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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1969, p. 1

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railway on track last weeks front page appeal for comment on train aervic in acton produced plenty of talk and several replies to the questionnaire one apt letter to the editor is found on another pace mp rud whiting asked to know the opinions of actonlans since he had received a tetter from the railway transport committee indicated they had been informed the majority of actonlans were satisfied with freight and express service the letter did not mention the passenger service its expected a new presentation may beraade by the town although a public hearing has already been held when general dissatisfaction with the cn service was expressed meanwhile heres a repeat of last weeks questionnaire if you want trains to stop here the station to remain open freight and express to go direct from acton station please fill it in and end it to the free press for forwarding to mr whiting please sign your name are you satisfied with cnr service lit acton for 1 passengers 2 express 3 freight 1 passenger service have you hid difficulty learning timet of trains and buying tickets do you ever use the passenger service would vou use it if there were better service would you like to see a kitchener to toronto go train service 2 express has your use of express service increased or decreased since the implementation of the matter agency plan in guelph on july 3 1968 was your use of the service declining previous to that time were you satisfied with the service prior to 1968 are you satisfied with the service since 1968 3 freight hai your use of freight service increased or decreased since the implementation of the guelph master agency was your use of the service declining previous to that time were you satisfied with the service prior to 1 968 are you satisfied with the service since 1 968 do you think the cnr station should be fully opened again with an agency selling ticket and handling freight do you feel the present lack of service in acton is a hindrance to actons development do you feel the service has been deteriorating are we dancing round ring when other boxers gone board chairman lashes back at education critics halton board of education chairman fred armilage lashed back at criticism or board member honoraria emanating from the last meeting of eiqueslng council by charging it eoatt taxpayer two and a half time much to pay municipal councillon as it does to pay board- member sweeping pay cuts suggested by esquesing councillor ken manhtu criticized at well u other suggest cutting the co of education proposed by the quiet speaking the concern of rati represented by tome municipal educational tout at budget ti continent with 1heir demand programs improved facilities a qualification of teacher remainder of the year mr declared in a pepard statement pre which deal i itep by step criticisms advanced by mr mai were endorsed by esquesing c lilt meeting the suggestion that meml board of education cut their per cent with no mileage allow deitroyed by the fact that this come from the one council whlc it t own honoraria this year the haled a turvey of the honoraria member of council in halton showed to the board satisfaction that their cost of 33c per capita at compared to 80c per capita bald to councillors was reasonable and in fine there does teem lo be behind the motion the naive belief that if a cost is scattered into smaller packages in many place it it not as large the chairman declared following are the results of the survey by municipalities amount of honoraria la 1969 bud i0j0o 34000 1000 jj0o0 9350 j1o0 30ji0 31200 munkipalily aclofl buruasfa kiquoins gos uiltoa oakvow inly council hilton y count ill 143370 county bonn of lowitloit baud istjm he suggettion that the tlgat the use of existing buili try classrooms it not an tec mr armltage uid the boati ibject to the mot stringent controls fn fire marshal the health dei other agencies the amount ceiling height the volume nge enclosed stairwells fin are all restrictions lion used and the in the community do n irements even as tem lion for five yeart in the matur of salaries for staff d has always acted reiponsibly the chairman insisted this year we may experience difficulty because of the sire of recent wage settlements in commerce and industry the special factors surrounding tome of these jobs are not applicable to teaching however the greatest difficulty will be the fact that many municipal employeet have received salary settlements far in excels of what the board offer ave just wonder how we can explain what councils mean when a policeman receive j8550 and lightly lo and a teacher with a ba in a high school with the same experience receives j7g00 and a public school teacher receives j620o in the light of settlements in other lector of the economy the biggeslion that we fiold the line it really not a realistic contribution the board hat a responsibility lol and derive maximum benefit lucatlonal dollar it also hat a ant responsibility that llvqi ion be consistent with the i nti and the demand elt i of the foregoing the tei be teduced ii utterly rli fact an insult to the staff f education the board particularly tttenl ki on staff and suggested tha lions might aroute lewti idayt being june jul is a remark baud on a ding june is one of the the starr june 2b is the school during the ihe staff is heavily engage declared elementary schools mr amu i 483 teachers took courtea niversities during this summer and so more taught courses at the secondary level 287 teschert took university and department courses and 112 taught courses comment that board employeet in many cases seek employment in these fields lo avoid the competition of private business and to avoid any possible unemployment is not worthy of answer the chairman charged with no bails but ignorance the suggestion that tha board oi education publish estimate and hold public meeting to hear objection and aniwer question i one which all public bodies including council might follow mr armltage agreed tie said the board publishes it budget and distribute thai information widely the halton education goes to every parent tha tnlnulat of iid including budget goes to every very library every council public have been held to hear objection who reads the newspaper should lli might be advised to adopt tha edure he advised idea that boards of education cfafer with municipal council e letlwtg ihe budget it a ullsfaclory mlng that council will do the felling with ihe board on their the statement continued h intercommunication ii it iween public bodies it s good luniclpal government however that this sugcetuofl intent d or council have any control ther in any matter then what it opoted it s legal fiction both t are responsible directly to tha electorate and nave been to for over a century in this province tha halton county board of education ii alwty prepared to ieclv and study constructive proposals mr armilage stated tha board cannot however deal with attacks carried by the press against lit staff even though tha proposing body claim these attacks to be cofitlfuctlvs suggestions tha statement concluded ninetyfifth year no 30 acton ontario wednesday november 12 1969 ettkublnittfmtomu mayor does slow burn on queens park delay council awaits public reaction commenting on the istett ttep in the cnt phasing out or services at acton mayor duby commented he la tony to see us losing a good service id like to see mote trains but we have to we if there are people to get on them he explained that council had anticipated another hearing in guelph as the next logical step however unknown to council another survey hat been taken in the town and only the bare result forwarded by letter the industries are taken care of now and commercial firms have nude ullsfaclory arrangements our big argument he recalled wsj that we ware in no way losing money but we went down with the rest of them if not our with to give up sfmu remember tfjem the fight but we cant dance around tha ring if tha other boners gone he had expressed to council the feeling that mp rud whiting could not be expected to continue to preu for a station service here if he did not have the general backing of acton people now lla our turn to progress and grow here uid tha mayor and were losing one of our most valued tints hat anybody got a deck of cards asked councillor greer when only enquiries by members was left on the council agenda tuesday by five minute to nine i wasnt dealt an opening bid so 111 pass quipped card enthusiast coata councillor mckenzie thoughtfully shuffled two books of matches seeing the evenings business concluded no burning issues coming up and his fellow councillors in a genial mood let duby took the opportunity to let a match to hit slow burn on the towns pertinent problems with queens park council it being blamed for the holdop on the ontario housing project here but ihe mayor put the blame right on the provincial government big ttone doorstep the zoning bylaw has us nil tied up in knots until me last amendment to the zoning bylaw it approved and the zoning bytaw in effect no further application for zoning changet can be made lo permit the senior citizens apartments or other upcoming projects the town had been assured various timet the approval would be through any day tills hat been going on for monlhtand it wat two and a half yeart ago the zoning bylaw procedure began for acton uid the mayor planning hat been a curse itt been ihe worst thing thai ever happened because we cant get cooperation from queens park jutt thit week a developer disgusted with delays has termed acton the wont place hed ever tned lo build the mayor uid he had tried to explain to him that cities with larger ttafft could finance planners whod be knocking on ministers doors every day we had only appointed or elected bodiei with the clerk writing letters and making phone calls he explained i want ihe people to know why the town looks slow he continued he intends to take his lory to halton member george kerr underground matters decided by council installation of water and sewer mains on main st n for 346 feet past the present hydrant to accommodate the extension to building productt of canada plant watapproved we vjmdnt do that for the induttrial park commented councillor bill coatt itt good business replied deputyreeve tyler theyre entitled lo services well recover it in taxes in the first year smiled finance chairman dr oakes i still tee an inconsistency uid mr coats another underground matter concerned approval given to acton curling club lo connect their new building on churchill n by lateral to the existing town sewer main the curling club in esquesing hat township approval and will make the connection al their own expense while another inconsistency in ruling wat mentioned councillor agreed the club la of benefit to the people of acton and thit it the practical approach they may toon be annexed anyway uid reeve oakes arrangements are to be made by the superintendent to complete the ditch from no 7 highway on the east tide of churchill n to the monex property for water runoff from tha new houses ditching from there to the town boundary will be completed when the builder is finished soldiers prom tha lome soot regiment stand smartly at the snatant at ramamrsc sunday mornlna to honor tha dead of two wats gray leaden skle provided a blank acoompanlmant for tha traditional service attended by about 300 fiinmce fir a faulty furnace at the home of l paddy dick 175 longfield rd gave acton firefighters a run early wednesday morning smoke ejectors wen used to remove smoke and fume the call came at 645 am trees will topple again in a town program but new ones will be planted at well there are about 32 treet aisled to come down this fall and the stump chewer will coma in the spring lo finish the job deputyreeve ted tyler repeated the towns hated policy of planting two treat for each one cut down thit too will be done in the spring the mayor anticipating tome objections from the public listed thit it nol a wholesale attack on greenery some of them are dead elms and soma interfering with wiret and ha expected tome residents with treet on private property would alto with lo have them taken down at the same time and tha committee could arrange to share the cottt a new agreement hat been drawn up whereby beaidmore and co it supplied water from the south spring a review or tha cottt had been made and the coat to beardmoret increased fsquesing wants more details on annexation emm ealng township council indicated monday night that may would raoulre mora detaut strata making a da about allowing tha town of acton to annex small portion el land near fairy lake ctarkmtaairar demur french mad eotsnemor a letter from acton council aantatnlng that council will will lo tea tha resctlon from the free preu queitionnslre on cn railway service in acton before taking any action the questionnaire it repeated in todayt paper a copy of the latter from tha railway transport committee which appeared in last weeks free preu had been received by council and councillon knew that rud whiting mp had contacted the free preu asking for the opinion of tha people on thit matter mr whiting had reaffirmed hit willingneu to continue strong representation on acton behalf the clerk wai asked to notify mr whiting no action would be uken by town council until the reaction of the people was assessed cterkadminiitrator joa hunt pointed out mr whiting la going to the united naliont for two weeks in november and will be contacting tha board of transport committee after that some of the support wa had before at a previous hearing when everyone but one expretted disfavor of cn proposals la slipping sway tha clerk muud burst out deputyreeve ted tyler im sure this it behind it he outlined a chain of grlevancei in quick order tha railway i refusal to provide light at crossings requeued following a death here ihe lack of interest in passenger and the atrocious telegraph service alter 5 pjn telegramt go to a computer in oakvills he uid ana ive lost several mr tyler concluded with a thump on tha table i think it would be a real good ides to rip tha rail up and make highway for transport wa could even make money with tha scrap ironl the mayor ended tha discussion on a milder tons by expressing appreciation to mr whiting but im reluctant to tea him work hard on something that seems impossible tha othar item in tha committee minutet which hid helped raise mr tylers ira was a latter from tha cn advising council that tha railway engineers do not consider that there is much to be gained by flood lighting tha train which it crossing tha roadway the letter suggested mora adequate meet light which stay on during period of darknest would serve the purpose jutt a wall and that in any event it la unlikely that the canadian tramport commission would consider this work eligible for a giant and therefore tha town would b required to pay the full cost thli letter wu in reply to a resolution submitted by tha town recommending that all karded crossing in tha town ve flood lights installed and actuated by the crossing protection mechanism no further action will be taken by council nessnssssvrai ami smneaassrf are planning to co fairy lake into a wilntmi sanctuary and asking m tha townahkt would be are labia to annexation by the toam of a mull portion of land tha ukr naar merrier christmas for acton shoppers five acton shoppers will receive an unexpected bis boost in their weekly budget this saturday at 3 oclock when the first draw is made in the merchants santarama program in front of the ymca names of five lucky winner will be drawn for voucher worth 30 25 20 15 and 10 theyre redeemable for merchandise at the stores oi any participating merchantsnielsens clothing the family store manning electric acton homo fiirnlahinga dollar daddy ab supermarket dills stationery bensons shoes gordon hardware sports comer lovell bros acton fabric centre iga food store the holland shop red and white store cameo shoppe synton hardware hintons store ukeview discount centre and custom cleaners starting this week all these shop are firing out special coupon with purchases which are being placed in boxes in these store all will be collected saturday to go in the gala first draw if anyone tillages- the saturday collection the coupon l will automatically remain for the draw the following week

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