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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1969, p. 1

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break fair record white other fall fain in the province reported dwindling attendance and lagging interest the 56th annual acton fair broke all previous gate records with another gab two day event friday and saturday fridays gate receipts for the night performance were down from last years recordbuster but the receipts for the big day saturday were 400 higher than any previous high president wilrner fryer and hie directors were delighted with the response from the public jammed into acton par k for the ferti vibes highlight of this veers fair of course was the- visit of lieutenantgovernor ron macdofiald and hit honor guard with a military section in saturdays parade over 2000 people packed acton community centre friday night to tee 17yearold cathy smith lovely miu from the churchill area claim the miss acton fair crown from 1 2 other contestants judges were almost stumped by the comehnets of the girls they pared their selection down to five and then kept the girls in suspense a they chose uhs smith a grade ii student at acton district high school the fastpaced variety show which preceded the selection of uirf acton fair kept the huge audience which filled all available teats and spilled into the aisles entertained and amused stars were cy leonard and his dummy and the allan sisters from the tommy hunter show while amateurs from the junior firmer earl burt sharon hume end doug boutfield snd the hshonettei were very much appreciated the saturday show took lit cue from the previous day starting with another fine parade which drew crowdi all along the streets to tee the four bands the lieutgovctnor floats and novelly displays almost 100 nflecarrying members of the lome scoli regiment in lulls and diets uniforms were nut in force between the lome scott pipe and brtu binds for the parade the guelph optiknighti weie another special feature while the red coatt of acton citizens band proved tlui community could produce at fine a band at any the nilend of tlie parade was the signal for the huge crowd lined slong the ttreett to enter the fair grounds where they overran the midway and spread thickly into the community centre the horte cattle chicken twine and sheep shows the lieutenantgovernor meanwhile was initalled in a marquee where he wat formally introduced to about 200 invited guests oulude the pipert went through an intricate drill and ceremony fair board secretary mrs c w swackhamer eitimatet 8000 people went to the saturday ihow thats without counting those wlio went in over the fence ihe commented with a smile the lome scots brats band alto gave a concert on the grounds and they were followed by a smart diiptay of nurchlng snd mutic by the opilkmghts the lt governor officially opened the fair nn a platform containing president wumer fryer mp hud whiting the hon george kerr minuter of fcnergy and retouicet and m p p jim snow at well ai acton reeve dr f oiket ladiet preildent mn ruth linham snd the lieutenantgovernors niece mrs wilton the lt governor viewing the gro jrtdr and the action going on all around him taid acton could be changed to action judging by what he saw he congratulated fair officials on the tuccess of their show and took a keen interest in exhibits tlie midwsy wat crowded for both diyi and king shows want to sign a threeyear contract to enture a place in future acton fall fairs they had nine rides and various types of games and eating establishment where food was dupenied all the food booths did a roaring irade with the limehoute wl and acton junior farmert setung the pice hill exhibiti were down 1ils year but the committee in chaige had the displays set out attractively and without clutter commercial diiplays in the arena did a brisk business winner of tlie simpsonssears tpecul award of a ulver serving tray to ihe exhibitor winning the moit points in ihe homecraft canned goods shaking classes wat miss margaret johnson of milton mitt johnson exhibiting for her second year at acton won 2h first 27 lecondiand 16 thuds at well at prizes in the plants and flower section beef and dairy ctauet at the far end of the park were glutted with entries as were the poniet and light horset the ponies taid one judge were of good quality snd marie for tough judging the inimitable vlnce mountford kept the program moving from live stand cracking jokes and entertaining with stories between cliiies at the cattle rings tiieleu klmo braidj thepherded ihe overflowing entries through the vuious claues alibied by live ontario shorthorn luiie queen and ihe helton shorthorn queen both in highland dreis winner of the taton hveitock special awarded to live exhibitor winning the most points in tlie chi m te f stars of the 1000 tall fair miu acton fair cathy smith and lieutenant governor ross mscdoruld beam over the chrysanthemums decorating the platform saturday istalf photo juftfit ninetyfifth year no 13 acton ontario wednesday september 24 1949 hthtttn piiftet flflrtn cthli beaming through happy tears mis acton fair cathy smith is encircled by the finalists anita thibodeau second runnerup margaret sloven first runnerup rosemary bird and kris houpor the part young winner is in grade 1 1 at a dhs jud their difficulty in choosing entrantsstalf photo a winner from the 1 admitted charming lieutenantgovernor charms hundreds at marquee throughout air grounds youve made me feei at home beamed lieutenant- governor ross macdonatd when he officially opened actons 56th fall fair saturday afternoon despite his age he showed no signs of fatigue after happily greeting hundreds of actonlana in his special marquee and thtoughout the buttling grounds he arrived in town about noon left about 4 oclock and had another engagement scheduled for the evening there was a royal reception for the royal representative crowds lined the streets to wave and cheer as he pissed in the first section of the long parade however tome didnt realise the smiling gentleman in the convertible was the neutenantgovemor until they law hit chauffeurdriven limousine coming along behind with its unique 1- i license paste at the park he stood on a special dait backed by school fugs to review the lome scots then in a shady carpeted marquee st the park the distinguished visitor greeted about 200 he had just a few moments to spare to rest on the mayors chair during tlie hourlong reception guests were introduced to him by his aide col hardie they included fair board members representatives of various organizations the towns citizen of the year charlie thomson and the miss acton fair competitors in the receiving line with the ueulenantgovemnor were his niece mrs walter wikon of toronto fair president wdmer fryer and ladies president mrs w linham 7 in the centre of the field the lome scots military band played while the reception was underway then the official party crossed the field to the platform while the band struck up john peel then they played the tornvil few hart of god save the queen and o canada which traditionally introduce the queens representative in the province i am happy indeed to be here the visitor told the waiting crowd among so many fnends youve made me feel at home you should be very happy i can see its acton for action youre showing the way here and ive been to quite a few fairs so far he had pleasantlyspoken words of praise for the lome scots regiment the town band the legion the people of the district who had produced such fine displays miss acton fair and all the charming competitors the president of the fair and all the directors he recognized the community efforts that go into such an event and your great parade comthuud oa pee s mayor drops bombshell mayor let duby dropped a bombshell at the council chambers tuesday night when lie announced that the official plan may be back in acton on thursday thursday atked deputyreeve tyler hard to believe taid councillor bill coatt someone taid if the government lost the election in middlesex well get some action laughed councillor pat mckenzie the mayor and reeve frank oaket visited toronto on tuesday and talked with the chairman of the ontario municipal board who promised that after months of waiting the official plan would be in acton thursday the mayor and reeve also asked mr kennedy chairman of the omb his opinion of the development of the industrial park and he stated the board was quite prepared to support the 50000 earmarked for fcwuued oa pee m two cars collide on bower at mill near live tracks on saturday two cats were involved in a collision investigated by acton police the car driven by tom fidler 48 nelson ct received an ettimated 100 damage and the car driven by james lsughlen 70 nebon ct 125 damages the fidler car was making a turn off mill onto bower when the accident occurred four breakins reported four weekend breakins were investigated by acton opp two werent discovered until monday but police sutpect all four took place on fnday evening three of the incidents took place in lakevtew subdivision the other at tlie hydro office the robert mcgregor family were at the fair when theu elmore drive home was broken into friday night entry was nude when a kitchen window was forced open to permit a hand to reach in and unlock the door the house was ransacked in the search and about 75 was believed stolen the tame night when mr and mrs vic bristow and family were at the fair their bhzabetii dr home wat entered through a back bedroom window about 150 in catli and a coin collection was missing on monday a breakin wat reported at the home of mr and mrs joe bray elizabeth dr a rock had been used to break a basement window but the intruder apparently found himself locked in tlie laundry room and departed nothing was found missing police suspect the incident occurred the same night as the other two also on monday hydro superuitendent doug maton reported a breakin at the hydro office entry had been made by slipping a lock and about 7 used for pop and lunches was taken nothing was disturbed again this week the acton police urge aniens to let them know if they see anything suspicious phone them and if the recorder is on please leave a message they ask prize lists next week a picture b worth a thousand word uys the old proverb thai week free frees has plenty of picture of acton fajj fair and next week paper will ipechliie in the thousand of words the prise ksrs in uvcitock poultry hay and arakl vegetablea fruit flower domestic classes school children chase and special youth gerieugfy hurt cartrain collision claims life of 13 yearold boy police are still mystified about the cause of a cartruin collision at ihe main st n railway crossing in acton early sunday morning which claimrd the life of 13 yearold gerard andre gauthter of toronto and tenouuy injured 20 yearold gerald revolt of 13 church st e acton the crossing is equipped with signals the weather was clear and the road dry when the car which police presume was driven by the acton youth collided with the 24th car in a freight containing 3h cars and three engines about 305 a m tlie train crew travelled past the crossing almost two and a half mites before they were aware there wat anything wrong the air braket on the bain let go and the crew of the train ttopped it to check on the brake failure the new found the rear front wheejt of a cement hopper car were derailed and left big gauges in the bet at the train proceeded and the brakes had been severed they walked back to the main st n crossing where they found the prevost car a 61 chev convertible wrapped around the signal pole on tlie north side of the tracks rutsell gauthier 13 of 439 sackville st toronto died in the wreckage pinned between the car and the ugnal pole constable bruce krestler of acton opp notified by a pasung motorist gordon ward of georgetown found prevott in the field west of the car and north of the tracks he was treated at ihe scene by dr c hutchison and taken to guelph general hospital with a concussion fractured right knee power break unuiual u the only word to describe mondays situation along the business section in acton barber shops on one tide of the street were dispensing old fashioned liaircuts without power on the other tide the barbers were humming away merrily with clippers and all reason dust on insulators caused a power leakage which started a hydro pole in ihe robert little school grounds burning at 4 am don ryder notified acton hydro and they in turn notified ontario hydro the fire was extinguished at 1 1 am meanwhile the current was broken in some sections of town and district throwing clocks and routine into confuuon lacerations and contusions hospital authorities said he is responding favorably to treatment the car which wat southbound on main was a total wreck there has been no estimate of damage to the train and tignal equipment badly bent but mil workable there were no witnesses to the colliilon corporal larry netle and constable connors of the north dillon opp assisted constable krestler with ihe investigation fireman c soehner of 370 albeit st fergus was in charge of the train body of the young boy emned ithe wreckage could not e removed until a tow truck remcd the wreckage of the car it was taken to milton hospital coroner i hunter of milton confirmed death funeral service for the boy was held in toronto on wednesday afternoon with service in the rosarmorrison funeral home he wat the son of gerard gauthier and frances choma and leaves a brother richard denis and a sister sharon mrs m prevott the fatality was four days short of a year when an acton woman was killed at the mill st level crossing crumpled remains of the 1061 chev convertible were wrapped around the flashar standard at the main st n railway crossing af ter a collision with a freight train sunday morning at 305 thirteen year old russell gauthier of 430 sackville st toronto lost his life in the crash while gerald prevost 20 of church st acton lies seriously inlured in guelph general hospitaliphoto by e taylor

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