g th aden fr preae w dacamhf 10 w cttmint and goin christmas decorations attracted ittonpere at saturday anglican ckurch women baiur in st jow kkarwt hall rocttwood mr cardomll ahsuy uim of the colorful dacoratlom to two lunlor auxiliary members chary mcminn and linda con staff photo lilend of mr 1 a ultleun main street have been concerned but will be pleated to know out aha la recuperating front her temporary aetback and feeling mien belter again illday last wat a ted letter day for little pirn ingle when die had her uitf finally removed site ii now in the pieces of leainlng to stand and walk again and everyone will be happy when she it running around and tie skating again wilh the olher kockwuod childien lite new uuiwfalli aie pulling hkal snowmobile fanalicithil ol their place by the fiieiide anteiadeile lelgiu an driven mid rldeu put up ulliei inlioilsuiid diop in lot tofleei and leliekltmenta altet lute night and rally morning utow ekapjdei opeiuloii and owneia of hie mutinys itewet1 family inn invention leel thai iii levoliillnnuiug nelglilmuilinru and jiownubileia around llie villtg kjy tint tliey have a whole new ladlus til fiiendi epoi waking up in we five iiuiiiiiiei cnkej oultide their home rally u weekend al i 30 a in welcomed irn ffiendt who had gollen together in tpontanrnut delight al an ejily muining nowfull people air really leainlng to enjoy lite gieal outdoors the l johns anglican oiurdi bake ule held latl sjluidjy afternoon wat quite a flnancial onceis and ilieie it a village hope that the tkale and boot exchange will become lepilar altalr the winner of the christmas cake draw wat mrt ouie meadow on alma blleet eight ladle rcpremnllng church organisations fiom various rockwood and ijimom crunches met at tha home of mn helen sinclair on mac he m le siieel last monday evening to dltcuu and paillally organise a visiting schedule for the residents of the liden llonw for the aged many potential future conudeistlons wew nttnllonad at those pietent weie altoawaie of a need for local visiting a place for elderly contemporaries lo meet and alu ilia necessity of telling up untie type ol car pool tytlem to be huni available for community people who leonue hotpllal and dncloi lianipoilatloii three laduiliave vnlunlaeied to tel up and arrange lite visiting tchedule which will piobahly be in elfecl in eaily januaiy of lite new yeai anyone who would like lo lie included on the viullng inl tltuuld lonlacl mn sinclair village reildeiili have enpietteu tincere concein and hope foi the lecoveiy of one of our newett cilieut mi piovit main stirel who lecenlly tulfeied a teilnut ilinett i iiendt and iieighboiiit liutl llul he will toon be well again and want hit wile and family lo know thai ihey tluie their concent ttuimujn orag datea middle row i to r barbara mekjume kan tuck jim tluimwin bach low i to r john dale judy ifotum bur rilu lynn duncan llaff ftwiol tcn junior memucflg of tha rockwood trail ridere ware rercud for lliair parformancaa in tha past ya whan lhv received rnwil cwtif cett at the cloba closing banquet in rockwood saturday rilcit front row i to r tim dak belli decide on location of new post office horse rock wood news the annual rockwood on ill nut concert will be held on december 18 tn r c s room 12 ta-dee-daw- dedawdee hawlee- tadeedawdee dawdeedaw daw daw wal vw faowki lust dropped arwdjiia iw u freddie ptacttctn fet th rmii apethul wut me in tatkat equ aa aota oth other hone u try t pi slatted up w thot it might be lands fun tgo around fall thbanu and sang carols and spread the ole cheer etpeshully whir theri some sick vamunt around course lots deepends on whut jim ait dicks got thot up cause if they deecides ttake us out hitched up tthe cutter we just cant git out othet nohow cause like i wuz uyin jusl yesterday tfreddie alter all its them guys whut owns us an them guys whut gives us all our visiles so theyt nuthin we can dew trepay them fer thar hospitality ceptin taken them out fer rides once in a while freddies a lunda mean cuss sometimes an he thinks thel ole dicks just usin me a little cause ail thguys have been lidin him about mvettin in one othem inowmobrrl contraptions an freddie he aggers ole dicks just planntn on usin me fer his winter fun ao he can save some otum money course it probebly ami ttoo cause no buddy has more christmas spirit then those ball puyin yokels so 1 dont thimk fer i minute thet i got reason fei cotnpliinin arhooly i alnt set meyes on thet stratlon corner purveyor fer a dickens of a time until just last week he dropped in an gave me a hunk o sugar came around fer a spell this week agin but muttered thet he thot i might be gittln tew fat so hadnt brot me nolhin freddies thone wot got tore about thet cause id told him thet if i got any more sweets this week id give it all thim fer his new famale roommate whuts livtn in th bain with us these day hes gone kinds sweet on her boy this thatcher guy thar is runnin himatlf quite a boardin nickel slutted off with just a few palavarln horses ottis own around hen an mow hes got another standard bred trottet belongln tjack hamilton stayin hen betides me pretty fait he already hid freddie mound th place fer a while and naow just t gum up the werks hes brought in this other female belongln tew bob vanwyck in rockwood an they calls her lady rjc gewly does thet brawd think shell eumpln kaap referrin tme as thold gal an just cauae the a fresh young tuiy whuts only two yars old the thinks anas proper itantaemn wai believe me yew i dottt akn tlpay any attention rtthat ktoda gains on i got disubnkatlat4auniuchui fjiwtejit fer boy anyways 111 soon be tew busy tgit lew involved cause jack ibmiltons brtngin me up a spethul harness reel soon now so thet 111 keep in gewd conduhun with werkouts pullin th cutter around couse im expectin tputi tome olhe cut little thatcher kids around tew along with some othere pals so i shouldnt git too flimsy durm the offracin season incidental like 1 shore was dadgummed burned up about one inceedent about which i wont menihun no names 1 heard ttell bout thet trail riders organization havtn its annyual bangquit last weekend sos i meandered over tse whut was goin on wal imagine my su prize when i hears ole dukie elliss name and tony pettitt betn called fer tpeshul trophy wmmns c a dzooks meybe if old jim thatcher would join the rockwood trail riders he could git me in fet aim othet thar loot me an freddie shore wuld like that soshilizins alius been one omy speshultles yuh know an with me close relashun ship with ole dukie ellis wed have lots ttawk about an all thet wal it looks like i gits to drive thcuttei tpick up the ball players christmas tree this year sos id best git ready her harnessln jack hamilton lust pulled up an hei got th darn thing over his arm sos i guess id bettei leave yew all naow until next week so keep warm keep frendly an more important keep happy your frend pretty fair rockwood trail riders held their closing banquet in the rockwood town hall saturday night trophy winner were front row i tor bab ellis lynn duncan jean pattltt back row i tor john dale and tom smith istaff photo strattons are still the team to beat for the rockwood bowling leaguers as they are in top rung position with 55 points second place carney have 49 points queen of heaiti 1 team no 3 with 47 4th place notions have 46 elmers alley cat 43 points have them in 5th position 6th spot shows the four comer and the neighbour vying with an even toon of 39 points 7th place is taken up with the begoodorbegones with 38 points whitewaaher are in 8th position with 33 points and the 9th position away down low shows the untouchables with 31 point the carneys team took s point from elmer alley cat last tuesday night and fran crook helped her team by i pulling off a s7i score begoodorbegones took 5 points against the four corners 2 and jim thatcher on the winning team ran up a 641 as marg mckertie with the four comer made a 570 stnttont took a straight 7 pjoints from norton and the dune kingsbury score of 677 and shirley salmon 596 was all part of it but the norton team fred nightingale made 730 the top aeon for the evening clarence hiltons 602 score helped the whitewaihert to take a s to 2 lead against the untouchables and the queen of heart beat out the neighbours with a 7 to 0 score harvey jestin of the q of h ran up aome 672 point and team mate doug chandler 670 santa says bell ringer specials in suppers snow boots shoes rubbers footweixporthe entire family shop at discount shoe store 28 main st n raorobtown formerly jacksons bargain outre happenings a rockwood i centennial i school red ruu bejn gu cuing emit t mad si os ivter dudnick won lite prue i 3 stent chuoiljte bjr the teacliert will be playing the girlt volleyball team wednesday we thould be playing a baiketball and volleyball game with lramou next week after the hohdjyt we will pby he ux team we played uxxtt agaiml but thtt time in gjili volleyball and buyt batkettull holiday tip before decorating your chriitmji cake food tpeciaiuti it macdoruld institute guelph uggett bruuiing it with a uigntly beaten egg white diluted with 2 tablespoons of water let dry the icing will then stay on the cake better and crumbs will be leu likely to come free to spoil the appearance a special villi i cxirtu meeting was called and held at ilia town lall uu ihuriday uicembe 4 when the iwy trustee board mei will ilia ju properly manager of accoinnvjdations services of the utpartinefit of aaimsc worka of tarudj to diiom conilruttir of the new luxkwood arul distritt poll office building trustee chairman don lilts bert smih ken murray and chas o urien were on hand tu discuss with federal reprcwriuirve c i svwct the potuble plmcment of itie nrw budding jiwi n tut been pt4 lhal the village will ull one and onehalf uai of their no 7 ifjghwjy procurtment of ihe jfd h s ht i hjfchc jkluxj property with the u rda ma rulug that llie phl office will have lop pivly terderi wdj be uul u tlte tprir of 1770 with posuble build r crfrputmja by early fau of the umi ycsr yitu on ajma sircrt it will have a side eclrarxe jo inberman street to tourjrjaiu vjtjjia chatvee ir m th jtrjursxl kibfa itjji 1 tit wjaj dirttf of p tuti ttfwty frrttsu tbrrc will alij ke w pasae academy stilf locally owned although the rtockw5oj academy a hiitorlcjl building it is privately owned and no organization of any kind has ever contributed to its restoration and its maintenance thus spoke joseph drenters in his adamant denial that the rumour as to the ule of the academy had dny tutu a local ufjy rsewipaper nude reference to the academy recently but mistakenly referred to it at having been sold the newt item was ojuickly picked up and transferred vocally t h r oughout hie village and district as factual with accent on the fact l tut historical plagues nude it a matter of public ownership rather than one for neriorul ule 0y santa can i have a m seabreeze record player rm cmmstmist co wyndkam and macmtnnittx st 8226041 guelph where you expect quality and service and get if visit oub mmitauu dot model sb u automatic stereo m laaatily beaagaw nwehee kidath geahraeu utti cmllr it jr jt adte l m til mil ttfauud maallai i grilse rwerfd fulu mala aastjttw mm