Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 28, 1910, p. 2

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7 w h wiixson lkad1n khnniaiwkkot- ou and kmiia4mku lulhihc ffl u utrlmu dt oho mi ltd ji1i oiomoitowm ont pmonc 04 unnxud i klbmn of ku riooai afjltdu tn bu bigger and belter than ever tb fall fair al qao kail tneaday and wodnaaday will eallpaajuwiouabcra a obakd cobckht ib j1veimu irilintcuoatnill3iokwlafy tracy anil ilia jliaclor t uolnft agrieul tural hoelety an viy buy tltrm day making final arraiitoirnl uie lall aablbltloo tot ml hi innjtowonxi ilw ungiwii ttm4 g 4 v jtjj v ik of ti tuvt hl0 kbitf tniutxlujv iti utf hlaiary v ol urrvd at owler- ulflam- wrck llui v r nululle andensxi was linrfuliy vntnilnhlvii the ilnoltttwlkliilihirtitinit hutou im-i- lhtfthewidmi per- peiralor u this 1 rinit may i wound t u jastlci hiui that iury guarded goals or loopholes in the htu v ill not prevent tho taunlvrer taking thu rvgulalbm drop at i murder has 16- eoaie far iuo ntuiiititiiilw alrcuiwis of ours whim it n eminently satisfactory to warn thai ilia medical fraternity ar laav- ic nolhlig undono in thslr efforts to 4rmilly grapple will infantile par atl or pllouiylltls itia well for in dividuals not to in horosly phrase bor row nulil by uhmilnt mfllflbllillall et itmprospecls of a visitation busy can altett bare aod elsewhere it u bo new iblng and the possibility la that at uaet in epidemic form it will disappear aa myalerloualy g it arrived in fad il hat nlrsady shown such indl eailoor bkkul aliltuuanlh oj early atlj bavs biin maiu 10 drval urltaln during um put luoutli our inapector orl aoiije iliipiiianu in ordinary car nrrlvidtf it hotitrtal in a licalod ovorripa and van rotton tondiiion jn view of tlia arrangcmunl bolwoon ilia ilapartmont of rfrlaulturo aud tho ratlwaya wharoby ahlppara mayobtain icwl era at ordinary imtj for tlie cariuno of fruit in landed lor flvport in cold lorna it amnlng lliat aueli a coiiplulnt canjo founded on fact hoaio of the oldihi iliipjri rro the wont fiffaideri in lliia rcpcl tha dlrcl loaa for ntcli iicflloct or ignorance fall on tlia feblppar or owner bul ilia indirect iota froin injury to tlio rttpulatlon of can adian applr4 tcbcbru iijery ujiple rower lu canada wuwtttbnt pcf1f in wimll towiu wpjxiallj an hid no uttir -mpln- tnent limn pr inir int oilier ttvploibiu- iiumi and tin n 1 xairunillnir tho truth in nanl tlie mini ipli who pretend to ihj tlirulianti whoalund clnirrli ngi- urly u ho in hil nialit of their tipiithbom are uencroua nnd diori utile tt who without iho bliirlilt pnimtillon pkk ttpbomu i it lo mulakc or umru ofluu at hot bluff v ill mi wu tidal in uno an to ruin ilia or bcr reputation for lid- while ihcy wotild not htiul nun tlnm worldly jmmik yottbty rob lilm tr her of what li morv piwloua than yold u ok1 nptiluiluii why raiil hoplc praitlw thu mwul cliribinit that tlu- pnaih and do unloolhitt an jon would hao thcui lo unto vim if i brother or iutcr fullw dont lump unlo limn imiuiim- they art down hint tuuumj on do not intind to extend a hand do not like a dog in tli inanjivr hlund in iho uaj others to whom it may concern thlxold world ouitiewry ww a living imt it in lutiifuun to luuthi if nil would olltxt your nceouiit if joti exjut b and feople duvhlnu alti r you to mjmni tip the htlli bill lb y ow von iiimltul it out and niiiimlhr that unvthiiik worth ucttlllu ill tllu iul iluh o itk hllmnl up when urn tint iuplo todu uho uit down and uuluil fur thiuitvi to cma their vhv 7 ii tin j urn imt in thu piwr honiw it it lutmim ibi imvixburltalilu frlfmlu wluidiipph tin in u lulnji whlbt u liiiioihoimhtoikouiiicaitihkruller or cariiuifit vu do ilmlrv to hat tnouuh of thu juiirmm to im our ua while here on eurtb itml lnio that evi r reailer uf thin ortlile ni u 11 w i uitli ul letiil a like nil mini nou juut to ln iau- dld uenrt in mid of a llltlo of the root of nil evil jum it pnint 11 ml white there um iuuii ol our milurll rn who liavc paid tin ir tulwirlpllouu in odvamx then ort muni who throiiuh fuuuit have fallen laihlud not irhhim tfny am mi- able tojuiv but uuiim a dollur in bucli ft auihll mint it u oerlimikil vi would like toovirloou it imrwkii but uhun tu nallu thut thu uinur uioiuluu on it udioowpu toyo biuty ami laj in u ui ply of lifu fciutatiilnu iilkwitieu in order to kitp out of the liunibi of thu limb taker and wu the unlhorilirn the trouble of iuiouuliuti for iinothi r bill for 1 hurlty took ul our mlil u lulu 1 und if 011 arv iwldup thutik vm ii not ltnlt fnr- wanl wn our hiu l miiim rlplloii uiiti hi lp ua kiep ubove uroimil ijwar atujijajr m wnr itaslt tt cttatla amf wltb i aiir0 up p pn rwttinx 47 o i bbnary pith aoeaviv notblm baa baep ijalt uijdoti tot the eomaul ealllbltora abdtlallora tb 1v cof oodlotw bal h d rktb lasted tw uhlwarffiaaedaaall 1us0 uxoalledt bpa lajw qi apmvf yuhmit absttottwaatock n imkrowr ot jacwia jaap- tjftu prr 4tw hf hjab wltnij irtwk ar4 ibtotiqih l wwlbd euiltrldoti aa will tikoplae bfjejk tywdni tliuluillwlu bhicuwidir of itji aiifdy it vlfl b llfitoliitrtl by kwujoily ktttt lb 2ih st tlktml lll lv aylontii th band will auo play during b almniooisy- oi lb wand d ootov and brio your frumla l visit id hajlona lndulrlj town and aaa tb lottlow wver hld nodar tb ana- plwaoflu k a bocuty nubtroliatct4l ktiiacfldttaari baiittf rrrnl among which will bthx hllit of oul front 1076 and a fine collection of old waoua and indian tu tha elitiibk of ui abow will b tha liraud eoacrt lu tha town ball in the vatiluii the ftna array of blubelau la ul and ilia baiifalnoffatad in rtmrvtd at at 80d tie tuaartf a browdd hoiua iad tha full progrmoi of concert in an- n -nil- avbhqrovat vail la berff again and nalura la becom ing 1 nor a beaotkul ovary day by tb toncliaa of tlia aulutnn waatltaf dr wataon of ivorgalown prcaldtit nl tbn tawnablphitmlay mioot aaaorfa tliu addrcatwd tb uunday acitool bara il kunday lllaaariiual practical ad dem waa lugeli apprrmalatland anjoyada on wednaaday of laat week an aoio party iran oak villa called andtook mr and itra wiulam cook fo tfte ottatpb vxlitbltlon h doubt- aopia ot u fit ha fofk foald ojoy timluf djjllnt u a tiad tbwii orrpyfjibuyv l wr kvhoddalu iwt mfth aianttaal td hadtwoibaa rjbalbraketa lalmprovlox nloaly mia 9aattlca hproa itavaa tnta mk jotfbtpato wbaraarw will aiwl tb fmiuy of climaaloa lr wtlllan ioi vlamplralitlva in rnb laxaaak f air orlplo tborajjaan who 1aaj bad cbaraa ff- tbv wbyofundjrorlt at vtmoave powt faia reiwrpad bcv tl ieavek ottorooto aajifeli wbaur- h- 111 rwnpl bkvmtoaaa i9 trinity drug atora honorable acqaiiial kt lvldano offarad agaiaat live man who war charged with uaudllh opllljtl from toronto uurtd of pitibr 24 1 policeman a i hrndley failed to appear in tho cotut of gential aualona thursday morning whan the oaa in which amwrt kennedy laaafi iliock taylor and joln taylor chargod vtlth offering lilni bribe to maka n fake aelaura of opium from a chinaman waj eallad ha did not appear in the afurnoon unlll live mlnulee after ibo tu bad bean laid over and yralerday morning ilia crown decided not to oler ina evident end verdict of not guilty waa reeordm judge uenlon honorably bcjultllng the accud the explanation which tlradley ottered to deputy chief tiiark explaining bii abjience waa that ha bad been in chart of the patrol wagon at tha kalher ilrcet atailon all wadniiday nlgbl and tint be bad lolephoued uck to tha atailon when h reached his home to atk if ha be want ed at court thai morning bergantraa- don who waa on ibo deak bad told blw lhat ho had no mnuage lor blm and aa ha had had some akep in the wagon houie during tbn night iliadlay went out and waa absent from home whan tnuiengur came lu tell blm ha waa want ed at court lie did not return borne until about two oclock and making bis wit time be could not gat to the city hall until five m inula too lata tc itoblnette eounul for the wen had another explanation in iboibapo of s document which lie turned over to police inspector dlcktontburtday after noon the pollco regulations provido that lo join tho nice a man mutt be over 31 and under m year of age bradley algned hla application and fuiieed all teaia as under 30 ill blrlb certificate from the parllauieot building which mr ttobinelm gave to the inspector biiovis thut be wna liorn lu 1977 and not in lsiio as ho had declared upon joining the orce it was because ol this and oilier rcasona tlul county crown attor ney ibiird detlded that it would be hope- kad to oviiect a oonvliilaii the explanation of ur itoblnelle for the autlon of his client 1 that tho chlnttmaii rom whom llm opium was slgid bad eold spurious oiiluni to u friend of konuedy uanim wlirpliy in uiiffalo and that kennedy had been caked tn collect back the purchase price i10111 tlm oltatlal whlcji he bad do no ho saya lhat later lliu chinaman eawe f hiui uyinif ibat he uui some imsi opium and woiibtsell ii konnuly wanted to inuke a eulauru lor tl a government out of which lm would gel a reward lu ihn sbapo of a miininlssinii on the evaded duty and giutlnu in touch with llradley diroiigh irleml g 1 his aid in making theseihuie the opium la held pendlujr the action of 1 he lubtoina bllthontlee who will beek tooonbsealuir children muat havi- gool blood other wise they will be puny ulckly and deli cate h your ohfldnn am pale easily uxlibuelod give them rerrovlm the 111- ylgorating tmilo wbltli conipoasd uf fraah leau beef clirutttol iron and pure uld h pan lib hherry u hm nutlilng could be morv benvllulal in such case at 0 iwltle mir hmtomti seautwmtr the diembciu ol hu luul eouimltlee aruvory loriunaio in tecurlngtbuaervlcea oljjr ilaliiunaukcoiilmaslur no belter aeleellun routd liuve wen made air haitian u an uihleiu ol lrri- roaibabln characlir uellllkid by the boje and wu predict thai hn will have 01m of thu in iroojie lu thu country we understand that local iiuuilura nru bilng lougbl alter and that in mum i training to sonm extent will be taught lhoiejjm ilrlt ii the whole fcoiit law usa dlwrlpliiu luitds towards luipiovlug- ibu moral and physical being id ibo boys and wu trust thai thu kcuuliinuivr and kom boy vs iii be well eupoihd by publlo opinion and puiw au niey be iiulrrd coiiservutnr tur hainan was oimurly a nif tuber ol umffttomu 11 t fcutfj hours of labor cut for 600 employees uecorulck mr co dak fopular m6vtlo iudtttlioo ituwig linden adverlitef i urn 13th 10 the follow ing imllrr was posuj in the factory ol the micorumk manuiuclurlug company on haliirduy hartahi 1 tho ulrb will commence work at 7isu m and tilt at b mt p in making a nine hour da in aq ol teu aa it has iteen all alom- thu mm will coiulneuce at 7 a in atil cjult at o 1u in plaite lift oclock perhaps the most pliautut halme of tho einiouiiwumtit ua ilmt ullbuugh theiu wll lw n rtdueilon tn hours iltfre will uj no rt duel ion in pay this will iniun fnuii in 11 peieuiil liureshiiu wugee and will amount in n iry laige inni 10 thu tints annually au adturlitmr repreaentuilvkvaiiihl mi mr p t ahtoruilck u preside nt ol ibo rtunpaii ibis minnltig uliorotf lumud ibu above and ault thai iho t n ibu llrm maila till mou nan thut utter a flow study pi eoinlillmi ihey hl that lliey would get uton illt m tisr vluu frout thulr eniploft- and that a lt itlillou in hours would be inulmlly p riuble lo all ooltec m hanry wllaon visited waiardown rajatlvaa laa wrek davla mrntbol ball ha pltar ant aoj rdteadetm itonaabold iacnady lor ipaart aud inoaiiouo bitaa and atlnga akin d pllx ate try it 2seprtln trading on a good rema ad daealvlng the public 1 what tba baltasoaa ol lb waltknowd tlw d iv maollol plaatar are doing uont ba fooled ln- alat on tba gamqln tbe d w h itkptmcr mitesing fair atgcdf retown horses iut hipb jiimir 1st by klmora parkin 2ml by p j mttlijuwii ga do 3 ol lllluifhry ilurti mta t 3 00 3 00 ibwlllyr m umiiur lillli or plily in hm- b itealtowit in frotitof urmndutaiuuaiulilrlieilunoe amuml the track hw to nwint 60 pr rvnl ktyte atul conlonnallorv 60 per cent 1st by j l clark jiul by 1 lunifdu b 00 3 00 ittt omiull iolt lbloiiya ur j aervlre of itorae for 1911 sod 3m ltet herwent ivrfuniftr ivlt by oil- pukerlng 8 00 3 00 lteat lllack doctor rolt by huitmnaon a km 8 00 3 00 ilt aii twun optm lo vnnocnt in county of halton smilitg not le than 50 ten silver cap by morrhante ilank of canada to bocome property of re yeara valoe i yr obi carriage boree jack miblnl by o a illack bcats yr obi carriage bone let rag 2nd wrench and sod 100 ft 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 idod iutily driver ilea llravy draft 1yui by win ttiompann ilaave lt iloail twn driven by lady geo wrigguaiworih lbt wngl itoauuter iw tftoa coxa tzz llt s yr old colt in lumr by jaa a hll artifnvr valuwl at heat 3 yr old itoadter in llanime 1st gooila by i j walbuv 2ml k sfawbirtei- 3nl italter by w j lonkiii 1st a 00 3 00 i m heavteat draft tam by d c kenip 4 4 00 3 00 high htepper by metiudlun ilaiik acton 3 00 3 00 ltet ijuly driver muter 1ft slngte itore to lie aliown in front of fltand htend and driven once awminil llui trm k ottttlt m lw mnsmervd owttd ly father or brother of driver by j a mrchnv 3 00 300 lies rtiure dtmhl1 tnntoiit root pullwr by w j atuxsndtr winner to pay o00 vabu1 at is 00 ltet colt any age sltvd by luron clialloch by mckenxte hnw it d u off service of amy iiodm tbuy own in 1111 ikwt hphiift coll flml by geneva junior by sfi kciute 11km ft 9j 93 off sertlre of tteueva junuir in 1011 ibwt kpring gdt sir by king rtunly by t ilowden 3 12 llnmaervlrelu 1ui1 llet he inter colt 1010 pruning hook by win pnwtor 2ml halter by k c nixon itestljuly driver open to ksqtuwing ltore rig ami harmmi to i h ronwklereil by itert iteainau itet hprlng colt wd bv itoyaj kaxton hembl by cbsv- man a uurrtdl liramplon ciattlb ltest herd of llikb couu owned by one who haa not itwnn u inner of tho jtlon prise at any former fuir arntfl walking plow aasliown on page 1am of their tall and winter calalagua no oil by the t kalou co valunlat ibl 3 dairy cowh plow value ilor0 wlniur to pay v 4o thu co iiv the majbeyllarriii co itent dairy cow shown by city dairy producer by clly lslr c pigs itest ii n ilwon hogi not uee than four in number by j d met i hlton biiit pair of lucon hogs by ii o clark sheep ltel pair ilmwterfibdsrllngjiowtiwi in ktupuiug by d henderson 51 p poultry lln1 ialr wlilti lculiom cliukpiu pair of iaiiln ly c van allan vulul at llwl ialr hoik clilckiua by j n smietoli lit 110 s 00 sd0 i 00 sco 10 so 10 to tn 00 3 00 h 00 0 00 300 fruit y w ii wil kliiain cookrr by j ii luat mil n hpy appln by w ii willanii 00 ml jarkuin iw1 hill n hy ajilf by w mcmiljan alii liy llivnru hr ii 00 llf1 llkl s hy aiidi by ii jnluubuia ami by wonllull a mck s 00 hut llbl hno au n ialbinion t 00 ilarrela munt bo new anil huaileil nji pine arts lkt jluon iuail lifiicn anil ink lailu alinea by o hloil jo dairy ileal i0jw llmlf r by v ii buny a don 110 00 in k mrcannali llvo s 00 llil 11 jolin trwlior i s 00 hot hi i una k ilullar lol ilulim by ailaiua a co iloniir to bami irlvlletool imnllimlntr bullar at uni n r luiiiml vuluiul at 10 00 lint 10 ilia duller in 1 lb rolla by mrllean a co t on ilefct 10 irnu by jan maoilonalil uamlnwli illnt j llu hulur in 1 lb prluu by i laul 1 mrlvnulil ixmj1 niali ami ileal tlinw ilia iriiiln by 11 ii warkh on r in rolla hy j mrlfarmm by a j lobinan alton ht 10 ilia ilulur in rolla by lutll i luwitio in i ik print iiyllenilemondioo lletl inprlnbj tialrilalry wmlea by m k klxnn llil 10 hi criuk lliiller t wbllllelmv by w ii viw0wi1 unl by j llmul htewarlbmn heat 6 lb roll llntler nock yoko by w iu llrown altio miscelxanbous lbt dnwt tliithhi bthnjt itou j t ichlikena ducke by lbt pair drted cliltkeiia by vi j keott 2nd by u kennwly t3 00 2 00 ibt dnmmt oimwv b thojt well hest j tow iiwiul millar i co a truey lnd by t itest pair dn mui lib kenu by lut ducke by j j wiimiit iutt pair dnwil durka by it omik ibwt chkkviui by t jjiiii ibitt drthmvl turkey by jejmw llritwn norva sml byo 1 kblttige iui vilbillun of weed root and plant by n a almiav and j 1 warnii und by mrkay iy t i huk by v larbull chlitnx fancy hate by w j itesl pair hi ibwl tlexutubr 3 50 licet dluiliiy of hoittu- i bit tn lm hulliuf funiu palme and hlirubn not uu hum ilf iiiuttlu r of varielii to iki ctiutjhjrvd li miir win parwutu ilest ttbtplay in hall bymvnhtint or muimcitrturvr by rarmera lltnik surval t 00 lbt j pair driwed chi ketut by mooru a wilson hkuviii linirudmtii cash b 00 hy uiutrii a wilson lte1 hall doseu ilium icorgilown hiumui 1 yr 1 00 largest i ilos bmiu iihi h iuau 1 yr 100 land n- t 300 3 00 3 00 300 300 a oo t ftoo 3 00 300 1 00 a oo luwtaiiif neatitt v hi ibittcr l4trgetl i bis niiioul uruit pumpkin h itaruiw the liiirbv piiblleruhooipniri lri ibmli a t fhkthollmiiurl huunit r i 00 lltumii 1 r lutivtii i vr limn iif u 1 00 i u llllt on vurval urval w it i 00 1 00 kiiiimii lud ikmk colkktloit of indian ltellca by j wood old dniuiueuui by a nuviiu- i ut iuif hoiuti tiuulii hnoil by j hewu iut 1 dus hmiuuiuub ittllui b j hcwmmi no lbi1 10 lb ktruincd hoiluv m tnuk by linmn value rto chonur by public hi bnul lunln l puetw iuu hi lie the muplo 11 1st b a haihu 910 2nd ri uhl d 4ui 1 prliowrliibh tobeihlivvnl todoiuir hiirum u inning prluu must jiariulu in runt of thu grand statu i el ft p ii i nll iuiimt wild ei i tries to tlm kirvury im fore lite show eiul bring our irixu iut ami inemberu tlika wltb ou tiruud concert in town lutll on thhmdtevertrtfl of vwlr fair night c0 ncert in tlic town hall georgetown on dneayifli ranoran ab liftabar ltobfcirle8ooabaila m ifnl daaof1 poadea mrllarny boob j palertwivotal coiilraauv oaowj stnlljr ktllmcav jtvaigiavl lwn- it- i i rroo v i fcprmooololijvytiai j 4 jrtllalvtickrl vt- i 6 iuitalloo- mktrilmilabwr i kurf ihao cn- itnritlvi m too llonnaatar itaorav j lciaoitwn f hovhuw nolo 01 lurkl mabtuanby1lckarj boaalol part u 1 lunoliirbi bulo hungarian tiiatoily ilarvey holib 9 uott fnan uia yaukaa cnnaul aint it funny wliat a dill iiouh alaka j ii canlaiorl 3 conlrallo holo st he your ihramv kmetaoo jea kbaa ixson craig i kotmiio sold 8elartl mall mnuy1ukol t radteuon a hootch c j h i o helection klmuivartan toe klala nana crafcj 7 soog fee se uaneo tlia iolka j if cameron brnnmno holo oooimlyo uab1 manleyilekanl don hava yna kihii admuaion 25c rocrmi seal 39c lickeuo comiumta i uele odnber ll at klaona dreg mora skil iiluim jamis hahuison school books scribblertt pencils slates erasers loose leaf books note books pads pencil boxes mathematical sets etc etc st shams deug store oeoietown out phone 3 sovereign shoes for men are in a clans by themselves equal to any american shoe imported into canada our fall stock just in price 876 400 600 rclindo shoes for women considered to be the most graceful most durable and the best fitting womens shoes made in canada price 400 and 600 john mc derm id georgetown phone 26 ltlaa i l illla llllls announcement from the mens store new fall suitings roba jva j ooal ra u aituyobcsliwrlialodunrati raw our furnishing tepartment u annvi wlo all tbaitett fconulaajn nadkjar cottara aova1prt3olnjlat 1 i v1 i i j in i i jtti ur- a jott ia ivitilr i amabam la 1 li- ali r jnc an0 company tin hllvlaaa tailoring and afeua fdmlaliaca ivlalp street geovgetowt phone 128 aii i i iia ii yi il furnaces and furnace heating wk auk aoenth for a nitmlmr of tba beat makm of fornax- iwlodbtc th uonabtna kniplnt klttg canadian air warmarand kalavy 1ikatino kxpkiitfl bavaduviilwl tliuaatul lliouahl in the rvnainthiorl of uttan ami oibar pdmama ttrl tbitn aa mar jwiilon awiawlbteaml wltlt a good if ar no vuhnaciz ran toaucfu1 however unbart it is properly instajteil it te at tbu ikolnt wlwr w eoiur in th bnteiartititit of wir buxinta u in clu sir currte our vp4h wbo smivaa u now well known cltarva of ukutw 1h osk of a mnulier of the te-tlnimlal- that wu k nlvol tu to onr work j w kksnkov town wntvlown msrb 16th 1010 iwr kir tfiii so 300 hnntiblim vurttaiw whbh you installed in my bociaa last nitavm d trivlng us ftfivllent nulte lu every partbttlsr tn ptomjuitlvn imtrwtaawrri i can itiartlly rvtsmimend this vurnae aa vmay inftiamup woitotnlisl i mivni tha heat youra truly m uk 1 1 a copvkn ivtt vft install v ottra and itava your houo wann i on ful and it j w kennedy phone 26 oeorgetown the bargain house of halton adaasco 6eokoeto phone 43 speciaj fall and winter annonncement visitors to the pair wkegtetui tayoualteariy wit come and iwiwbtlly invite von to make fltohk your lisaibiiiarterfi arrange to uimt your frtenda hkuk ami teava wkapti ati1 paucklh in our ear we would also hiiuhid you tltat thu saason for wiving your duy loodfl mena ouit your we would also hiiibtd you tltat thu season for wiving your duy tlthiiw mifa aiul lloys cloyrillsu ifatfl cais vi kh xfjdkftwkall comfoittkllh ulanttvttl iadiitflcoath miliiskuy hltockhiieri ktc is bawaml w hh ready uuu new ka1i and wintku uthdti auk in aa the wfiliv aw aka manluutt of tolay smm bi ii that huoblatock is vimnvi out each season we arc alive to this fart and no liavn ctearod out tho ikit ovkiih from omir tea- miiis ami ltavt now a llrlitht kw lvviutebttuk in olter you in tha altova namiwt lima wa ltav a arranged a inostatlractlva jirograit of spoclal vahua for kaih timk which no bouakmprbhoiibi overtook conwaml sm ua valrtime for inotauce mknh hlltfl njiilfl from ex in live quality of lmpnrte1 tweaibj anil worsteds in plain and fanry paltemv eut on the lattwt kitw york inodela lu ilngla awl ilouhte brast lauk atyuw haaullfully uuuliiand trlmmad perteet fitting sba 8a to u yerytpacialatllo ulltoo lf w slid iih00 a tew of tba baterojiallllen hi mris collkok uiatkiw awl ciikfttkit- piklii ovehooam quality of gotvls suimhi uttering aiul raruful flnlali tharac- teriu every coat hlua 3a to 4 hjwul at i21u 11500 aiul 1ih00 udl aliuata hmw fall ud wlmur c made from antra good quality ol itnjioriwl twootls in plain and faney alterna black iteavia vuvtmas ai all otui uutumu nwt btytea hi tbrihiimrier and full isngtlai baiubtoinaly talloruil and iriiitutvtl all sbuw iwrftict titling hpaclat at roui wufttolboo kxquhltt vilumqiir mlllliury oivruuiga bavo 1mhii a gnat surtesa kw hats new trimming te aro imiiik oiiiimi to our stock dally dont all to visit out millinery purloin auu leave your ordera early in tho wimk wtt syjtplx flatr u fully stocked wllb all uiuomsons vry lateat in itsjmej- etua wrapivsrattea hhiriftinv cottons prints ginghams uncus aiul at spacial prws wbilh no thrifty hsiwwlte ran atforil ti pasa ettaeithy dzfmxriitnrnl u to visit our clrocory dapartuwnt where iliiailty la even italuir tlian tba puwi food lawa demand and prlcea lower than market iuotatlons cotne in and aw for youhaill fair lime noricbmii aswa jw fr cmm r ymdk uly hm ya buy kpmr svstjlc jvauatea lk in mmhumiis tr sds ridhws ay main street georgetown keep your clothes always new wayne llaival isiiwr wsml- rvo lite fnwluwwi the sbstvi- iwti imigl tlie uatial rvritarti- mile tbm or all i billies tltat you wjr k b uimk it will iwv for utf jiwuver lu ithakditg bills f tito wayne ulastxl istpsr wahlmba is made of skwul waye wwr twlariaed by oil eathudve proonahvt tba ohlor of cwur la in no way imjiahail bi the riot bee we have them liew oniptete for every kind of a garment al 0j to ba i cniiio in and lot nukbiiu outbls woiuter- 1 tul i lothi a protector 1st hi rolwt prtwe thu iiiwiumi ivf ntr suit uowti voal must re ur wrap far iwyotul ierliil of wear your garment will lu buuu full tetigtli and etnoivtb in a rrtiiproiw ibmurimif aud alrtlgbt wghlrube khdut ol the hmtmt fraiirmttu uf ute eedargroyu wttnecedind paper wardrobe ilidt ivlaml it is ind inertly a t4nrlng pnabihion for winter prtitenu tn tautihier r miinitwriwrttuitteiti wltttef but la a ist yi ipayl many hium over lu pjvalitg bills qaiville fair thurs frid sept 29 30 open at 10 am second oav aitticlotdloanb kulilbltloii ol hlgliolon honii roimhii obllorenu irocoaaloii blioep hurallufr oiiiiktltin lluttnr uuulutf kououatrutloub knport aovertnneul juilgoa illftb lltirdld luiniilnir oxan vs aukiiloltue uuplay uoiulllfillmiiolis iaro ufod cullle vurloiu illkvauratuouj 1ajotlr rjhif o oth write for prize list ot scott phm s druggist and opticiau georgetown a s rorstku p1iu1ii1knt j i iikwson heolltfahy

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