the herald v fourtye1ghth year georgetown wednesday bveninc sept 3 1913 t one dollar per annum tbet9wei0wnwujj v rfriiiwkri i t mrnptifsitand t rhu nnauriow y yv owt iuiwaiumosoiatjm i threiiroqewowtar4raikj the eddn lalbrf bow ilbdmrw -lnroptlobwrta- v j oaerirlnwi2n ssl dmsfiopdt iibbabwaebr twelolh3 adrai will 1m gtnnpil i roruwltbootmlr jor cnaaraov adfirtaaauarli to urn onto w tfcajnlay mala j m uoouk dlrcgtgrv- gcta w aoavubxl to mn tloodwlll ooodwlwe beirlaw nuliellor notary pnklfc ooo- veyanear o money to lout odtoe at mown uoodvlllw old eteod dh a w hixox phraldaa drjrabob and lirwaralraaldorjoe tle or- dh a moaixloteb flireldan and tforaeoo inneoeaeor lo or rollotl otnoo boon a uv10 au ytuptn 7 toe pro otno and rorblooo brat door tooth ol hop tlet church uk joukfll ucamdutw thyaldaa elo oftko uoort i touam i to e and 7 to a pm state pkuult u watwoh udo mun ukmtlut ueoraetowii cat lludj1 usd eu to e prrj uwttlelry ui all ila braoctae it 1 hkath lux uig ubmtturr r oaee lfl lane lllock one door north of vnaaua uarrbav pwiury uoum w t0tfpro c bjpjtioruua vm i u howl vh omtm aad indnoary air ateode old mil onttle deturaed boaea7 ft kit aad aula kellalaialoa guaraahmal num rmou l a lor halloa and m ubawlllbuaa font hsot aajae ooa- rblhuaaorily and al laaooaable order leftattheuaoauarowm lumw will reoelrn garb a k uauukk 8110 david uani oerke block laortowa ohlrdroria hahoouhu 10c jl tall aoudtad a nrsvlma uaonjatowna uadliur barbar tbabari woakmao aod giat rnlriala hard mala hlaart uaonjatowu ocoooop00oij0 new telephone diregtom wartftlfisvt if wtw dltawu mm mlv am ttslttuam whkm u4mwmiji to man lltawumi w o0mnk0t1mo ooupamiittt tie bell telepkip coipui of ctdldl oooooooooooo f li v j a tbaoy curkojhpu4iij imuuli h a kkii auit uiauiiam ofllm ootibmicfaiwbw huwaitlown insubanob fire life and accident dlilrlct jhthj for ojjfjld4unti c r unit ukoboi own v nun oniahio 4lmi4ni nraaaiai s near lawar ul marrlat luuttti 1 1 aartt lor th hut rm lr and joeltuxl liuumthm ihaldoaoi iu1w0 btnot uaoffautwii amiriaacatrniai4mtal4rii cliiijf y-immmrow- suutantiallli utj for 4nialall tutlarper f- l tjtukk and valfsfcs jjfmijor page wfa reiaimno promptly tiotu nixons harness and repair shop j m buck butcher daer aa alwaya baa oa hand uia ml ol beef pork eausaoe boloqna etc home oured ham9 bacon lamb al veal wtsttrswarw3ri fratt ail onaaeital trees i am aeaiu taking ordera in thb dlatrkt for filtown bb08 nur8eu1es they grow the iargtat una of unraarr look la canada th urgeat prult grower patronise ibsm nuraerlca be- ubh they urnlib good hardy bieeptiomllt good prices for aooda to ba dellvemj in the bpnng h jackson oeoroktown ont mmaaramntmw building and contracting t1iu undlluionkd in frpawni la iv twiiui fcu uv ila kll hlntu ol oahrkntkm wouk at ritbt rleui all woirk will v3eiv totsft ktutiuon we any fall uiw ol uktaluu hlllnulkh khauv hooh no hid i no kblttnbr i wwght dok 314 ii ii ouotldbtoww r paper- flanging puiotiim grulitlnd glaitlnit j4 uk vou uoinu anv llai m my imlurtwuvt trwm baloht u4ar humbra- it will pay ywi rlntelara work- uabahlp b waralthml burlaps oatmaajt vamlahad tllaa and room uouldlni auppllad e bitud box 100 olonwulloma the sating babit um ttamii you praam axoad yoartt uvg been maviii vr ywufl tukl 4uive uiuj oomforriablo baum- awf oottau hy4matud tuv intf wm jrbc foundaulod or nuwytmrita lortoo ii ui omilt th in bully aujqtllvefjj fctford 14 taonv tmluftictiod kiwi olfetin ufttef watdr tham avny otlui bkblt tkt you oduld torn yotf daul opet hu tu oootit 1b twi brtali with a erery bijc your mvlntm will be emlited with tie blgberst carrep uftoteet w m mcjuv mawob ukoiuiictowm wlutcu ii no tfcovetllax r4iofd ii standard anthracite scranton coal lalaujelsm aaitmmcjcaily coal flalaat loaw lor daomatle aaa thraaolai aupoaar raltbuif aad oaaoal ooal la tootl carry avamblag to be toned la as oplor1augoal aod wood john mcdonald choice butter 11 a about repair work w nik our eliri tor hipelrlitir ju u low u w wo 1 w as the worti u well u it oa bfjdoue i 1 1 w ilo u m qulfaly u poaelbw- i w luvtf teaiitlm lor utwurukln uul for tteriwlltim my mm t of job row flxla tid or a brooch o mpejkttm thai tooti ulloiuly tvl jitaied uoepuohl 1 1 1 w wnl wluuvr you uuy kv utuiuluw 1 1 t 1 1 thetnoai irlvlil job hetourbert kuenuou t 1 t abwillson neat lo moolbuoa llouw geoiteiewa planing mills a uk you lil nic nil ov unking m eluuite in um ttaltwtitnt of hnatllh 1h your ridtln6 m trtti uttut lor 1u1tua luuuecleriiiliiaf arrive lioici it rltlr rrln ui v iilntwrr jf wi w lmv in kcook wuot lfartl wall flkajer in kckk tbu only rwiulrvti tbu tultlltitf f wttlef taimkti it retuly to hpiily how ilaout treuewiiitf uie oltl jtltwi hoortj wltli i 111 lutrtlwikwl makliiu tliuuimii ury unit iiivuhhumlintu ill htyleil we ltbv ulu rloortng in tji ulrtili ml maple u full uh of tiuilrt- injf suvpuum t in our yawiu hionky younu vomiuiah yilb imtfaktukmy ft j waluik kmklhdiah ttittrtulrihil btwairrummt i jb mckinzik u adtoh ocomojivowm coming eveetfmy yft lite iilxieir v vvbtt i v wlbt wii is ai wew oj ayanwkl rwandrkiku r mh fcoy yoor 1m j 1 1 f beamish pattersons meat market j is where you cattbrjthe choicest fresh and salt meats fresh fish every thursday priday and saturday new vbqbtables w j ipattersol mrjvrrriadoljaritioi wha ll hu llf to ha- toradianioraahiraala otfltphtwdjrwxfbrriljl hoolj o lomuaaal aad urdjky- 80 blfb oloaar ao daaavw broid itratrabsaatliallaoood ula japrariooa1 jaeaa tadabtky v 8taat uaron j rear lw hoooorharl huiatadlaoorb oooe a uliiaod naalhrnaaatlufrllw forbwwb6rjiarha4beaparrowal 11 ipdroaomod tbrooiol all ula vfraorloae u tlijr h yat raaoy bef do bbaa aua tbaa brmtloc plaawra gold or aai bat tbaa who mabatba raoao iii wu tin too wafajtwrearloilalrll mart walk by lailb en4euh aod ry till algbt 1 ehaatad to mrlmt day ouf weekly story i how he was executed r oscar cox we tnejr 4xm p bmw in toim toot a tkorat a nule urtua id hi ear ma4 b vtu aboot tows me fellow belaca wub great aet dot try to tnake blm bill ereat eae of theoa fa 044 bleetl tbea yovi wtll rm erbal k tttflenu uutter it la ttaer wai eewe tttej4ftej met u bag mooae fctws tbat u etsau eseacb in all eeoaclebm imtim bokae- kbefl watt bol lv rauefl tk elfamabier vet it tnw perfect uatdeaa tw king luwdtticrab wan a real eeyal tterrtoekxe b eat blfs tra eat feroaad tbe gfrtti and wore a evowa tbat welabed pretty aearly ae aaacll kaluaieel be aad a csbtaat aaatata f tbe robe aad aaaatta aad ao plataare jrera ixxeeiaaoiiera wftb a aaasbar ev bareea aaalal cabl aad atbar aaiamk ta gaaatal ef aea amy af tarty ma noetly aceattraai taraloa ae polatad aa bta ward bttl ibe artay aad taa gtaatal 1 shears that cut sharp and clean keen kutter tutu tvtu sclsore and shear ere th beat in the world wv t al fiway9 sharp and clean and will retain their perfect adjust ment they are made of the very best steel and will last for ye in per corul every arti cle under the jucraw kmttlxit brand is made for quality w c aidlly p ooino eiooot 40om fbm laborers waited wow hanvaamwa in waatiaim oaxada ooino tnif wmt eiooo to winnina nwrunn tm i 1 1 0tralrauaataajl sttffitirt i 7warw ul aa j u jacluon local axtit georgetown i avtwaa ataaaai naaapalaanatr brased o mur fhajtiaill of the aaaauw the awa inaiaraiaa ware bw a eit at da ararat a ware laarowt aaoa t aaaanlte sav 0m06 bram 1 la aow hew fear qaj rafiilail i ktmaaj h ee cka at aanalarl an awhoab w w e i i 5 amhiair wea ar rae aaal a waa deetdad to aaad a majaaat to the aekwror or bouw tar the ban a kk b dotey be th aotplra and tbe royal uao bwaar waa a baay eattbag eat ta beadaw rebala tbat m eoaid t be at eaethar aitloa at the eabbset it lea tullil to a haadrad rdoaaa af ajam t wkaauoever woold aaaawt ik aiahani the eer wal ti it it eia a tkreatboot the loacdoat ax the khw aad hi eabhwt waited w aara to atap terward waaapt ii sat aa aad to uouaneaa bat ra ear waa wtllla to kill a raaa a law aetea aad aa aw other a waa aim ailed oettanau attn ini oa ear it bkwoollo bit hint aad tat- aiaiailail aba with butaria that teall a tarrlbl aver the ooert waited aapaetaatly tblakui ta ma wwald die bat ha ruatppolatad taam by tetuiui welt and ataoa it eeat oea ahlrelil tr keep air ta eabtaet da ealad to let klai oot an ale proadat to aetrua waa as axaeatloaar aeubl be toud t beeaad hlra he ntbar ea- lactad to thla bat ale keeper mopped kf feed ahd the faroed oraapuaaa itoary low day be weald pi be bad beard that art aaeeatlaaar had a mred aad to back to the jail rliaiial ian toed ad latarlak me ha awt to be an buasarabl bora n aa eatlui be rouad tablu air be waaldat die oo day it waa reporud to the btatf that lity aoal lalaar bad bee barle ta a lalaa thee war elttaa taw atato eouid eol atfard to lw the eabtaet ordered a buadred iuta cob looted at area aapeaae to did the ail an eat thay dug rtoioolb wom aa ay baarlad a ooloa tbay aud thabr way with pick aad ebotiel toward tba aaaad altar aereral deye hard work they broke tab a vobtpertteeai eee thara rouad oottwwa de held be bhd tnutr lain th talae far work but wbu ebhl mow uv hkd lived ae load wltboul rood pola ta fly aalpty duuear pall ua bad aawa rat tba place wbera th aaloatbe raaa bad plaeed tbrtr dleiur noa w the labarara waa rear al wit all oob hwaaaa eloae aarrlmf tea mtaatraaha tbe klaa waa aiurb l whoa he bmm the lor f ttottwraawm raa ear aad ritiwit b ilrmte ahtnad tba aatehtfrinh autaalui toe bwa at aa ar wiwn itojewaaraatj aaaaaataaaai aat owe day a a mamm atowar to jaaaaw cmaar eh s aha waa aast a wiy the ataee5aaalr aja tto taweahbeatawamed to aaaaat tbeelar- alaa aillitwla kieel ta aoawwa aanhy raa aaaaw al a le taavham w hadaptrjt at aa aaaraal aaaadwd to w rjedap wtni aaa a law wa aaaaed eeaa- aatnwhto to atottr r av amduaito i jhptixatotwajs ft t rvw kplauaa tbe obum f xbam wiu tluaa tiwni ftoa mfltermalu facte mitfnla rejllutlred pepl cave mm glvim to tbevweyu reeteally by woaiitar oil- kurrl rveck eeleatlel it eeeew bat for many haadrede of yean ae ea haj ever baei able te egrpwa why a lrl who kaat red hair le eo aare to be itepdur with her uea frleada why he le hvr a wall newer at a deawe aad alewet aure of a beat in the ear or why mm nr tm mralaleatly gauaa te a redkelrwd girl aad led her ea the whale bo lalaaely allurlagv olreaard hae eiutalaed thla kdaareat il wi eel fane la lie ctalau ibat gret redhair le gea ray liar liainia idii opplf in bibii u a eriuy aaeonebehlh by eertale qaall tied whul tuake a woatae eitreeaely attractive kb hae aett aeaoelb able far taetaaee thoagh thle u wteietlame rveehled tlve the deeet of eeaa- plexloa are of tea fovad oa redhalred gtrle aad theee anaaleeed pirle bare bleed that u waraser aad aewe ntor wtftly than thai la the vetae ef their aappeeedly leee favored aletera alwajb agec4ata thlr often taahee thaa lepuleive bet tarrd and jeeloue bat it et weye mik 1hm affmtloaate aad thy have a rutttoa for hatjeuaate davotlod a loyal frlad but a re uatuu eneny i the redhalrod wtv tnaa when b redhalrod woaian bae darkblue or vlult yit attd dark ltjhe eke u gtmd to have for a frtead aad bad te have for au eaty all redhaired waum are lealotia llelee nf troy ba red hair he did qun kllubwtb boa of the greet eel uh of the world bed red heir lied hair i eoattaioa ataveag the lat- lag famule of uurope that u eep- poeed te be bo froet the faet that ee many of thetri deeoead rrota tbe horea tam tbat greet raee of red heeda who eoaoaered laoet of eeglead afrakee lally and oyprtu feuaded draaetlee all tv europ in tke hllddu agea aad gave their auburnhalred dattghtera aa wlvee to hundred hi age aad prueea blaee tboae old day red hair hae beea a anarkofatulodiraey ror the eoaqaei- lag raee have ben bloadee oeaqtmet aad iroa go togatker aad red kair u raiiaed by a awjaerabaad anee of iron ta the blood the eele of tbe hair la due to a pigment wbleb baa beea aalled nulaaia waleh u aee- 3 alajaj tu freel a redheiad woeaaaa aiaa had hair le hereditary be urtle daabt however that a jirrr pernoa who baa red aair buk treaa aatlpathy ta a redhaired peta al the eppoalta an tbu la arakfna by the faet that deeatte ptaloafad 1- ejnlry aajoag th of taauuai neuatleta bare beea eaaeeaafal ta a talklkg only two eaaea wbera betb aareate bad red hair thoagh tba red waa not a elear red la both pereata ail of tba eight aalt draa bad red hair if oaly oae parens baa red hair the otysprtag le not ae likely to have it hd hatred offrprlag may eoaxe frea two browa or froea tw fueey blaebhalrad paieaui u thai eaee both darikhalred pareata will probably have bad aaea with red tub- oloeey buak batr la the par eata la eepeelally apt to prodttee red hair la ehudrea beeaaae all gloeaueea te due to red hidden by bleak pigment u olroaard aaya red balr hat beea a kay of eriaioeraey aad baaaty ealely beeattee redhaired peraoaa are deeeekded froos doaalaatlag eoaaaar lag h uke tke boou moraaaaa aad heaadlaavlaaa bfaeb la wttla quit recently at a pliu wkleh la fewoua fr ite aerodrome a youthfal wig wtt w a uklag with latereat eoame woaderful eoateata in tba air jnai when eiiltbmt waa at ite height tbe wu ttarted up a reanbueg eonvefeetloa with tkoee iaimedlately road hlam tkafe a terrible pouot that jaa bun dlieovored be kaaaaiked aatlabiy ta no oa la partleular wktte it eauedf 1qulred aa elderly gentlatkaa beeld klat wky kareplakie pouoa ei eoanet anta tke eurt reply la it dmdlyt aakad tha m 0 x kould key mil jerktd out the jeveall wag in bla meet kaulty rtyte aud kow mnek would kill a per- lout weal aa the queetloalttg oae 0hd one drop tune tk retort then tkel pahuttlar gwiup beekaae tka leal by one te be the feast pninl otty the greateet ileeoratlve eehvate ever eotliaed for aay elty aweileae or saropean hae been prepared iw hb fraaeueo during the 1erluu fvetlval oetebar utou uere le a lut ef tke ekuf fruturee of tka deeormtunl fur wkiuk vmiimhi- nv beau veewlved bv tltt lorlvle festival eomhltteei ten niit uf beeae 100inm flowcre la uree of rihgtj toaa of planter for nttui eoluit nadee bud tke libel 4ulhkl auclrla bullx with lrwo000 eaudle pt 10000 gal- lokte r walvr fur tbe big fouuuin la union htiuard alberta pernier fhiaer a writer in a wulani uawr who u perbapa mora umgalgbua that lb average weelernaf eagagoj to egvuttl turgt bualnaae polau out thai tba jfowlnoe ol alberta hae uo toed w ileel burl by repealed atilioiaaa i ibar puny wbeat aaporutlon whaa ebhtpared with tkal ol bukaaobawna tbe tartuer la alberta ba aayef keallw tiia vajtiaaee tllai bow truba leedlrlg grain to ll alook itutead ol ratborting tt arul they u loelluad id pay ai btuolt atuauou to kuiled tejfui tig aa u grain peedoloit than id nu roow to quarrel with thai wav daoywunlrenl btajttlnrd haralna al mav tb btrtklit ol the amoua ttnguah ivovel broken turtitnawara by llaroltl llebl4 u in canada a4ju- larit tee who haj arrived beta troaa knglktid u uw balvatlofi army lady known aa tha uum antl aad ww la orwulled in the tiovel with itlg about the aouvereloe ol eoane aa- liaraotura lo tba hritubtulaa gniublitit i battles in th blood mieama aoma a tkel v pyhojaatoy oaiia i pbeef erjyalaialbae eehatti dv aeaata bod ordoo kirn wprwea e ta parlfcokr eutoha ahwtbar e i ktbaetoorjeamia aabhaltie ittfrodarad uabaaotberaai out the utter will to dbime- bat la a trdldar form eod will atthe aaw ttaai bellauniiilklod toetenito aato ooeattthe or to ptltoao utno l brrwtajnu xtu bra anpy o oowtrtol aarroe n been 1arma id tharwd dl u h jbjeoo tw drawaind jltereat ta frealt rraak red aad raarrrawaea brroi te- u ifft- bv iaawr watiry partx lbbooo- ituy ebarpao with tba rrttoh or ba dhlrtttto injg latotbo hleat one jwwioaairirarjaa vraalrbt aaa- tdmuoopubulpa abaadytaarwaas apee roota lk eaaaiy by awotralbv lad thapolaoaa that the ter4oawrtaa r wii la preparad to two waye n by tahlbaufrora th blobd of another ealmal the otberby a oattara rroai the bloodnrf tbe patient blmeeu tbarw ere ooly no or two dbwaaae tbat eaa b rarad by mrdlrloe in etl otbera tb toodlhoe 1 rdrra uorely in rttraolat tbe natural prodortlon ot aatjtoalna if we kaew bow to roek ea eatttoalfl lot every dlfea we aboold bare no tnorenae tor bwdldaa tba nearer of dleeeewi lot wfaloh antlbulae are bata dleeoverod la bel uplytaa- year by year mew tortt world fbiiky senate pages they ao orea mbwleo and diaeaea tbay ar tba gnataat mlinlen in tha world tbay eaa take off tba idlonyn- aaalas and bamorooa pecullaritleei of tba eanatora to a t kontathnea wbatl tha neoata in boi altting and too tnany rleltora and page bueeea are not around u obnarva tba pmcaedtnga tha pagaal themaelvea go lata a aolema aanatorlal aaailnn oo will taparaoaate tba lit praaldant aoothar tba chief darn and no on varloue othea boy will pratand to ba either their favorite aanatora or tha aanatora of boaia atatea feaefa boy oo raptaa th beat to which tba raaj aatv atorta aotltled bangl goartha vie piadldania gai and tha aatnovdlnary aaardoa of pm baa eanraaatt ttiar la always aa arfuaant aa to which amator ahalf ba raoogvlaed whan th regular onle af boalaaaa u rahad brary cottealr abl wfraoc aobjaet in dlaenaaad with g goodly atrlnkuag of ieeebau ughv latioo- wlilch arways eanid erlth it rldar by whleh each pag aajaate shall ba eatulad to aa annual aau nm1aat wlfof an tba ikiawia gaatvat a ran which ta aljaonh mta b l tm toaaa th ahaf that hat way o datai ajaaa i fjaa aar aae alaar nrhr thaaa tarrlbm bat dm bad thai flltaraalry toar- way i aboold ear be did bay that faber wont oat aad boaght aaapto ad qoaito af gaeotlaa draak ehwaipaa ralli haiaabant waatod to hare eerv- leaa held over the remain bat lor an w are teaad waa a aeetjaa of aid vaat that eonbow got katoaad la a tree watt a waa heaal to t cblelrlaai h up to pather that paranta aboald aiaretoa tha greateet care la peeking of family a cret la the pre nee of little eblldraa wa beared by the arp af a xerth araaoe taaldent meeatlyi th maa la oaaatloa waa tbduad a bmldaa aaat waa la aatnraaty etost aad vary eoaatuvo abeat ii a raaaawalhild bay wba aooomoa- nled bl father looked very earetally al the rotnad fornl of bl rolatlva and tbaa laajalred with a friendly emllet aaat myrtle yoa doat have ta pal aakea la the bad t kaap front aupptng awl da year- tbaa whaa the baa bald up hb head la noaa tbe yottaaatof there papal aba aaya aha doat tonagatown teln pan la e i draaaaw taat algbt that i waa proa eat at a eaaimltln m of tha aan earth toaaa aad atara tel a eowmrd aald tbe aarib wo bat yoa bar two groat faara bald tba aa hotly and thoaa arer- toav foraotte tba atnuupbera pat ta th taoon and tba oonwe wh had bo b to ba there wagged bl toll with joy tw aoruue matttra the are two thln raburked rag la a eoatemplatlve mood the i doat badaretand- oa of tbaee i he th world got along before i wut 1st tt and th other bow it i kola 4 get along after i bar left tfloa i opinion moderation la tba alike tiring h klaa ibroutb the peart ebala af all vlrfuwmur puiuute drtukuia an bjalu bar awafi wouldnt olve a rl away tk klkutrati wliat we waat 16u to tllul u tk mat word uiod y ik pruomr wke k tok to you mhtes1 ii luij your woriklp tkr we ao ibliil uimiu tk meultrui tka ke atuet have talil 1 ml tki pig whum1 ikuurru au roaybe you did your woruii but k did not eput ea youl ttat putui wke i wal uu tk we1 coutr aald tk old taluir tke tuiwuullool uav4 to itmtl uu tk iluh aud unrb- urmt nmttl tk illur ejeau uud you dont mu itf taa i do rilll tk helleri tkey oftaa get aa to tke etoale aad batkel tka irowl