x r y w w uajulton stf sttf ij towbgodmcil- coaneu mtair evening hani mle bates sinelelr egad 31 sears vvtlloagbby lotneebatr otamktr pree died fief en llloeee that dated h l m j ball end j ii moors iu put loter her born bin laajlbl mlaetee of prevloos ateetraa reed end tkendey hit wee the only boneeneld oeorgatoea clsb b woo to eaaoramdi eompenfon ef jurr uoad brother far mstpaea on baler day tbajr defeated aa rsesrjtlrehoagiv bounded hafycfly partners bnslneti solicited notes pi responsible farmers dlsoount and mone loaned for legltjl i piif onftoutcuorteiartmcnt haa every tarillty for making proeno return d o hoopkk aonrr crroa spouts xfssm motmtiiaawuavrioi aluji nolatorj mojsswaav t 8 for teareesvaflaerdualaueasaeoot barter for ater l aspiration on t aoasedowp4nloto4robaersneelea tar x7 ssyedliseille achjbsld of finest laraa ia nw nvrbt ibat taalsjust uwi gon traitor n s jtrery ume j too yveej v r ftk bona of nra nee paying a visit to deaver where frying healnna paaapavi- ty mr j ballanllna of qeontolevf o ao we leer ibloka of aurtinff a coal and wood yard at aeton bannoakbom eehoo prsrttaee nesc laeess repairing tbeparnp and uta ent lbouaee partlenlatly la oiuesevrng as 09 however veuks to be torprwd tbe lightest meaut csoejne bina of james metthewe baa been poetauater afeony tho trouble caused a aboblof at aston for fifty years jodglrug trdm aanaation in via region of my heart mr mataabs bepeerenae this la hardjo which aenooaly alarmed mo uy h- hallare for he doea dot look an old ban abluy to properly dn m j j n iii iietiadinndnaa that t wjb w h wellson undertaker and embalmer fl g uhuroh atoies uanarrrat iu haom port elahn on iba i obavjuaiidatta mahaffyl otii of anaum lo hmlnied soall wlbo 0 w iomni oa wodomday aoeoat agtbl o fay tb bm j a torabull lub f t d cbariotla maraaral daoabur at ibofalo i tboa omatliafthllumoollobvajimaol itown herald atalou labor by aaneral tea ob i tbe united i for all r toenablpa j i of btajn i y nneo t stkwahlluwat mra urea and uiaa brooka of ingar ll have bean vlalling hr end aire j a raey ifuaat lenrakndltiedefereann are lng n fa daya in toronto mlae ere barnaa uiud qalt frlanda mr end mre kaod of liana head vera viellore at icr wn tooajl mr hob little apentn fa dare of lent weak lo torootr mra b malbena la in toronto lib bar abler mia saw jar wbo la erlll eelly ul mies tattoo apent labor day is toron re 8 mocandlaas ae op from ptoa on monday j 3 stephens and ablidrea of te peijaiift loral aynod ol the obnreb of ixetund for tbe whole of oanad js in taion at qnabao her h f ouneroo bar h a cook andliarbjdnlturtoniklrfol their holiday and oeaopiad their polpits teet sonday f tbe ordinanae of baptiam was adelinia tiered in tbehaptlat eborabtbiindxy eve ning the interior of tbe norrel mathodlat abnrab will be relemreud in aonna with tba rr opanlng of the aoboole the aobjaat in tbe uongraga tionaleburab onuooiiy evooloy hept 10th will be oar sobools end njllooal frogreas 2v0i4 i that the i et george tto realgo and tfteof befoga loaetion being tbe imo the hkhald belleras that thla tronkle end eipenee an wholly bnssllad for at sash end all of lbs ootw etllore uantloned wonld waareinileaore he ralaaud by seoumauoo e in oampballford on monday mlaa mae tlmiapaon vultad newman friend m walter laweon laft latt weak for extended triple the wear we with tm n vmty pleasant jiomey tm johna betulay behool will hold pieale in the date east friday afternoon dome end here e pleasant afternoon with the utile folk qlmwilliaiw jsw of tht war tba lallupiabt of lbs jepankassts tronbls will be learned with asuefaetloa by ell who long for iba day whan war shall be no more the terete of aattle meat t surprise to amyous japan having given np alslu lo tny indem nity ii wsa s diplomatla vlalory for basalt a moral vlalory for jspsu ths toronto globs wall puis ths ease in the following words t ultlory eontalna no reeord of sash a war as thai tarried on daring the past yssr sad hslf between japan and basils or snob e pesos as has lost been eonaloded between the belllgetenla at pol uaonth tbe war was for japan en unbroken eutaeealea of brilliant vletorias and fur kutila an naorohta series of hnnllistlng dsfests the aonditloas of paste imposid by jspsn are easier than ware aver before tutud from a foe to thoroughly beaten meeh sealer they were generely eapsoted to be tee arat disnoeltloa b regard her nnnasst as a diplomatic vlalory for butaia already given away to a loiter apareeu- tlob of japans humanity tad mague- klmlly and ihere it no tattoo to doubt thaehlslery will do full jostles to bar asailver the japtnaae slaty u the tsstt powerful the heal equipped tad the most effeauvely nrgtalssd thai hta aval been brought togsther blrong as the rutalan armylslt navar aoold wllh- slend the ulraordlairy gbtlng mtehloa agalal wbleh ii was pitted it was drlvsa item plllsv to pott with a aalstity thaleaeaed uarvellott end u was amb- jaeledtadefelllflw dsftat as oraahlng thai only tba leak el tranaperi and the psaullstlliss of maaehullaa attoja bre- ventad ii truss belasi overwhtltvtd la taslrowa trey tbeoa lead vlatorles were oll ssietlmaathevlelorieaei tea aoagh tba aoasbeu were bet quite eo esaaidsd or lbs analhuallan ao nearly sgraala1 vlalory ailer all our new boeiery la now in full mail mash srsdlt is due the arm for tbslr on- terprlee among thoae who went to the north weal latt week ware wa sahlie b hoar u dtvldaon and t davidson mrrjonss and family porpoat leaving for tbo west this week they will be mneh mlsasd a tbs hsvs proved them eslvss good ellieeos our village hlaekamllhmr v meore is doing a good business mr a whsalar is doing a lot of paint lug in lbs village this season quite a bbaiher of onr altlesns srs re pairing their dwellings whan oo plat ed they will add math to the appaareae of our barnlee mr j bseunual has a big ala of btlp al present and it pushing his trade with astiteable sblarprlas mr bouertbtlrrett of wast virginia is visiting with hr a stlrsatl and fam ily of union mrs j gamble ofuatewel la visiting her brother and slslsr mr and mies leeuenftbisplaee mrs wo mullln has returned heme after spend lag two asenrhs with her slslsr at deekerevltla if lab ueorgelowtt bead aerensded our town oa friday aveaiag last thty arsl pro- seeded np mais atrral to mrs 8 uetu- atonte and played esverai aaleo ions op on the lawa after whleh they reaartted to mr geo boeunsonle who waeveeent- ly martlad and played a number ef asleetloas whleh were mueb appraeieud they are aarlalnly oomlng lo lbs front u a rsbelass bead mr john belabel or wee piaasnl and ahobad hlenalf to be as asperl meaipalater of the big drum mseem b towaaend abd t ohlaholi bav trehseed the thresbibg oatfll ef mebridebroe aad are doing hb isrge trade in lata section they hate eeeured the arvleea of d maofally as anglnssr while mr chiahole aad jamas erereon npy the feedboard thay are giving general eallafsotlon tba meeara bulllvaal of georgetown re bow haaily engaged iaalarlng mr wat megregerebew heaea all lbs ukbrebea were well alundet en babbeth mr uoaler of unloh preaabad a tarmnn wbiab was aajoysd by all pre- oaaaaawnnmb we aee bribe urjialjj of awck or two ago the somebody la inelintd to find fault with the ehureh lawns nol be ing hepl in good orders oefulnly eome of tham might have been bspt wllh a little more gtsaa by tbe oteof hr re watar bat when the hydrenl vu not in working order tbe water eool 1 nol be need and we think that the assertion was a little wide eeatnivrjmmlfa a oauierakriit health for women mrm zmum daiolx miohctloh ft m mtmom mh omtxzrnn to mil summing euodi woutto km llrj wlu tb wk up uodmvork drc loog wllfa grai dilooblijr kwtoaauimtt u awy pr- mbl bsmjiubi hldom dcthrti tw u vtur irmdy la flow bo utr it m notm uoi upmlfld for woffiwallu tki rhtorl iv pnmliatmil udj immooloa mr- ualgu who tlli lit fallowlbx mwruam i abottwjrmr ko i bfcd m mhoo ithdm bolt cl 4 hrj lwfmk4awd mv 4lmton ftilwl enunly mud i wi bu to ut bai vry little i took vlouoi ifodmsb pn tnd affrd utribly froa b4tadaobs mr dotor d ik w at a saving of feay j 5 cents over the edst of barrel of royaj hoseli flonr that ik jtast ceiirontli less than two cents per week bntaninferior floarcanyield only- not perform tbe lightmthontework awilwouuuxaoutfloiiig apajew lp ftlowly i ought nwlic aid ftttd tried mverl medlchw but without m ting tm imst benefit my tllur vfao lived a oootlderble diiuoce and who had been an invalid wrote us hbotst thi time that the had been cured through nung vr william- pi ok pill end thi decided me to give them a fair truj practically as a last retort in ths course of a few wcefct ihcre waivoouh ehaage in my coodiiloa ad i degas t rettfltmy meajrlotwtliaffj ibetv to gatnnew ttrength and by tbo tii j bad used feven boxes all sigjns e4 tbe tiwbfljiadjlsolheiii4iwaqnm more enjoyinygood hr jtiuand 1 not 1do bad any return ol the trouble or williams pink hlls cure iodi- k bcoitwe thoytnakw rul-ve- blood that briog tons and eucnfth to the itomach nearly all the eotniior sllmtnu are due to bad blood and when the bad blood is turned into good bupd by df wlllumt hiuk ills tbe motile dluppeirtt that u why thm pit i cure hdoeatue diixlueit heart mlpiu tlon geusrsl debility kidney trouble rheuroaiiiu tclallos lumbago and ner voui troublci aucb lis neuralgia pwa- lyali and s vitu4 dsnee that u why they bvlng esse and cotsiott at all stages- of womanhood and girlhood and cbfi tholr sesret ailmenia when the blood aupply becomes hek scanty by irregu lars butydu mutt get the genuine pills substitute- and tmitatot which soma dealer irtter uaeicun fttiyihiigi when you buy the pills sea that the full name dr williams pink pills for pal people ia printed on the wrapper around each bo sold by all dealers or ssnt by a portion ot the nutriment you get out i9 rsuadfojirfapttaprofft mmsorreid iaouvnnc i i r royal h bec flours are poorly milled contain greater proportion of bran and shorts the crannies are not uniform the bread 13 heavy the texture is coarse the flavor is tasteless or poor the nutriment is not in it k v a l aotjskhuld vj cine co hrockvlllr onl nerve esbettellon and tmlgbl never be x troubles laereaaed lor as i grew weaker i bssams aabjeal to nsural gleand rbsumstlam sleep anally for- aook me and x almoat loot heart differ ent medleluea didnt bale doetors oonldnt do me any good 1 wis dstner- ats when i heard of rvroaoas the first boa oonvlnasd me ii was just what i it toned up my ttemssb gave a anleadldanaetlle and then my re covery seemu- eestsr verroaeue in ereaaad my weight esvsral bounds has restored my nerves given me a goed eolor and atrangth aneh as x never bed before sor tbe weak and elekly x een tnilhtolly resemmsnd rsrrobone bisnedleoama dlalc kbmbmbebl ho mere stimulant or alsoholle eonaoatlon een take lbs nlaee of tbe nerve and blood nonruhmanl eon lelutd tn varrosonr tbla true tonle nl- weye does what u elalmad for it sold everywhere in 60s bones ersinior ts60 by mall from n a polaon a oo mart ford genu u 0 a and kingston oat- aubvxxauta1iow butau wksy wbbdnnhh wetlan by will sail lew ons way aaoond alaaa estllars llakeu dally from febt ifitb lo osl slsl loofi lo noinu in ulab alontaut nsvau- da xdaho oregon washington oalllor- nle aad drlllah oolumbla stale from toronto to venbvar vlatorla new wsstmlastar aid heeltle wash or kortlaod ore gil its lo ban rreaalteo or los aagslaa ul ml 00 oorrettxind- ingly lew rates from all bolntl in oenaria choise of routes b i of uarvlaa kur fall bartlsolsrs write to 8 if ttenustt general agent u eest king at toronto onl the better way the tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated you cough grid there is more irrita tion more coughing you take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a white you take scotts emulsion rd it cures the eou thata v hat is necnury if soothes the tloat because it reduces the irritation eurtra the cold because it drives out the inflammation builds up the weakened tissue because it nourishes them back to their natural strength thnta how scotts emulsion deals with a gore throat a cough a cold or bronchitis wsll uno voo a taum rats scott s bowne eft-s-i- being perfectly milled is uniform in textureinakes bread that is light fanitwaferjikcrwhiteas snow finely flavored highest in nutriment royal honseholtpms-etectrkalsy- purified and sterilized backed up and guaranteed by its makers reputation offilvies rojetl household flour just remember -that- williamswarm woollen winterwear 1 consists of john whiiilams knitthtg factory store main st georgetown ydu are invited and expected to attend brampton fall fair to be held on thd county ot peel agricultural societys grounds on thursday and friday sep 21 22 piif 1 old boya of toronto will visit tbo exhibition sept 22 arriving- by special train nt 12 oclock accompanied by oae of torontos best military bands one fair on g t r and c p r prize lists tuid all information to be obtained from tbe seoty speeding eventsvaluestyleand speed bcxbtsj 26 it all events to be considered mens eyimshings should be bought an tfcst priodple for be bt kiods of eoodi borne bero lu ibe only kind 4re kcop iu the only kind w keep lit this kiod tbtjdrf ttll d tb w walae lor eve a oared ccfit sherman mens outfitter qeorgetown and acton w shoe does not haw unsghtly to give i lou of ease natter sove sbnpcs tbj ccmc your trd3 give you absolute fort with good stylo and great caring quality as adcd pleasures sovereign shoes are the bcit shoes sj5i 4 u l ic t bhipment of tbe feuous svereln snoes ntw r uzflstfs john modbrmid georgetown oaf vlll lllaae etlalatere qelnn neu dell lle leered aa-to- the president ot iu lawu bd ourk kitjiilw fwtuud iiteoa taitinpttf u tolinmrn t itmliffrauiunllulthtuuttlim mmiao fttmloivktottr jlutum dl tulnttm luw tvl 4vwl vomplcui of kny umui iu ottbcllo wlio iu kipotttuon iiteiitfdatii xuvwr best qualities of coal including a lull aupply ol bentuton tba beat tobe- bad for which i linve ths eiclaalve right to ull lu thla looalltv coal and wood promptly delivered no l dutlnnl coal an a l aumtaer fuel ujs at thedf vuur patronago sollcltj john mcdonald gkoroktown ontario itlkluonsl ma 13 vsrtnere class vbooiaaa open olsas bediila llorts high steppluk pair in harness r silver modal hjilijtepnlns horae iu hingis llameee three year old high stepior ilontleiiiana turnout rarmers turnout cbvalrr competit on g 0 b a dealer a garrlaee hlngle ijealara team tn llarneas bo i 5 8 a a ul 4 i0 jo 110 a 3 10 8 16 uo ii kpeclsl no so vio to ii live aloolr to iw jmlgrtl kunl mj kshlblla lo ha judged g juf lu me t children too hinglo llorao and buggy illo i and ue or aash occupant amnion band and a good nlllllary bent hi aduilaalon- t vjohorae carrlsg sreuidloa band and a good military band will lurulah music xorand concert will be glou h the loronto band i u the concert hall at the okas of the fair doors opon al 7 concert nt 7 so admission zee e clmkhioot mlmm rat johh coomtv atramjkew m they don owe ct me a cent jacks hbadquai house the bight wbta twiitoii will ny about it pair of stiooi tliat liavn bica katltfvlovy kamvy wtty wheo utd uldd or iba uftt uiiids woru ouiettaui tiny ho earned thai ify thalr ot no lodur of any ukj but theyve ben vellablo lrulwofihy dependable 9tty wltttta iu i bought them v thttl in itotuetlildtr that we iry to have tald of every hom that we il to deato ui it inuit teae you to plaaaeyou it muni earn lucoit by rividu propet aervlcfl we would be ruii to bav you look k6nnedy bros phono 75 ooorjtetown parlor ftjrnlttjre 6 pltieo suitos 8 jleoo suites odd pieces roakom morris obiurs fuuoy oliujrs oouches lie sou our 2500 c pioou parlor suitos for 1800 hall furniture dining boom furniture bedroom furniture kitchen furnjture all at special low prices r h jacks aeorobtown r