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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1969, p. 14

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4 ft nw weksvsaeday november 26 1969 five seek three eramosa council seats poor attendance at nomination meeting the wtdestsnaul apathy of the rm electorate struck for tht laoond thus in rockwood thb teeeltand whan at an important township nomination meeting only a tsatierlag of man war on hand to partldpato cam luih opanad tha assemblage by nominating towmwp cvk lloyd hindley a chairman and aftar tha motion had been pawed chairman mlndlay briefly walcomed thote present but not bafora expretting hii disappointment al the poor attendance referring to the uil of tha nominee he reminded thoee present that if a candidate na been nominated for mow than one position he would automatically be put in for the tint nominated position if he did not disqualify himaelf accordingly the ont speaker called upon by chairman hindley wn cam lush who needed no introduction and held hi office by acclamation ur luih thanked hit tiontineet but said tlut he would only stand for one mow year and would not courier running again for office after the 1970 term had been completed he tpoke briefly on the achievement of the township board during the tkit year touching on regional government which is of predominant concern to ail rural towbhip board at the present tune ur luih laid i am not tun how we can work out a retionable solution for city and government in conjunction with the wellington area the counties vary to dratt ieally devclopmentwiie and the south wellington county i a well developed ai it can be at the present time- referring to the committee of adjustment mr luth uld that tuck a committee wa not feasible until some guide lines are set up whew they can go for advice at the present tune said mr lush sue are limply going by the law until something better comes along meantime that is working out well he said that the tuunicipalittes had been good to him but that he is still teaming and with so many ew things coming along we can ail leant with that mr lush thanked all his listeners and said that he would try to answer all questions junta milne nominated for the position of deputy reeve was then called upon he thanked his nominees for putting his name on the board and went on to say that his biggest beef about the township board was that they seemed to be equipment and building poor and that the government grants wew not nearly enough to work on he briefly outlined the tnowploughmg sanding traffic sign and gravelling costs mentioning that the township program of patching hard top was an expensive one and referring to the plan of tree cutting he uid that pouibly sometime in december the township would be cutting down all the dead elm trees regarding rockwood mr milne uid that the 100 collected from village residents who required new streets was a small amount considering what the costs would be if they tried to do it individually mi milne was very pleased about the progress the eramosa county board had nude in conjunction with the county pioneer cemetery board in restoring and repairing various area cemeteries and especially asked that people make note of the old mecornuch cemetery which was in such a deplorable state we took two men and they lull a cairn in which they put several of the worn and beaten up atones he said and they did a marvellous job with itiu toon to be done for only a shade over 1000 including a county grant of 200 and another new grant recommended for next year duncan mcphedran spoke next and after thanking his nominators he said that he didnt think it was exactly fair to tit on council not prepared to go up however considering that it is only for one year in view of changes in election to correspond with school board elections he would let his name stand mr mcphedran said that he would leave most of anything he had to say to the question period however he did tell hit aurtlenna that taxes going up 214 mills was quite reasonable onntlrlarrng that everything else iganiuim one mill it for the grand sivar coneeration authorities ik sasbs jbf townahjp business ij tat adncatjoti cotta ate going up wcobtiderabiy with almost iso 000 being spent more than year ago at first then wa going tobta 97 increase aaid mr mcphedran but our good friend mr davis blest hi heart came to the mercy of the rural area and now we only pay an additional 5 mill for elementary and s mill for high school for tm year we are supposed to thaw in the gravy aaid mr mcphedran but somehow we are paying to subsidise guelph in referring to the regional government he said that our houses aw apparently worth three timet a much as in the north end of the county so our assessment will be three time a high however our wages are not three time higher nor do our cow supply three times more milk so why should we pay three time mow if said mr mcphedran this kind of thinking i allowed to go into force it will be like in the 30s when we could not afford to tell or afford to stay because of taxes it teems to me he continued that although we do not even have a representative on the county school board we aw tatting bo mow for our extra 50000 than a year ago he suggested that if we have to do without one level of rockwood hews 5wmw government it would be better to do without county rather than township board and he would rather see us amalgamate with a neighboring township rather than one urge unit direct taxes should not be for provincial highways erin eramosa and guelph township should amalgamate because they have the tame taxation loans and expenditures rather than being put into a regional tone which is supposed to take in waterloo and wellington i dont kndw exactly what can be done said ur mcphedran but we certainly cant tit back and siy nothing and i would like to get my 2c in warren parkinson nominated for deputy reeve and council then tpoke and thanked hit nominators i have enjoyed those past two years of office even though i havent always agreed he said and then went into a more senout vein briefly talking about municipal drains and their financing mr parkinsons name had been entered as both deputy reeve and council and his decision as for which office he would run is now determined he u running for council bill adsett was the next speaker for council nominations at which time he said he thanked his nominators of two years ago who liad originally started him in the political field he felt that the past two years had been productive ones and uid that township board members have a responsibility to keep up with what u happening it is nol enough to attend to just some meetings because of lack of time a good board member mutt make the time and attend all of them he stressed his interest in eventually entering county level politics but said that he realizes the time involved and that he must gain the required experience first mr adsett thought that more of the younger people in the community should be getting in and learning the ropes because eventually they will be required as replacements he thanked his colleagues for accepting turn and especially thanked d mcphedran for hit knowledae on erhirational ta he felt that ao people in townships should be treated fairly so that one area should not have mow opportunities than others but that sometimes however precedence haa to be taken according to need and urgencies he felt that recreation la a major constdentiori and that money must be spent in this direction with more fadhtle and service required mr adsett concerned himself with weeding reflations and thought it unfair that one fanner should spend large sum of money on weed control and some one else let the weeds run rampant he hoped for better road conditions as the graduation from two wheel trailer to four made wider road a requisite and fatter traffic wouiied mow graver the chairman then asked nominee mr dudnlck to speak and he said that he had been nominated two yean previous but hoped that thit time he would get in on township council i could be in a position to stop detrimental things happening which inight crop up from regional government such at undesirable industry uld mr dudnlck who felt that it was a terrible thing that old cemeteries should have been allowed to get into such deplorable disregard and that such a thing was understandable with a council who wat not interetted enough in the individual to have a cnr train whittle complaint considered and that he would definitely stand with a hope for more votes than the last time as he hoped to live in the area for many years and be of some good j hewitt was the last nominated candidate for office called upon and thanking his nominators he said that he had been raised on a farm but had worked in an executive capacity for 41 years and had a knowledge of handling and spending money he hsd decided he would like to get back into things again and hopes to nuke a showing and if successful he would do his best and otherwise nothing was lost not too many questions were raised although mr lush did speak briefly on some of the difficulties on road maintenance and construction stressing particularly the congested road situation on the 4th line south of no 7 highway which had been referred to mr kerr of the department of energy and resources and said mr lush we are hoping that this one particular problem will be alleviated sometime within the coming year the road placet a particular problem at it is situated directly between two camping and recreational treat belonging to and operated by the grand river conservation authorities and it it hoped that it can be rerouted to bypass thit area and to there will be an election for township council on the date of monday december 1 at six designated polling places with five men in the running for three potitions d mcphedran bui adett and warren parkinson are the incumbents with two new nominees p dudnlck and j hewitt cam lush and jimmie milne already hold their positions by acclamation at reeve and deputy reeve pollock end campbill ueeijuftvi el msgu glsutf ulswmuuj uvauavb ifaei jfil eramosa flower mart 3mlsssjeeactoortque hapeinessb flowers mrr visit our greenhouses and see the beauty of 4000 chrysanthemums in bloom openevervdayfhou9ajit09p11 ask for the cash 4 carry discount specials 8564712 carnival committee financial statement howdy howdy and another howdy fyew folks wot is ltd with me naow the my tacin carreer fat at a slow standstill matter oyact it almost weien at all pa last thursday night me an one oroy pals had a quick run into guelph cause we wux just filled all up good n proper with chrlttmai tpirut nmowflaket nall when we hit a reel icy patch rite neer thtt reeformatory place where them mhvbehavsri bad guys hang out an crash wowie yuh shudda seen all them cars movln like catterpillars crawlin at a wake they wux rrtoovin so slow when all of a sudden tome pore little old gals bran new car went tlamln inta th gard rails there on the victoria road turn off an in wulirt fbet yew that its gonna cost her no small amount fell it back on throsd its a gewd reminder tho for yew folks wot aint gotcher snow tires on yet better git tthe garage before winter really sets in one thing jims gonna put speshul cleats in my shoes this winter i hope cause i came so close tllippln an breakin my legs that i was plumb scared got a sorts reejuvinated feelln rite heer in the pit omy stomach thother day when me an freddie dropped in tvuil with dukie ellis seem he got th message i was tryin to git across tnhe rockwood vitjag trustee guys about the terrible christmas tree light in arrangement they got workin fer them wot with all the bulb mlisin nall so ole dukiet got hit liable all decked up with a spethul set o lights all around thoutiide othe doorway now elnt the sumpin though hooda thot that varmint had such sentiment an undenlandin anywayt we golt tingin chriitmtt carols and he ted tl how hes sorry about the don hills feller not qualifvin fer th rockwood council cause hes probably thwon guy with louts bulbs and chriitrnat spirits nstuff like that there think 111 look in on him from tune ttime anyhow an let him know that us horses wui expectin ttee hira around fer a long time an were gonna mils him when we look in over the windows al the regular village council meetin nlghtt wsl now thet ole dukiet got hit pad all decorated up i guru i can t let thet opportoonity pau with me been turpaued by him an thet appaloou frum miuoure frend ohls tvt id bill ijtil feel frendly like with jul thatcher hereabouli an find mi where she and ole jin keeps thar christmas doodads than maybe 111 ftwk apple and freddy into uun sum olhere decorslin talents and deck up our itvin quit fen out byf incidental like lilt fridays nominaihun meetin at that new publick school sure wurnr crowded none like ui limus would done dukie nl wur out tgelher an we stuck our hesdi in fer a minute tfind out who wui doln wut it sure tickled ut turn tsee guys like thet ken murray and dave bacon rutiiin up thar new irnti fer office gawly sometimes ut horset should be ajowd i have both a brush and a piece ochawk in our handt an 111 bet we could come up with sum gewd ideas lew gueu id best git goin else 111 never git anythin done so fer naow tee yuh at th rockwood swingading on friday night or else at the united church btuar on saturday where thar llopm tmake lottt a hay an moola bye now youre trend pretty fair the mm meantf a ike f plr m sonraw abate token ik cantos fla iwslif ike favt fmmmtt fauuut1 lln uw sawsir ruraua ri s f wm ssk4 tlra tu ss1 hui ia fk llgmju fay tkt pi tuiat sww k hfllk 114 nfjlk u4rmwt py tofwr yfei puueui twum aua f aor im svlu vttbjf y llvv tsrgui iscsu k4 altmf tduint fcukd atltm 1 rtsu rtvyt kul w fle torn ftetsipti fcvvlki u actwily tuu vow vigm bute tou wiee ulu vbty um llorwiv tournament or tune ttbr tbjtjfa imfctifcitf y lurtduul tuifo tec ckim tnult llouukul auction fony kbit oxonol tlifow nowlly llo bm nude csnj y hoeumld hikiag guru the lngrtwnli uili boiiui wnny tou fay what you pull itomertud qutll cron a aiwhor penny sik tabu sponse throw kcfmhmenl booth 111 so hi ri tv 17 el 44 sv sj47 ii 10 11 is 4100 ii 40 iooo 1 0 00 7sv 40 00 tw vt 17 as 193941 l c 9ju fiaslsee1 atjoo tsikaajtott 719 oude ride 1 5 j4 ii mm1m total espeaam 9t9ai u should be further noted here that of the tut sign purchased to be kept on band foe future carnivals two tarae 3 x 4 sign and two is x 36 tlgnt were confiscated uhwsrrantedly this k of ntalor concern to an osaprttiation whose intent is to raise money for community affabl ft j hoped that these tlgn will be returned before the next carnival dale women are to blame for most of the lying men do they insist unatlungquedioni lis as vi 70 a so 12 75 5 00 100 s00 133 40 iii 55 w75 57 40 1700 73 si 9s79 31 40 43 jo 3ts 144 0 130 323 00 103 50 163 30 67 50 71 40 135 00 hot mews row mutic r aha fftwrt hansons recordanej and music pays install wenmhwei eaanplei and utvtocwh sa4ectioncjt 8 track cassettes voun favonitt uugic e ahtist sivf 10 m yiet- pulttmmi tajttov 30th mhtohs stou ojt your putthmmt daw ttjftov 30th comins and goins keith black of rr rockwood and a teacher at the milton high school left on monday to fly to houiton texat where he it attending a tix day geography conference sponsored by the national geographic association for north america accompanying him is the coordinator and consultant with social sciences for hilton county keith it the helton county representative for high schools its a holly holly christmas bazaar which the united church ladles are inviting everyone to this saturday november 29 and bake tablet op hornematv goodies crafts and novelties candy and all the extrat will be up for buya when the president mrt marilyn brace cuts the ribbon at 2 pm and everyone is welcomed to attend children are reminded that the rockwood community christian education program will welcome all regular and newly interested children to come out and enjoy a morning of crafts tportt and discussions combined with christian fellowship for all denominations it will be held as usual thit saturday november 29 at 91 s am until 12 noon at the rockwood centennial school the attendance for this unique chrlitiin program it at the preunt time holding at about 78 or 80 children it is weu represented with children from the anglican roman catholic presbyterian united churches and others and with plans for a christmas program to which interetted parent and friends are invited there is a special call out to all those interetted so plan on being in your place this 1 saturday villagers are pleated to remember that mrs llanna 149 main street will be celebrating her 88th birthday this saturday and her friends loin to wish her many happy returns of the day friendt of abby fisher of no 24 highway are glad to know that the it perk and happy and hopes to be home from the hoipital tint wednesday or thursday small boy watching hit fattier leading the newtpiper dad liow ii it tlut just enough things happen all over the world to exactly fill the paper h s holoen oenomrnurr u cett st eaet cuelhi fftotte ta 27im acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too small phone 530234 65 main si n acton we serve all dry cleaning needs take a tip from santa oatc dont hover around your best deal in a good used car is at lous used cars main st rockwood ktmas prom loveil bros meat market flrstratfe results fast expert dry cleaning service to keep your clothes nil household items looking brighter wearing better store hours mom to t1iurs am to 6 pm fridays 8 am lo 9 pm saturdays closed 6 pji santarama weekijd specials rid brand bib wing roast n linuivi rump roast 99s specials every week holiday cleaners lean shoulder chuck roast 75 tcnoir teas m blade short rib roast 79 i rteas sirloin tip roast 110s lean ground chuck 75 for vour pribzf m 14 mill street acton red brand bkf sides 66 rronss wihtn lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill i aw m hup oajiv muvbw ifst 4 r

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