of the district 1 lad 10 weelr sfrifo pergustne loxveek strike it noranda copper mills ltd has coded with pay raises ranging between so and 65 cent an hour over two yean this tint contract for 34 member of local 804 international brotherhood of electrical workert alio provide 50 each settlement pay agreement followed 17 continue hourt of conciliation by john hopper of the ontario department of labor who was also instrumental in mtuinf i long strike it fergus wire and cable ltd earlier this year he was called into both disputes after earlier labor department efforts failed employees of noranda copper mills walked off the job june 25 to support demands for an immediate inert ku to 2 so an hour minimum and s3 so art hour maximum the pay rates at the plant at that time were 12 05 and s3 05 school registration up ceorcetottncloie to 6500 tlemenlsry and high school pupils took their aeats for the start of the 196970 school term in the georgetown arid area schools because of boundary changes and the complete conversion to the junior senior system among the public schools many principals reported enroimeaj figures vastly changed f ran those in june georgetown and district high school 1240 iloly cross separate school 808 georgetown district christian school 203 senior schools 91 s centennial 431 slewartlown 484 junior schools 3529 chape street 342 howard wrlggusworlh 307 park 331 harrison 575 george kennedy 957 glen williams 31 5 norvsl 72 and pineview 419 reroute 25 highway uiltonapproval for a project that will divert highway 25 away from the centre of milton was granted by milton council in a special meeting approval of the department or highways will he sought on the project town share of the s7i344 project is estimated at 12000 the work will include installation of traffic signals at the main ontario st cower and pavement improvements on ontario st and the bate line which will become the new route of highway 2s frfe township butting fader erinbullding permits in wellington county between april i and june 30 totalled 4647169 including 1237300 for lnn township complete building permit totals were puilinch 533700 erin township 1217300 fcnn village 194850 eramou 256450 guelph township 263094 filkington 259870 ntchol 345100 west garafraxa 173705 maryborough 38500 peel 122750 west luther 20700 ruthur township 55500 minto 31825 fergus 406145 elort 306075 drayton 35500 palmcrston 115500 llarmton 24000 clifford 51200 and mount forest 173200 establish flood lines along grand tributaries mapping the river and establishing its flood lines is a continuing project of the grand river conservation authonty there are two major reasons to establish a flood line the first is to ensure tint no rtrmanent building such as a ouse an industry or a commercial business is built on flood land the second it to control and regulate the amount and type of nil placed on the flood plain the flood line is that part of land adjoining the river that would be flooded if a storm of similar intensity of hurricane hazel which devastated parts of toronto in 1954 struck this area sections of land near the river may often look high and dry and they may stay that way tor years but the land could be flooded with the first major storm like hurricane hazel and theres no way ol telling whether such o storm will strike next year or five years from now or 50 years from now to do the flood line mapping the authonty maps the nvcrs by air and then works out the flood line so far the grand river from its mouth at lake trie to the shand dam has been mapped and the flood line established major sections of tlie speed and eramou rivers have also been done the overall plan is to do the grand river from source to mouth and all its major tributaries mow lovell bros meat market rep brand beef choice boneless prime rib roast 991 choice rump roast 99h lean shoulder roast 75 lean ground chuck 79 i fresrsmall link sausage 69 for your rwam rb brand beef s 67 rons 56 mps w lovell bros modern meat market it huh i art ntstn u3h40 oaiiv muvftv idin mills tha acton free prass wednesday september 10 iva9 gj softball team wins tourney girls down moffat saturday henry nieve ol r w 1 camobelhllle tetoe pride in ms tomato plants and the resulting fruit rellects special care he has been growing the same kind of tomatoes on the same plot for eight years and each vev has fine cop sir of the tomato is compared to a 26cent inset photo by jim jennings place in the district pag by mrs r wright recent visitors of mr and mrs t harden were mr and mrs donald frank karen stephen and daren of teeswiler also mr and mis joseph halllday and duane and troy home on leave from he armed forces in germany den mills jr girls soft ball team travelled to moffat on saturday and came home with s win flayers at mini legate kim tolton debbie tulfln michelle bould jaitttt peyry kathy adair janet crane karen tufflii joan duffield vickie crane janef adar coach mis fcv harden assisted by donna clifford and marlon outfield the mens suftball team were the winners of a tournament in delwood saturday they defeated dorolhys variety belwood and nowell to bring home first prize they are currently in the finals against general electric tor the championship of guelph township league mr and mrs smith uf guelph were the guests of honor at their daughters home sunday last llie occasion of th 50th wedding anniversaiy both daughters mis abram and mrs norm marshall held open house in tlie afternoon and evening a family dinner had been arranged for six oclock and 2t attended many friends attended afternoon and evening and the couple received numerous gifts and cards of congratulations ebenezer u7tri anniversary for ebenezer church silverwooo 65th wedding anniversary for mr and mrs knutson by mrs ii sunt community good withes are extended to mr and mrs o knutson on their 65lh wedding anniversary which was celebrated on sunday aug ii at tlie home of their daughter and sonin law mr and mrs higalrr i georgetown art and gil sons fiom california were with their parents for this gieal event cil and his wife doris and their son garry and his wile kay brought baby daughter lon along it was a beautiful evening and a buffet supper was served on the spacious lawn greetings were received irum queen elizabeth mr roharts mr slanfield and mr trudcuu making this memorial occasion for the family x mrs dulhcld mrs marchington mrs llecncy mrs scott mrs norton and mrs graham were jmong oilier members irom georgetown horticultural society who enjoyed a bus trip to kitchener on monday august 25 lunch wjs eaten in the park on arrival and theic the tour to see the gjrdcns started lirst the city hall with its formal gardens and then the fountains rock gardens on kinjj st where the blooms were at their heit doon village was next and the remainder of the day was spent exploring the many buildings that houicd post olfice prim shop butcher shop church school etc the log cabin and general store were the centre ol uttiaclion to most everyone tlie shop keeper was kept busy with sales to eager customers tlie bus returned to town in lime lor folks to get their dinner members look forward to another such trip next year recent visitors with mr and mrs ii scott were mr o whiteficld ottawa mr and mrs j watson toronto mr and mrs l r whitfield london mr and mrs d macintosh brampton we are glad to report mr moloui home from hospital mr r welles of cardiff wales spent o weekend recently with the duffieldt by mrs hon ifcuan mrs art notriih and mrs w darby were tint conveners fur the september meeting of tlie ucw mrs norrlih gave ijihis inteiestlng and comprehensive account of the vast country ol china mrs darby led in a liynul quiz a thutise lunch was served a dunalton to the heart fund wu nudein memory of our late beloved member mrs george kobeitsnrl tbenezers i47lh anniversary was observed with special music by the choli and john k itching as soloist rev gordon tuinei of acton brought two thought provoking messages ills evening text was romans 12 i 2 the church is to be i lie body of christ tlie christian mutt he involved in the world mr turner referred to the case of a group of presbyterian elders and real estate agents tliey were faced with the prohlem of opening the way for a cultured negio family as christian men they knew what tliey should do but their business and family would suffer they uld we just cannot do what we know we ought to do as christians we often find no relationship between what tlie pulpit says on sunday and what happens in the world on monday worship must be in the main stream of life itself the worship must become of the church worldoriented the world must mike the agenda for u chuich in a church in east luflerr whose members asked when it was time for iii announcements wlil are the concemi of the kople of god this sunday iterant people then stood and mentioned particular people who had problems then tlie rrunltur uld ul us bring these concerns before god our futher the prayer was very real we come back to worship to have our utleriei recharged i very church bible is left open at the 40th chapter of isaiah which tells of burdens lightened or at least shared tlie recovery of worship must serve as a beacon of hope to the world outside tlie chuich is the sign of gods putpose to redeem tlie world from despair worship and mission an two sides of one coin among those attending live morning service wasorrie lamb of acton who as a youth of 14 sullied in tlie stone work on the foundation of i beneurs present edifice opened in 1915 mr and mrs horace blylh attended the golden wedding of mr and mrs stewart campbell at burlington acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too smau phone 8530334 6 main st n acton win 1000 pounds live beef the acton rotary club sponsors of the acton boy scout movement seek your support in helping the scouts guides cubs and brownies one of the prize steers from the r a mcnatr farm will go to a lucky ticket holder mr mcnair has donated the steer for the draw above last years miss acton fair zenith armstrong john an dersen rotary club coordinator for scouts and club president gord mckeown choose a steer draw made sat sept 20th 4 pm at acton fair tickets available from rotary club members local merchants or boy scouts q tickets 100 each iii r iffsstti sept 1920 at acton friday night september 19 parmt and concert acton cinzew band 730 s m variety concert in tk arana 800 pm welcome by president wilmeb fryer maturinoi cy leonard at mc unci bobby from cfiannal 9 ctv ivr uaunrti and hit oman thi allan sistfrsfeatured on th tommy hunter show tmr coidfbarbershop harmony by four young ladles south ma klan0iha 10 piece all steel band with the calypso beat halton junkm fatmim local taunt mr earl burtcountry and western miss sharon hume mr dourj bousfieldfolk slnflera the hallonettet otownino of miss acton pair saturday september 20 12 pmgigantic parade lo ma fair ground from cnr station katurino his honor the lieutenant coventor ol orstatto etsd ma honor guard lorni scot military rand lorni cots rirl rand acton citizins rand ouhpm owt kntoiro drum ruoli rand hoatsnovelty commercial business and orflanliationt prize in each section- 1st s25 2nd 115 i 3rd s5 lwcoratfo ricvcus vucvclts 1 sou rimotts prizes in each section- j2 00 si 00 50c all worthy entries will receive 25 eentt notidoll boggle tricycles s bicycle to be udoed md start from the presbyterian church 12 pmjudging of livestock and horse show 2 pmowaalopilngcftkflrby his honor th uautamunt governor el 230 pmgulpb opti knight drum ft bugle band drill baby show m tha aran junior siwwmarstriip c musical chair on portta i potato r commbrcial bkhavs haubthttit vmmci mounttotd mc kino shows rides and cc4icbsioms fair night dance the ifc dene rotscf dsasfsstg h ms area rjm tuas ml aawwien 115 star p e