Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1969, p. 11

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our tmrs writ q the agon ffaa pratt wednesday september 10 1969 owner answers objections to airstrip blood donor response disappointing jus 135 donations monday rossuuce resortairways rr 3oorgetown onl deaf editor the force hat ml lo destroy the roulake airport ate again active for a lime the controversy aeemed to fade out but it was only an uneasy truce the new attault by a 14 member delegation wat perhapt motivated by plane which overthot the runway coming to a tlop in mr alton breckont field we have been accused of allowing novices to land at tint airport jeopardizing the afcty of resident and of operating a dangerous airfield other objections were submitted namely increated noise tcttvily and devakutiorti of land valuet in order that the public not be carried away with false or misleading tiatementt at owner of thu airport i should like lo entphatiu thai the development of a ufe landing field was our mott imponant objective all obstructions tuch at i reel were fetnovefl according to direction of the dot although it it 2000 fl in length and approximately 160 feet wide it requires slightly over 100 feel to qualify for a boente tint however duet not classify it at being unsafe to offset this lack in length we placed the hydro power lines underground at the western approach at my own expense this wat not required by regulations but we feel it gives a pilot a better sense of security extensive grading was done and a final grading etc is planned for september the pilot who overshot the runway was not a novice but had 300 night hours to obtain a pilots license it requites 45 hours the incident was caused by careless decisions in hying practice after a successful landing we ate still waiting for spokesman dr e w brown whose leudence is a little less ttuin t mile from the airway to support his statement seasoned pilots regard the rosslake airway as dangerous lie also describes it as noisy a resident of no is sideroad mr s frankruyier slates no one lives cuer than lie does to the airport and lhal lie jives right at the end of die runway mr frankruyters residence is approximately 2000 feel east of the runway which ovetlooki a valley it seems a huge plane took off one afternoon causing his baby to cry mr alton bncken whose residence it the closest of the neighbors to the airway except my own claims that flyers take off at approximately iso feet west of hit home hit dwelling it well within 200 feet of hit property the usual point of takeoff it approximately 1000 ft distance from thit depending on wind dnecl ion- ids suggestion lhat council exert preisute on the dot lo investigate our air activities here is welcomed as we have nothing to hide all visitors uie welcome and although we have nol had on official opening because of different phases ot development not completed nonlheless the airport should not he attested at dangerous t my knowledge we have not contravened any law telalive lo tint type of airport the uiid iitahle aspects of a light aitcrafi aupoit have been inflated twyiuii all ratioiul piupoiiiont and il s no seciei thjl the more aggressive agitators have ambitions lo destiny this enlripriic by using dillerent methods of tiiatcgy all tint can tie damaging lo a business and downgrading to the aviation industiy in geneial light ancialt deserves mote acceptance and prestige because of lis incieasing coniiibution lo our society opi j rss sos s s the outlaw rosslakc drinking coffee after donating blood at the clinic monday ore ray thompson a regular donor and a first time donor mrs atfaort brooks r fl with ttvam it st john nursing memuar it tails mav notoil stall phntnl url ihiimsiim mrs i vlvrt huovill mrs liiinlirfi mumihh llvlj koli llilil lliii wun hstl i i uil ilil tvlbclt mitt isolal fit ldw11 mtrtariiaii riinlla viu un hiuii iiiiw i i i iimiii lliiv mflrli unum illfull alufl i urj tuli vail m1i1 mm ksllilifii hhflwh itlukll iiuiuh lutily thiu riir let mitt lltrisn lisflvl i ivfie mil vfiuls- i slasn luu llji kxisll iliill kl i41j k 411111 1 mm sybil tlft mi mflir aiuutviit r uuu ii s liiuli ilrm kwltirr uli i liuni aiusriton jtji mm jr i ill hun mi lamia i liuilni mn msikxi k hilly imiirl mm kim lilvi it hii kiiuxr allan hall mm wilms ritrs iliumc 11w biuir r i4v1i uitvim n mulll lulvry ullin iii ilumir i hlr mi rtxiolliy liilii wlllltin riiiiitn krun i ny mn ruijkuifrirmi raiiiuirir m11 ui ley tv ii lunltar fifimun fur i iti r iiji r ifuti slllnlrryt- jyl thimiistf msn 8 isofittda roecr dray mi ft llolilj ll hiuinliu bims lluatl wukinan mulrirl isnkl lota kol7 oorae u kouir launby orrmd viacfor fybait mr van anaaud zyansont luly hun mudu llnw resell vklik i llliill kkiufd row mil iu pik kl111 hiuilk barry uuiug klu aiuimum nick lwli iiu bioolld ksnrvhi wihiiliiikii mi vcrrta muichlsori milan luvr mn kslu luptntr murray harrison mis iidiiiij tuimllll mils marie tlnlxll k w kaimnligj illai kiibwi chariot aupr i ruik si itri wutliiii in un msry mcvl lino mj william kmlulon mnnakl fsfhllim ii a kneiri ilowuil ul i ml miulfli isle kulkan mm itill iikilueilusiii ttvkosi allril miiilull ii micutvut alburl wniirrt misi suil julintluit strlii joliniimi mm sharon tlimbny miyiimil sunauilv slnlip tlryutalr ssm biuneuv un fjliu urvw mitt ratlins sllngetlsnd uny lluin jalnet mlltliell iki i allan fragrance on hwy 25 chanel no 6 hallucination no the fragrance on hwy 25 unwinding my home at vinous hours it chanel no 6 from beardttiote tannery since i am the only complunant as i am told medieu to uy i wat amazed to read local letters in the preu a venficiuon was a tour on 25 swkroad sept 2 wbfi with the management of the tannery who admitted beardmore as the culpnt adminittration of beardmore are intelligent versatile resourceful imaginative and have a sense of humor to the extent on one complaint i was told to pray for rain humor puts themselves and others in the right perspective and eases strain and tension in this case the euence of politeness is not going to eliminate the troublesome odor on hwy 25 beardmore management stales the company is uillmg to do all within its power to ease this discomfort mr ross engineer for beardmore has been notified of a giant deodorizer the unit costing s5000 could he attached to the disposal plant sweetening the odor- to male sure the uronu does not wear off not more than si 500 should he spent for a vears supply of concentrated sweetener mr ross uill investigate this unit good luck mr ross thank you let us not forget the frozen ground in a couple of months which will eliminate the odor beardmore management will be happy complainants residing on hwy 25 will be happy not cranks please remember the spring of 1070 is just around the corner and tannery policies may not have changed the vicious circle of odor sleepless nights discomfort embarrasment will once again be in motion mr mclean president of canada packers mr mcdonald air pollution control mr ken minister of energy and resources mr currie reeve of esqucsing management of beardmore tannery the above gentlemen have been notified of this problem and with their acquired skill breadth of knowledge and philosophy of life feel assured they will conquer the aroma of beardmore tannery has acton council notified airpol lut i on or are they closing heir eyes to goals and needed changes or letting organizations coast along an aimless path of expediency authority in acton who council or beardmore and co may i thank the people who wrote articles in the press uving me from hysteria after being assured i was the only person who could detect tli from the tannery katherine kelly orgjntzeisv ol tlm mondays bltuidjjonor clinic at the legion hall weie diuppoimed with the turnout lust 115 doiulioiis of blood wete nude lew than half the amount given lat maich thu i the uoiid clinic heie under the sponurlup ol the st john ambulance brigade rather tlijh the legion members placed ailvertimiig gave out povicrv nulled out notice caid unit ihrotigh the phone hook making c a i i h j d announce ntenlv nude m the churches and drove through the town with the oudpeaker system in a car to nuke evciyouc uwaie of the clinic however the rcponu was diurouidgmg members and thove awiniing blame the monday date and the proximity of holidays lor high school students who lit time- gave 40 donations it was too harrisons see indian pow wow while visiting lauders in west s visiting with former actoniant mr and mrs al lauder and family at portage la promt on their svay west mr and mrs murray harrison rr 4 acton were delighted to see a genuine indian pow wow at the svvw8vmkvwvmvmv lion i tales i first vicepresident neil miller handled the gavel for tlie fun regular dinner meeting in the absence of the lion duel as acton laont opened the 9q70 season monday evening at the station hotel tail twister tom fountain engagingly separated most of the lions from at least part ol their loose change while lion stewart wolfe led the song period with hits from the lion song bool goodwin of the organization spokesman goodwin asked the lions to consider continuing their support of the minor hockey program and presented a financial statement ol last years juvenile hockey club word from the district offices warned the acton lions to expect district governor ed wiggini in february for hit official visit treasurer bob hall kept the liont up to date on finances with tecrttaiy eppie mulder reading correspondence and minutes liont decided to hold a tkidoo diaw and discussed fall rail float and other project on tipor the year the executive later decided to continue support of the tricounty hockey program in acton long plain reserve where the lauders work the harrisons dropped in on the lauders on sunday august 3 and wete just in time to participate in the three day celebration by sioux and saulleaux tribes fiom alberta ontario north dakota and several othci noithern slates tlie tribes weic in lull regalia with the men outshining the women in the traditional grass dance dancers were accompanied by torn toms and chanted as they did the intricate steps which have been handed down thiough the indian culture tltc harrisons look special notice ol the dancers headdress which lescmbled u daniel boone hat dance competitions were nol restricted lo any age gioup and one five yeatold and a 7 year old man participated there was only one othei white in the ciowd at the celebration besides the lauders and the harrisons mr and mrs lauder moved to portage is praine irom acton to work with the indian peoples as representatives of the united church the church on the reserw has burned down and tlsey assist tlie indians in their homes and attempt to help with domestic and other problems mr and mrs harrison continued on to victoria bc through the western provinces on their vacation and returned by way of the us a newcomer to the blood donor clinic dlonno fisher r r 4 acton recoivos hor glass of juice monday from mrs peg louttot hioh school students attendance was considerably down blamed on the timo of year staff photo every day low prescription prices every day low discount prices acton pharmacy open allday monday except on hol0ays yhemtach fueb im h s holden u coats kl basal squoatb til mim distributor of horn and farm potrouum produet serving acton and district since 1046 heating oils it lubrication oils i greases gasoune it diesel fuel phone 8532174 dinmdaaui oil mjtnttt sautt tt scrvlcf 1 44 young st acton 4uty j hit ol year mils h up or hikaf firn oil uliool ol ilic 147 tlnnoit who icimtcreil 12 uric rtlciftd lot nwrdiljl ictlums mi mane hjihiivi- ol st jo hit ambulance diviinu 11 a lion wja limit lorivcncr she hail volunteer teprcuoinig ilic senior cilitnt juil urmi ljljltv typist allcrnooii or evening were mrt may duttuivh mis slcllj hnmcllc mi airc w i ik in ton min muriel micutihcnfi at the leccplion ikl uvie mrs llairave willi mis reed ol the senior iticn and mrs hull i courtney ol ilic lepon ljdies senior citizens stalled the cloakroom althoui it wasnt needed much that hoi day miss annie aitken mrs llerrmton mrs om iryer and mrs annie miller legion ladies auxiliary members served the eollec and refreshment jlter the donors had rested they were mrs kay james mrs linda dalton mrs grace towmlcy mamie allan mrs lois gordon mrs locker y mrs l shultis and mrs lucy synnott mis pey uilltht vivrd llie pikes thai drfiors uvnally dnn as ihey llivi lotnr in t m o ii d lor in e d i i 1 i reason hclme 1 tilund don1 ion r nurses hum atloli were mrs janet un h n mrv mildred hrlrnui una si join nuimiik mcinhcrs miw llella maye uosell mrs kay marl una and mrs joyce jipcnler ii cl toss lill here lor the day in iiulcd hejd ntirve mrs aimilondi u n leihhkuii miss a dcltnji scrub niitw mivs m aimiclijel ivnitle nurse misvd hnch will v iliillcll m van hci k krithy j dilrymplc and a kalupnieks st john members and extra helpers assisted setting up and taking down the beds and other equipment donors were mr ln wilum mi jjiurtinr llouth lioti 1itipci w ilium iiluipir hiilon htiil uj mjum mkhul mjrciaux mt mjrik- itnittwi miw lklolh snnnion mr munuiuc mvkciuihcr slr nellie druun itcniy ktocx uotufi llirt mrs i miuticll mrs winnficj uhha kj thompson itnuye hjhiji trs indusmin quality aggregates for rocvl wi dnvtivvsy paing for th tontuuctwjn irulutlry indusmin limited p o boa eeo acton ont tat 6101 612230 tenders due sept 25 tenders were called this week for the contract of building the scotch block dam in buiucsmg township halton region conservation authority will accept bids until sept 25 at which time they hope to award a contract so the work can begin this fall the dam 575 feet long and 45 feet high will stretch across a valley on the middle branch of the sixteen mite creek just cast of highway 25 north of 10 sideroad it will flood about 1 25 acres in the third and fourth concessions of lsquesing forming a lake a mile and a hall long and containing i k0o acre feet of water it will provide a good mow in the stream during summer drought conditions as well as storing up excess water in spring runott and flood time 11kca crews have installed a roadway to the damsite just north of tangmcre mushroom co on highway 25 and have cleared the land of trees sfctdoo go one bitter now murt allisons sales hwv no 7 between acton ft georgetown phone 8775259 or 8775250 brand new just arrived frigi0aire electric dryer model deasn 169 95 wt two cycle seamless porcelain top 100 cloanabilitv three veitposhon choices up to 135 minute timer safety start button i 100 childproof 3 heat selections lint screen in door flowint hut wnnkla free saves needless ironing dtmmmmmmmh ib yeah warranty kmmimmmmmmm manning electric 54 mill st e acton

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