Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1969, p. 6

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t the pita acton at bowling k n lanes huhord tcammaore no j upeese aw on iw way to a duae geeae win a o toy ommum after wlanbsg llie tret canto boo lucky lotkai but tkatr kick ran oulndlkl lucklmlulm w foe ok hal wo and total ue m mm triple and am bieteml for lucky imw mm al roach tf 1511 bail wail lov sliv vryaakoak 11440 aad roy mctmell 111 po upoarl 14 in halaa idmi jf may atklaib ll tmacky coaway i7 aad freak head 31 skaajfockl gai4 oatka leaden wlrk a triple win free ipltiwr kwb aa tie via will trleounle e4 setae weee km vryakofc 741 ml d hanll 714 dani ucdowill 77 aa4 j oka moll illlot ro gplttlim ii ul tom hrowniim os tool bkahaad 11 aad tmuriay lot avmui won two ftjaaad fro plakei but tka vkikm gjakoad ika haflaloa fur totali wlch a bit aakldki aaau wu tope la tka aviimiii tiiiadlaui were loan coatuallaa 717 3m wu bottled sid maul rkll laxaaur ml aad lot woodcock ho us for tbe flakat wan jaka vaa oar kaoy 7j jj1 loan itaaaii 6s usd bob atpe04omi league itaadlai upper 31 ttmarocki 33 lucky sfiriaai 11 avatar 11 gpltfleei 31 hular id caroline gakdex cent nov 3 tka second place caralllaai load ika foul u aaalau tka tlaal place skaanoeki aad wltk a two aad totali wki to ikalr ctadji moted up for a thai of lop spot totf irlcauali la tka caraalioai eaum wata grata robarlioa 07 106 jaar lauiiwa s71 111 aad km hartaaa 334 msi for tka akaauock ii wu ore porta 674 11471 al cloutlar 331 1031 aad mary anderson 333 l5 natural wtui a taiee gaara wla float tka haroaa ulcnad oa lo a ikara of ika second ruog paclag tka wla wara hum klaackud il 349 murray alaataa 05 lit dot uilaui 36 lit aad carl tkabari 370 144 bail for tka maroat kauay frtjteri 343 113 ckuaaca haifaaa 341 ll aad audary glajscruud 411 137 lovabutaauomovadubfora laara of laeoad place wkaa tkay grouadad ika asfronauli wllk nary a win maklag with tka taoit la tka love hug win wara loraa norton mo 140 huby liuiiuh 30 111 bona tlatbari 33v 101 and cllfv wadga j3f 110 heading up aitroaauta afforti rale kouwmaa 671 374 bart mobarlioa 30 111 and mary cloutler 431 167 league handing skajarocki it cernalloni ii love bug issalurni isuaroai 13 ailroaauli ii blue smtlngs nursery nov 4 snowdrop dropped tka wotki to mumi and tka uumi added nolnti to utetr already conildarabla bad ivy martin 343 mary andanon 634 113 and doreert mllckall 3m 111 were too trundllag trio for mumi lor snowdroni ii wai elue edmondion 601 103 barb wlghunan 371 lit aad etleaa frill 401 160 tullpi took two aad totali from daiuai who managed a win in ike tacond cenlo by 9 pint tka win put tulini up for a ucorul nlica tie wanaatta smllk iit dig baity heitlie 331 16 aad allele nolan 317 104 paced ike win daliiei afforti ware headed up by saadl slaculr 388 117 agnei mcolaeu 4g4 l and cora wahan 47 1 191 sunllowan broke tketr lie with jaimlnei when they took laid jaantnei into camp for a iwo and totali thot top tru for sunflower thawed up in sylvia magei 683 163 sherry monti 391 143 and karen malkawi 491 197 luminal ban were jackie rainier 634 111 ul wagner 318 190 and loan scklppar4l3l47 league itandlng uumi 40 dalllel 17 tullai 37 sunflowen 16 snowdropi 13 launlnei 13 sports corner mixed nov 4 outcaiti look over the top smi wllh a two and totali win from lolen who won the tut game by ii plni to avert a ihutout making with the triplet and unglai for outcuti were john mcouloway 608 frank st pierre 601 lucy synnotl 110 and john mckenna 143 lor rloleri it wai chei l window ik i 638 and earl mlddlaton 610 moon bug tol knocked oly ike top tuna when after winning ike flnl canto from hatblni by 11 pini went down to defeat in the neat two ipainn and alio loll oul for totali it wai a good night for uaiblni triple and unglewlie bui conn 689 frank mckenna 308303 dianna patteiun 317 dave mcmillan 234 howie calhcul 346 and joan knight 306 hid em for moon bug biian sheridan 668 john dunn 333 joanne mckenna 303 and john churchill 300306 were ben allurti oiled out lome good norei for e two end totali win al fallout expenie ed wood 701 bob woodcock 631 smllly pielrangell 371 and bui graham 319 paced the win making wllh the bell or fallouli wen john hlgglni 638 and abneibll303 league handing outculi 23 moon bug 3j haiblm 32u auioiti 18 fallout ii rloleri 8 industrialcommercial nov 3 iwi barber shop did a utile clipping when i hey met up wllh john tenaco service they took the texani for the worki jeff flyer 907 338306 bill shannon 663 274 and dave shannon 638 271 headed up the win top trio for johni teuco phil lesueur 642 227 john hoare 618 293 and fred landry 637 233 am supetauikei won the flnl two from jon hunt electric then ran oul of tteam and aetlled for the big ihare of a 31 iplll eule mlddlaton 729 377 don deforeit 696 262 and andy andrewi 674 234 paced the win top trio for the electrician were frenchy conway 713 302 pete homer 723 261 and bruce shultli 636 248 tyler tnniporu won two and totali from the beardmom co who won the middle canto by 22 pun to ray on the winiheei on the triple plateau for tykui were keith aadrewe ag 273 and john mebllloway 609 255 dae deforeit 746 274 aad john dunn 670 236 made it for beanlmoki league mending john texaco service l jon hunt electric 19 petei barber shop 17 beardniore co 13 ab supenaark1 ijtyu traanoet 13 acton ladiu nov 6 cealral carlim are aiul banaluag aloag in flnl place ariat icaiml ike finl guae to backer milk by 1 blai tkey kit tkair atrlde aad icaapw hoaie with ike aaitt iwo aad lolall spsrkiag ike wla mm kfwiart gky aki lie doaaa kraeak 334 100 aad jaaa gailtk 4g i7 makkm with ike moat for atwi weeegua nlfkliaule 344 li kwe gyam eao 170 aad akaa geaar 43 171 ox reaulaad up for a ikue of tka teconj ipol with a triple win froal the fually sloie ifeading up ike wia ware free puree 643 169 lue aiklnioa 640 l0laa malloa 348 143 aaj nin hum 330133 kllly albn 613 133 mary skirow 369 dig and aviial milkeum 4at 170 headed up paauy slorei rou wllh a triple wla front cameo baulkue nuiieni clolhlng alu kuag on lo their dure of the iecoad lool marlon llunler 36 lg d6aaamaaai3373ll halaa huh 341 331 aad grace roberltoa 313 306 paced tka wia cwneoiiaade e uroag bid for ike middle canto tail ion ll by fhe pirn baa aaderua 334 194 lyruw burell 306 116 eleanor goy 479 171 aad may swackmater 479 179 wreuu for caraaoe league tlandiag centra cartage 41 nlelaini ftoillrtg 33 i o a 33 caneo boulkiue 17 faatuy slore 17 beckerimllkla major nov 7 acton meadowi came up wllh tkelr uuil ipirlled rou and look ike worki from kporli corner wllh jim bullough hoi 068 jkn ttattack 694 349 and mic llerrlngloa 613 374 pacing ike win pele horner 713 148 war e loner for the sporti reliable taul came up wllh a three game win al scenic rooli eihanie bob mumblei merlin 768 361 don grain 691 361 and mlahly moa johnilona 684 143 keajed up ike win top trio for scenic were ed mcguiowiy 713 jib jeff fryer 713 30 and pele walker 600 3j0 acton lanei tkoughl iftey were on their way when tkay won the nm game from hlntoni store but ihc storekeeper had other ideal and grabbed ike neil iwo and totali squeak rlgo 711 346 bob tuikou 730 236 and toc pou 693 386 headed up ike win top iricounl for the lanei cinie from dae deforeit 734 317 don deforeit 637 333 end telle mlddlaton 60s 333 league handing acton meadowi 31 kelleble tim 20 hlnloni store i7v4 sporti corner 16 scinu pooli i4w aclunlenci9 acton friends nov 6 challengeri after loiing the flril game lo aclon speedway won ike neat iwu and toieli and took car lop ipol by half a paint ai a lull ulke notile 6b0 305 peu bouwman 613 33 and don arcklhald 389 335 were top tripling trio in the win trying lo ipeed thlngi up fur acton speedway were john churchill 641 337 ron while 483 314 and jim milne 477 1163 head humeri won ihe flnl guae faun swifter by bleary but ton oat la the aaal iwo but kad aaough pin la head to take ike vlmdalort foe toiall haadiag up head hunleil roll wart criig puklnl it 371 doaaa xhlack7a 113 kad aaae tkceatoa 413 127 swtngtag ike top tricouale for swiaaerl wete gary mllckle 611 3j9 bob gaydar 33 ik aadkeut rawe 4kg 171 ckartie pali took tka flnl ceato fioia muilaiui ibaa want orf the pace and ii war muttenge fee a two aad talali wla wllk jcka chapaim 573 ol floyd hckaiidl 511 301 aaj ken tkoalln 411 la pacing ike wla maklag wllk ihe rao1 for ike nil ware ed kara 6ao 174 chkk mllae 543 lid aad akaa sckaiidl 41t 149 lavaie haadiag ckalkaaan 3m gwliuan 30 head hunlari 16 muiuagi 15 acton saaadwly 13 cheiue acton miked nov 7 the salali hopai of galaing on the leagueleading hippy ceag received a rude aetbeck wkrn ike aag took ear for all geaui ailie while 671 3a0 kkk ivuiy 3g3 3381 bryaa bulag 377 311 aad mel kkappard 375 111 paced ike wia kuae haaaer 330 fljo daa pony 476 igg aad donna wkluagfoid 459 16 triad lo laid the luiali oul of rero land but no dice maybe toeae doubt on the oulcoeae of thii oae but ai far u we can wake out mliflli won two and total from slowpokai the mliflli acore ikael kai been worked over to much ll neadi an enumerator lo figure ii oul subject to confuaulloa top trio for mliflli wen lew raid 617 101 llec delate 389 130 aad limy mlddlelon 373 3001 top trio for slowpokei were shorty lowin 631 335 george fluaar 53 334 and ed bluer 310 194 road runaen won longamei from spouerl but look a clobbering in tke middle itarua and ion out for lolili miking wllh ihe moil fur moad ruaneri ware chit lewandowikl 653 130 kellh weuwood 390 301 and wllo nur 537 113 top trio for spoiler wire al norile 63g 111 ul hleier 335 l96andbulmanlo48l 172 league ilandlng hippy ging 0 salnli 14 mliflli 34 kpolleri 38 slowpoku 37 road runneri 37 big four nov 7 socklltomii lived up lo their name ai far ai the locking went end kended the leagueleading duffen l 33 irtback pacing ihe sockrri action were kor vryenhoek 634 343 jennie kulkrn 536 178 john vlletitra 514 306 end archie duiker 307 378 top trio in ihe dufferi effort dolf vin arrigon 581 311 harry llofitide 55 317 and charlie dournboi 535 310 ii wai alley kali night lo howl and ihey won ell gamri rum ihc head plni lo prove it allhouili the head plni did make e bid for ihe lal okukker only to mlu ll by 36 plni top iripleri in the kill win were joe llornede 774 387 sid hofilede 597 345 llllle jlkl ven der kooy 379 333 and ouu feenrirl 339 312 for head plni big jake van der kooy 656 34 1 fred barem 488 300 and shirley klelne deleri 486 188 were topi i strikes at youth mmmmmi bowling council by uiffot matheton a word tboul ihe national ybc trivfil iiu schourihlp fund ralunj dmptlgn tch year tn novcmbr the nallonal youth bowling council conduct a fund railing campaign to raiw fundi that arc uted tn thre wayt frt the profit af uted to prtuluo trantportation and maal for all finallm whlu they are taking part in ihe national youth bowling champion thlp i second to provide achnlanhlpi for ilciervlng ybc mamben in each province third to aulit each league by providing fundi fotr ihlrti irophtei banquet i tnflrnamenti etc all mem ben of voulh bowling council league are eligible to participate and each number thai wilt hli or her quota of 13 package receive swlsi embroidered emu they tell world flneit chocolate continental almondi which retail in ho teli club raiortt dining place and airport all over canada ror si per package the y bc bowler alto wll thii package for si to no donation or eon it button i involved consequently all purchaser get full value the tale of world fineti chocolate continental almond u the only campaign conducted by the national youth bowling council to raise the fund required now back to bowling with the bantams spar row won both game from the wren robin alto took two game from the blue j ay i ortolea deckled to wrap it up by taking both game from the caidmalt in the second shift canartei took one game but lied for totals wtlh the crow dove took both game from the rigeon parakeet took one game and totals from the swallows the top tan for the mornings bowling were ronnie turkoaz 168150 324 danny thompson 177116 2vj susan thompson 145147 292 gloria browne 114i5r 272 sieve btanchanj 131120 271 ted dunaut 95163 2511 ronnie uoore 141109 150 dale anderson 133113 246 valerie bateman 100139 239 and in tenth ipol i ricky van fleet 99140239 bowling heit over their average lo win ihe cokes peptii and sevenup were dale anderson bill shop paid debbie tuikou steve blanc i aid ken thomson and france ron llagut standing bantaus i nit shift sparrow 13 oriole it robin 9 blue jays 9 wren 7 cardinals 5 second fthift palakeeti 12 canaries ii dove 10 crow i 7m pigeon lvt swallow 6 with ihe junior and senior division doodler won all three game from the sockey pharoht alto look all games from the hot shots ace i decided lo wrap it up by taking all three game from the seventies the ten toppers were luiry deforeit 664 276 janet storey 663 267 wade knight 635 248 margol matheton 571 250 kim kressler 541 199 sieve van fleel 539 200 dave pink 531 209 rosalind hall 520 ib9 barry payne 5 14 182 allan green 5 13 190 league standing junior a senior sockeys 20 pharohs 14 seven tiei 13 acei 10 doodlers 9 hoi shots 6 how about bantam eddy st pierre eddy bowled in ihe 915 am shift finished picked up his chocolate covered almond departed and came hack ai 1255 noon wilh hi quota of a doaen sold running him a close second wa bantam bill shaw who checked in at 210 pm we end this wek with eddy si pierres quote sold and got the money iag dtgrfr 44 alwy flttam 30 1ij kata 40 xotk pint 34 hfcabnn hiuttis ptvtoht wtvjam ih th rgmatdl bcpgutimnl find kill hnnol of uw ihhdustruicommerclsl lagt ukiftg tf hi a with h 264 mtfiort sofy oaf tk at to tdu cmilinai4h lo bgw the fimiaim wirti s 34 1 feu wluurti of the ado- mtjof holds tlw hlh tiiple with 941 while klw imomliot of the uw sftih nurwry uagim hj up ihe udu divifcloft wllh791 ru hipef of itw acton uilor still hold high biagu kllh 373 wklw wm4 vutnp of m big four hj up llw with 331 ifmiaklng of rroidi hw ahout th dflonl familyt hj of the i ian of rourw is tu dditnt tw alogj with hrolheri hartley and don dons wife dutuis vt sons ajid daughtar way larry 6aj tutda hlotig with dms siuf ann who was a iwfoiesl befv she tturtlgk k thcmfisori total up in tight fcideni bowlah who bowt rcbjulaily in uague oj apthar murray and jenny batamtan who bowl in ihe carolina gaidu centre uigjue ran them a slow second wllh ihu olftditiii valaiu tina norma and broihar try howling in ihe ybc league vet iftdatfdt on can truly say bowlif is a tpatt the whole family can enjoy kan edje of hamilton who recently aimntad pmsldency of the ontario mowling ioagftfts fur a two yai trm has wi hli sighli on increasing the obc 40000 membership to 60000 our inra cob a i an afruiale and comes under ihe lurltdicttun of the obc in these days of high speed automation when driving dont forget to glva the kids a tirakf lhal winds ii up once again my friend lie i so adioa amlgoa and goodnlte concord clly dominion downs oakville dominion hotel downed oakville llouu 75 in a diufrtebnard itague game here tliuriday niglil tomorrow night millon centenniili play here againtl acton thar acton ft prie wdnafay november 13 ivoo 5 umlhoutt wi meeting visitors in account euchre the occailorul daneai a good phw or cigar are enjoyed by retired farnver jinitrtv imiumtn who obwrved hit 00th blmlutay latt wmk staff fhotol uylu ttw wi mel al ihe home of mn nell aiidertori tail thun evening ufa noble ihe vicetweiliktil wai in charge the meeting opened wllh in haiidera hleuli and toll call wai aiiiwered by naming in induitty in ililimi counly ll wai decided lo bring parcel tillable for the uiullni chrltlnui boxei lo llw dec meeting membera wltli 10 conllnue ihe uhool wuik feitivali ai nrevloutly i11 which they have contributed for yem cunent evenli weie pre6ied by mn a w bvnlmi and u11 iliby gave ihe mono wink niakei the wheeli go round bul fun gieaui the eule delegale miiandeiuiii gave a full report if ihe recent w i convenltort held in guelph iaith or our fatheti wai ihe cloauig hymn and a tocial half hour followed meidamei noble benlon gliby and andeiion allertded lli w i pillaring honoring dr tlhel ctraprdairet campbelthue tecenlly we extend tympalhy lo mr arid mil john mkhle and family bantams fop 90th birthday party sfreehviik for jimmy jesseman the cake didnt have 0 candlei but jamei jeuenun had ml yean in hli credit wlun a birthday parly wai held thurtday aflemorui al hit home and almoil n people called lo bring congratulation many of ihem friendi from nauagaweya and bujuetlng jimmy jeiuman retired from the firm in naiugmiweyii in ls4 and came to live willi hli only niece mn john k- sprowl he lived wilh ihem on iheir futm on the third line of liujueung near acton until januaiy l6 whrm he moved wilh ihem into town to 40 lijiitern ave aiiibtlng mn spruwl wilh ihe parly weie mn mac sprowl mn griffin sprowl mn suun denny and mn jamei filch of bun and mr jeuemani gieat granilnlecei dianne and maiie legion town league tallies atoms ricky gibioni hat trick led guelph lo a 60 ihutout over dixie berl pott wade vickery and mike jollymore tired the other guelph goals foil alio collected twonuiiti gibion jollymore and danny boyard one each poll served ihe only penalty of the game for boarding al 1 6 is of the ucund period bruce mcphail netted five unauitted goali ai brampton downed weiton 52 david mcgilloway and david luwion replied for weston brett cuiric- aunlcd on lawwnt marker there were no penalties in the gome novices st catharines and niagara falls battled lo 11 ll tie in then opening game ron allen scored the st kilts goal unassisted john gait replied for the flyers on a pass from blent coe the game was penalty free i the scoreboard at ihe end of ihe oshawuhamillon game read oshawa s hamilton 4 but it might well have read mcknight s mcnabb 4 doug mcknight scored all five oshawa goals while marvin mcnabb tallied all four goals fur the losers billy manes and ron mcallister collected assists for oshawa while robert kilby helped oul on a hamilton goal pee wees rochester and springfield played lo a ss tie in the opening pee wee game john dayer fired a hat trick for springfield while john mcllugh gnd david morris scored one each morris also picked up three assists for rochester joe schuts scored three times and len brown roland mershya and ed eniing once each schuls and ensmg contributed two assists apiece ai well brown served the only penally of the game for charging in ihe second pee wee game jamei ellerby scoicd four goals lo lead cleveland to a 71 triumph over baltimore steve buchanan also scored once and terry slaven twice for the winners hearns had three assists and slaven ellerby und buchanan one apiece this saturdays schedule of gomes follows pee wees 7 am cleveland vs springfield u am rochester vs balnmotc novices 9 am si catharine vs hamilton 10 am oshawa vs niagara falls atoms 1 1 am guelph vs weston 12 noon dixie vs brampton maple rock shootwc range gunimithing gun sale trip ind rifle shooting 85wms5 acton tkwpach jueu iclosed for the seaso we iiava dtoae ear tlbiatcj we will sac yon it fib sprtg thank you for youh patronaqe the management uts digtrlbutor of horn and fatw potrouum product serving acton and diilrlcf sine 1944 heating oils lubrication oils a greases gasolines dimflfuil phone 8532174 imnnoaiu ott ultmttt salm sttvltf 44 yogjfls st achm jovial mr jciuriiun wai burn in the mohawk llali in irani counly about a mile from hraimoril on thank ttfiving ijy h7 and lived there or lour yeara mis father was farm manager for the hon icorfie drown one of the latheis of confederation who owned ihe neluhthtruiu 1000 aire uow vatk iu nil lilt fa t he r j uinei jeksenun hud come nut from saiilund and hud tfnnr xtrjiil lo llrilisli columbia however he didui sluy here long it was loo wel for huii he went back lo scotland and nuiricd heat rice cummin then in ih76 the two of ihem left aberdeen and settled at llruulfofd the family moved to ihe sixth concession of njwdgjweyj where ihey farmed ut two different locations his only sister mrs peter mcluiac died in l61 his clo relatives ure mr und mrs sprowl grandnephews mac and calvin sprowl und three urcutfirundnlcccs dridgci dianne and marie mr je item an recalls his firsj car which he operated many years ago it was a long tup ihc day he went ull ihe way to ihc l of the credit ihc cars tail light was hi with u match not a push of a bul ton it went up on block for the winter fur of course the roads were impossible by cur the hon david henderson the member of parliament who lived in acton i well remembered by mr jesse man who comments he was a good speaker the wellknown gentleman still enjoys going lo euchres and dances und some n his birthday fifts were new cards years ago le used to cull off for the ujuare dances at uloomtbury school im not quite as good a dancer us i used to be but i canstill give the lassies a turn he chuckled acton firefighter llantums chalked up i lie if first win of lie season saturday alternonn when they nipped slreetsvllle wayne bond scored early in ihe first period to give ihe visitors a 10 lead a lead they held until tlie six minute tin it of ihe third period when henry toebes tied ft up for acton on a past from sieve mclntyre chris schuls scored the winning goal of the game ri 1 1 16 wilh henry toebet and roger swun assisting kicky bonnette played a strong game in goat for acton und gary l was outstanding on defense bantams take on millon here saturday al 230 then play in streetsville sunday ut 6 acton kicky bomiette tun mclnlyrc steve mclnlyre terry holmes kmiell coultrun uavid lee steve murshall jim mcnabb ken hurren ken withers roger swan henry toebes chris schuti billy mcgilloway gary fisher curling cues the ice plant it now installed ul the new building the hut test of this equipment ll to be tuesday november ii if there are no major problems ihe equipment can be turned on for ihe season and ice will be nude shortly this li one of the major eioleclt of ihe curling club ulldlng the ice surface area it s6 x 146 requiring 25000 feel of one inch plastic pipe the air cooled enndensur requires a 30 ii l motor with a capacity of 217 ions discharging 244000 btu when hie ice is completed there will be a work party organised to paint the ice surface at follows button red 4 ft circle while h ft circle yellow 12 ft circle green from hack lo hog line white hog line to hogllne light green our grand opening is certain to please you see page 10 shop how oarf savt wuk hbadquamts tou paints wallpapers carpeting runners building supplies mi ismmsmo obugawh we install flooring carkts etc phone 853- wo lakeview discount centre in the passing of hit itiolher mn harold michle following tragic motor accideiil ttie funeral wai al botloti church where she had been a faithful number and valuable vocallil for many yean mr and mra a 0 hatlertoii visited mr and mil ulll lleuiy al midland during ilia weekend hev i n young baplued chaiiene leone infanl daughter or mr and mn william ijlloll nee lillian broan during sunday ittornlngi service and the choir sang safe in ilia aims of jesus mn j crklilon mended ihe hospital auklliarlei convention in toronto for three days lecently theresa human ll about following a tonsillectomy ilia end of october mrs s jo net of waltononihenei lng vlillad mr and mn jai noble while in canada visiting her daughter mn o mulder in georgetown mr and mn ballen ofmounl albert spent ihe weeiend wllh son and daughlerliilaw mr and mm david ballen a week ago mr t ii frlce and mr and mn a w benlort weie among sunday gueili with mr and mn wilfrid greeuleei and attended centennial anniversary service al si davlda presbyterian church campbellvllle mr and mn harold brown mr and mn berl benlon mr and mn ralph cunningham mr carl sinclair mn campbell sinclair and her niece from toronto were dinner gueili of the bruce trail association toronto division at ilia halton llllli golf and country club on saturday evening mil george pearson of millon and mr and mn s splllane of toronto visited mr anil mn a w benton on saturday the 411 giili mel al hie home of leader mn anderson on saturday they cooked dinner and vegetables and discussed several wayi lo serve liver plana were made regarding achievement day next meeting will be at the home of connie bomliolt mr and mn waller dryflioul and family of newmarket visited mr and mn dick pool and family we welcome new owneri lo ihe village mr and mn kd been and four children from milton and mr and mn kevin clark and iwo children from englgnd are living in apartment at the pooli pwtj cemtr 124 mill st at wilbur mioni ws3im shop in acton if w 0 nee mav u we will try m oel h everything for sports and recreation plot kwxton hue uaetiir o sptru 9rmr

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