Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1969, p. 5

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the phu at acton bowling lanes by k e humercj rat hunockf uppon o m raw uanee head oa t i liiajiltay atkteeoa not 10 ftt iwo aad toenewln i luhm to idkimot ttmojl rm oni i i i ill 19 how jmk 47 m4 mh lasaeaf 20 end freak mad 107 win oa the mpto ad efcagle foe ueeaea foe dw saaancs u n doafbnfc 71 j0 kor v km mo dana al 105110 aad joan moavll 111 tim ueky strike erahbad hum gtcaec frrna the loacy mm to auk aaghl lab oa dm leaded makhw with the trtcaaate ad eeeoe fat the wia am eu wal 47 111 al boar 11 1m dttaae malkakm 151 lvw otam 111 aralspxvvcyeaewalosn jab vaa dw kooy mat 145 j4 wm 1 loaee for s a bad spillw won both oa equal tenae whaa they aiarted off bal ii waart thai tray hm tulrh knajm raafcmg with a raw end latere win to foil efcaad maaireg with uw irieaeate la uw awajit taa were phil leleeer 719 1m john caarfeatirm 1j0 150 tad bob woodcock all 144 im tpitnne hplm aad ll iilil ll w tom luaahl 151 35 febaar andrawl m0 ton shannon 11 murray 10 iiegei ataadaat unpera 4 laelry mtrlkee 39 ntmteeliil 17 lalmeee 14 flukec iv guaiue oeaiea cmim nov 10 careetieai look no rhaerel tof lodag tlrtl bleoe they won 11 ma from altraeault top wo la fix wm wan jen uwtlaea 140 j4l juki prutert 170 tad hay mlboa 517 115 trytm la ail aunuwli into ocbll wre hie baeaalaa 144 jll cry landry 41 in aad seel robertaae 441 114 ttm teeoad ttleee sbemleckl kid their boa1 of mining oa ihe leaden deeaed whan the heteee taek wfulu wolkl hill chtrlee 110 15 buy kauwraan 5 14 10 ud audrey maaehard 504 179 paced the wla wii u uw bkaarocln toili m maty aadertaa 540 110 oiv forte 101 ud jeyee aderac 515 115 juu to comateb uw ad at nothing night low huge woa hi umi rrom gaturaa love ehajt boa batee dm wia with a 1tm5 triple f from lome neetea ud the tola or cur wedee 111 ftuby liuilim joe tu tlabw 111514 and kimaoi uadiy 10710 1 tla wo ro sjluh wm btrm wucluid 14 151 cih tlmbili so 117 ud muirty 4uaua47ll9 tauu tludiag outullorti 35 skuuackl 31 im au i9hmom l7silumi daiwwtuli ii khw kaiiif nuiwiy nov ii kltuai coitlliuu to lulc th rmmi uiuil uw bil huh or a 4 go hoal jhmimi u4p4 thm idnly ui uw toft wot faimliui wh uy wbdwn la nw run but tha mumi auauiad la uw hccad by 7 obu ud waal oa la uka uw rbtaia jtaalaat had uw ada bawwr roj lolala by ii pa mmni aattiattan wan irt auua 7m im uura tiabla 575 110 tod lud mania 547 111 gala with uw moil lai iiaalaai wan juku mnui 75 mo cuolyaaa doyla 517 107 aad viiutaltosll104 daltlai udaa lutjil aala oa uwuuaiiwith a two lad tolau wla fraai suarioavait who woa uw uil jaau by 11 phu la aaaii ikuloul saadl awuir 11 im ataaa mcolaaai 517 179 aad taitvtluti 500 191 kaadad up uw wia top wo or sutulawam wa jyku maaii 514 111 autan uillwwt 511 101 aad saady uccimw 411 151 snowdwo loll uw naal aaaaa lo tulip bul hi vh la uw tcoad wlut u ii bla wia than waal oa lo anaaa uw latt eaato and ttukad away uw liaiwiaa ro lolau lot good maaaih bute edwondian 704 111 bart wlatibuan 107 143 and euaan avail 303 114 vmm saowdiopi lop itipliu wo foi tuuoi it wai hatty hatdia 591 107 waiuwlu solllh 511 110 and adab nolan 4m 171 laiiua ttaadiai uuatf 44 daiiiaa 31 saawdroei 30 tullpa 19 suallowan 11 jaauiaat m saoiuoafnar nov ii outcaiti an wiwijlnj lo kjaa onto top apat a tripla win from uwtallouta kaapiaj uu uun oa uw bipat aad ilaiw plaawu rot micail wa lucy syaaot 111 loan ucoiuoway 113 fnnv 81 rlaita 116 tad uualilbaelwi 111107 and john uclcaaaa 10311 1 up thaw tat fallout wan caw laohaua 111 ab nitbal 313 and loha htjalni 100 moon ui couldnt mia on uw taadan bul llwy kapt up to uw pica with an all out wia front rlotan auktni with uw wcounli and aoloa fot moon au wan brian sjwhdan ml 9i john buna hi maitja oablikh 111 hatty mayar 107 and kuan jankina 340 rlotan had to be uliillad with laalai dwa lawaadowtkl 10m1 udeaha aliddlaloa 31 bad ao haablnt woa uw uil canto from allaoiu who got avan in uw aacoad than with both laaata aolni au out roc uw tiabwakat ll wai haiblaa noting out uw win by 3 pint aluatu howawtr whaaa wla waa a bbj oaa took uw ihwjahm tot loula aad an vaaaatltaa uw palnti trinllni and alnilliw rot iba auaotta wan u satntoaau 71 3s4 rob woodcock m97ed wood 331 and rill artham 214 la a uka vain roc haibiai wan joan ktnlaht 617 frank mdcaana 107317 oava mcuuiaa kyi aad john chtuchul mo ataadtaa oulcaati 39 moon ruu 37 haabiaa 34u auuu lotfiuouu ii rloutt i laduabiatconuaakial now 13 ll waaal uw nkht of uw lauana bul ii wai caaulnb uw nlikt that ncacdi rallbaa dafotaat took caw uw u ahwla with a 410 aad jatt fm cxackad uw tripk katrlal loc a 1019 fat uw taara taaulla ll waa uw jon hunt ratable taking undliputwj top not whan thay woa allaaraatavom johaa takaco sanaa who wan ochokkn up to thli tktw top ttwan roc dw klacliwana wan rraba shallu 931 ltl9 don hania ho 511 aad mlka omrehlll 710 175l trybaj to ktam uw uda foe uw taxana- wan phil r mt pryar lolt 44l54l in shaaaoa 757 j14 aad daa naana 171 15 pacaw 0w wla raafdaaoaal lap ataawtt wan daa datonw 95 410311 aad loha duaa 115 177 a- lapwaikal hu dw wia jackpot whaa thry m1 ap wla tvawa traaaaox uwy haw aatearla mlddlaaoa 90 i91i kaa haltoni 741 171 aad u aadnwl 709 217 wan lop wa la uw wis maklag wla cm nwai roc tyvn wan kailfc aadiaw 119 i rob woodcock 171 hi aad rick tnaably 445 doubt laaaaa alaudjaa joa hani eiacwc 13 nuvtviw ikop 10 johaa tnu lacylca 19 ar sapanaarul 17 raamaaon co ii tywitnnaxxl i aclaaladlaa nov 13 caatnl cattaaa kapl flim bold oa uw lop apal with a two ad total wla float nubaoa cloikbw nwlwa wla at uw tint canto aw1 aol uwm uw abamlaa ra lolau baltlwy lalwad ii by 5 plaa top trio in uw caitaaa wla wam mawaa itony 117 35 doaai haaaa 51 33 aad doaaa khfwk 51 109 foe mum ii wal onca robmliaa 541 171 711 19xfradlockftla 191311 aadloaa haaaa w 340 ktaa banaa aaop wata a two aad tt a co with twaaa mum 53 192 aad huauc 315 311 taa wwoad puca 10 a rlad la tala oa uw kadan but kapl up lo uw paaa whan iut loalaa uw itmt ipaaa la caawa aoauqua caaw back lo uka uw iwki two aad i6uu haadkw up uw wla wan lua atklnaou 515 7l34 laa huuda 953 111 naa hunt so 191 aad maty raaulo win a 111 tola uu iwacklwataui 511 39 joan raic 491 111 aad a atkucwa 471 113 w lop itta roc uw canwsa rackan milk woa uwlf rifil gaaw rtcaa uw faatily lioaa by 14 pvni ikaa want into a awllna ud 11 waa family lion foe iwo and loula avbll matkutaa kaaa wa telt ll right tali haw avuutui 175 kilty auaa 511 im ud ebaa rialda 415 174 bacad uw wia for racket anna saaah 114 1 sua najhllaaala 515 i9lud matguarita rwl 495 314 wan lop wa laawia iiaadiaa cuairal caiuaa 4l7ts 40 nwlwaa ctothlna if family man 1 caatao aouuaua rackmamukll uaioc nov 13 ttw mighty juaaicnaur ballar known ai tha actoa maadawt artai lotlaa uw fiiu gaata la hlnuai lion by 4 pail toltad into high end wound up with a two aad inula dacltloa don lucky dauuwlkei 113 194 jim tan lack 795 74 aad ray tolh 701 310 paced uw win relief mention mac hacfiaatan mac thowad up ute bul hill haw to toll a 510 double which included a 316 tola making with uw moat roc hlntoni wan squeak raja 104 330 dave johhun 197 111 and fienchy coaway 171 110 spoilt comer woa the rini canto row reliable tut then both matt tied ll up a uw mtcoad and although uw teai boyt utcbed oato uw flnala they mlaaed the elniletoa roe tnlejt rob woodcock 701 117 fete homer 117 141 and don hutu 171 151 headed up spoilt cocaec mil rill jobnuaae 710 110 rul wluuati 14 150 aad daa drain 613 155 lopped reliable ifundlinj aclaa laaae loal out la uw itnt chukkac to scanlc foola by 37 pue uwa found the rente ud went oa lo anna uw neat iwo and lault dae deforecj 791 391 katie ulddlaton 711 oil ud detuutcrooka 151147 paced uw lanai win rait for tha scanlc faolt wen jeff fryer 744 191 larry forte 171 173 and ed atcfjiuoway 137 334 league heading- actoa maadowi mtreuable tail 3im hlnlont stan iiu spoilt comar 1114 scenic foalt i5h acton lanet 13 acton piiendt nov 1 chalkngeii wllhttoad all challenht lo knock ihara out of dial place when they won two and touli from swlngera fete rauwtaan 671 347 abut schlnck 543 310 and howard henilnj 493 171 headed up uw win for swinaera mul row 191 351 gary ritchie 599 141 and mamie alien 415 105 wan bail it wet a nice itiple win or chatliee fall 11 got uwat out of uil place acton speedway ware the ura vlcttoti chick milan 637 191 charlie thorn ion 534 304 and ed kam 511 197 paced uw win trying to gel acton speedway into the win tcane wen john churchill 719 310 jim milne 309 111 and jean bullough 431 111 muitanga nude with a triple win al uw head hunter expenu heading up tha win wan floyd schmidt 697 147 linda fierce 571 317 ken thonuon 511 111 and 614 337 jack glendennlna 473 110 and donna schlnck 453 173 league tending challenger 33m swingert 31 head huntert 16 muttangt 19 chullei fait isvt acton speedway 13 acton mixed nov 14 happy gang are ttill uw happy onat winning two and toula rroat slawbokaa keepa uwai in uw lop epot with no warriea slowpakee made with their win in uw last game by 9 pint facing the win were artie while 716 317 mel sheppard 310 233 aad helen rrouluard 533 316 rett for the slawpakee wen ed rlaeer 311 171 daa deforeti 510 305 shorty lowin 544 16 aad joan forty 59 307 road runaata after loiiag uw tint canto to the salnu rallied to win the next iwo and lolala chat lawaadowtkl 740 317 keith weowood 350 336 and wilo near 519 303 headed up uw win making with uw taocl for tha salnu wan bul mctaullea 149 350 rupa manner 550 19 daa marco 531119 ud rob frica 504 200 it was 1 taw ud totala wla foe spoilatt when they sat up with uw miaflra although they wen hard pteeaed to wia the teal chukkac by 4 pirn spaifcing the win wen al norrfc 613 2397 rui mania 520 219 and lea rlaaac 452 135 for urafllf law raid 576 202 harry mmdtalnn s49 214 and andre rmuluard 326 111 wataldpa league trandmg- happy oaag 65 satau 34 miariti 347 sacdlaca 33 road ruarwre 32 saownokaa 29 rlafoar km 14 dtulan wan tha bit two aura bat uw kate wla ktawftaal mm as wtik a bag wta la uw ftaal aad nbbad dw ttnalatoa roc latatt oa the wpia aad aiab alataaae foe daffwrf wam hany llacatada 191 daif via anaaoa 44 ham raaag 102 aad itarvu saeaaa 11 1 for aray kate ii waa little lake vu dac kooy 144 joa hoftlada 144 and otca faaatera 10 every gaau wat a vlnalag aw roc headptm whaa owy mai up with tha sackhtomaa who wan nor doing laa amch plaaacklag mekiajf with tlw hmdrta iffeaaart aad aolae wn lag lau vaa dae kooy 613 harry recant 214 fred raraat 10 aad joan iuii 301 fee uw gackatil wu john vlllra 44 and janata kurhea 301105 league tteadw baffah 30 alwy kaitet t sacklitomet 30 haaewahiuue ii waa ioagh tack lot joe smiiv rmbwaaall of the spoll cora uagaa bal taetday trrv la the awoad gaaw saulty raa off aiae twkae tlw had the alwatkuw to ul kit bath ball aei away fioa haa and he pkkad off the ufl4wad daaca illif a ul rattled by thle hita hit aknaalh kb pickad off the with kit tail bell smlity cuerwd the deck roc m a kaal www indeed but the iconic pwt war he tucud off hit ui gaau with a tlrlke iway ii goaa to rwac and yel ao far thai etaave 450 raaa la the nflaea year of opecathm tha aclaa laam wa hava only had oaa fwrfed gataa thai wm rotted by mn fraaoaf crook la the fabraary 5th 1942alta la tlw roagh hrk dadactawal wal irian slwrldu auo of rha sparta coraaf kagwe lahaa third gaaw aria m oct rwa itrfkee pwachad m 3 pia trwed it lhaa raa off ft man alrikm omy lo paach the haadpla with hie ual barl aad fton apwhh a 391 so r nw apace of oae gaaw smilry had uw xanaa angle gaaw ncord of tha toaaoa la dau with hit 314 and ae wa go la pnw briaat ivl ll ttltj lap halp inal wa didnt n gl la pnw bafon dm deforeti bawling la th laduufialcommatcial uegwt cfnhad a 410 tiagl- a tpan la the tlgkth frarae wat the ktappec fot tiaev rirfkl gaaw and haw about mn ryrt tan jeff bowluw in the tame uaaae comlna up with a 1019 triple shghlly larrld bowilng id wy the faaielet ware no thrlnking vtoleli inwr mariaa stocy who it uw kalfe1 bawbc la uw gall teclian uut aeeeaa caaw up wllh an 117 triple whka caalmd e 53 htagle rorh uww tcon are rww recardt foe the law thlt tuian that wlndt ll up aace eaala my fiundlbc to adiae aarugoe and goadniu concord city ry margal mtiwwm nov 15 al thlt time ii it uulu buuing to iwjoci that hom all account our v jl c chacauu tolling ramiitaja la a too pr cal taccaw at utual the ruumi hold tape oceapwury ountting ui junlort and sanlara wau done rantamil regardlag the maeterrenuw toriraaawal al htmillan ikli com tag sunday 440 rwlant will be taking part add lo thlt 330 matbr rowurt and ii wltj make a tat of bawlert and bawlfcw real ef luck and toad bowling la ear cauteeuuii mazanle hajdie valerie rauanu danny thoraptaa rrad martin and metier rowurt eerie middle ton and bui andnreoa la uw well whhee aad birthday deparlawnl thlt weak eaubrallng tha happy day wan ranumt rul shew nov 11 dale anderton nov 11 ud michael roach alto nov 11 with the rutamt bawling dili week the rhw jaye look iwo garnet from uw wreni cerdlnllc alto took both garnet rroat uw sparrowa oeiolee had ta mttla for one game with uw roblat but took the totalt la uw aacoad thlfl uw davet toak boul garael froni the cenarlat crowe alra took two gamee rvorn tha farakaatt fiaaont and swaltawt decided la wla one gaaw apiece with uw totalt going la tha fiaaont tha tap tan rar the marnlngt bawling wan ronnie moore 336164 400 danny thaatpaon 13011 rrad martin 12173 04 dalphla roach 139161 195 valeria ralanua 155139 394 tad duntanh 110171 191 debbie rrown 13514 171 ronnie turkotl 151115 176 sutan thorapun 136150 176 aad in tenth tpol it michael roach 144130 164 rowllna bail over their averaget lo win uw caket feptlt end seven upe wan roank moore tina aateman faul janklni fatty storey clin creaty and rui shaw sisswwm at the legion hall activities at branch 197 by ntulie tttomion at savtuftuy hichti mixed euchre fun skultlj wj tb itfuki in th ijidut dttritioh with von or 68 muj wiiiut wu ucotul ind doh vmi plcktd up tha bacon with hjejnicohoms it um mni dlviiitw t boyd 65 woa uw iltulct stow uclwd wai ucond with 61 aad wady fabian won tha bacon with a hldtkn uot of 44 taunt tundlngi in ute legion grtbbtte leajtue u u fouowt ulon tra ledon b 38 ken marshall surprise candidate kenneth mirthill i councillor tcrvltu eicjueuni lownihip wu alio nocnlrutod moadjy evening in uiltoci lo conletl the teat of deputyrteve of the town of milton he u tunning agarnit incumbent councillor percy bart mr uarihallt nomination came u a turpi lie mr uixthalla firm u partly in eioueiinm partly in milton nuking him eligible to hold office ui both munldpalitiei uncommitted before the moeting milton reeve atuun ledwiui will eooteat the mayor a aeat vying with incumbent mayor brian beit running for reeve ire deputyceeve ron hajrii and rriiin colin smillie seven are aoetdng the ilx council aula sid chilria chulei fay charlea johnim gocdoolcnntz frank miller art alelanioo ud william wooda firemen 31 130 club 31 reliable snack bar 34 tanner 33 reliable taal 33 felaa barber shop 1 lejlon a 30 station hotel 21 camet for thlt week include legion b vt firemen station hotel vt 330 club reliable taal vt reliable snack rar letton a vt legion c tanncrt vt fetei briber shop in united shuffleboard league action thurtday night acton beat the centennial 75 the win wai a good team effort acton will play brampton legion neat thurtday the golden holirihae team tournament wiu be played at the maionic hau in iwo weekt acton dominion hotel won chit trophy leit year in the league tlnglet champlonthlp played in acton on saturday bobby woodcock of dominion hotel fuuthed firtl and houiton flaherty of the centennial took lacond a the legion men and lediet went to toronto lo choau alflt for the santa claui farly on sunday december 14 tho acton free praia wadnaiday novamfcar 19 1969 memorial race for dr akins a dr t i akin memorial race haa been attabllahad hi memory of the lata director of the veterinary branch of the matt bruncwick department of agriculture who died bat january dr aklru waa born and educated in the aclunmillon area bul had bean active it hotaamarl and vaurinariarl la new bruncwick for aavaial yean prior id hie death a puree of 17000 waa put up for trailer it witmot doame raceway moncttm the winner aorge or pkl ihct drlvati by ike waa mae cick owned by ceotfe gregory of paikcule moteaide dr joe at the veterinarian waa known tit friende wta i peel fiiertd of hoiwmarl and he wai one of only iwo veil lit canada who held a driving licence with the uuta twelve yeeii afi hie ihrlyeaiold hollar lady ukabutn trotted 1 j obj mile al the mtwulon hick hat hill ilaridt u e marilime ikuid of i w0 diownlngi 377 or 314 pet cent wai chudiert urtder ilw age of is melee oulhumbtied tamaui tbout 6 lo i grand champion driver it the acton speedway over the ims weaon wee art somecvllle of oaaoavlll he accedta the trophy ernblanutle of hie win front ron while ol acton sjjaeckvey drlveca wlvet and olhact connaclad with the srjaachvav wraptiad the taaaori up it aclon larlon hall saturday nlaht with dinner ind dancing at well ea the filllteclne irophy pratentitlona staff fhoto it t v our raatl coatlilenf bowler thlt wk wu loci middleton who rolled two garnet of 13 lkaoiw standing bantaus flrilthlft sparrowil3orioleil3 blue leyt l3roblni 10 cardinal i wrtrut second tklft dover 13 pertkeeli 13 caaarlea 1 1 crowt lott rigearu vuf swallowt 7 with the junior and senior drvitiansackeye won all three garnet from tha hat shalt doodlert took two garnet and totalt rram the acea and sevenllet alto look both garnet end totalt from the miafaht- the ten toppere were roger mcfechern 111 334 wade knight lit 265 larry knight 101 flft guy peyna 394 307 barry payne 344 itv dave rink 311 im martin uvole 300 117 rotallnd hall 4m 119 lyn stewart 417 id9 janet storey 410113 leagufc standino jumior andsknior sockeyt 34 sevenllet 11 huron 13 daodlera 13 ace ii hot shot 1 cangratulatlant lo doug miller ihe rarmer executive director of the youth bowling councu wha received a tpecial ewerd al the flnt annual onleria sportt achievement awerdi henquel october 37 the province or ontario ware hatli for ihlt event we alto report with plaature that our brewnl eaecutlve director john anko wet alto honored wllh a tpecial award it ttatica lo know thel both thaw gentlement arforli on behalf of bawling were recognued by the provincial pawert so we in acton join with the other youth rowling councut in congratulating them dont forget bowlert thii coming selurdey ti our annual i baal my average tournament to win your creit you have to beet your everage with your flrtt game so dont miu ihli saturday and dont be late atoms s van der liyken scored twice lo lead guelph lo a 32 win over weiton jollymote cored ihe oilier guelph goal with ferguson auiiting van fleet and mclntyre tallied he weiton marker in ihe ucond horn game four goal performance by ken woodman tpaiked dixie lo a 64 win over brampton roienberiky and mcknlglil alto cored for ihe winneri roienbertky mcknight scolt and lumber picked up atiitii randy mclntyre icored two of ihe four brampton goals walton and darwood added one each mclntyre and darwood drew aulitt moo novices marvin mcnabbi hat trick led hamilton lo i 42 win over si catherine brad buchanan scored the other goal for ihe winners bruce mcphail and ron kuiken denied the twine for si kilts with jollymote picking up an assist o o othawa whitewashed niagara falls 70 in ihe second novice encounter as larry brown icored four limes doug mcknight added iwo othawa markers end c brillon fired one brown and bill manes contributed assists a a a pee wees cleveland and springfield played to a 33 tie in the first pee wee game jim elleiby led ihe winners with i goal and an assist terry steven and sieve buchanan each scored once and ivan hearni drew an aunt for springfield john dwyer david mbrrti and leslie clendinning each icored a goal and dwyer picked up an assist rochester whipped ballimote 71 in ihe second game as blown scoted three limes and eniing twice schuts and llaverly alto scoted for rochester uiown picked up two attiiit and schult one ricky baglntkl tcoted the only goal for ualtimoie trili saturdayi schedule or gtmai faliowi pee wee i 7 e fn baltimore vi cleveland sam springfield vt rocheilcr novice 9 e m hamilton vi othawa 10 am niagara paui vi st calharlnei atomi ham dlale vt guelph 1 1 noon weiton vi brampton bantams monday nov 14 7 pm plliiburgh vt buffalo llerihey get a bye bantam monday dec i 7 pm rlttiburgh vi herthey buffalo gelt a bye elect badminton officials aclon badminton club officials wete elected for he coming season during last thursdays meeting new president vic morris will be assisted by george lee is director of play and joan morris as treasurer new players including beginners are welcome at ihe acton high school from 800 lo 10 pjn on both tuesday and thursday evening these evenings ate very informal and great fun pm husbv i want to buy exeyclllng equipment it ikmte umtnwt before suruex frwrvarvaa forum notes fee hracttmlgfcftirtt stuovraoslfemr haree held fat chlwmae rama reviewe macawta luaveeure hlitery mslha orawmtr ranch aciaruse beautiful african amabvlli8 bulbs ouaommd ta blaain inowra in g id waaht lor clwlatrrwe a mkftwe bunlbw kit loady ta rjraw negwmwtcialucir f all bulm tullpeoaeuidaefodila tociaaclttrclae allay hintons 5rol stori dont waste money on insurance iti a fact tome businesses in overlniund with ovetlappino insurance policial olhen lie dangeiouily underiniured because your business involve cuilomeri ind lup- plieri inventory and equipment bad debli lilbihly tauia employee elc etc you need a bunness tmur- ince super we know how to plan your busmen coverage so you hive usl the insurance you need ind no mou dennys insurance agency 17 mill st wtf act0m maatae usdlso offict hours mcmioavthuradavoarn toopm friday 0 e ra ta 8 p m bafecd insurance afttrtvouns um ball hm3 haraldoennyhllmr wmzkoolshoome rance gunsmithlng cunsales trap ind rifle shooting 85j0555 acton tkwtath jueu int ds4rbutcr o ifamai ewtej fantt rrouum evodoch socvincj acton and district slrtca i94a tr heavints oiis gtr uibwcation oils gkeases casounes iv diesa fuei phone 8532174 i on mmtmtt salh tame 44 young st euton r boys girls feature full length movies and cabtrjoaas tnr sawkday ummon m z b acme if 2 pm iufflissimsiy serjritoradbv acton uaneclub orchlldranoraccor notice we are pleased to announce the opening of town and country abattoir meat products formirlv villa abattoir unnff ntw mkukokwa 24 hour service custom killed beef veal oak i tattli fftiatsila ooarb etandwi we pick u for stijtchuina meat htoauama m gmokmia available oovernment ttttkction vast kuvery 0m 7 days a wesm 12b steeles ave upter base line 8783923 hornby near milton

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