zmivukwiv to matthkws drug store xmae gifts mbftlfakpnt ip tawy coxa tpfth aihwm iawy nrjktmpy by mfc pw f in fcaaftf m xvtftauwam wlllaw- dhclst cboralut gift uonk fpr young and old n iud npw vp ttnmiit awdtr iud npw w card- and olwwrt aild iboto oalr muthews dr0- stork jlgwov canadian kdak co pffrfltyiuaa miri jjrln ting pioqiptf j atta6d4o iu i a u- st qwrgei church v rv wra dart la th ataxtor banday w njc m followii mai lha 11m ba hi hipp 7 t td humlay thool- 10 om ill baavtnaut hrly coimiiunlh iu iwl fyd uuudaya of mch tionth ttt 11 a bi latest nkws about home cmf lmmda at cam i oil w c- anthony ha jin1 ncilvd hi oral cajro a trun yhitmiimu of tpi jw anlarlaui watr whita coi ok which h ruritii if w toldknsed news items a happy nw yarlo all kwhooj uit monday virvuung hall vrlday c soih urd aijh pall for tl 15 or lib brick loriolw j iauioona uu markat vr micranayof oakwiiu who u aarly ui ut iimj haa arrived jtont how about your mucrlplloot only day timm to takw advantaga of tha dollar in advanca rat krrojraigatnanla bava beaa com- pwud fur lha viramn li xu tbu friday ovoidua dont tela l national caab itaglalar and paic of eompulh j uvim both uaarly uaw will l add at a bargain apply hi haratd utile many rnl uadj hie luulo school llilluit txrclm4 lul tburxuy od otlwllilj willi th ptogrtw prowuitnl tiy llui ebtldrtn will ti iwriy who took die una of joavpb iaium liir iu ilia ciliyurln bad on uidi4dy tilibt kludly ulura momiaiid tuva trouble tltu itituloruoituily tuwuntf o lb umrgtourii wouuuh ituuluu will bs held um lionut ol ajrt ii ourrtdg oa wd ju hid 111 im wwldoma a autll 8t60 putt fmbulnlo fl wm jlokd up by h priy in jiuktou book intkou tiimday 1mb iw it ib mum hut ttlltuml ut otlci iomcull0u will ii w th uniiiaiu imllltiuwouldlmglad of aii mom clotlilntf wbieh eould l madu nvit furolilldrvo the eloililutf will lx- m bd lor if word u lfi villi tlm 8tieliry fi a coin tlu i urka illbu olaw of lbs uelli odutdnmli will ttuw aii itlhalimiitli in aid ol tl u u urn ou friday vvn- lua j nmry lth kaipyhuidtttaowd parlluuuim imbr oni nmua i liava uo uolion of uavliu uinguuiwu ibougblao wucli mtbvr ularuilie war ibal j ato xt kj biattuiauu hit- prlwoaradalriiiir have jwd f olid yr aommg vou sod wuli all a vry impiiy aud protpaioua naw ymt will bcloaad for a few day ji rocy lb roii4lonj tlioa tvialfer ad tliv cbvabwt koau in lb country prhmnkl6 flit oil wiln of iij yutir iu movlrnj rijprt num woomdv- itj imff whu- plul h ff-tb- iwll ola ail joktfakau kuorb lt tlmimay ruututfy iftuifa man murray mmjuryauury wltb jatihm ntvtrlolt hpaclatpuwfmuw yaaia ulahf tbcw qifimn iaui tiow rowfy rqqfppml to look llf youj luitjtt baitery rp pal hug iwl irrloacaml fktbnilivul i fnlr nl tbanllottintfratmi via volt 5ur kd 11 volt 7a t awnltb tbu lorlnlm kitlng lulutffa ifrtjrly rlargad lluajl your imtrunllon book ttardlntf rara of your battery t j owigbt oeora- lwn tiaragi w bah itrmtu wlmntrt atlbauoarldlrovliicul wuiur vr bald tv at itilph ui y hur- row rf tnmi tiiiulrf llif fllwiitfwln with bu llwk mhioreiul aud 8ut cock lit and llt br utb and 10th twxsk rol 2td mtj fitb tmlut alao fcllvar cup or i ho- bt two eocki iwo livtw two coekarala and two hjiiu al toronto laal wk ha uxnu tlia fot lowing win ut ootk 2iijl 3rd 4lli and tttlt lu 11 iudurd ami 4th pilut tuo silver eup for lha litcolioii lo i no ls kua oakiri on tbuiiiay ovnliig iw hlli llontby lol m jtw ml in ngrtur tiin for tb lr4titrtlon of rotitln bualnaai and bwllao ol ofllrara forth atuulntf yrar county malxr tiro w j ilnday ooedplpd lli chair and tb wtloa itauluwl as tnllnwi wu hroilr k lliday ilro u v wllwii ii hi k personal y tim obituary houbity illcktxv hih bka raiiinvd auothar of our m j and raaud lownanitn in th r i of itouirt ulokay who r i i way inddenly on thurtday laat liaoaaa il bajl iul bau in good baajltt or uuw tlana ll wg bom in krlrj 83 vrara ago wit tdaoigatorft whh m ltd and baa nmvd ht- avar liw- 1i waa a papar mahar by tada ami wumplord wlib iffm brlr liiv lor many yn i waaauoiwl iltikli of aganlaldliiuiaillon tod hail mauy lilind luablni iiin wld ew h iiaw in uoura hi iom nn danghtfr ml annla aitdnnaann jhiiwi umy i iimoii auothvr m fit harry lltkoy waa klhad ieolillv in franco aimi a ttroibar ur jamt bloky tn funeral vervlo on flaturday morn lug waaronducivd by iujv falliar loyla to iam licfi wars j luur jus 8otl j luhala u kuirlod u uordsii d i- curry m im wiluau lutm at otithu otiel4lurday aveiiliia imo wm i ul r f th 114 iult kdrd and woly bl iiavulltit lila homo he wafltiliid unih y4r aud wb htaahtmi goti ol ii r hud mm j iuui formitrly ol uattrgiutn ha wu a gril alhalata adaklar imckay playar i1u itoyhoud day wui tit hara ind utauy nl hli fornitr wltimil ititlaa ragrat rltioaialy lla arly tb m tii lauiatua uara brought kuroigiiownmituaaday and lmerrd up laimly plot in urnwhul uanal- a it wkh a ml itarv 6titral lha iwkil waailr4ud wllb a onion jaob and the so b it it hand aud tnaiuhtie uf tln l4ih luti tojk pari la the urvk which wan flouducud by vmv valbar poyla terra cotta jtlpwt ma ualiltig ur and urn 1arr in oar vlllui it u a uuuibar of yaan alrjiw ur liarr uft our villug tbfm waa uota vay urge turn out al th llliay on unuday evening lat tiiadoimlt lor d lmialou btbgivolvud that iiti tau lwru mora by ttratllng than irawhiiitf ai tbara waa nut auough tfwta no ill ufalou wag gvu a good twwjkin itiliowyd ur uoullun vary lrirubtdlbaour w urt tuiiry to laatn that ut joaaph molitldo b ou lha lck iui at piwuut w hoptt hook lo huar ol ula ioviy tlia widdliitf imiu ara iluglug loudly la our llatiiiel tha ohlldrvu are prauuitig lor a eoti part to bu bald in tha uthodu church bv in lha u ur lulura- whlculaia uur ur aud mr 1ianl tuil family hava tmao tuiiaorgmowu ur wui lliinlar uada a bualutu trip lo tutoutu laat hatmday ttta haltoti brtdlc oa w ih laforui- d baw oluaad uowb lof tha wlutar boalhii auouu our xuu vuiiota wewi mr aud ura r uuu uualpb uraud ur uu wiuoo uamlllob ut r nuriuaii loaia ol toronto oilr ltutllttg blackatttttt ur ui i till i trapjjiuluvhgdoiwvaty iptod trada i u aba hiaukami thing una ibbt yaar lib p ht fully tulppad ha u ao an part ilia woodwork and oamiag btuloaaa i nmpaiad to oabur lo tb wanta ol i polt i lo ur uaraball thaaka bu j oatjmnara tor utalr llbarml patron ig it ib ptjat gad bopaa lo haul g fair cbaitiiilh lcotve llro h 1 itlnkuy mn k0 urn t muoowflf tria hio u hnikfl i ofo llro j v uvhliwih hiturr frrn v hrjlluy tnouillua llroi t ihivilii ii ilrd- lnv ii lrlo ii lunlwlou j ltndmy i trior mm it wadni o tyluf urn if ilrudipy im llro lurdoii obuholru audlioru uioa t a koblown and tl i llrowue at iho wardoni aupper it lha un ulhbon iioumuh uouday night of 1 wok mr uoirffon ligrrltur ol ihirlltig ton in raiwimling to din iott of tha hvlifh aud lur gavt axirauinn to tome advanre idf a that would iiirvly if rarrlvd lnlonfciuoltiiiiinliipri4iiit law uim h mla and ji nulla- in ho lw aland al priiil whii a itiao i to iwt trlwl fai iluw criminal rhvuio loo crown hfri and paya aotuo lawyer lo pr uuuta and h ftlut romlit him whorwu th man who is itfllijf ttlri hail to if in i h n minis hlr iii own lawyi r ami i i uo t dclond ami if xulhln provo hi inno cence mr m rrla ui o iiititda ii at thla i not lulr that llm ur two nr htt hu ai uuth rljhl lolilro a lwcr lo ilelvnd iimh a il haa to hire a lawor to pro rulo hliu fornvury man chartfod wlib a cdmo la dramtd to ho iniiiioanl until u proven guilty ur morruon aao iu luvrd that mm re ahoiild ba a kligl doctor that u iu uis raw of thu jioor who art no ohla in pay for tha wrvleaaol aphyilclun ibey aw anlltlod to larnlvti auch at tha pvpanaa ol tba biunlripalliy rouui may think ur uor uon baa hoclalilo hhiaa wall mr morrison wont tpiy iho aofl luiuach- uuint for ha tiled at tint ouiiki of ida ratubika ibat lhay rallo1 him a comarva llvu out ho wu a horlaiut consarvallvv and itallavcd tha lua of ihla otuolrv along cartln iluw iudd aouia radical ravlalotil 111 ohur lo b4 in aeeord wlib lhaaplrltol tin timva that many pr uni at lha baiiijuat agrail with hi vlaw waaduouilralail by iho fteqiidn app- um that graoiod hla lamarka kaloroiar stewarttown hi jnhna h toiulninaot raine off very bllkatwnllv oo clitdy ovuulng laat ihiwu whn invtnicnd ilmchlllifn hlt wall repaid for hit ir lulwim whim ilia ioa wfrfroiulcrfd ut will lhu ninui r and friimui of ti u uoioaug auxt llary liwu hdutaui ol ihu ocraalnn lo ireant an uldna and ltf memtuuthlp u l bo wa to lliflrai ciliary mralrary who la ciimpl ting 111 i twin ywtra of lalih fulsrlo lha rotiowiriguthb addie uiatrauv k4rialry h johna chun h llranuh w a m a hlw4hioun uiar mr- rrity vour fullnw workt rn am rlnnila in i jiui ol thn uuimaa viul lary in tno mluimnarv hoil ty ol th uaiiaillan clmich wui to rtvjulai your long and nirloiilmrvhvhakrr uiy ofiluthmlirh n ht johna churrh hlwunrtiown and til tbui ihuy lannoi do n iu any wav that would ih morti hcchi lahlfl to your fll and morn lumlng hs way of ruinmn hranct than hy umkiog ton a li la ninm br ol the auaihary in tola hiomm iv ilifi na ban i y u tu carilllaa t la hum ii i ur hi ii ullb iho bianinpu liv ing phi and iui f ti- ui i f tniitrtmitorn kbiirliiu ymiol llm tauum ol lha imm baia and rimb ol ht johna ciaucli we kiiiw that your uluir ol thu pui haa hviii onn ol w promlol py thu ninito i f tl a anllro amliiary tho lv ol chrial coiiatrdlimlh u ami wa tnut and pry llm yi u my long ba bjiaiod ailil lo 04 rry on tlin gnol work in ooncludnii wlh you all lha ptuc goodwill and liiiiima of tho upiiioacl tug unrialmii aaon on baliall of tho woimina auxiliary and lrnmla nanny hmtlli ireahlant uarah a rhoinm vice 1raa a on ui h llioinp ui tivaauriir aiikiiiib joliiiloii kiy um ull la a con it or hio ol mloraluro uary a liallio llaby hunch batlinafad wu wlib lha kdllur and liblalf avry happy nuw yvar lundumau vv iii hpiur of tha lllllli llati baut cbruimoa muii bla paivuu bam ur llarl lamnoil ol kvulli kaak waa the gut of ur ami mr jowph hwlnd lihtiikt la uetik ur l uinv alaclrbjlan ol ac ion apant xmu at ur 1 itukaal ura u vanuatur who haa baau iii ar thu uut thiwi wuokw it uot improving iry uiuili ulu agnm hlinnih haa raluruad homa alur bwulliig rwuio ii mo wlib tuioulo ir undo wa ara glad to huar that mr itluhard hbortlll who haa imi ion thud lo hla lutd lor lha paal weak la aomaabal luiprovtid moij4- ro ttwr 10 itontu botw on main ut kortb ol while tlridga with alabla bun liooaa and two hxaul ground ioim i 1 nuvamlwr apply lo uaoiga uodgluv junntig atir xojaa bdtom w4 oourjafs tijlrfollowingi mi at wra l u waalwrgld toronto mf j k lftllb of tb ys vvrrt othy urwllfrd 1arr ol inalpb- m charlt nurnjd4of oomwalt mr wj ttahhj oftoronto mv atrthimccnoall ql ifoalph m wn lalroj vrally of lop- 1 on- uiaa kaihlen urigao borhlngjoji mr v riaciia qiirsagov wiv irief ottawa mr an mr biebari orahani lo x- r s j mr and ura u adam lo liratap ton mi h4oj0o ling wood mr k luaay lq unuitord mia t mimilt 41 uoalplv vfr ami mra 3 hapr oualpb lit hugh arabaju toronto mim kurrtoronto mr and mn w arnold acton m wauom orlllia mr and ura a w qrandy to uaa owwr mr and ura a u unndy la alma ur and ura ucbwalm toronto mr and ura uorphy and daughur kvflyu u ramp ton ur drabaai mcdonald toronto mra john hyli toronto mr and mr ii h- hbannan ulltou ilr miii mh lardlnur uajt mr and mia j 0 wiuon uarllagtan ulu uldlaw hatnlllotj mr it ijildlaw toronto major and mrauo iirowo ham ii loo mr and uia john i william and children toronto mu kdua harriett uldund uiaa anna iuii and ur nixon col- ol toronto eptml lha holiday wlib j w cote llmva iu4iihad oinaltoo and ilaava llitla of ullloii wata in town on tom day mua lilly ucoullough of owau hound 1 pndlug tba holiday w a will- ons mn johns of kxaur la vial ting bar unola and aunt ur and mia john tulunlins or qao v kennady baart poeulut and dr u uoaudraw of datolt iptet xmu iu town mr and ura- walur mckay of mod teal wiira tha guu of ur and urg oliver mckay ovar lha xtnatf bolldayt mr john crouland and uwlly ol toionm mr loranat rorgravaa ol uulf il at ut hunday wltl ur k uawlilr- mr john hum of nw york and ur x it hum of holland mlob two d tvngiiowii iwya awvultlng at lha huiiifrol tliolr brolher ur a ilunia mr harbatt 0 ollna wlui bu wlfa and bod crawford arrivad la lowu tuaa- lay a von lug fiotn bla homa in pillmor ny and will apn a law daya wlib hla parent r and ura clloa at tha flip- lui paraonaga x your vote iaticl intlupjce x arc mfcrttihy solldttd for prv jr nkom as reeve for the village of georgetown for the year 1917 castoria fw inianfaj and chiltira inusrorov4n30y4 tho 81fcntur of cmr lbadt f cs yt w c au t lion y boa juitoolvdd hlh fintt oar of a lartia uhlpiuont ol tho bui aimirloauwatarxviilloooaj ou which ho roooutly purebasod uo la papajttd to iui all ordoraof a gallona and uoaardg at iso mr uallau out your tuun tnovlau rluht now new advertisements to hxnr vm warm homo on church 8lft lor binall fumlly or v it- wabtott if hulldim ur mml wo hulldhitii 34k60 18 ft poata pluu at frame apply at lit raid oltloa utp priwalnu in ai ahhi priihw ud t r llllauii hay paksx1n0 ijurfd to do hay and blriw iv pianhty ai moat htwu all ordrra prnninlly allvnii w uliriati ult no 1 ohm uiholoo llolaiein oowa 0 yrfl dtm to vol aln gooil farm hotau for ml ap ply to um w uuirlugtou king bl lfnranlown tl heu0vco ur l u llannnllitlanldl iarlorliav ihh n r mm ml from the gruliuau block m h roahlonoa main hi north aral hoiiui iioui or 11 biilga f heat k4111i dalacheilhoiimottualflbt apply at 11 urald omia lost on lrlday dm j2od 1018 batwaao n itny ualoa oflloa and my botna an umjlima ronlriiitng admluulrallou pp ra flmltr pluaaa laavaai harald ouoa toward ju dividmn lorglown p htp wmuuti ul or woiaia at ouoa apply to loorgaiobin woollau ullbj it tat llniuwui raut un qmeu ht poaaaav iloujan ldtb apdy 10 john uallau- tino if itsl pair ol gold rinitusd yglakaaal ul maal 11 katurdav lui kludar putta laavaai ikaaliiotlloa it djrjaaiar wsaimtl waalatl uaparlauoad gardauwr uad to lonlug and gual giaanhoum work to ukachaitto iwo grauubouam gud 17 auraa of vvguubut land apply by lalbwr alallug eviuirlauoa alo to mr laad foiamr ijtmlcapi jobulng and uarkal iardauur tiwka villa po or 81 pata luionlo 3tp if elected i shall give my bent kerviccft to the iuterest of the ratepayers aud the upbuildiug of our towu election monday january 1st 1917 mammoth house georgetown new yaiadiis xt thm lt bin iqtk rs ivsi vj kmmd wtrkmd utfaf oantra btacawtray clotlxt hot ha for tb draaaar alldellgbtlulty ambroldarad by hand oo ifna lyiab llnco hmmtmnbm9 lodtev una- hpdkrjiua bmbrolowaa aid plain wjcaa 7mjd0o udfcay uwp hoadku fmcy bordara 0o totyv ladiaa blngwood glor aio lowot rsmmy cellar ladiaa fancy collar iri volla oaotawtla crap ad ortpaf da cblna 60c tfle tl 00 to 160 warns nw blooaaa in voltaurapa da china and oaorgatta orwpa in pink uaa and wblta 811k waiat ungiba 1300 tam and 4 00 ivaaa d oraaa bwigtba aaltabla jot aaflbagwar 04 60 to to 00 cyiivrai aialaa craauni pink ky woe piaich aprleoc and raamra 4 i loll aaanrtcawnt of fuhvwia puiaj r jqra- dao wlpftw vii ut 0fc baby bibbtoaa 6ta so waab tfmbuaa ac to loaj aurpraiaollaaawaalura woorbeastj wflpltoqoaav bofb wtara qlw kwaata boy aad uv wool eapa inmaatta band i vfoabatad mltb apd bootaaa me and mo v a buyaaaajortaaabil of taoof baakata faney cjdntraira and iota of mhw nf al atklata0 otunaroai k m j u v raratam wabn aawuttaag of kid and uottba gloraaand mittaf tl 00 to il76 man 811k tiaa wo to 76a mana ubad handkta 30o tojoo haorlawn ilandkfa loto 2m mana wlk llandtib le 60o and 76c uasa and boyi iwaatara atafia wool capo we have the largest assortment of dry goocis ever shown id georgetown pay a visit and be convinced that we have the right goods at the right prices mcbean oo- c vwsavrvwmvvnamwvwvaks4 pbel amd haltojfs baroa1m stobjc new years greetings may the dawn of 1917 tiicr iu a new era of happiness and prosperity to all 6ur customers and frmuds antl may each succeeding day cement still more firmly the cordial relations which have always existed between us barnh1ls norval aaiaaaaasataaawwiwwwwi see t b crjpthers choice new year fruits we wish our many custo mers a happy new year t b crothers phone 78 oeorcetown dbdt io new year gifts i a few suggestions bivctltit wfatcheu 1a gold ttttd gold ullctd laoototkhoo tloolo 6 00 14 00 lo 116 00 v 100 mftoup oana for tnn moo to 976 00 11 iu to 18 00 600 1100 to i rolld hold naokuohi from gold tillad umklatwa lioui man watcliaa alao lor hnldlura from our own rounuln lu lor walarmana ldal ivn mlk cuiiirallaa loillaa or ranu tha bull caau kind niamoud ring irotu albohlgitotartd kouov ftinna aat ulllausi utu and aula utrop tufnty kaiora brooch broeauu lokcla ilahy 1liut thlabtm paarl 1 uabya hllvar llaltiaa baby hjmwm vauny glockb oiiar and 01ga ftuacaah ebony and white ivory goods in brushes mirrors combs jewel boxes and all manicure pieces oall aud inspect same all oooda guaranteed will bo opaii avtmlnga ill naw yuri a 3q atlljubicaaa luiii 8tht next wcclbbon hbul oc ucma hcz3c 30 uhk maid wanudatoom apply lo mia u c uwragca lui uuoariri ava urauuoid u aukar wamiad a man to halp utt braad and cakaai huutimivururwaand wagaa oood town mar tot on in apply boat jf uaatiiii utvoi ii reliable repairing for fine repairing on all kinds ol clocks and watohes see 1c1b new year specials the following are a few of the many xmas specials we have to offer 4 ib tm pin so 1 ib ktr fuey 01our tbu uui0 km i iu balk ima ix 8 botilm ol tuiiuam 3s u pka com hurch hi ssfl lib fwmd hnrl hi41h dund oobw 44 iboloor billsbu ulnj oobm 40 wfuo diddu ht at ur lor com ly iml gt your wnu topljud lu lb oble llta w hv ui xmllnt fthoriamat ol ubtf ohio and fcrim hhl a m grandy phone 26 georjtetomn operatives wanted for all dapahmanbl of a knitting ao- tory eaparlanea ttoe baomaauy faml liaw aaaialad to ramovw low raabi and d mployuanl foseph beaumpo gtenwullams mechanics wanted two lalhahanda and yoang man wantad at oooa apply craalman broa i m fgra ol acnlulog maablnam uaorajatowof winter session opatta january sod in fcbawi boal uaa tkhoola o b collet wlib 0 branch awboola fra uulogia pant on tvqttaat wrlta w u hbaw ptaaldant yooga a garrard hla to ronto poster yqr gborcbtown tod brampton jmckso n s on january 2nd we commence our stocktaking and stockreducing sale lower prices q 3 our stock is large we need money and must turn a quantity of stock into quick gash every class of goods are advauoing in price ra pidly this is your chance this is a splendid opportunity to secure many good things at a very low price we have a good showing in all lines of house furnishing ttoo vajuaii for iso mo a 7k valuoa for 0o 60a voluea or 9a a boat of uaolul ajruoloa at a bpoclal prloo uouh ovorooata half ircc muns undarwoar at m big roiluatlou uouh bwmui coala capa is id a oloortug of uumy uuob ol boota and tdioaavat much loua uiou oolory inloea toduw ulouaoa uklrtu uundorwoor tl biuvoatluu luloou u ooau uothlug lo tuvealbjato oiur oooda aud prtooii you eau navo bhj money ou vuruhure ptlooa llko tbooo toll tho bavlug 118 kilohou caiiiuou 9 005 llakluboaoupbourda iu os llbhhloliobida 14 00 tlb uotal llollh 1 us mdrajwit 14 5 tltal vaiupu in ueilroom furaurno dlulug llooui purulturo parlot puiul turo chnlra llookora couoboa antl oili er jpaousbi carpou and lluga waupaporu bio ud low prtoa llklr vajoag ul kiioiuolwar aud cmokory jacksons geoifcghfitown