gas mako sonso for you ono quick chat with your gas company ruprcontativo or hoat no contractor will toll you ho ceo nomical it is to install and irmntj n just ask the colonol ho ii toll you ho s novor had it so i ntjor hckin flood agents lor united gas vxxia hj your dealer for gas appliances

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