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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1969, p. 7

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th acton fraa prase wednaicuy nowmbar 26 1969 churchill church guitar group choir perform at hagersville church peace roacharrtr318oiionwothertf0cort6rtrld its bwanatlon ol off loan thunday four of the members of th txteutki if front acton and on laad hare formerly seated at tnt tront left to rlatit e associate ctwvductrea dorothy thotnoaon acton aacratary marguarrt sputvog1 acton aarfstaftt matron inn ucumw worthy matron pamela ooddart trwmiw emn mius dorothy cakw formerly of aetort and no of gaorotowt condoctfs bar nice poejii in th hedt row uft to rloh chaplain margaret launon electa jam oarbutt mwtha evelyn moawv esther jana gatnbte acton ruth kethtean alger acton adah wllhamlna mack marshal mary lswton orasnltt hilda panrlca warden isabatte burt pm tantlnal anna turklnston stall photo community club holds annual meeting election r by mn tied macarthur the ccc women met at the home of hit truer tort anderson btt wednesday evening with a food attendance oar president mil archie ken opened the meeting with a prayer and called on mn foibury who give the devotions choosing for iter topic the deserted highway mn william thompson lead the scrttttureltaish chapter j5 mn foibury give a reading mn shirley andeiion tang a solo llow great thou art the leporti were given and ume business was dealt with our hotttia mn andenon served a delicious lunch at the close and mia wallace swackhamer tlianked mn anderton for lite lovely lunch alto the use of her home the churchill community church culur croup and choir were invited by the young people of lugerrville united church to preient their folk by mis r writhl open home wai held saturday averting in the community hall when the eden mllla and district community chib held their annual meeting tony voa a local photographer entertained the audience with knowing of slide all taken in and around eden muli since centennial year which were a great interest thowlng the many changes after ihort business meeting uie election of officer took puce baujnafad j palt preeldent bob gilbert ton president rodney bell farat vice president trevor clifford second vice preeldent rou campbell aecretary margaret adair treasurer ann voa assistant treasurer joan chamberlain audllon bill mclean dougus beatty eden muli united church held their annual baiaar saturday afternoon in the christian education room those in charge were convener of tea table mn r thompson fancy work mr e jennings bake table mn parker and mn beattie white elephant mra j mcintosh plants mra w wilton receipt mra million greeting the guests were the ministers wife mrs flnley and mn h james president of the ucw umfhousf mr and mrs george fleck arrived here by air from scotland to attend the wedding of their son ronald fleck to kelu stevenson of eden uuii they will visit friends for two weeks and are guests of mrs catherine gllbertson the brides grandmother anniversary guest from holland ucifv meeting anniversary in news by mra r shoitlu the regular ucw meeting was held on tuesday evening nov 18 at the home of mrs don brown mn norm sinclair had charge of the devotional period the secretary read the minutes and several hems of business were put forth and decisions made christmas gifts for the fred victor mission were brought in to be delivered by mr johnson on his next trip to that place the topic on china was given by mrs johnson interesting discussion followed bringing out thoughts about that vast country of millions of people one of which should or should not china belong to united nations at this meeting christmas cookies and recipes for such were brought by members these afterwards were served for lunch which was taken care of by mrs ednashortlll assisted by the hostets the new slate of offlcen for the coming year was tendered by the nominating committee mr and mrs morgan madlu and mr and mrs delbert unttead were guests at the fiftieth wedding anniversary last week of mr and mrs dave lindsay acton the celebration dinner waa held at the home of mn hattie price the formers sister and also mrs madiue sister balllnafad friends extend their congratulations to mr and mn lindsay mr lindsay waa one of our ballinafad boys mark shortui spent the weekend as a guest of andy hamilton 5th line we are sorry to hear mrs ed smith sth line is a patient in guelph general hospital by mn a benton on nov 1 s mr and mrs peter hoekstra held a family party for 29 to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary of her parents mr and mrs j van der toorn of glen williams gueits attended from guelph london georgetown and toronto and an honored guest waa her 81 year old grandmother from schweninger holland mrs icirkbatrick spent a couple of weeks with the calvin mcdonalds at elmwood recently congratulations to mr and mrs giroux nee margo ruddell who were married by rev f n young in knox church georgetown on saturday former neighbors of the bannockburn community surprised mr and mrs john fox and mr bill fox at their present home in the village last week one evening they were presented with an electric fry pan and bridge table and a wallet for bill at the social event the 4h girls have completed their eight meetings in meat in the menu and puns have been nude for achievement day dec 13 we regret that mr charles mather has been hospitalized in brampton for several weeks we hone to hear he it better soon christmas is coming soon have your perm now bota nov 26th to dec 10 and save lanounpffim 150 specialists in stylecvjtwg see our dismay of off with newlywon wand karen mchuoh ended happy afternoon at lakaalde ijode bazaar the stuffed monkey was a penny sale prize staff photo wash and wear wigs hajntyuag done as you with for afvooetment call 8534551 rainbow beauty salon 0 church st e acton acmom from mackenzie tuubeh enchanted doll house meal at final meeting the ten 4h meeting of the ballinafad southern chuck wagons wai held on sat nov 22 at this point llie girls discussed their exhibit for achievement day since this was the final meeting it was to include a meal this was made up of a variety of meats from tlielr club book first however the girlt visited the enchanted doll house in rockwood following this tliey returned to the church for the meal they had invited their mothers and all enjoyed a good time y young men best vocational aptitudes man their lie in com fathers positions find that ipinlet hold where llieu influential service on sunday evening november 23 the service conducted by robert hyde ba was thorougldy enjoyed by a full congregation members of the group are miss mary lou brown ted blown lloyd mclnlyte gordon mcdonald and vern lvnny some of the itsgrriville young people joined the cluilr membeis kathy and debbie sweckhsmer lika and lluabelh strokov to sing the anthem and participate in the service rv a w and mrs loibury mr and mrs archie kerr mrs uizibeih buck miss ann shorlill miss lenore wallers miss carol swacklumer and mr and mra don anderson alio enjoyed i lie buffet supper served to the group by the young people all who attended were very much impressed willi the service mr and mrs william thompson accompanied by mr and mrs arthur griffin mrs teresa keeler and mr will urn mcartliur atlendtd the soili wedding anniversary of mr and mrs william cox on sunday afternoon mr and mrs alex jackson of terra cotia visited at the home of mr and mrs clurles duinle on sunday afleinuon after mr and mrs uiiinle had attended the luppy occasion of mr and mrs willum coxs sulh wedding annlversiry in lnn last saturdiy evening a large number of relatives friendi and neighbors gathered in ballliufad community hall to honor a recent bride and groom mr and mrs david waldie they were prewired with a china cabinet with all good wishes both pat and dvld thanked emyon who had shared in the gift and lovely evening they are nuking their home in milton mr charles thompton with his parents mr and mrs joshua thompson attended the 30th wedding armlverury of mr and mrs william cox at their horn in erin rev a w and mrs foibury were very happy to have dr colin bayllss vul them on saturday dr baylisi who has been in canada gelling hit lrcs as a heart surgeon returned to california on sunday he will be in research work in los angsus until 1971 their son donald and wife sandy also mra fosburys three brotliert kin beit and lawrte chalmers of toronto were guests at the ume home on saturday mr and mrs ed green of toronto visited with her brother mr and mrs fred macarthur on saturday mlu edna macarthur returned home with them after spending two weeks here fvow wltuun winners at the lol euchre at crewtona corners ladies high doris kenlner ladies low yvonne dewar mens high don peacock mens low willard brltton door prize mae swackhamer lone handi don peacock ladles travelling marlon farnell mens travelling gerald teneycke mrs fred j shortui spent the past ten days at the home of her son constable and mrs ross shortui in ottawa silvawpoo wins trophy by mrs h scott silverwood community congratulates bui wilson this week bill won the international trophy at the royal winter fair in the sheep shearing competition this is the first time in eight yean that a canadian has won there were 12 canadians and three americans entered bui his entered several times and has always been in the money the sun beam appliances presented the trophy and it is now in the trophy rack at the coliseum this will be buis for a year he has a miniature trophy to keep it is indeed an honor and bdl earned it mr and mn duncan perth ontario were recent visitors at mr and mrs c wilsons tablerite beef is real eating pleasure sfk tadi stditc canadas finest quality ihdlliaiil red or blue brand beef mm hstfj us ifash lift tffast pntmwaat wihttsnrafsilttittrtiuurrrrts quakerama qtmkgroats quick 1 us ubtllit 44 02 18 pkg s3 tuhiiumtu iiumwutlhcl ii u quaker oatmeal 2 59 short iib toast blade iqast blade bone removed cross cut rib roast shoulder roast ib puss n boots uu chicken kimet fish 0 iitlk 7mh food r sj 10 02 tins key cup game shacks f y show coca cola case of 24 0hlt 12i corked beef 242 sqc baos 07 mw fi cole slaw 1ioi potato salad 1j02 creamed cole slaw t22 all 3 fob 99 v iga coffee sum moru schneiders 0u cheese 79- 69 7tiw

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