Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1911, p. 4

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v the georgetown iii raw url j sl wad ifiim thfl 4p7tcwd in r ajtea waavwniisai j g haavwa v ti head jjo aytfctii mil ft bw mua4iiiuoilijt t mt u hw thomas upton on prosperity the knight hands out bom ouldlng princlplaa to tha young man who wlahes to de succeaaful to tutiif men hnxloua to aiiccond jn injelpev 1 ietjldsay a ttrtt words wwld utlukiiltoii tlmftmtv orlreenwe mvi eiinw rfwvfl vpl tbn vlfl oyyr the inxl id cfvllhy vrealrioh up poor iillkd the poor inan twenty hluhjkk is goojl tlio rich pejie eoviiridcii tlit vorkiaana rife with br basket pii bar aim ta vititlcfdtq a niut twapect pa l wh4 crtoieln h rrtjiij v lauwliy lira jl fcw mmuuruulm4b ouv4uiwhiij llr i hiu u h0- vwy mull ea4 v ajy t li oiilamiuaatfkeilatm mm uij itjf twfst4tveioii jkumu wkw tuns kibicai tu imr ntx faillffll uta enuq pnon oth ttuc tmblt oorwo mat paambufr 8b7ani paste tlgtfr a 1010 am mall uuuam tttimiitfer 360 pm mail ulpb paesenjjev ooino wtary 13wm pawi ngnr hoi rtu mall 10 itum asengr iohpta paaaonuir wpm ifllmi koutji mall paawngar 6 lh p m nemo soirrii pasasngur in 00 b in mall oft pro eiiiui vt lykvnov or war pur potts efwuiit or lulrr irixju bomo id- vaulkin nfetrauny ti nulllly ita m at lhi prcnjil liprnian niincwuvreu aero- pianos arv i win a iillllicd for eroutins purprwio oihi tin- oppnalng iruia hit mlojiut a jilnn f plaiinu dlliiirn yn nj until my tluiire lo iiilfail ihu nptihi plw w iim- rtn inupn nn iliuauoi uiwlcr on r hi inufiu tip mi i iinnl ill urant pidil one tiling in itiruin ihftt id lrn next uur irimjw will havo in toalt nut not only fur hnmontal lilt nlao otrponiln tilur rour in troll uwkiaii eaunlrlua 1 li if umilj uo rnmparatiil jy riii nh1ily tliu inception lint would rcnilt frniii larffo lwnifo lmo balii iiiiumj in thlclt hmki wlmr limy ufoill bit lililiiiii mm ho octi plain mciiiin uiiulil ni fvn innrii latal to til tlruliu u tliiiriijipoiionlu ill untlur iln nlil iiiiiiiiku l warfurw special prizes esqucsing fall fair october 4lh 8r 5lh turha cotta willi ru mr it j strinjor wlio it an lwn ipnnilintf a dm ilaju uitli artun rlnnd liaa roniriiol hoini sir huootl imu piiriliasul aii tint goods in mr ll ihiijiitii hton mr llollinuir u iut i b ima imuii compulltd id lit up ittlhliiiea lirro mm ilayuood will riiltici tho iioro in tin- old staiid lur ilr uml mtm dluvanl towiieitud and family n nt humlo jltli itnl with krln rli nu mr juliii tnwneond aun sunday 1m in clicllniiliani mr i- ijitlu ia creeling a now driving boiiflo buill in tho latest tnodurn nylo mrs hjriiltrmmi family at down with lh niurih at prifeml ilad u latrn lliol tlwj am all recovering uitfly mr antl mm win carey at i tin dtp line haw uiuvid lo ihu hal ton uriel work win ro mr caroy ham ticuroil em ploy nu nt we niu filuubod to uarn that mrs jim stolid notr on thn moiid ilor spody recovery i imped or a ihiihimt ol young ptopht nnd rjirdu from i hr htirrniimlliiurniiiiiiiiiiwy umlur ud at tin iioiiik ol mr nnd mr k- ilttlf on lhuili lukt und juvi mlas hmlili a ph ux ml urprlm prlur in inn dcpartiin to itrumiiitm mil primiitd per uith a tvatiliiiil imiii h and addrota wa lull to mih junu nnilh duiir rrii-nda- v tint citlxitia ol terra colin and lcinily hnvu maliaud with much riuiti that your duiuntum from un iu of it n riiuiomd imipho ia thlo tltno rtially tnar at hand wn fmd thai wa cannot lut ou o without aotno x riroaamu of oor nliettton nnd lilih rrgnid or oiiu mho lion mi hinv uwii idoulllltd willt nur vilhju and who hua uuii uch a usi fnl ti in i public spirited nldiut then un iliuhtliu man lnr lo nluht wltriw yearn art jit nw hihi rvmanihor what lurrn tolla una im urn i ho drruin maiiiwhul in ita natno took ahupu in tlm brlcl yurduuhlih liao alrondy inado it iainoiis vnu wvro with it in llio day ol otuuithv and small ihlnifv luit you atillclpaud ihu tituo of urowth by pro- vidlnii on iiplo dam horn adwiusit h the ntodu ol tliu placo mid an onfainoni to i l in your etiparity an aioreltoopur i qtl pout must or vnu iiavu known all tin- peoplo and jim o been lnotrn ol all your self so that many ran timily na lo jour court w unl uufuilinu aindiutiti of lirurt nooiiiin urn uhnln pulnliliurhiod could bo 1ikiii mirtid tluin you will imjhiiu wa n juice to know tliot ynoarn not jiiiiij to a dimuiit pliicu that would inuko in- nuout tmlh liiipiiiilhut wo uhu you lo accept hi in com it tlm health i u lulu a ol our rlcnilit you mi nnd old unit yon iniiv i ad in our iinw hiiiiin a yii ut nicumiiri ot l ultli mid it t mlorl i nd pi ut i will i your ycum of toil havo muii imritid tlm iint idtiin mid kit p tluc ill lonl iiiuli lli fate aliliu- niii bin and b utuiimih uiilo thii- rtm iird lilt iii lilacoiiuuniiiicu upon lluo and uio tlnit- peace m f mr w iina hlaidon w m ol fiiulu i mr- j tin ri inuiudor ol hut aveiilnu wua bptnit hi ihiiikm riudinjj- ci liuli in 1111111 il hclii lliiiix nho ur iiiiiiphniiu tulm tioiw t mr i liltriliin uhirli mki enjoy d 1 1 uil iriiil mr a mellon- aid llllid urn poaillnn of ilmirumk in vary etjlniiinnniir t6 youiiv maiiald tbe im udu irjtav vutir ulttur hrfrecflvod oi in l hu aiujy ajti waalcavttiit bqtabow d pic ttliurtway ut fit thf houae tbrojnjli r nnriow praaaawbrmaed hfa atvntii ovurlioml ho audrjanlycritsd ktuoy ktoopj dhf not underalatui what jiirtiitatil ttutil i itm my ltfd thorn p acolnat tht beam i iv waa rnail who neve failed to rslva rood atd- vlce vou rv ohilf aald and lrnvd in ko ihroutlh ihn world fltoop aa you c tbrouiih it and you will bilaa many hard tliumpa thirdly i would rocorrimend punc- tumllly which la aald to be the aoul of builnia it la aald of cbarloa lamb ulio at ono 1 1 trio bold a ooverit- tiiont aiinolulmont and who waa pro- vvrblal for en mini in late that one tiiornlim betne later than uaual ida au per lor found fault lamb offered tbla eirua if 1 do come late in the morning f try to tnake up for it by leavlnit early in tho afternoon tbla waj a eood joke but hardly the atyle of bualnesi to haiti promotion ifyou atlrk to hualpmia bualneaa will adek to 0u hut all work and no play make jaek a dull boy aa the aaylng foee ao i would recommend a uaeful bobby and node rat o recreation i liavaalwaya taken a keen interval in outdoor htvorta in tbo old olanfeow daya rowlns and ami una on the clyde ware to me a great dollsbt both phy- leally and mentally it waa after the do feat of the thlatle in 1sh7 that i flral reaolvnd to build a challaneer for the cup won by america hlnco thon na everyone knowg i have tried o tlmna and failed on each oeea- i wo aliall nover win back tho cup until an uroat a builder tu hor- rcalioff nrlsea in groat ilrltaln h haa boon tho i lala not tho crewa that j limn won hit raree tho sallora on board the lliroe rhamrocka were lb fiiicat in the world apart from hor- reahoff our dralunom are equal if not fiiierlor to thnan of america mr hfc and hie intu mr watson did their wry beat and uero afl annloua to win itic cup aa i una ft la a mistake to ta hint in- linrli nti boqifl could hot alnuil lliu i fu of a voyaico acroua llio atlnntlr itoata cnpnblo of cnrrylnff am h onormmia salla could po any- u iwre if rlrktd up aa wore i lie sham roi im i liopo yot lo brine back iho cup lliially id me any that at the be- liltinllift of ti run i r wiilii i acted aa m own aali mnan nnd then my own errand boy ti ir tho ahop waa closed at nljlil i lnld down a faw hard and nut rulcn ilrh were ihu recipe or in cure an tin were un lionnat kip ptifltln tin j u d urn on t treat your cubtoim ru well swtd by a song fruit thuj bant i v dy olnolng to the bandit caespad torture tin followluu llirllllnu atory of fluntliy t he rniuouu aliiuor wlioao llfo wnu un onii oil anion unvid by a floug u worth jelllni mr bontloy who liad not ihcn o ten i nod to fnruo was travolllne tlirouuh a mounlalnoua die trirt in mexico when lib parly waa auddonly aitnckid by a bordo of half bred bandlia who rouahly domonded tliulr alunblo0 and throatenod aa an illcniathe to labo ihom up into tho bills and torturo them until aranaora should be fortlicomlns at tho first alarm the auarda who had accompan ied hantloy and bia frlonds fled tboy were rnnductod throuuli dov- loua footptlid for miles until they orrivod at a rorky cavo liluh up among tho hills wlioro thoy wore forcibly robbed of tliolr monoy and valuable incladlnk the twit of tholr clotblns thon it transpired that tho leader of tho hand i u had taken them for a wealthy party and waa angry to find thaf tboy yielded so littlo spall ho also told thorn through tholr mexi can sorvont that ho suspected thoy bad sent back tholr beat valuables by their tnmnls but this tboy denied then lie threatened to bold thorn until thoy wore re loaned by a ransom and named a considerable aum of monoy ovor tliolr rudo aupper that manior- ablo iiluiit surrounded by friend and foe bant ley aunir an ari aa ho bad uovor suns bo fore ills volco waa then much llohtor in tone than it la today aa the souu rippled forth on tho clear mountain air iho dusky aibxiloji fncca llulitod up wluiplaa- euro and at ita cloao tho leader ok- preasod his dolidht and sakod tha ganor to sing attain hantloy saw hla chanco and soiled it ho asked tbrouiih hla eorvant if ho mlaht sine for lila liberty a a reluctant con aent ua rlvcn for two boura that night ho charmed hla captors with a leiibthy iroruinnio of exqulil- molo dlaa- llio next day ho party were taken down tho mountain aide am sot at liberty to tholr great relief and de light- navsrmat qefora at a r 1 1 nt ixmdon inquest the namo of out of tho witnesses and also of llio oiiiiinra offlior waa thomas courlaln imrn and though both mon ihu whhlu flvo minutes walk of each i ttiir thoy had uovor provl horses umi auriultiird limn iipcii lo karuum in fmiiity of llullim irmini not l than ratutmi bllvviun by m n limiti itiiik nfrmimld hi iwho ntrty of ulniii r who won lno mrw not lunwrlly mlorw- h r- iihm j ifayutilrufttani by i v kt mil bmwir 4 co u 0o 1ui 1aly fiiu r ut by jn- a ml ullllamo in j a i tba t h stii y tydwawi f3j2ltmtija ttnn if tuny anna wril bymokiuim t it nni w tw ji il nixon coo j isa mpa 1 yr koaila4if olt ut rirfntfrr fitt lv y j lurv h jvrvfty iii1lrfii4s 5 llw ltuiiv tea by ffaoilltrt v- llwiiiv tkz lido w j v kairii immii k tvlmlxr nf airy lbm lirfjuto rtvtrillqu isf k i uiit ivlr wmwifil wlarlniiimi owipx ijl oipindng a4twimurliiixw by wmkax 1rldrnt 6 0t v v povlthy ihl lailr tuumir lalaml iui puhuu by k j hvolt 3 oil luiimchiikiiw by v ourhuit 3 00 urttuyuiidouocihknll by j aillack i 00 llmtjllii sortlicrii hnw iy j mrlwn 4m national waxhlutf maihlmi by j ii jailiuoii lue 7 00 ihtlthl nortlieni splca by a j uilimaii a 00 by j w rmnplhil 00 by j k kawr ft 00 iritiilni by jjk kauor 6 00 dairy licet ti llu of butter ufade by uiinurrii lady by jomph ievraon t j 00 ut f poiuidd hutfor by 1- icoiinlv im iim floors 3 oo llt 10 llw liittrln rill by v t tioiilm 4 00 ilt 6 11m buttir in i lb print- by mulor innl ft 00 heat h iim imtiitr wlraltom by j uckmnm 00 ikat ft ii- imn r wboellmtrrow by j n onlll 4 00 lkwt ft 11m butter ioiiim ham bag- ly it- ii- ninon 4 oo ikt 10 llw huller in i lb print opjn to towlililjv kimnhiir by iicndirwm de co ft ot ilmt 3ijm ilutftr by i oaiit 100 ft hi rolls or prinu by mciuh a co 3 00 l0 tnwk rariiet aqiuiw by ailauu co with nrivlhw of buying wterat 2fte rr lb value 1 so ihtlouw frotk ilulter by womllnfa mckay it ro 10 bv j- a traey ft 00 j m i- b crtuk itutli r by wit urown wbllwrrow ft 00 iltmlft ilw llutur by w h urown 1 nwkyoke iw miscellaneous mut pair nnwiilclikkeiib liy millar a co 4 00 apring acalrti by m k nivoh mlllon 4 00 iut divwmii cjib ken by it f jobiibton j 00 ijft1 iulr vnuuil liubenx by a t ilmwn j 00 w pink in v 1 ntar 4 00 thtton ijink ii a m hniitli 3 00 lht id ixmuibi money bag irmk b w l ilrown 1 60 ijirtfttd lioien iim i gyii by iior llwanla looihi 1 2ft uisit loaf hrvfld bv fanm ru u il or ilmiulibr bv ii d lum 1 00 b 1uir dnwd uiiiih oiik nxker by wh wluoti 4 00 lbslvmiiini ti of pi inuiinubiii b piihlle tuliool putdlav jcholiirvhlnhy ci ntral lliialnew collogii of toronto 30 00 ly j m moor ihwl half loxiti liiuin tiimryttown iiiuafit 1 year 100 lflrgrttj douii iilii kgjj hiuialj 1 year 1 00 ihrit niui in all h ihitur hiuiaiji 1 year 1 00 larntt i ilox oiiloini hkuami i year i 00 largebt pumpkin hkimiii 1 ywr i 00 ilmtllajmif lvtatix in j m mnoro 2 fto lltt llimlnl vtllou uniona by j m moore 2 ro uit1 1alf dnwil ducks by j i cameron 4 00 held smoked ham not hw than 12 llw by a koiilir nnnal ft 00 uiit map of tin liominlon of canada or 3rd hook pnplh of ilililh si iiomih in tt of hwiiieuing foiiiilaiu lu by a ii illmin amn 1 60 ibit mup of tin iliiiiiininii of canada for llli ihuik pupila of rubliisthoolu hi tp of himiming foimuin pen by a ii willwtii xnlui- 1 fto licet sampli ivnmnnhhlp in boy or sir from h m so 7 llwpiibliig by vputlii ft an 2 00 cbonih by lulille hi lino inpllrt 1 pieei ono to be the mnpliluf 110 00 n 003 00 imioartl im lolumlilmriil todomr ilorveh uiiiiiing prizm iniut luirmlu in fronl of the uruid alaml at ft run n1l riiomi mini eutriia to the bwreury mate tha ajinw anil bring your prize iut and niiinlhra ticket with you uruuil iinii rt in own hall un aecoinl ovonlmof fair electric wiring rhlrh uulnii i villi iw uouhl u llki to liuw your liuhld ihitrlilly if ko ymi want y doin- luhtlyuinl k- lliormuhl ihut ry tiling will im u vff vlt rjmjoitiuv wiaouto4urir ajfl gtjl j v mar gituty tllnt it will pay ymi vwidlbvlyiftir pxintrw tlimugtiua yattiituuohy wiart pwfd tijtye prii ktuy tltiwjm tllbcr wuifiif or vlatnrwc- t- -1liini- 26- v 06tefxyfh where the public get the beet girjoctp t the lowest rrices ritc choicest line of fresh groceries boots shoes a specialty a complete stock of hardware oils glassware and crockery buy your groceries here farm produce taken in exchange jas macdoriald stewarttown fefve souvenir new idea series sow folks ilrentl tlie winter laiiiw- nf the furnace trouble it bringa antbiuted lifatlng eyiitcma are cr taiidy a ihiuum ihitl ami adies bomemiues deadly gjs fuiius all over the bouie of hot air like a breeu acrocsauvaert wo me poitouous dry lajlhualroyliig air all becauao eotumfratlvai tnanuf aeturara would not cooaldar new idea in hmtlog tlie souvimitt furnace makes lb hot air system theheallhlftt clieaptat and uit ifa fcjillt rism a wim na plt irw fit 6- u ouuf u4tf io ittcndtc lull li4 wifac v t u liu mr dtimpa by a tiautu luru of ik v mo oun for cllulur uouhut vt la i hi te t bouvsn1u funum u l ak lot eur ww beakll tkisovvkniu fiuhv it mmj tm llmmill ikj vt jjy ttt hamilton st ov and heater co certainly does ekrriinaie furnace bothers trials of speed hetoml pay rttor ok pace half nillii nuimil itacc for green lionuw lwt 3 in ft ilirw uhll 2a 00 lift 00 110 00 ureeu llart trot or tutrr ojhii to the county of hallon only tilhcr cup by ii falconer ol the falconer i n clip to lw woji three yeara by one llotln tnrimto ninii with iliffcnnt hoiw eatlt year open trot or pace iurwitlooth ihudul 110 00 iso 00 20 00 four to uitiroiiil llircv to iuirt i in trance ft per cent of pun and a jier cent extra mm monoy wlnncru in each anil every vent thn ii ty r mtvtm tin- right in rase of luul wealiiar to poatpoua ono or uil ructm in whli b ioju eiilrauco nioney will he returned tor fiirtht r imrflt til an uppl to j a tracy seoelary in memory of laura secord canada haa honored hat griat heroine by the erection of a monument at queenaten canadians bav bonored perbiw jofli teamit bwad to whpmiemory be eanahirfckr vninia7llbmorfktmwobjtoenif a atiperl t qujottw jceit ir oharl hoasv wtwvrtjtngui bodnuraeiit aafd it wowhj ahuad aa a reminder nt tow am wwao wpfj to aarva tatmtda to tb ttritub t tjt fafereiwr q tha fefstohd taeoiorlea beaeeiated with janaton jwghu he aaldt thpfat onyhtor we aland lb neat td rba flna of abraham ib most idi port apt tpuia blttort vrcan adk oo tha inajna of abraham wolfj yavei hla life in acedia for oreat tjrv- tajrv iwr aoaadlan p on tbla spot hllaaacebrockspive hla uj m ajiroof thgt qjaaapoaaeaalons were not lev bd ivrst4 ronr ta xthtux cmwv jr loyalty d pttgai aaert- flcai raojd bold ihexa th uuerfbf objef of the wajr ofjhs batortaaa aareedtwaa the eenquaat of canada and that object failed britain at the time 4aa rcalcd lo a death atruile with nap61eonao at uaat in the early daya of lh caaopalsn canada had to dopeiid on br own mllltuv and tie few rwarulara in the country though welt nlab a century haa lapsed aald ulr charles alnee laura becord on june 74 1813 made that perilous journey through a wild and patbleaa rorwet and aerosa swol len atreama that aha might alve time ly warning to her countrys defender her story haa not bean allowed to fade and now loday by the action of the government and through lb ug n y of mrs currie and hlr deorgo llita tha country aha loved ao well in grate ful recognition of the important vice she rendered and in rowmam- oration of ber self aacrif icing courage devotion and heroism hj rared thla laattna mamorlal hlr char outlined hie atory of laura berords heroism liow she fee- cued ber hiabond wliru eevarely wounded following drocka death af ter the balll of jueciibloii llelgbu bow some tuuutha inlur she hoppeaed to learn the plana of the onomy and bow alio mar need to convoy a warn ing to ntjcgihbuii in command of tha loyalist at lijrowa the ualtle of llegver dams which followed checked tha progress of the invader and threw them back upon iho niagara river where the canadians were pre pared for them vor nearly a century following sir charles aald waco has reigned along our borders our nolghbora ara following their own ideals of govern ment and of social and industrial life wa are working out our own p ob- lema according to our ideal pro d to bm over floating over us the t flag aide by aide with our own tht i ma scarcely a reason to doubt that within a vary short time the pending treaty of arbitration between jreat urllaln and the united btotta will b an accomplished fact and war will be thrust wholly and completely iulo the background so with nearly 100 years of his tory between ua and oeaver daws wa umd bot mek to revive memories of longpaat disputes and ilrueulee but let laura becorde country man and woman never forget that no ufa 1 lost which is spent in doing duty more pinkbam cures tela f4owwer vecotabu com- pound tbf years land rtntwa fsmnd bdwnudieinamto eoabnattwuhlt j jbadulceratafidfall- jjjnato us uterua y nofoott iswsm dr ad fully ftjiul ij rbnn takjdar lout cbw ftatsm jbsrottej to wbom thairwrommeded ifin hbinrir cxuucijanard buuca onuklo i v aaes4r i harvv bw w n1 can blghjy inmooinierml lydla e- pink bam a vefrv- table compound ib any aufferuuf womanv i have talfen t forimaji weaknsimd prilnful rriormhruatiotj and it ciirpd rjae jba davaaus baaaotnl because your ease u a tllfluuli enef doctor having done yot o good do not continue to auffr without giving lydla e hnkhema vegetabu com pound a wat s it purely haa eurad many case of female ills such aa ltv flammation ulceratlc fibroid tumor irregi flammation ulceration dhmlaceraejita fibroid tumor irregularitls periodle pains backache that bearingdown man with a lono memottv for sale by j w kennedy paints and brushes get your butter paper printed attheheraldr j a tractl clcrg towasbip oresqdbsinil uor of mimieye licenses insuraneel uoney to loan offloeicounrll chai wr htuwaurtrtwu scraiiton coal amuli in ii mir i ymi jn toagiuii oi- j t t or in ilv h i n ll ntiilmidlouiily out uiitorhto iirintt mill uiinlnn inhi bition urv inuti1 il mi wn tin- miuiutimiml mniikr miiilnutikilmhinl iiitlllyrt almuiug how tlm 0 i aw hi muimi coul i pn tmnti and binil for bliiwinint at lriiiti thoixblbltulll n limibil in tlm iniw ihilliliuu uml d london in miuliiiury hull tho i i a w h niulnii coal in uil lu in tli i hanl kuii wiiarry a liiruo aim k iioh mi liiuul albiitlmxhinu iiniluiillhlni ill cimil llliid iumulti nonulsuitinh plioue 62r2j hell line j watkins- nerval good tools mean good work and good crops tho diltereiico between a hard day of heavy back lircikini labor and a laii day of efficient toil ii mostly duo ta tho toola used ue samson brand farm toob they ure atrondy made corraetly built and luut a lifetime the demand for samson drand goode u steadily rrowlnn which ahowa belter than anythlnn else tbf smtiafaxtlou of the isera try the tools voull know then what raal efflclancy is aak your dtihf la show you just what samaoa flrand meang m liimi get your supply jhere we have the best lowest prices at borne old lime reatdenls of weston district paid a visit to the now con fer te bridge over the hum ber at wadswortba mill mr j oard house rf ualton waa among the sight sear fa waa th first man to drive over the flret bridge built at this point- h aay ha did ao on february 11th 1b37 weston at that time was si lust ad on the kloblclke side of iho river but after tha erection of a hrfdjjo u gra dually moved ovor to hie cost side in york township feeling indlgwstiori dlulnea and nervous prostration it coat but at trifle to try it and the reatilt i worth mjlllona to many suitoring women u yoat wenat apeefal aiatvlm wrtlaj for ii lo lira rtadcfcauei lvbb mawau ii let tawej mm karayat aaclplnl lumbeia for bale in the rough or drived ilutl lleniim k itasshooil and hpmre hhlbgleeaud ijui al rlifht priew qui rut to order dry hemlock slabs any length now on hand and will be delivered promptly xxx ii c hhiuguaum hand heeonil class oder mliinglen w d johnston kjqukhinu i i j tnlfphon cvnnmtlnn record wheat crop while at this early date there is absolutely no possible way of maklnu a definite statement il is silmatrd by the aeera and prophotw ilmt tha field crop of canada fnr lill will be by far tho largest in tho hlulory of lbs lountry airships at the pall 8 e tlert llenshaw proprietor of tha international hotel niagara kails slates that he will operate a i rah t pa dally between niagara fails and hur rah nerve tonic n01 wanted waa wo anthony smmiii rmdy hoof l in chnixr thn hinglai v warmest kind for cold weather tougher horsehide will never be found because tits but u used or storeys glove and cauntleu and yet the akin because carefully tanned by the clirome procem ia made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and qnnk fireproof the beat working gloves on thn vdflsbai market sold at all stores insist jas m buck iiutoiikii aeoroetown always ha on linuil the finest beef pork lamb and veal in season sausage bologna etc home cured hams and bacon 1 bluffed and illn olivia also holm hl iickloi in dull branch shop at glcuwilliams insurance fire life and accident why the cost of a prescription nsduced tha big hearted emlnont physician bad consented to sea tho patient with out making any charge there was a lingering doubt aa to whether this waa altogether a deserving case but tut lit at jn tlflv usual tha patient waa glton the bene- mtltn it of tha doubt there bo aald whea the examination wa finlsludt take tbl prescriptlonto a chemut hell mak it up for you for fifty cents thank doctor waa tho reply h by the way would you mind lend ing me tha half dollar the medico bant a atom garo upon ills unprofitable cuatomor ulvo nu that prescription back bo aald h waa handed back and a swift deletion made there he aald returning it you can set that made up for ten cent the drug i crossed out waa for nerves but it seema to me that youi nenoa are pretty healthy nihtiiiut aoknt oi life crc roe ixinmrrown tli nimt important mlnlnii conlru am sudbury ulohlplrotou tcmlcom mn cobalt iorcunlno and unujii da tin- mlnoral output now oxcoul i37ooooco annually wd ins hprald only 1 year nrw telbphohb directory the lie ii telephone company ol canada is about to publish a new issue ol the oflicialtilkimionkuiukrtoitv for the oistrlol ol genual ontario including qeorgetown ordvr lur new ruiimelius t baiigr hrm iisiiics rliaugs nf cimsi mldriit or lor duplicate fuhlee flmpld if band i in at mioe lo j ii jackhon local alauaiir dr wj roe issuer uf marriage licenses piinmu tl1 hioitiivnck maiwkt rr okohovnown ont every woman l ll bmla ul hll mjuvei wviiiidi spur sb aiivji wuooi burrtv co h w kennedy issuer of conveyancer ami real estate agent irlvattt iilllro one door uouth ol flora ltnf7 mtiatl uaiiaajatlhnwvimltiir mewesl l aud uiulduiiumi u ujlli kuaw mulupvsa wwvtlraldjs

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