m the acton ft pr wdnectay july 23 1969 fanners pleased with phstii drainage pipe fewer tamers more ot farm safety is national concern over million feet of corrugated plastic drainage pip have- been installed in ontario and the product has only been available outside europe for the last two years says professor r w irwin of the university of guelphs school of agricultural engineering although farmers have done this without any research retults on hie product in this country vtoftftof irwin believes the corrugaled plasty pipe will prove a very effective material for land drainage there shouldnt be any problems with the lasting qualities he says the tarae type of plastic has been usesfby public utihtiaa for underground telephone and hydro cables for years and there have not been many problems weve done some work to determine possible damage by certain rodents notes this engineer we tried feeding some plastic to muikrats but they werent interested however a muskrat enlarging a burrow and finding the plastic pipe in his way will no doubt eat through it or if trapped inside he will eat his way out if the pipes are properly installed with an k foot steel pipe running back some 5 feet into the bank there should be no problems professor irwin believes that farmers have keen so willing to accept the plait ic pipe despite it extra cost of one or two cents in most atea because of the ease of handling a fraction of the weight of clay tile plastic pipe relieves the farmer of a bmecontumlnf and laborious chore during installation new brunswicker in haiton for 4h summer exchange new economist in haiton peel haiton countys home economist for the past two years mrs cathy williams has announced lier retirement which will become effective this friday her position will be filled by mm doreen llamill a graduate doreen hamill haiton and paal countva new home economist staff photo of the university of guelphs macdonald institute and an experienced home economist mm llamill toon to become mrs douglas bannister is a native of grey county near owen sound mus llamill lus already spent the past two years in victoria peterborough and durham counties as home economist for those regions this is farm safety week national harm safely week u july 20 to 26 according to he canada safety council accident among canadian far men are considerably higher than the national jverjge trie royal co m mi mo n on faun machinery states tlul the farm machinery fatalities per 1 00000 fanner doubled between 9stt and 1966 during ttm same period the farm population was reduced by about 20 per cent mechanization since then has increased by 20 to so ncr cent depending on the kind of machines during the tummer 411 clubs from all over canada arrange exchange viutt for their best members and haiton county lias sent one young representative away and is in turn hotting another from the province of new u rum wick ha itons v tutor is 17yearold fteder ic anderson and jie comes from middle sackviiie where lus father runs a 240 acre beef farm last week he was slaying with fred nurse and family on their farm at r r 2 gcoriwtown the main purpose of frederics viul was to sec how others in canada carry on farming he says most beef farms he has teen to far are larger than the operation run by his father i redcric alto says lie hat learned corn is becoming a better feed to use in raising beef cattle lub reporter for the silver lake 4- if club back home frederic is also raising u heifer and a siccr as part of his own club piojccl he has been in the club lor lime years and ii just pomp mrb grade 1 2 in new llmiiswick unlike many young people doming off arms today i redcric plans to work will lus father in running the farm after he graduates from high school at present he says his strongest subjects at school arc history and science frederic got the chance lo come west as a remit of compctons held first in ins own club and then province wide he was required to answer questions on 41 1 club history and was also scored on the many activities he had taken part m with the silver lakc tub the royal hank of canada is financing the entire trip for i redenc i rcdent- has also been seeing a lot 6f this part of live country with the nurse family and has already been to niagara i alts toronto and tuclph where he vkited the school of veterinary medicine asked what he thought of southwestern ontario i redcric said the country up here is great the visitor from new brunswick will be spending this week at the farm tf wallace lashy near acton the number of accidental deaths and disabling injurict suffered by canadas farm population has reached epidemic proportions the canada safety council uys m its national farm safely week campaign the rural accident problem is a matter of national concern norman ii bell president of the council comments while the number of canadians engaged m farming is declining there it an alarming increase in the rate of farm accidents the accidental death rate on the farm it 20 per cent higher than the national average tlie absolute number of these fatuhtfctk inejier for fanning than foruiy other industry and it follows only mining and constructions accidental death rates per number of workers the council predicts there will be 1 400 farm and rural deaths this year 74000 accidents 21000 iniuries and 1500 permanent injuries these figures are based on tiendt indicated in previous studies and statistics half of the fatalities will take flaie because of traffic the nunc accident figure is also higher than the national average hut the farm machinery accidental death toll is increasing at twice the rate uf these traffic and home fatalities whereas the train skilled mechanics at university of guelph frederic anderson of middlo sackvillo now brunswick has boervviuting farms in ontario during july on a 4 h oh change horo ts dosm with hit hoct hut wmk wallace lathy r r 3 rock wood and orva of mr latbys best fomale shorthornsistatf photo the threeyear old i arm machinery mechanics course at the utmeruly of oticlph is at picvent the only program in ontario filling this demand for skilled mechanics the 20 month courte is conducted by the ontario department of agriculture arid lood and is open to young men of 1 6 oi older who have completed drade 10 the course covers the whole range ol farm equipment ncclunics from welding and shopvsork to hydraulics and electrical systems a special feature of this program which consists of two four month sessions and 12 months of direct in job training between sessions is that practical work takes the lorm of an apprenticeship these apprenticeships arc carried out through sponsor members ot the ontario retail i arm i quipment dealers association or member companies of the wholesale i armers i tuipineu association the experience gained i mm such training provides a more thorough understanding of the mechanical and manager tat complexities of modern farm equipment there are approximately k00 farm equipment dealers willing to sponsor a student through the program i he number of students applying for the course can he increased as thus far only a small percentage of dealers have an applicant to sponsor the course is coordinated by professor j r scott and queries about application or sponsorship for this program 0 khi id he addressed to htm at the school of agricultural i ugineeriug university of guelph fccddenlal death rate in almost all other industries is being checked a royal commission on farm machinery study discloses that farm machinery fatalities act 100000 farmers doubled between 1956 and 1966 in lie ume period the farm population dropped to 1 95 1 000 from 2734000 while the number of tractors increased to 597000 from 4990o lven more disturbing is the inordinately high number of children killed in these accidents tie royal commission study reports hut children under the 3g of five comprised 12 per cent of farm machinery fatalities recorded from i j cr inclusive twoilurdt of these young children were run over twenty per cent of the deaths occurred in the iincler10 age group ahot her 1 7 per cent comprised young people aged 1019 half of whom were killed in overturns or crushed meaning that too many were riding machinery not built for passengers or else were operating them without the needed strength and skills many of these accidents out be prevented by farmers forbidding their children to ride tractors or drive them before they are qualified but vehicle design is vtty important too the installation of protective framesroll barsand cnlthresislant cabs cut overturn fatalities in sweden by 50 per cent wlifn this wj made compulsory the canada sjfuty council says overturn fatalities nuking up 40 per cent of all farm machinery deaths con be reduced by three quarters through installing these protective devices and safety belts in order to prevent farmers from being ejected once again the council siresscs lliere is no place for children on and around these powerful machines used in a complex highly skilled profession edward bird overall champ at livestock judging day the results of the livestock judging competition have now been completed the competition was held al the university of giulph on wednesday july its two dairy two heel one sheep and one swine class were judged the winners in each group arc as follows junior 1st david mckinnon with a total score ol 4h out of a possible s00 points 2nd ken mcnabb 49 ird john aldcrson 4v 4th tic keith mckinnon and david reid 41 1 intermediate 1st i dward bird 4s 2nd lois mcnabb 441 ird janet hunter 441 4lh mary luchs 427 sth john iruwn 420 senior 1st rosemary hoolh 402 2nd hill usby 4sk ud murray brownndge 4s7 4th doug gardhouse 4s2 sth stuart nurse 446 the individual trophy winners were high novice janet hunter wins n i shield hampion dairy irophy stuart nurse himpion ilccf trophy hill lashy t hampion sheep judge keith austin over all hampion judge with a score of 4m out of i possible soo poms i dward hird the prte money for winners in this competition it to be awarded to the members at the annual 4 ii awards night program foed a hoffman optometrist s8 st georges sq guelph ont toupftow tl42hi steaks fruit iga choice cocktail r white gmnuuteo sugar tad i cdite canals fimst quality i adueftl i c rtd or blue brand been boneless round steaks or roasts or rump roast 10 lb- bag 161 tomato catsup 6reen giant it u vims niblets is outdoor eating inmo round steak minced uuimttltmuuituhtmitmm 1101111 mimm tablerite cooked meats 97 frozen foods hih valley farms itilnttt 549 order now for prompt delivery order your pails of chilled cherries im the dairy case uunillawhip pass around pack 1 02 m d cracker jack 3 87 wpkoimostess fa potato chips 59 westons chocolate onp a biscuits 45