Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1913, p. 3

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cnelph business ctllege qutlpm omtmrim mamy bttufho rciiuqiil j wtt ever una at k ifemmik f imimm ajmtoh m4 trmimlmt mitsu ii illy nuuues will i- mmtwvd ifrmttwi id mxtvhal ahtuttbltwlutomutml la mbmum tf w all r m i afhusit4f or muf irf w wtaetiev tl v1 irrn rih namjlalhutxjemllllmu4atl7ii aaats bmlim brimlpm m i halcplm hfdohumok mm- w6alesuie mm ta jan a wejf josm m imtmrmst t m tmrgt traw w afeata it fit tb0p txmlltft aa mfprfy ut mm f ir tttrtnuhjar fuuwiiu bmtlwu m raar ugmf tfoliufiilm j imlloitemir theeeoreetownheiald latest ibis about hoie cohdehsedjkis items brain plqnv rat la 24 tnllk council meeting friday even ogj tbl i tbe month yod pay yoar tax georgetown veil fair oct let tod sad tb high hcbool reopened on toe- day head th iu ol speeul primm ob pecex glen old uoy its ooloo 8epl istb all department of the tablld bobool will open twit mooday tbe total ooj of tha oak villa aa system uu 1190370 there will be two good bora mow ai tb perk on bbo day tfa next uetiag ol tbe goaaiy coo noil will be held sept bb ur iflmu of omiipotowil ha u engaged u teacher of echool if you bv not yt hind la yoor hpeclal for lha fall bbow kindly do eo etono all conservative arw invited lost tend a meeting la lha town ball tbl evening mahy people tiota qeorsstown and vicinity have vli led tb tj sblbltton ai toronto owing 10 ih repair not being oooh pui b imbtla ftehool wlllnotoprt uolll mobdjty hcpt tub tba raldoi on jithu alrwot ara tip ttf arm rvgjutllag obooalooa odor pravauing la tbat awtloa of tb town dr r it walton who km ba0 jwiidlng lb put two uoalba la ifoako ka will ba in bu oluoa ilia uuar part ol till waak ebltoa owlft iw wiltl jtb 4 plod kindly raloro to dhaa e wataoo qoanst mim plru wbo haa wan for aawal aaaaooi lu ulillaary dapartmaot of if olt ibafrawiootojonto la wlib adama and co tliu imwin aoloa and uorgalowa will ptay ball id ilia wrk lieia on saturday tbla kaua will dtdda tua cbauplooabln uatua ealud kt 4 p u mr a wricglaiworth bw baodad in bll uubmct iplloo llti lor kvqdaalng pall pair to ba bald kt gwflown on oel lit aad 3ud lie eollwuj 9370 in spatlala aadeaali all uaajbara of orion lodf no 100 ioopara roqtuud to toaot in tba lodf ra4imaon mimday avanlag hapl ath at 8 lilt by ordar of k uowbtriar nq two uaw taachara ara ou tba hlgb bebool bull ihu tarm ybay im mua maobobblakf mpdarna and oournaroul work and ur maotjlu el poroat matbaoiatloa mr adam darling of norval baa burcbaaatl tlia bouaa and flva v of land in tba 7tb eon ukmglug to j k xdodaay tba taa wa wad by j ii ln vaal atlau aeril muaaa ailama anoouuoa tbalr pall ullllnry 0vuln tba ioili and i lib kapt all goodi uaw and atrletly up to data hauainbar tba parlora ar ovar ur ii w kauuadya onlca tba truauaa ol ealon publlo ubool aaotlon ol trafalgar and eaqtualai bava ahiagad ulm atoy 1 uowa ol tba ploaa stb lloa orutdqulu aa tbalr laaabar lor tba balattoa ol tba larm auonj tboaa from toronto wbo aomkdinlad tba ramalua oliba lata un hardy to town on sunday war i mr itobt hardy litapactora stark and black of toronto nollea dapartmant and mr win uuawortb at hamilton on monday lait wak gao drakar waa aaalanoad by judta haldar to two yaara lupruontnant for demanding to00o undar ibrloidyna- rultlitf tlia buna ol ilarbart uanoatl carl lata mui flora m modouald of trafalgar biouool auuiulmr of laaebera wlu bava tmiiliud two btihiiiiur comami in iiiuuury aurkulluia and bortloulttlhiat tlia tlntailu agricultural uolur and wbo bava received oerilucikw a dumber of oowpuluta bava bwo mada lataly raganlluf lblldraa ooaailng in their wanoua oa tlia oamant wajlta houva lmr bava baen auarad awl pa- ilaalrlana aru in datijtur of bala lidurad it tba practice u not atoppad oh 11 me donald will uka aallon daafaau caaaot ba curad by local hpllcailoui u luey can not maob uia diwaaed portion of lha uar thara u only one way to cuw dealnuaa and thai l by ouiiaututloual ratnadlaa liaattutaa la eauaad by an ludatnad oou- dlilon ol tha uiuaoue lining ol tba koala eblatt fuba wbau tblatubala lnsauad you bava a rumbling aonud or imperfect bearing and whan ft la antlraly eloetd daaluaari la tha ratult and uuloaa lha in- hamniallon can ba taken out and ihu tuba realoratl to lie novutal aottdulon haailng will lie daoroyad toravar i ulna teeee out of tan era eauaad by oatarrb which la nothing but an inflamed condi tion of tha tnuooua aurfaoaa wa will glv una hundred dollar tor any caaa of iwafnew cauwl by latarib thatoamio ba curat t by halite oalarrb uura heud for elrthilaih irae p jrohknkv b do toledo o holt by dmggleta 7u ivhflialr- famu puujiofouttiuuuuu dji c leat satnaday jobii uaxtad waa ai work at one ol lha two hyate which ba la building on tbotnaa slreat ileatap- pt oo a board betwean the ht it tipped awl ba tall braaklng tba email bone in bb lag jnet above tba nkle tb break aot eeriooe ooe bat be villjmva ernlcbtf fary hiuetheat rfaiuej fajrijm j tba retolarnioaitilr metw qisoxj oaaana jtetik wt bw bwa the rjeabe ol mr b si lyoe on tbpraday wpv lltb zff aloek gnkrp- pr gram aa ollei rape by mrf pakgnesb all manjwmia am faq 1 to bring m borutoey of qnouoom uom ibal fator uaetniwr ag nk oaogmoi ajll klap ba edtan gnauiaaj la onptioo with ibe flower and jrg ceaapatl- uu for htfkootimlwnmhi bm fakan v v t i ijftw rmtmom paaat jilt almoinjiir pattnmo vldow ol tko wa itf rntmltpt a protnuiairf jmaknpten man died on bonda- in baa wmbyear mrv pauoun maiden aasewaekjioe 1muv bmiwaa tbw laat enrvltpt ol taa late hoiouawiyiandra diatlsotly lha afaakniiilp rabalue ol 1b beaib oeertred at tha reeidaoea of mrs w d uregocy u liowaowood avaaoa wbo la a daughter mra pai- tnllolaaleo eorvired by en unmarried danghtef jvw arwont fa brampton no that tba eoooetl baa decided bpon a alhr for tba armoarlaa and tba coolnci having bean let work on tba new balld log will ba eocnomdoed ajmoet immedl ably tbabnildlngwlllueokloofeat will bava a be meat eta there will ba gymnaalom provided and tba balld lag will be available for pnblld meeiloga etc tba contract be been let to thorn of col ling wood it4e hie intaouoe we are inforroed to bejve lb work don by brampton labor aa far aa thle ht poaribla csoneervator mr d hnderoa up berecenuy made aeveral vielta to town in oomivciiod wlui tlta profioeed new poet omoa bnlld log eodnmpeelally in connection with tba vacant poet maatenblp bereral aitea are ugbvetad for ui new buildings including the comer ol oliurcb and main etreeta the vacant lot eontli of olhben bakery tha alia on which tba preaant poet ontca now ettnda lot ou which lha bo a ling allay la fcituated tha tooth eeet corner of mill and main ate aleo two location on millet tha herald belwvt thai tha loo cation aboud be ou main at in aa eo vanleul a ipot aa poealbu tlia poet iblp la atill vacant tbera era thirteen ppllcatlona in all tan from town and tbrea from tha townablp opening laa n uintrw tltapnblloubfmry board mat on sat urday even lag in the new library balld log obarcb st bill lor alteration on the building amounting to tooo 04 wert preeented and paaaad uood pngnil waa reported on lha work of vomodauug tb library room iteeu la now coojput emheadaiteed byin nahot a vlaitad it vary bandaonw chair bava bean purchased for tba eeaembly room and the decorating of tha walla and ceil ing will ba proceeded with at one tba young men room and tba ladiaa room are qnultad with tha exception of tlia painting and decorating tha lamace bava been installed and lha plumbing i completed tha electric wiring and flu- lur are ai inatalled tha fixture in tb library room being particularly bright and harulaoma tha board hi decided to go on and eonipuita tlta work trotting to tha liberality of ell tana wbo liava not yetftubearlbed to make up aoma hundred of dollar villi yet required to pay for tlia rwcaaiajy improvement it la propoead to have tha forma public opening of tha library and building in about a month particular of which will ba announced later ptiudovii on saturday augo 90th at 10 loam a pretty kogllab wedding waaaolemnhud u 8l gaorgea church tiaarajetowu when william jamaa polla lale of m1j kant england and oertruda imty davuthaiblrd eurvlving daugbur of charlea kmmereon and uom uavla lalaol waltbametou vtx kugland wara united in tba bond ol holy matri mony llev a b ulgglmou ohlclftled tba brlda who waa given away by bar father looked pretty in a ailk ambroid ered erapadaehana and carried a boo- quel of wblta atuia bha waa atiaoded by bar lour brldeeuaide via i bar young eat tuter u1m aduuj davla and mlaa oouatauoa dolly para looking vary pretty in wblta embroidered draeaai wlib plnkallk glrdlaa and wblta baia with pink rca t tba mueaa kthal jaeala and kul uaod davla alaura of tha brlda both wora whlu allk aubroldrd voile trimmed wlib pink imk girdle with black and wblta hat aud plume tba groom waa aeauud by charlea t k davu only brother of tba brlda tba brldee preeenta were both uuuarouiand boetly tha happy ooupla will raalda 1b tbalr uaw bom at unubouaa ooiu ntauhurkuiou at high noon aug 30 lb tha home ol lha btidei mother mr ii ii klllott bbawvllla qua waa tha aeana of a vary pretty wedding whvn bar only datigbur annla kdltb iwcauw the wife ol ur arthur moauuvler ol uaorgetowu onl tha carainoiiv wu perlnruiad by llev loonlay lu tba drawing room beneath a beautiful arch of lvargraiia arranged lor ilia ooeaslou tha brlda looked vary becoming in a gown of uk am broidery looe over cream aatlu with pearl trlmm ln waarltig a vail of embroidered nett ami orange bloaeoma bhia kna tlllott nlamol tha brlda waa flower girl mltf lmiua uoula of ottawa ehieuud u tb mualcal rt ol tba earamony after tba rwramniiy and eongralutatlonaaxtaudedi tbaguaata repaired to the dining room where a luuiptuoue uywti wka atrvad at tha ouneltulob ot which toaata in order were drink to the king tha brlda tha hoeteaa and tba ladlea tba pluaeut ware cuelly aud numeroua tetl tying to tba aeltam in wblelt tha bride la held tha groom gilt to tha bride a gold wrlat watcb to lha lower girl yold locket and chain to the plaalet a pearl brooch tba out of town guetta ware front ktluionlou alia otuwa black burn and kluburn tba happy young onupl llt by u i it train for uuul ihg aud kdiuoutuii jul lowed by tba beet wube ot their bo1 uf friend after their latum they will raaidalu ueorge ww a maefa while mr ha uoald and mr btepb uconoor war driving over tba naw racabrtdgnat tb paper mltle laet wad- naedey afternoon the bora frig at m ptla of atone and atartad to back op sam pal on tbe whip bat etlll tb animal eontlnned to hack nolll sem and lb bora end rig went over tb etde and took a drop of abottt uleet mr oconnor jumped m tbe rig waa packing over tvhorwwaenretiv badly brniaadand tjie rig etmcbeaf bt bam caao out from amrmgtbl mvh tb wan devwft man ens bora waaawotboth kiiied tbtotaa aeldg aa h ueacreeew rnliiag anchbepnt mt b tnmsadiataiy tie regnlu monthly w ot tbe aillnafad brmaccief twomaaa iattv tote wee itejoynt tufwjff many kmafmsbortmlon ang vbiha j dentpceeidlag atabe com n tbnmrjagur mvlel h m p apoka nfew rla wf ewtraaraeaient to wloetbat tb lotuywlng pragma waa bap ajvan- a apar by mm at oampbau opnoririilltfaa feet rtneawt andpntom wktwed by a paper read by mrs ucb4rd bnortul tba karllempw- aonkl jueolctloo of the coocirr eher wiebaftaa aggie bnortltl amaenaolo thai meat log aleaed with baringego god bava tb klogy tb jtuu meeting wa taken by tb yonag ladiaa at tba j oly- meeting mrs coo of uuebonee gsv an etc l a tlia fjentenv bar nweting wul be held at tba bom of mrs t gardner stewarttown threehiog i in progree school baa reopened with mlaa hoe tbacopeon again in charge bev dr smith and family bava retur bedjnjwimrifliamer eottegael sootm ampton tbe miavea tblrston of toronto and mr alvin tblretonol detroit epeol tba weak end with their parents mr alfred geld well of halites ns ievilunghuelterurau m mono johnny shepherd of tba eieamer city of ottawa i pending a few deya at hi mr and mrs andrew oe kelu hill of cllntoa and babe have bead vlattlng at mr jarnea hood mrs e w urea of lagsraoll baa re torued home altar encoding two moolhe with bar daughter mra j a tracy ml elm thompson of london spent tha holiday with hr parent mr and mrs j b tbompaorj on ang 3tb to mr and mrs pred bonathan a dangbter a large number from thle vieluity ore attending lb toronto aahlbltlon mia jobneton la apandlng a few day at hamilton and winona ceofgetown marksta wheat new b5 to 00c per boa oat bow s6c per boahel batter 20 par pound egg sso per do rk personal ttf x d bndtojr ol tmosio i la town to6mf uu kbm ol bwlla u utla wub mlaftndwdtw el fc imhatj uw wdajraul kaaam- mr tltlumnw pht ud mi uu mm btt mnm fiord udkbto wjjk feat asm immm ol jmmlaiuml qtr bumit iutb utr r dioo h koftvmu miw wmi tji jurmlirv ojbol ttjhtl w4c lr vnxnrmxl mai wm hortop u4mll do v tutlh bhlo- mm louh luvmbnhjd w tht bok- dlobw mlw ao th iiih aboo tea jiu ulll ol ifemluoa m 4- bmof oooiaunhi lrlm4 jhf my ul un wltarmry ot moot raaluotomt ol mr outci mckay i milal m ux mat ol hi das hwr mni i bakoby at toroalo ovar oaday mr knrfat a warfaa aux v mark ebtiiob nlajaraodlaka am bnaday un boa ad family aaaompablafl ay ualor grant am vlaltiaf irlaao la lwowal mr and mm it w kaoaady rom thair annimar hocaa at maskoaa utrrutoy mr aad mra w v mckay aad chu4- raaaad mlai bald ara boudaylaf on juka sibko mra old aad daoahur tot alldabo falu us ara lalila tovaablo oooa alitor wra ulaana mra wblbay ol balbja u tpaadiaga ooupla of nootba wltb bardaagblar mr uwu aunaullaam mr w w moir aad aaa baal otulpb apaat uoaday wlib mr aad un waluruoaraol union h b a o wllloafhy and ba wlllooahby of mlaaaaota vbjllad uaoa town frlaad oirar boaday mr aod urc d tj boraarrllla ara at ukaaald allaadlaf tba traddlaf of tbalr auturaatlo uu moora ol latarlalrl mr aad mra k d cootlaaad unll bar rataraad bona aflar ap tb buttwonoauia arihthr alotoaay laba ur aad mm obarba wlluaraa 01 oblotgo bava rataraad bocoa afaar apaad log h ooopla of waaka wltil oaorgatowa aad totooto ralauraa a b aaarliald krarybody la inrllad to abaro tba foaatolanwullaamold boyo bauloo on filday aod saturday bapl ii aod is to bqdn wltb a groat hlgbua ooetalr oooorrt will uka ouoa la tba park for tab tha following talaot bar baaa comli mr bobart olarka aad bbl fam ily of blockbaadaoltorooloi tbalaoria brofc faraooa bootcb aatartalrmta mr bart liadaay taaorl uu laora kirk l afani thl will oadoobtodly ba iba ra laalonaaea you wul hara to baarmr uoday aod mlaa kuk uib arana and bay ara oartaloly ito good to mlaf tba laari bror and mr olarka and bl family of bloekkoaa nana bo raoomuao dauoa to baoplo of thu djliborhool oam aod om tba big calltbompua ramdaoh aatonlay mornlag at ii oelorjc abarp in tba atlarooon a grand llat ofaporbiwuibaoarrlad oat boraa floa prlie ara bahig osarod to wlnnani in all th apart will axes any bora hajora parucolara will mnlrvrwa tba aadaralgbad will dallrar graral aad taad to aay panoa watolmt tba aaa jot bail rauia work all ter datis oirasa t ooorgatowa foatomoa iu rbonauriafl properties fob sale i 1225 will buy iu- ol tlia flnct wilid brick hiiumui lull in i own durlug tlia lut uw ytbira beautllully uluulwl biutlful front vormu1i imtuv iio- idiw rtmhua sphndld ihiur ilmiiiu all u runil lwiuiretl and iuuul thniughimt laive lietlirooui well turnulied good tunuvfla oelur nub wbola boum lleaily to inova into tomorrow tbla u a totb houm for smi iwraon will buy liuuui liouea of 0 roouia ball and pantry graliuwl dowmdalr tdaclrlc llgbta lu boum 1oii uuddaol two weeks lima ttf aa all av eautant block houaa o 7 rooms right ua to data heauli ublpvuu fully irmlned and ikanerad with furnace heady to mova into to morrow thl la a graat nap easy term ol uiymenl buya double frame bouae 8 lota ol bround and table on main street ii you ara looking for a little laud burs 1 your diana 2500 hu la acr ulug n aduu wtirkaio unj a k ol lot u4 in tha bib con tii kkctva imfaji tuiumhi uuuiiv 9 ar- u a w oatioti ami itoet oluctf two lot pnuua liaru uo x us thud ul s 60 anoumreluml 114 k ao ilrivlng ahil h4 u lid prima hone uf 7 nutm on any tluw tunuai lltuioilowu beiauce uu a uortgega at 5 ji lrawmrtow buya a eomforuhla twua houaa and a nig bargain lor ultuiwllluuiu bargaiu ol aulld hritk huuao anil uiraa tuinm of laud im auld at uuoo j a willoughby georgetown mailmoth house georgetown new goods new goods t ml l i jiutjhtjvtal a lonely tangvol chlldreng pttnuit auitiwey fcrr v 3 yertrj 12yeiri i from taumntaa oraua arrlraif a loraly raaga of vhildroa ypaai rilakl tor obddran i rom to uyara t u0tf 0mt arwail- a fallw ladw hoof jhaa i b9aw- arwar tohaadjanla lot ol ladlar- badlord aatvrs o tmfv wtiui v aadlav talland waiat la lloan ranbrjo and lawn rom- egg totxh ltttbepwfku in auwllo tolla dford oad ftm tjbjn ranll baatord orjrd aod tadlo raw 8uk wama at lh laoraaxaaay cdjian knr and ophoola at ssma7s0 laah avjr0hraav l v r tadjwjioirjlu oioritli vaek and maiaijl 7l uisml opttob vabtaat 1 ii 10 4 ho tadv lutlraaj vaal- aotiio ladbwotawart oso udlayflnmmnalloba hjii ifttto zmvil um4uwr udwouskrutoni judlavuaaodaaoiroldiryo ladldvooraatoorara u mjololj0 idgmoramaa tulipo ibmt aa ladlac iwa ibabad llaa 1 m aj lanwauklklhaaiii mbavallk uoaa ab waj udlaomtnn iw- k o ot0draaa ribbad allk boar at tao zadiar frw atidulnaampram at 3ft udw otarau apfolna a jhit store will elouat flpm on aloddatttiolay tharaday and friday aitor may 16th ricbean co un j a boaa mlaa boa and ur jtoba boa ol edlabargn bootlaod aunt of major araataralaltlni la town aha vlaltlag tba principal bipalarloanduiawaat tbay will prior to ratnnuog to bo pubuabad on prognma andla boat uarald the georgetown herald from now till jan 1st 1914 30c school books and school supplies readers speller arithmetic grammars etc scribbler note books pencils erasers pens inks rulers loose leaf books ledger and day book etc cat ttuun at tb whit drug stor r h nixon phm b oatunaisr obobobtown wheat la dour and flour i bread still ihoro is a long journey front tbe wheatflom to tie bread on your ullo we know that our floub liaaiierfunuoil every atop of that journey in an ideal way i and that till brand is the perfeetlqn of flourmalting try it if yon aro proud of of your bread- waking or homemade cakes t uaary mn johaaoa wu 11 ua u a bukbaad wa uordoa iflgbuadr aad a ad rlml n lavltllo to vult kl in barraab la rrfbiad youll mrb aailay bow a yar old llflu oougktm aald to kr a lb pi aatlom lot tbm to ta1 daoti arrival t lb trrh mr john y rmd tbat k haabaad wa aaa vu lormml oa try duty i on o tb oaldlor klatod al out to br but of ooaraa y mold aot aplrrob bha tb kl4 r dsdjy with uk rduad ya vuu or woaoy v a paaao vpaafoviwawahawra ru oabou tttra ititi raai laauataruy ai aklld waatooiam la rata aaxlap tpaawr uof at law it aai out ka7 b u a klldulr irobl out wub a alrutly oasuaalial air it daddy su law w wko alol hlaoarawulbotyavlkal uau rr lliia- v t amimmlm j tuattrtijye imr a ur very ftapertaht wredt of fer yh bylldihg v ritdwrallwea tht w sew w ef aviwreri j mbi if good isnl tfofc me lee 10 tivts- 1 r4w oa kef dagvewsfrs my be eefd k doe vllvtw etwut utk eaeiigh tot fortfamv tea bo end homy rtu may reke4 roofi tke ssm belwdwa tba peakej root sad the tap ot ltm taj wlortia the npketory olkr dog tui eelea u uaad iuf a sitorplaoe in vrkukv kept jkdjeg- eoeab 4 bruak eod atr celura wveag afsqber bk wa a very watigbly girl to put tk tubdmrtbdry oa ile wrung nuatlui ead like eagk to have knew htltr blng la a kurvy tk etburlbr proept u kaked for ha for two hut w doet kave box for two ld s mtahled voue at tb btkr of the lie why unt tkl ike bljoa tkoetreff be lequlred no wa tk reply thl t arave tb uniwteker hotel cltrrki dg perdoa air bat wkal 1 j eeet vuiteri why yo idiot havent x jaet pat my plgsetare oa tk regi- tarf uotl olerkf y- that la what enu ur erioiltj new advertisements bojuuumm wmmtxo romtux aud aui wrmi arav to aoa aw rririwr- veakrable8bort a flna taaty rar- iaty oarrota r jnat daadim onlona taadaraad mild ft j mcuaa- navboi una olanwullaraa oawaay ww waallaa i awar 2oxnbrtritek wmmtxo tgwcjn2jbs vsti ttrnxsxr- stw ffuavujbosrib ar if writ1ih mutatvlcaff afte ssuirifckg nonet to rmttpammsn i k bluur w lumaukur abuaa y aibaro butts- od liaek dark joraey btawr villi inu ring in back ofdujli aar on wadaawlay julyaxli owwr may bava aaua by movlngbtoparty and payloa epaaaa iu aaooeoau boa sod or lot 18 oon a is up l told 11 uuuuj w f y yhadu iil3a uiw u icioaioi a til uaraawawaa umrawawa ma aw- laalraaf i laajraau a tnl al b tad turu lliuj an a aiamu kotioe tt uljmeauiy lr ki4la w4t hamuau v uuowu guelph central fair sept i6lh 17th 16th 1913 laiauel and imt county vr in imvliioa of ontario lwl fall to vlult it hlngla tvareauu all itidlroaiia iriiw lweitd all lufoiuutloa fiout oeo j tttortpa phehuttt wttt laiduw bo- 1444 smnury ot ttut ymbik aoiwa it paataaiar tjbtatn taaaangar ultfau isweeuiiar 1010 e in uail lluuitn tuaanht i to m uall v i i in weeauger uuiplu uoiva waef pseii4fr h43au paitttuger 7ouatn uall loioani naaangar i t pu paataugar 46ft p ui uall ftk5pm uall dttopui uuimu moutu uall huuaui taaeaugar ft ho p m nonu aoutu haraauger 10 00 a u irll buow

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