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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1969, p. 3

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the acton ft pra wednesday sapwmbw 10 1969 skaadclmllabkmtaiatioawadawons by rev stanley garnrnon acton baptist church unity and union om of relevant subjects of the day i church union this with th ecumenical movement wm to occupy a great deal of our time if one ttsijds back to get a better picture of the whole thing there does teem to be moo possibility for a degree of eetlmeniry than i mansnide church won that many deaomutatiorii ire closer together in being able to discuss basic doctrine il apparent thh beeomelitnore apparent as we hear of evangelical feuowdilpt within mod of the major ifcnomiruliom unity id diffeieiit from union to tome degree although in loma wayi iimiur union suggests the tying together of many partt while unity would suggest a oneness of thought and spirit a ftarrnony not at ttrlgible at union but very real church union to ttrway of thinking it nuns effort to tie back together that bulky thing that man has teparated over the centuries a most impossible talk which can never work there it a unity in the church which our lord is building it it that myrtle body of believers saved by sovereign grace redeemed by precious blood enjoying a unity brought about only by the horp spirit thla it the unity which- god tees this it the answer to the high priestly prayer of jews in john 1721 that they all may be one one of the reatont why i feel church union cannot work it because whether we are willing to admit it or not there aie a great many unconverted members in our churches many only brought in by the birth rate knowing nothing of a conviction of sui repentance or forgiveness this does not make any the judge of anothers faith but as jems did tay by their fruits you thai know them many i fea have foliar without any fruit and the tame lord jesut will lay in a coming day l never knew you depart from me we as clergy ministers or prtetti have a reiporttibluty before god to declare the whole council of god to all people it it not ajwayeeary to be faithful it it not the popular thing to tell people that they are joiners and need a saviour that unlets they toibw chili u a personal saviour they are on their way to hell at we study the book of acts there are two great truths that hand oul and were mott apparent in the first century church prayer and the complete dependence upon the holy spirit where do these til into many of our church programs today the prayer meeting it now almost obsolete in many the teal con lulling and dependence upon the holy spirit is nearly nil oh i know none are perfect and none would claim to be but may we not by the grace of god give serious thought to these basic truths and if we would see a unity or even some semblance of union we need to say with the psalmist 1392324 search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and tee if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting 50th anniversary for roy f smiths former helton roid superintendent and county engineer roy f smith and mrs smith 348 trafalgar rd oakville were honored last week on their soth wadding anniversary they received over 100 guests fat the garden at the home of their daughter mrs j w poole ennlsclare dr w for 48 years ur smith was atiociit6cv with ratal work in hahon county he graduated a a civil engineer from queens university kingston in 1916 and came to halton at resident engineer on the tantley bridge job highway s in 1918 lie remained in the county to supervise construction of several other bridges and in 1924 became hiltons engineer on a fee basis in 1930 he was named roads superintendent and county engineer on a lull lime basis a post he held until his retirement in the summer of 1966 ka lt 48year member of the ontario good roadt association and recently joined the quarter century club ol the canadian association he alto helped form the county engineers association of ontario in the early l9s0s and was its president in 1954 mr smith has been active in home and school both locally and provincully he has held membership in the oakville curling cub lions and rotary clubs and the masonic lodge mrs smith a nursing sister in the first war has been active in the oakville hospital auxiliary and i0de chapter they have lived in oakville since 1922 and are both active members of st judes anglican church cmutkmul community church churcsou road north vanob hntteostal taurnacii pjtoc 33 churchill road raw 8 m tbotnan pastor 133his the rev a walter foabury bjl rd 124 tidey ave phone 1332316 sunday september 14th 1969 1 1 00 om worship and church school sermon subject this ministry of ours visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the church on the hill acton baptist church pounded 1142 feasor rev stanley gammon re 141 tidey awe phone gs3l6is sunday september nth 1969 n itorntflg worerdp la uttlewoi una i goda utile word no evening service wednesday s pm prayer and bible study study to thaw yourself approved ol god i tfcn i is auweloacm uthjr chrtthan ummmtd chucch minister rev p brouwer bx b d acton ontario sunday september 14th 1969 1000 am sunday school 1 1 00 in morning worthies 700 p m evangelistic service the messages presented ulll be relative to the pastors nxenl tour in the holy land tuesday i pjn prayer service and bible study tturextay 100 gun ctanwto acdbaeeedora psalm 27 i the lord is my life and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid maui avinui baptist church el maple ave georgetown patter rev robert c lohnes sunday september 14th 1969 i0jm english service lllt tuasunday school m past angush service iraaajinttl weloeast mrsttvtcttian church in canada knox church acton rav andrew h uckexul bjl bj air h a hautett bjl 0 gamier tttd chair master sunday september 14th 1969 here la our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend churoh 9 45 tun sunday school all ogee ii 00 em moraing service 700 pm evening evangel georgetown 1774665 tni church op st auanttw martyr anglican cornea- willow st and st albane drive rev m jt dawson ba bth sunday september nth 1969 trinity xv i0jo a m family service immediately after the i0j0 service a bus will leave the church for rockwood conservation park and the annual parish picnic n b church school officially starts i0j0 a m sunday october 5th trinity unitts church ttse rev gordon b turner ba bj sunday september 14th 1969 94j aun deparunefltaulkd church school for ogee 3 to 15 year iijm tun divine worship sermon on gospel of mark jesus victories over the power of evu 900 tun caens breakfast at st davids church cannpbellvtue car leave at uo sun everyone welcome director of music- dr george bluott mx phjd sunday september 14th 1969 1000 am morning worship sunday school 1000 jn nursery to grade 4 ii jm am grade 5 to 8 we welcome you and your family to take port in the life and worship of trinity i hold inquest into frowning of toronto man at waterfall an inquest into the drowning of a toronto man at waterfalls playground will be held in esrjucsing township hall on wednesday sept 24 at 730 pjn the crown attorneys oltice in milton made the decision to invetugate the drowning which occurred in five feet of water early in the turn me r coroner it dr j ii chamberlain of georgetown flavko vuletic 27 of weston had gone to waterfallt playground a private picnic and twimming area near lunehouie with fnendt he was a few yards from the main poup of swimmers when he got into rhfucuuy in five feet of water his friends said they heard him cry oul and then he went under vuletic was described by a friend as a good swimmer he had swum in the area an abandoned quarry full of water on previous occasions vuletic was an unmarried electrician who arrived in canada from his native yugoslavia leu hum two years ago the putting padre rev andy mckenila fired a siiillno 76 to win low gross honors in the annual legion mortars golf tournament at erin saturday pholo by don hills 19year veteran heads milton opp an ontario provincial police veteran of 19 years sgt m r speicher has just taken charge of the milton opp detachment after spending the summer in charge of the summer detachment at grand bend sgt speicher is married and has three children he started in the opp at kenora and moved from there to parish picnic the rev james scaffter took services for st albans rector on sunday the rev dawson was taking a course of study at the university of windsor the annual parish picnic will be held this coming sunday at rockwood conservation park a bus leaves the church after the 10 30 am service and parishioners have been urged to come to church this sunday dressed casually for the picnic pollock campiill aan of hch fach mimoaiaxs ml woo ai ffvjcttavino u ww fj jrpxu 878 3272 show times sun llvu thurs frl lisat sal mai true el 3pm wf d thurs nth sat sept 10 ii 13 13 where eagles dare adult color richard burton cunt eastwood dog house cartoon matinee sept 13 zebra in the kitchen color sun mon v w0 sept 14 is 16 17 green slime color robert horton dracula has risen from grave christoper lee color adult matinic sept 30 walt disney program of short subjects color thursday y days sept it 34 bullitt adult color steve mcqueen lighthouse mouse cairtoori thurs pri sat sept 35 3 17 ring of bright water color william travers virginia mckenna life with tom cartoon busy season for brigade hi 1967 the american bible societys paperback edition of the new testament in todays english verslongood news for modem manoutsold the top paperback bestseller valley of the dolls in 1968 it repeated the performance only this lime it outsold rotenuryi baby the 1968 figures were good newt for modem man 4768329 rosemarys baby 4200000 the arrangement 2580000 the exhibitionist 2100000 statistics of secular paperbacks are based on print orders not on actual tales and if the retailer cannot sell he has the privilege of reluming them pottage paid the flguies for good news for modem man are figures of actual distribution and do not allow any returns good news for modem man is now standing third in the list of alltime paperback bestsellers with only the merrlamwebster pocket dictionary and dr spocks baby and child care in front of it if present sales levels continue todays englith version will surpass both of these by 1970 elaine lamb in new york competition miss elaine lamb eldeit daughter of acton realtor syd lamb was among the members of the contemporary accoidlon orchestra toronto who represented canada at the championship accordion competitions in new york city in august thirteen yearold elaine wat the youngest participant in the cpmpetltiun the canadian entry placed third behind russia and the united stales in the orchestra competition elaine received a certificate in recognition of her participation former residents of acton the lambs live in omagh now where talented elaine has participated in many musical events with her accordion si john ambulance brigade l planning a demonstration at acton lair they piesented the same demonstration at the lions club carnival in georgetown on labor day a new st jolin ambulance course it also stalling when venturers and adults will receive instruction together the brigade is also on duty regularly at the nock car races acton fall fair baby show sponsored by melon knitting company makers of childrens underwear licensee for carters sleepwear saturday september 20 tv 230 pm in arena inirue tui at the mtstv blahwra lr ttw teas bsrwas 1 and 3 ps class 1a for girls up to 6 months of ar class ib for boys up to 6 months of ara class 5a for girls from 71 months of ao class sb for boys from 7 13 months of ao class 3a for girls from 13 ib months of ao class 3b for boys from 13 ib months of afc class 4 best twlnt up to 3 year of aos dryden cmetpft kitchener walkerton mount forett and grand bend 19 years in all he says he liked his work in the north and was impressed by the size of the country sgt spciiher said it was common to investigate an accident which hail occurred up to iso miles away from the detachment he also mentioned the only communications they had then was the telephone sgt speicher is in charge of 30 men at the milton detachment fred a hoffman optometrist 51 st georges so guelph ont telephone 114471 tax notice 1969 municipality op acton third instalment now due attention it drown to the payment of 1969 lanes which are now payable in four instalments tones are payable to the municipal treasurer ol the town of acton municipal office vmca building instalments arf due as follows pst ihttalmtnt may 18 mcond instalment july is third instalmtht stptfmua ib fourth irwalmtnt hovfmbtr 17 according to the tan colkciloa by law a penally of i per cent per month or fraction of a month will be added on the amount remaining unpaid after the isth day of may this penally applies to each instalment in a similar manner the attention of ritcpayirs l directed to the penalties and other clauses as printed and explained in detail on every tax bin make payment now and taice your tax notice with you when making payment j t hurst corut begin at the beginning with the electric wiring ones your electrical system is up todate you ii be free to improvo lighting and heating add oxtro appliances and oxpand into outdoor living new wiring starts you olf on the right foot the hydro financo plan can help you get started right away the acton hydro electric commission 43 alicc stmrt acton yow hydro

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