march council kiting handled and money ad vanned on ac count of same at low rates of interest c ljuino anckt usorctown branall bojut uipanat iiiiuwi ine artofi wil kutmry w i lr nndurt j u solicited not ol teinmnwumcli m tbenpsntlttlj soihlors sport discounted and money loaned for legltf- be received and pasted carrisd mats bulncss purposes a lequ wal made by mr j m bu our c pepai lar ihe pwuege oi emetine u tor age plantwithin the corporation re p u mova if sded sale note 1 t tnj mr beand mr hwulftohl lb ua kelfl i jet wtaritpj w ttfan ckfobtlrial awestsjtsafrfnfwsitvvwavav ae apnaeaiivf wrw wv m qoarru d futufrrf nafatlu t uf arthur jtj ai3lbson1 mebonau thf quastico was folly duooaatd stcsta aati and ha rfraaaaftr onsldratla daelsred lbs she oaffatlvo wort tha prr that folluwrf eonf ic v rhnrn fs a l ahhib 1hilaa u arwlfk anl irratiil utiafhlar- of hit lata william koll lni warwick u l lurmtiriy ol uoulund em4 klltf vamattkiiii liudilntf towruhltt day knlruary rtb iwo llni wittforjtkmpti l hllu tfdtty trtonlhl tin ru hom of til on fulur vaniilar yun aud v fhe georgetown herald whdnhtiday uvk mak j 1ww n uie now iluiuwleka4mi eleetloir oa htvlurdjy the llbero over fluent u sustained by s vote of 81 to 12 barbel ba a committee to act in conjunc tion with the hoard of health and confer with mr uuak a to hli foptwed bulm- in carried a oomptalut wa made lhat the o t r wajrapo for the b oith valer on tn itreafc north of the q t r yard it watf moved by mr harley ccoodcd by mrjkllthat the clerxbc lnatniotc4 to correspond with th o t r with m vfew to hailnjf the cauae of the trouble otcd carried ioa to brquetk for inform- pttk ubietf lhahearsold would dome into fct on the minimum number of employed la 40 cxeluaive of mrrnoldujamllyfailatrwhlekuwj whole amouut of load become due and payable the park committee tutemcnt itowjnflr a baunee on the rljht ilde wi preieoied it wn referred to the town auditors ifox jut w hum replyloy to the dapuutmn iu nlaftra alaolrld wwr immiwia til pmt4lti ulo uuk empowired to dvalop buy tllil town will appreelatd ihe effort of the company to inerfitie ibefuauaey of the eleetkd ll aervlee xut iwamu nearly 7000 wa apeut upon tba power pltntattbeoion aujua tneetiutf hld reeoqtly uianauktr was ompowated to proura tiie bt umpe avullah vn to the eoat of 135 siel- ti m mmplm bv btt aaurd and thaw now bainr tupailtnfttd wtib in order to and wbleh will f lv l bt mrvlaa home of thiae will rilra to ve rooarwbeh ottly uu in uvon luyu tin oloollon in north oatario will take piaoo oa mftreh 10 ib the eaudltkua ro hod goo k vottar and mr of ant a aumintov o m grant of ortllk mr potter baa bean outuf the ettnpalku i wakuffdrlnn from a aavara eatd hat i irdon and others are eouliiv ttilti m rthr m haveuuut ahape by tb re vhirltafjnn hill to b introdud duriofcbe fiotaing seiiloo the rami i in north oalarlo u uueurulu but it i tfruid tnat iontr ebauou are fairly ilitahwjlillamu 0iutc to the rain ob euloiday the crdl otfrflowad u unki abov the new bridg and eovrd the road for a berrrtmiwevriilaulhirrikrtm an oibar damage yet been doue akm raprawod thlaiatrtet juatlee ef peaee in t uw oaae at georttown laal week mr john ijjntlnit ulbodul avb- llr hari beea paodlojt a featdaye at m wm tie and at sunday aveniajr ervleebe viattibs glao sir blwlu bvaid plda vitlt tooftor- iwa twtpua n u4y mr wll magrvtfor of sohooj of 8dlu6 toronto wii borne overbonday mr n atttley of toronto apabt ban day lu the glart mr john iewaey had the ulifortua of having bu band badly eat while work leu in the will hut week toe independent order of vorweure initiated a number of eandidau en wed nesday e van lag i the data of the willing helper ooueart whleh will be held in the town hell olenwiiuaua on wednesday evinlng mareh 11th aueaif tboae who will uke pirt in the programme are miu aanlaabieltcm krvu mlatjeau down balllnafad mia l htalthi baupton that actqh rum0h- varlooa faporta hvu1ngilngdorlnb thwpax tjhrt ieyimimrdl41bebaatiiit tlly of wood heulad mr j mapbaraoo u on the alelc hat t preaent tim prvinolal b3elaliona on tbuta day reaulttvl in tie return of one govern ment end otio oppoaltlcu tupporur hen t jvli waa tloetod in north- york by amejirityoldlo mr hugh clark in centre druse by ix tbla with the uutoatlug of mr mlaeampbell yeeurday levee the parly atandlng aa followe 1 total number of aula 06 veeanti 3 oovernment bu oppoaltlon 45 government majority 6 htewart thboovernuantaandtdate in centre llruw probabty mat hla dafeat beaatue he elgned the pledge of advane- ed prohibitory ughtlatuiu k eandldate for parllauanury honor waota to uak akyfe of defeat h ean al moat invariably do to in thla way miuee gave a majority of 1g00 lu favou of pro hibitory leglautlon in the reiarajpdau vou and three uonkbj utw the aama eoaatlttiabey turned over pledged urn- peraum oandidate hal ton had a little eiperlenee lu title line aoma yar ago when mr henderaon algned the pledge and was defeated like tb veal of the vlotioia who make pledgaifgutntf a plank iu thalr platfarin tha toronto world ifoaa ao far aa to nay that from the taenia lt centre uraee the advdeatii of dvanoed teraparauee leglalstlott eau hev ao olairna upou tha rote gorern aoion thboye aant down for trial en aeeonut of tbe pottolnae robbery have been let go on eupanled aanuueo it wee pro bably tbe beat tbleg or all eoneernad that tbay may have learned their tee the wlafa ef all who have bad to for the boy mladead meeting of the ualton varmera in- etltuu will be held la the town hall on friday mareh otb afternoon and even ing- rv orv farmer of mauuter unlver- alty will preaeb at anniversary aervleaa in the baptitl ohureh naxt sanday at and 000 pm there will be aaeneerten monday evening for wbieb an eaeelunt programme u annouueed uy the death of mr aaa hall one of tbe pioneers of aatou la ramoved he remembered naaily all the important venti and peraoue in eonuaelion with the earlier hlitory of tbe village aud through all tbeyva atood for wltat waa beat for the eommbulty morally aud malerully a dalutlavad juwiu aouiiauh altlilujw ko tlik iikhalu i dear sir 1 your readere are indebted to yon for giving in full judge gorliama addreaa reeenuy dallvered at the halloa houday tiohool eouventlon it la grati fying to eee a man holding ao reaponbible m poeltlon and having eo wide an indu- enee emolallytattd pareonatly giving no nnoertaln eoond on a rtuaatlou of aueh great morel and religion import aa tbe sabbath sebool in relation to our nation- i lift we hope to hear from hint again admirer htouj nuauiv a tov during saturday night boluo tblaf atolo about 1000 pound of eoal out of a oar in the grand trunk yard forgetting hi above ob houday nlgbt ho eamo baok for tbe ahovel and took way about aa uueb more flood tlmee and plenty of work have no offset in keeping people beneat who spend moat of their wage at thetaverna in wblakey no temperanee man i anupaetd of atoalluf tbe eoal com tha lu harvest la about over mr ii shortlll la preparlug l do a large buslneea la barn framing during tha season mr w ii bhortlil or tiualpb apeut e 4jxorm bbortluv attar long mine mr joseph hlludled on saturday bhe bad for man yere a realdeajt in ibl aeettun and wu highly raapeeaad in tha oeu- mttttlty liar basband died seme years ago leaving a family four boys and tbrea girl of tbeea ut stall mr dornaide and l those remaining are mr uyard huu of amaranth mr jo hilts of oarafraxa mies maty at borne and mrs a kant- urofgeorilowo dueased was a life- long methodist a urge uuwber jl4 4w blends and neighbors atundad the fun eral on tuesday whan tha remalus war interred in llalllnafad oamaury graph eeleetiope in eherge of mr r o gluoo i rakiin uu ju hmitt violin aalo mr lloart apoeeb joaiah townaend w o lyon and jo me- kens mr wm meuillan of rokld filled the poaltton of erltle in a aatufae- tory manner and mr j caalter was chairmen mlas maud townaend of itoekaide was the eaeempanut for tho oeeaalon theeubjaet rhbi wdelrl7 resolved that jgrioraue ha eanaed more crime than povarty the belfoonteln literary hoelety will meat theterra comal b jdjtebalejge debate in two week of wbleb further partleularwlll be given later tfalewlll be one of the beat treats of the aeaeon and a vmry profitabl and interestin time may hm espaaudi born 1 od monday feby 123rd to mr and mr anderson a son we are pleased to report that mr jno stoke hf ha hoan aehonily iii la nriff on tbe mend and good bopoa are enter tained for bar recovery a number of our eitiaofs aro laid up witb lagrippe at preaent mia j smith ra porta baaiueis quite brlak in tbe granary llur mr ja thompson formerly of thla plaee who moved to sault file marie three year ago is vlaiting friends in thl vlelnlty and reports baaiueis brisk at tbe sea miii m hlll ileoton is vuihng with mr ntnd mrmt3k me4b aud family uauoiid til ictfudbsihu a very happy even took puee at tlf reejdatiee oi mjw t faroes jlraqnaetngl etsjcsb agfitej mefnii vfy vwrv jmsw jjjtn wte aras bqiifojivfr or ha viwt- wo- ehwwhfrettte amta wrrterr4mvuhmoiyhiw tig thrfyetminthiab twtftetohtg part lei krejiale rtrt aiteaeveeluaanpiey u svi pad the hamjp eottphlef hfu tbe lofef train forororieo c v tarifi bbcmnto nuifrri its jurff yw m- rui a you esu always tell anaemle men and woman tbey are pale weak and lang uid the vietlm ol beadaehe and baek- aehea eaaily lrad and alway averee to exertion they eabt est or ibey eapt digoat what they doej1 tbelrunatrung nerve kill auep their temper tjrrh rblo ilhfllrvitiluy vaniahee and it all some from poor blood and nnstrong nerved you oao promptly banish ana emia by enrlehtng yoar blood and toning up yoarnervea wlib fir will lama ptnb wtlwr aleap brlabt splrlti they aro i w j barnhill yfliveiljrijcj ixiapnb ijtfce ctirtainu v klineleterf cottons ktcbtp gkocehy seeciaest choice coot tiff flye olnjiof shapa cool and freah plot bomlrrf choice niied plolflc vltw the new ilreakust cereal rett o ran u la tad tiufrr only have you triad our afv foa uiey are extra value 61b forsfic por lb re loc or 3 for ace locpkv 4c per lb oat prices paid meqrtde oro have eommeneed saw ing lamberfor mr j ij dolaon and pet to have about q0000 ftet to aaw wo are aorry to hear that mr joupb thompaou of krlo formorly of this plaeo is ttry low with 1 tail boo m jlbeajsntthiii norval heelthjflvlng mad i yet dlaeovare gratful people btatamaol ml out aeys 1 havedweomeof trwniaw seemed to have i was troubled with headache general prostration firentdally i be- eame ao weak i eould aearely mot about i triad as vera 1 medio toe bet ihey did not help me then i was ad- vled lotry dr wluunu pink pilli ejil i aoon began to find great benefit frost tli am and after taking them for a few weeks all my old strength and boalth re turned derit waate time and money esparl- dllng with ntfmr tnedlewaesrwhen drr wllliaaiepink pill will aorely make you well you ran get them from any dealer in medlelne or post paid at fio porbax 01 ela boas for w 60 by writ ing df reel to the dr william uedletm oo oroebvllls one kflhg- lliivlinf bought oayhemra stooro uroii wonrojiow tukyfg block und will m ready ro do business fwdayer rartleulsre t f the sal of atosk ao h ba hold in georgetown ou friday marel kith of wbleb auetloheer r ij miihget is promotsr will be foundjn our a tiling eiilumn tbbre are a large uunf her of uretelase borae a valuable hat i pedigreed durham oaulr alargeoffsrli l of mlleh eows durham aud jersey 1 1 eluding a considerable number that we entered too lata fur publleatton in tl laaue tho aato haa promlia of being one the largott aver bald u thla eeetlou j tbe entire afternoon will be required b dlapoaeof oi art else offer buyeraareremludwl that hla the inte inn to start tbe eel at nueoeloek ahar pains in the back diamond dyes make homo dyeing nsy and pleasant tha moat wonderful helper in the borne to economies dressing aro the piamodbv6 they are ao oaiy to uio that evn a ehlld ean dye a rloh and per- feat wdor with thorn diamond dy uaka faded and dlugy dreaaoa skirts llouaer eapj eajtaa jaekot aaarfa hues euvtalus and drapurloannkrllkir new iu the diamond dyes tbere aro apeelalw dors for dyeing ull notion aud mined go od and apiiolal dye aro pr- pared for coloring all wool good vush aolor of tbe diamond dyaa le guaranteed to give iull astlsfaetltrt when uud ae- eordirigldltmetloua have you received ournaw die ilook ulioet of dotluue for hoekjad mu and rugs and our dyed elolu ttaamslsh if not aand your addreaa on yruetal card to the wtdlx a rlahsrd- aou co limited 200 m mntalu i montreal p q 1 and you will get thorn free of eoet tilu report fur january uf tha doatbi in oaurlo for that wuutb tflvea tho fol lowing pirlleularsi lroin saarlatloa uj djpb therla 60 nittaalae tl hoopiug cough u typhoid ti eousumptlun 176 smali- to cum h cold latooe day yaks laxttiv hromn qultjlli tablat i ironlau rvtuitd tbe utwty if it alu to iir k vuoaiapiuuabw ase tho breath of the pluea 1 tho breath of life to tha- uousumptlve norway piup syrup oonhalna the pine virtues an j euro aoughs void bruiioliliu hoaraousi and all throat and luug trouble wliloh if nee attended to lead to aonaumptlon are aymptoina of a ueuk torpid ktaguant condition of the kldnoys o llvur and nro a wnrnlnr it laexlromel linknnlnui to noglmt eo impurfaiil n hoollliy action of tlitw oruaua whonwa liopo to have tho plciisuro of kurvlritf nil tho old oaatomera aud aa ntntiy now oticu na poaalblo wr af- tf georgetowns livest stora zj ressor w- bbthvejhtyforrlll ton t pia j tbougb you dont buy tbey will fjfvtfyou a fojetiita x1 tha j fulnm that follow lalor un thora nre twtf- irraorunt fuctx h vrmjjiai hdlp n tnalro tlioa rjnoil ip i i y uiitig our ready mooey to good advantage picking up worthy line of goods at priee muoh below tboir regular market valuei wehave cleared ourourold stock ob though it were bwept right out to give new spring good pouring in on ua from reliable sources tbe showing they deserve and merit little regard is shown for cost or money making its the en thusiasm of quick bruk sales were after aud getting our stock in bapthfortbo biggerbpringtradewere looking for ward to all this turns to your money saying beuefit yours is tbe loss if you stay away new prints new shirting new cottonades new oingbams new cottons nejbjvker flannels newlowelliugs new table lii goods new dresrfjfrimniiaiiavjiew and insertions ne coatings new oe shiru colursu etc pubch able and sold foi g at prices th at pn goods riotbe beaten why worn goods when you can get the uptodate stylestere ot tbe same prices geijtleirjeit i we never were in a better position than wo nro this sea son to suit you in our tailoring department our spring suit ings troaurlngs overcoatings etc u to nay the leatt of tlicnl superb style flt worknunablp and tinlsb poaltlvely guaranteed mako your elections now before the stock is broken prices right licndytowear clothing in liens youths and boys baits mens pants ovcrullu kiilck erpanjsrsucaha toeklwellasortedandilaesthiilnannotb beaten terms cash or trade thomson cbeap cash general store corner mai and mi streets extra values in new sprind qoods w rm otttrim ua vmlatt la mmw omdt nd iht try mhuul you amtd torttnttoi bit i larinent all wool any lie 1 pel mens uuilerwear i 4 per garment pure wool sliellaiti th7yvvmm n lei w of vnniytlsol 61 courai und jom tor nl nobby lipband kerbe m i in riry inon oi courat mm um time by gtootny forobodinu and d soidliioy 1 i whs taken 111 with kidney trouble and hrruiiie so wusk i cotilj urartoy ert nnnnul i took niinllrliiu wllltoot 1m m lit and fumli tin littuf to try llootl a hnritauirllla ahiv tho llrsit ttottla i tilt bo ntutli belli r lhat i oiillntirtt its use and six hotths insile to a m w woman ulifit my ihtje ulrl wua biby blio toultl not kp aiylliiiu on hrr stoiuudi nud wo cave rutr hoods uaragi a rilu whiih curetl lier was thomas ik vallacbiirir old hoods sarsatxltta cures- lildm und liver twublcs w- liovua tlm buck atld builds up uie uluilu synttiiu cap mmuaitmhu jutx new into lock extra values 50 yo 8c 0c and lnc there are a latrc variety ol pretty irlnm tntn wlteli n to ibo your eholce fatrs we have a few cood fur coats ooat and dotr hbin llolws uuff siur caps uud cuperlenne st eit trs values or new stylish goods hoc our heal cops uedec slispc atj 00 sud j so good goods bakery i u o announoo to tlia publto tlmt i ituvu imrrhiited tha llakory ooinor uuolph utul wuter its re cently conducted by mr j j olu- licns mid ahull ihi pleased to supply tho wiuiu of thu publla in this lino all our gooils aro guaranteed of thu hlirhual iiinllty unit wo nre in u position to give prompt undcftlciont aurvim l kennedy baker and ocafsftuoaei iblephojje ha 4 sisiiiha4tisiwa4t4iaisatl fair prices in our grocery de partment i went v tons granulated sumuf this is putting our sale of sugar at alow uuure tor nit january february and mareb wowaurlo double it this year and make you the gainer by buying your bartol from us saamrptr mmtnl tl thu wryss qtiotttloa any atu yjs mad suisrlwe have a rputa- tinn lor liaiidllnu choice nice flavor clfeas undtottlve you an upper tuulty ot netllnn a sample of our sond tea at a low pjlee ve w 1 iouud of cholea ceylon and lodla blend regular oc goods and 10 lbs hednilh or st lawronoe belt granu laled sugar tor 75c call and see us we are sellnit your neighbor their goods und giving them die ulgbstt nrlovl lor produce ws will tako yours alio nfor taai plt funiltu foul mad weed slt la irmde thomson st adams georgetown ontario imported dicier sets giveq away if if iilliiotiililliiiiltlimrt 4uimtijiti r wen mo ron moo lhss x r anderson bro brampton will sell their gooj and water on sale started friday jan 23 all goods must be bold come jmd see buy if you like over 13000 worth saved in a damaged condition o xl anderson a bro we in ulvlli y heui beautiful dishes to our ouslmncis dili and see iheru wo will be ttiescd to eaplalu how to get a lliuucr hct rhlp whether youluve beau a regular cusutuier or uut kennedy bros phone 28 qeorgctown ont the glen store as our spring stook will bo hero harcli 1st wo will hold a 6 dhys shl6 to clout out all the otlds uud kmla at a nutt roduotlou in prlco uens tweed hulls teg 7 no for tt o boy twoedhjuib re j s for tz 3 tor 0 u- to oo a bin ranjie of christies and redoras your clolse white and vaucy sairle reu i oo now 75c a ew hull of tinder wear tea 9ias now ycr hcatfs collars aud gent iv far i ia 3 so for i y a fw nobby tlte he itfs collars aud gcutv vurnuhlnge ut cost tipaoi will not allow ua to tiuoto prlooi ol all but all kinds of dry goods aud boot tttartfioes will bo sold at coat trlec come aoon and got thooholeo aa tke beat fto aral thos mowhirteb glenwilliams produoe taken