Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1969, p. 8

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1 1 1 use this page for the easiest way to sell anything births anderson jim and ruth anderson dob coles of r r 4 sunderland onl i happy to announce the birth of ihelr daughter elizabeth jo anne at jifcridge cottage hos pital on thursday october 2 4969 massey joe and shirley maasey jr are bounce the bin david raymond 7 lbs october 17 196 at general hospital a v er for douglas are pleased to an- birth of their ton 1 or on guelph se brotb- emoaqememts ilr and mr harold maid of m mak st acton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter alice to ur svend erik poulttrup son tat mr and mrs kens poulstrup of georgetown ont mr and lr wllaoo allon- by4llatowl formerly of acton with to announce the engage ment of ihclr daughter margar et jane to george ahred scme- stel ton of mr and mrs frank schlettcl tccswater the wed ding to take place november 14 7m pjri in st josephs roman catholic church llst- owel comiho marriages lazenby perkins mr and mrs tom perkins ac tor wlah to announce the forth- corning marriage of their daughter karen to mr robert latenby ton of mr and mrs tom latently crewson corn- era marruge to take place at 7j0 b on october 31 199 t trinity united church comimq event remember belunafad share the wealth euchre tuesday october 28 lunch served ad mission 75c 8j0 pxu b1721s7 meeting to form the new hal- ton county museum auxiliary at the museum building e pjn monday october 27 all are in vited- b25l42 euchre balllnafad scout mo thers thursday october 73 j0 balunafad community centre admission 75c door prize lunch served sj72w for sale 23 electric stove m aldewalk bicycle girl or boy both good condition hone af ter 5 5ji257 iel72iao prtoloalke electric range good working condition 25 kitchen table and chairs 15 phone 5ji20e u172i97 north halton association for mentally retarded wee ting to be held monday october il t pm at sunshine school horn by all parents members and interested persons are cordial ly invited to attend bm1772 all those ladles and gentle men who are particularly in terested in honoring dr ethel chapman are cordially invited to attend testimonial recept ion arranged in her honor by the halton dlitrlcr women initltute at st davids presbyt erian church campbelrvllle ont on tuesday afternoon oct ober x 199 registration ms p m program 2 pri admit- tion soc autographed copies of her newest book wumau- files in homespun will be av ailable buiur for sale firewood cut and deliver ed phone 8784358 or 85j0799 lbm1750 deaths emmerson robert fredrick suddenly at guelph on monday october 20 1969 rob ert fredrick ernmertoa of 21 mcdonald blvd in hit 57th year beloved husband of elea nor lena mattey dear father of ronald of hespelef donald of fergus dorothy mrs alfred roach of acton jo ana mrs robert hodgson of guelph wayne margaret elizabeth peggy and john all at home also survived by is grandchild ren brother of steve jhn wei- don mrs edna mmhlin mrs itobell tost and mrs lois teas- dale funeral service at the ruto- leyhosansker funeral home wednesday at 2 run interment falrview cemetery white lloyd baby carriage good condition phone km649 lalmltl 308 winchestef semi au tomatic case strap tired 10 round cost 1205 seu for 115 phone 1551107 i17 194 buy good used clothing for family free price list econ omy clothing box iii sutton -t- toronto 19 ont 1172194 wooden atorm windows sv doors also aluminum windows doors awnings shutters iron railings reasonable phone 153- 2195 la202im deer hunter and lo- fisher mens sleeping trailer winteris ed electrical wired single to 54 to double bad with mattress rd space new plates 878- ib24i829 cupboar 9 wooden storm windows i window with sash screens to il 2 i is x 15 tires snow or regular and i is wheel ford apply glen white 50 john st iter 6 pro phone 8s3isj4 ui72iis large glossy prints of acton free press ttatv photos 5 sire 100 i x 10 aire 1 x pius tax cash tnutt order enquire now press office or dills stationery so mui st b accompany tu at pre soys hockey skates tlxe 6 7 wesilnghouse wringer wash er 25 phone 5jr ithlvm and san ltd f hoogiks harvey red fasted away at the guelpb general hospital oo friday october 1 he harvey 4tcd hodgms in tus s4th year hus band of june hardje tastier of state dear brother of margar et tatrrsc osa- fsiacraj tervior svas held a the gilbert madntyre and sac funeral motor guespti on tuesdav asieroooe october 7 1 mermen greenwood cecoetery geonjetowt ijkvxtuc sidnr m at hu borne ir limehuuse oo suocuo october lv ev sid e m turtpairic- tjtejotcd n oaorl or carolmr starxluh oaar istiier of mars mrs rainr turoerj ut droebouie uijgmsc lire johc foster of oeurueiuwr kathleec mrs calvin ascouoiid u clmwood oorutii tin harod hunt of brilsir piuoooescc by jux fuderi wrvtur was held rosp hih ttume in vrnhrhiir lueulak ai 2 pro inleraient imueliousc ixsnetrry cards of thaiks tiu attune of the late mrs duraco macleod extend thrir sioceir thanks to their many friends and uighbors for floft- ers cards food and assistance dunsg our recent sad bereave ment special thanks to rev d a kiobolson rumley shoema ker funeral home and the pall bearers sincerely maoleod and prouwe famil ies bl72190 the family of the ute mr reginald hoare wish to thank uieir many friends and wond erful neighbors for the acts of kindness floral arrangesneots donations to the heart fund and expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement special thanks to dr vanderbent dr moore the pallbearers and the rum- leyshoemaker funeral home thank you alt al7j199 we with to extend our sin cere thanks to our many friends neighbor and yclattv- et for via lovely cards gsftt and flowers we received on our diamond wetmlixs anniversary also many thanks to the ladle who poured tea helped serve and fat the uschcn and the oiwa on tm ayasst book also to the brio onlted church and to anyonn who tutparl in any way to make this day t happy oooas- loo this as xreatly apprec- mantfawka ir udmrs arthur grtmn tmaot mum banish wash day blues with a reconditioned washer or dryer from c w kellys 1 only fully reconditioned general electric wringer washer complete with pump and timer todays special at only 3995 sv 1 only viking automatic washer in good working condition yours for only 7995 excellent value viking automatic washer a i owner used only twice like new condition with full guarantee sacrificing at only 16995 gas dryers westlnghouse front loading glass door dryer sold now at 22400 while it lasts only 7995 this machine is in immaculate condition thor dryer in good condition yours for only color mindecf if so you cant afford to miss out on this terrific valuel rca color tv floor model console fully reconditioned while it lastsi only 34900 anal son lis corner wyridhii and mftcdonrvell stwtu ssm isssstmsssi fgf vjrvafsiat im mas asskfsm classified advertising rates burn s naira rosrmcossnao stajuuxoam wlraioaa dsulria tfs cms roai balm rosi tnavr trrc ttas wb sm e smasr atsm rrt costnso avai ousoa or tauunut- sis aw tint im umi ih n ia aasmlansi tt tat arasaoaittm stat alva ta uh j i csjuanrrad dsaruv axvtx awtatb 1 x w ls box tcmsbbsu w tab tax bw aiilllip cukaanrobd cocas l rw sub a r kw swb a jubub aw a viiw aw aw a t its rw ateb a vai rsuin a waua uv w l ii i t j it l sww u w iw w suu u r i i la l u fcilirl l la1 a ati skbi s pi a alil immun bb abli n bs cwwvs aa iiil m vnaiair phone i5u010 or 20m the acton frae prvtt vvedrvaiday ocfobr 22 194 3 amiuals for sale rabbits phone 5j495 3al72ih 20 western hereford hei fers and 20 steers vteignlng ap pro 400 lbs good ouallly free delivery phone streets- vllle imh7 collect jb25iu7 4 implements for sale massey harris j furrow trail plow on rubber phone 5j1j95 4al72l94 5 vehicles for sale 190 ford j ton utility truck phone 55170 uc y79m 5222252 1963 ford v4 autonutlc 552 ci good condition s323 phone mjjaa4 5a 172 im v4 volkswagen in good condition sirfely check certific ate phone s5j0444 sal72192 196 j ton pooo ford truck with platform vs engine iju tires 950 or best offer phone 7v9l2 sb25im 8 help wanted 2 ladies for work at holi day cleaners in acton i full lime i part time apply in per son at 14 mill st friday be tween s am and 6 ptn a17jii9 ii l08t or strayed hmt ijiiii hralalsl wllh i heatl cliallil piuuitf silmo bs- fm t plmiie itsjuvn slier e mwid iui72i9j 13 for rent i illknimiiill tumi for rent lady only phone k j 177 ilal7i i liidhmxm hiurliriertt town tenlie ahly po lint 900 ijsl7vt2554f rttldroam bparlmenirali lonvenietuea tentrul in acton i56o2i iiil72lll room and hjii now avail- lble viti highway 25 south of alton phone 1511159 ial72ls5 suit er puunimiid rooms utile for 2 single neruint louple adulla only call 7pm phone i5v2767 additional cash forvou dy demonalrallng the beat coimetlca available you can earn 10 or more per hour in your spare time for further information please call 8777840 htlf guelmi 22404l 147 194 rambler american standard transmission al con dition price 650 phone s5j- 0715 after 5 pm sal721i7 l9o galax ie xl 2 door hardtop radio power brakes power steering bucket seats ii floor shift 595 8789704 sb254ls2 1945 meteor rideau station wagon t automatic power steering power brakes in ex cellent condition private sale offers invited uc 5777sx phone 8504764 guelph sales clerk for milton store agricultural background help ful but not essential opportun ity for advancement salary cbmmenturare with experience and qualifications complete range of employee benefits apply to bill mullin uco branch milton sb25 9 employment wanted day care available in my home by day or week phone 8s1i59 9al72is4 warehouse naie for rent iui7i996 and office central locat ion oldie 12 x 15 warehouse appmx 400 uj t nlui storage above phone 85 2m0 before pin ilal72is2 14 wanted to rent dressmaking and alterat ions phone mjojae i6al7199 3 bedroom house acton vicinity rescrcneet phone s55- 427 anytime 14at72200 furniture upholstery ex pert reupholstering reflnlihing and repairing of all kimla of furniture for free eslimatet call main variety phone 153- 0411 acton i6i2lf164 bel aqua water conditioning co soft water service salt 8531703 ltell4f 16 services cikjiiinljt upbolaury ex pert l tipf lolalarinst rrslnuhlnst slid icpalrlng all kinds of liirnlluie one weeks service call adams this depot mmtoo iistf pioor hepinishlno we now have a modem taodv and edger we will twiaish your floors or rent you the qtup- tnenl to do the fob yourself 1 u frank phone i2040 47 pnsdarick 81 aotad itatf tuynew farm animal service up to 500 for frssb dead diasblad cows or horses top prices for old horsae call guelph 1224041 collect license 44r47 mc47 24 hour service 1411 paconi dead stock removal umrreo highest cash price for dead or disabled cow asd horse call operator ask pott zenith 97950 uc no itscm lesvti ed mcmullen contnctoa cement floors sidewalks 4 stoob chimney sk plastering repair stucco work 0 flreplaoet phone acton 8531818 i6e4f 5b25tis0 woman will baby sit in her own home by day or week on 25 highway acton 855014 9bl74177 5995 and son lid corner wyndham and macdonnell streets tv tower sale 30 tower installed with all chasv nel head 4220 40 tower fatatsuad with all chan nel head 17450 so tower inhsjiedjwithah chan nel head 9150 extra heads tor second tv set installed 2000 fm stereo bead installed moo 15 elemem color bead installed 4495 automatic rotor installed 4995 repair of richardsons radio tv 201 main street bast milton phone 8784949 we have buyers for 1965 1966 1967 models but our stock is too low if you have one of these models drop in now for top trade dollar at milt6n motor sales ltd call us at 8782355 moving storage general trucking citi central cartage 8783351 itatf acton upholstery antique and modern furniture reupbolstering repairing and refinishlng car upholstering 4 days delivery free pickup 20 miles radius for pree estimates call 8530684 earl jensen atf stanley construction bulldozing trenching trucking septic beos custom homes fill and top soil r r i acton 8530849 163041 carpentry k r lumbers general contracting ranod- eliing alterations rxc rooms trim work etc 17 real estate listings wanted homes farms rural we offer you our many yean of esperierice listing and selling properties in halton and wellington counties christie woods real estate limited brokers 119 main 81 milton phone 8786057 8782095 or acton cllanta call royw goodwin res phone 8531630 between 4 7 pw i7al acton 34633 milton s7o37 16alltf 388 main st milton crane rental tree removal building demolition call 8783351 14tf 5m5 wanted barn beams approx 12 x 2 call 85joi39 7al72191 girl guide uniforms site or 10 electric train for young boy phone 1552288 7al72116 8 help wanted lbtf 2 produce for sale sod delivered or laid low est prices finest quality prompt delivery john hunter landscaping 5 cteaveboline dr georgetown phone even ings 0777451 14454x hillside farm youbrself serve egg centre special jumbo extra lavrst eggs 55c per dot lust south of acton on highway 25 first farm ob sidertad 25 24f gueuw 82dm1 iad7 new honey clover amber or buckwheat in bulk or our containers alto creamed cloves honey rockhaven apiaries 23 slderoad off 25 hwy call 8530266 2ttf cleaning lady thursday or friday for 4 hours lakevlew s53i945 a7j254 8 help wanted office help required book keeping experience and general typing ability necessary tele phone 8531510 monday to fri day between 9 am and 5 pm 1h7j119 young lady for downtown retail store full or part time experience preferred some bookkeeping experience an as set reply giving particulars to box 481 acton free press 8172251 wtve moved r j jennings photography is now located in acton at 251 main street north for complete photo service call us at 8532227 i4atf jennings excavating rjl 1 lanvrssrmte 8773197 farm ponds s f aitlw btmoonnal trenching septic bads fill gravel top soil pshmals given first class service 14411 forced sale ibsdmom brlik bungalow with f laved driveway situated on arge lot overlooking park large living room kitchen mi dining area 4lece colored bathroom hsrdwood floors throughout full basement oil heating recently decorated full price only 20500 with 2000 down compare the price brand new 4room 2storey se midetached with carport close to schools and shop ping large living room din ing room and kitchen 2 col ored bathrooma 3 large bed rooms walltowall carpeting gat heating full basement and your own choice of decor ating colors priced at only 21540 with 1500 down one year old sroom brick splitlevel with ftarage on private bushed lot srge living room and kit chen with builtin stove and fan 4plece colored bathroom finished recreation room and extra bedroom new alumin um doors stream on property i lot completely landscaped i fenced full price only 25900 see it now g alec johnson realtor 8 mui street east acton ontario 8532086 15w7 is tenders 161 finance mortgage funds 1st and 2nd available residential com mercial also mortgages pur chased call glenn daniey oakawa realty investments oakville 8275711 anytime electric arc welders steel fabricator located in georgetown requires welder job offers permanent position excellent wages excellent working conditions excellent fringe benefits phone collect 8776957 sbl automobile mechanic class a licensed flat rate shop full benefits new building excellent working conditions apply to service manager pete masson motors ltd 336 guelph street georgetown bis dawsons plumbing and heating for fast efficient service re pairs alterations new worst industrial residential com mercial phone 8532203 4aj7tf h l stull excavating r r 5 milton call milton 8789360 or georgetown 8773840 spnharhring m all your djgodmg requirements no job too om or too small mb4f 24 hour approvals 2nd 3rd mtges arranged in the convenience of our own home low cost you can call to 10 pm today for helpful courte ous service prompt investment corp ltd 62 richmond st w toronto 3669586 evg 2394913 16149 tenders the halton county board of education will receive tender for one new 1970 stake body motor truck specifications for the above may be obtained at the follow ing location administration office 146 south service rd b oakville oflt tenders will close at 400 pm november 3 1969 asd must be addressed to mr b t llndley superintendent of business 4k finance t treasurer 146 south service rd e po box 548 oakville ont- sealed tender must be clear ly marked as to contents the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted 117 17 real estate kent precast product sidewalk and patio slabs onmney caps curbing any aire cement floors and stoop a sjvadaaty phone acton 8531013 8531747 25 highway 2 miles toutb of acton sf georgetown three serviced building lots good residential area phone evenings 8777451 19 lefiali 1717 property for sale country estate immaculate 4 bedroom stone house surrounded by beau tiful trees situated only 3 miles to guelph 50 acres of choice land barn and steel shed asking 65 good terms to one open mortgage private irnpletnent gxo with phone 8569677 wes7 notice to creditors and olttetts la the eststs of margaret jane rcafjton lis cat the township of manama ways m th county of hal- toit masrlsd wattmaa i ad all persons having claims ag ainst the aforementioned estate of margaret jans sxobertaott who died on or about the uth day of august 1969 sn requir ed to file proof thereof with as understrned solicitor for the estate on or before the 10th day of november 1969 after which lata the estate will be distrtbuted hsnrtds rcsjard only to the caaams then fiktd dated at acton ontado this 17th day of october tsstt

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