Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 27, 1916, p. 4

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nmanr j tlie ieorfieiown heuld i iff- ft wvfmbsdy kvko dux 27 1016 honor to our 1mmoktal dead jtol oore o ldtd bat thin th power amdmorf of mommiom gte frtiit tbtdarlt and eolnn bejr jpjwp h wad onr kmplr gieel 8 wlr o toe i buifrii4ft lefebflyitoik on ueaa f am llt o loni the yoeager 9onj r ancient hriuln werrike race t1i lumtd tho bander oiumidn km iteoaed nor tear iba dtb la fee ajod tbow tb oyridl-kndw7- who beam at wntta or ii wv bin moaw beetd thyoaogr bow vj- ariam tuhlfbtjltttfciijv- njdihjw ad and alotit of baext 1 iwfii won tor britain pride- of plee and nobly horded part by put 1 lie wondnnw uprjew oar ro oat palgwv deed tw44mtv itrwd irs bftjd tb kortwp he grat hctud una jrom del end ten utto dtod to kaap out kmptre free at brave their eona tvotn etraoge ter jand seetli flnjlutf oroea o4 enow elad tlio bpundldvalalwart patriot band who or her eake ewent to tb ogbl f who normal tbaelio that fateful day aud ob or ui a deatbleea fimt an i quailed ont mid lb bloody ray hot dared and died of england nam lotkr end honor i hoaor gtv 1u all the derina mdli who fell wl o lotikbi and diotl tbftt we might live who charged ih very gate of hall thy tt whoa roll ilia ammo wave iti th flnl tramp hji pl 111 ulutt mil m1 wlllbpt tti yoaatf tb protul tb bi tbo 0u i uih mad umdim wlod libu abroodwl in tb duk of ttlgbt obriitkavp the dmu w ut bablod who parisbed in th loagdrswn dent honor and honor honor ji vfbo tm th implr jj1 orbl who itornwd tba balgbu at ooaotry nil honor to oar imtnorul ddl walter o wbil lo bldoey utrald plea for a half nickel it would lw hutdc in mmktmm o and mlflbt rudum p tb bani aaiulwlob wbbb wu otm 6 canta uew rtttquwtijr ooaa diam tb autta diatovbuia tmui uplm to otbar ulnxa la ooounoa jfa b4b is- bylaw no 400 to take a vote of tlie rate payero of the village of georgetown entitled to vote i moutv bylaws ou a ques tion to he kiibmitted whether the staid ratepayers are in fav or of having the municipality develop or acquire through the hydroelectric power commission of ontario what ever uorlca may he required for the supply of electric energy of power iu addition to mich electric power an i al ready supplied or can be ob tained under the existing con tract with the hydroelectric power commission of ontario wiieilttatj tba municipal council of tbu corporation of tbo vuufto of qenrgotowu tluouiu it advlaabla to tub knit to un tatoiwyar of the aabl vlluflo of loonjolowm cnutlod to veto oo tnonoy by lawhi ttiutauai aa iu wbuthor tbo aid tmlolkair ant iti favor of tbo uitiulolmllty ootoiou or aid ratila rw ant in favor of having lclmllly oovolop or aoqul tbrouub tbo ilydrokleotrlo foworcoi btlnmlun of ontario whalovu workh ytnay bo rixnlrwl for tbo titmly of oloet vkatwuv or iwwor iu aiblltioa to auob lotro otufrgy olowiuf aa la alroady autipllctl or laii bo oblfltuotl under tba exlatluj twtil mot with tbo hydrofrtoo trio power coimnluttlon of ontario timilkpoui hip uuuull or tbo cor potatloit of thu vulauo of ooorijotowu etmolti aa followu 1 that tltn followltlil luoatloil bo huhmlitoil to tho ratoiwytira of tbo municipal corimirntlmi of tbo vlllao of ocoruotown tititlllod to voto ou monoy b laub aro j on in favor of havlug tho touul elliollty duvulop or acquire thntuub llio lftrofi3lrlo iowor coiuiiiliulou of oularid whatever works way bo to tiutrod fur tho uunnly of oloolrio ouoruy or iwwur hi aiblltlou to nueli olootna power bu la alwiady obtained uudor uiu nulitliiig contract with tbo hydro kloctrlo rower gouituhiftloti of oolarto 9 u that tba votnu of tbo aald rate- payvra uhall bo ukuti ou thin quoittlon at tho following tlmo and iilacoa by lite deputy ho in ml nu onioont and loll clorliu boroluaftor motitlohod tba la to aayt oil jaiiuury lut 1017 froiu 0 0 m to ft p in and that v i hoaui abal bo biiituty luilarolaii officer aud vrod afomally roll clerk la ward i and c fj lloo ih puty lleluruluu olrtoor aiul ioroy llavrituil toll olekb iu wartl ii u a trtiii copy of tbu by law aball bo puhlluhotl la um following uowh kpnr ou tlio day borvluafior luedtloaed at in lo iwy in tbo ooorgotown hoiald on dooomber dili lslli aud both lulfl and a truo copy or thin bylaw ehall ihi powtwl at gleirku oltloo fost ofttoo towu hall aud corner at malu abdmfll huvou 4 ott tbo diui day of dooombor ai blu ofrtco in tlio council obantber lu uto vt llmio of aorgitnwu at 1j ooloau boou tbo lltovo wth in writing olgiuhl by him nppolnt two poraouu to atumd at tho llubl tiumuilug up of tlm votov by tbu clurk of thu conuiratlou aud ouu paraoij to alttmil each tolling iiucoou bohalf of tho puraauh lutoroatou lu uud doilroim of tbo ftiiuwortug of uio wild quoalloii lu tbo amrmallvo aud a uuo nuutbor on tuihalf of the turnout luter ektid in and doulroim of thoauawerlug of tlio wihl iujhluii lu tbo uogatlvu roapoouvtili 6 jbo lut day january 1017 al tho aald coiuioll chamber lu thu villago of oih nltlowu at o oolook in boroby ap uoliilod for i hn imnimluil up by tbo cbirfc of thlu corporation of tba uuuibor of vouin uvtiu lu thu aulruietlvli aud lu uu uogatlvo it uh oilvoiy maik iabtum and knactkd utbi ui day of uoootubiir 1010- ld maa oauid ai lutmb raoaw tlwr ftaftd- mi to lifbem b tbat com of 1tu biadvajmo fcvwx 9bmw0mr o mm itf koa lit mtamn pf f lortaot to mt djlc bp than 10 u rwutmd tbay xnpyt tbkt mo aapuoo tmcrmmm ma 0rtca utipm jhai maaoa la b abd profha djpand parti m bug b r wima mor tbaa tbi ttajiu wflj bear la baridjthtrmalotalb4fl chaog maklabi od of tfc uaoa lo ap to nuula u nma ba oooa qokkly it xpeitfmar to b idown tba young woman t tw roosr daak- baa not uoja to ttont pa alte sim vqat dtaj la ntclmla otom ad jqoarura tfbe i u mnlntatn hm aodumuuijrdjpd foenrtcx w mad anoibfc cotn frifm eftff picm werir coofuaaov wua dlmafl ppo war bard to ua bacauaa ibay waty not fnwrtioo of otbar currency wo 6oa bnf a etatbitlclaa tbbka tn dad nal tba rt of ua jo our aonu in racuooa vour ttirvtat pwcai ttiaki 12 cepta bat thtn m no ancb coin elgbt of tben make 34 cant but tba cotn almoat eorrapoo4uia ta worth i cant mors if tbroa ceot pi wer sabi uauad tbey would not 011 tba bul wltb a balf nlckol it woold be djf- ferant unit m nickel u a traction of mwtf cola from tba taint ware tbar ticb a coin ft cent rauetf would not have been ao common- if that abonld be feucb a cobi many price would coma down savin the rud tala mt a betila ef ink a qui wkuj prtend end om salt wbue atoppuig at mf nd gf slvely fornlabad botal a soaai ttoto a bottle of ink on a coetly vlrt w ugbt bine and pink in color a friand wbo waa calling on bar at tba tlna quieted ber feara by aaaaring be that abo would tu it ao that not tb etfbf eat atain would be left ftrat kb bad a qoah of fin table aalt ent up at onca sifting tba aalt tbrougb ber anger ebe covered tb ink epot entirely to all appaarancaa tberd wu botblng but a do of ne table aalt on tba rug- over tbht abe puced a heavy cbalr eaauonlng the guet not to dlatorb 11 nor to allow tbo maid to do no after promuinff to return tba next afternoon to flnleb tba job aba want cheerfully about ber own affair tm to bar word mb made bar ap- pearanea the following afternoon and calling for a duel pun aud whlak broom removed tbo aalt tbera wa not tba allgbteat lubi of uiu ou tbo rug tbe aalt having carefully alftad on tb tpot bad ellpped luto tba pile and ab sorbed all thu ink- of eourea tb aalt xeept a tbln uyar ou tb ontald of tb tllo wao aa black aa ink eonld tnaka 1l tbht wt bod of pro renting ink atalno u aa ffoctlve it ih almpla tb a- cret of rucfoa lie hi acting promptly having tine aalt alfuug it on tb apot ao elowly and gontly that itellp into tbo trood aud allowing it to ramau unduturbftd until it u bona dry than it way bo wifely wmovod with a wbuk broom aud duatpau new york bon tbe solamearaah tbougb tb man in u atra might anally tnutake a eeumlfl dutorbance for uie rumbling of a traction angina or an axploalou tba marvaiooaly deli ca to inatroutaou wblcb record earth quake ebock are tmmun from aucb dalualona tba recording- pan of the aeumnmeter ignore any local tram- bllnga which havt not aatamle origin but tlio folnteet real earth quaking tbouuh thoy linvo traveled tboneebd of ullea through the earth aat lb pen tracing tbo tolltalo graph by baang of wbkb um houinalogut ealcnutee tb place time otid magnutid of tb bftppeulog london obrecjcla our llrt tariff tba arat tariff net la oar eottulry was hlguwl by rreaklent waahlngtod on july 4 1780 near tb very begin ning of hu flrt adrilnutratlon- uam ii ton wan tba author of the maaanra which provided for npciae doty on aaino forty eoven article and ad va lorem rata on other group of aril ilea the second tariff act waa ap proved by tb preeldent ta aagnet am old ftuaeretuuii it wai n common auperautlon la a- i lent ilnly that if woman war found pinning ou a highroad tb crop would bo mined for ibat year in moat uctlotib of italy woman waa forblddau by low thu to epln or aven to carry an uucovared aplodl oo tb highway t heard in court your honor i oi kimwlorined h raf reiuo of tho oppoaliig tuunul to uy gray bnlr uy hafr u gray and it will continue to lie gray a long a i live th bnlr of that gentlanian la black and will coutluii tn be bhtrk aa loug ai b dve uolou tmiucripl an orlolrtat ily uil iwliitliis u tiaver anw n eniihet look ilka unit well what do you think 1 nui a mere copy lit v imilvle courier journal viouihq a peeket iint pnrket pit king a tllmcull and dmigoroua nrlv vi llll yuu gel your hand lu- taniu v l vlkck lloovo llialhclujk notice vauu noriok tbo blwvo in a turn euhy ul a by lau uuuumi tiy diu mulilol na caiiucll ct tliu mllauouf uuuruulowu on luu lli day ul uawjwb4ri iui0 n and yuhtuism tauh norick that al ihalioiir itay autl iilaaaa uiraln flxal 1m uklilll umi viltut of tb buol on lh inula will iw iww vint uubluatlau ub day ut uaumu kw t nukta vulaila clrk ooooljoaablbar utdayrf h vjhat is home without music v bank of himllton sasgj- rmiif time flies bmll ajuouiiti dtxhitcid rtl- vlariyio uo baiikof jtawl- n qokly form a ubainjl liaiik itc- cdunr start a savings aei count now amounts of one dollar and upward received lk 0cmaikvalsuiagfcr nsos ocorclomu briuch columbia graf0n0las 475 to 20 double disc records 83c op 11lzs heabwa u beltcvama th colombu darfet amxt to jm will riadjr stt aaaypaymaota liula cad nqtuwd dl wul plln tana band tor a naw froa eatalogne l columbia grapbophome co caatoi la biaaby rl ia 0maua r faaav camadiak ractokt toromto adams furniture co city hall square toronto e8tabu8h6d ib- get beady for success the only short cut to suc- ceu in by the busiuess col lege route our courses are practical our equipment uptodate our instructors are cxperi enced and competent the business world de mauds our students winter term starts jan 1 1917 write today or particulars and start at the beginning of the term businesscollege ouklph ont 1 l bouck principal tmr lmm cssl oil w 0 anthony baa jutt rooolved hli flroarofalajrghhlpmoutof tho uout atnorloau water whlui coal oil which b teoonily purcluuod ho ih prcparotl to all all ordtir of 6 gallonuand upwardu at lfto por itallon out your can uiovlng right now the merchants bank jj of canada capital paid up 7000000 reserve fund 7245000 deposit 67000000 total assets 9400000 safety deposit boxes to rent o w grandy manager georgetown branch j 00 m00 79 ao 7s m georgetow mills flour feed hay straw and poultry supplies chopping from 7 nni to s p m highest market price paid for barley aud oats r d gardiner proprietor ualu faforgrttowoj om luiroi twiuwiv brad 0 allluointdbr seed fair vot ihoaaleaoj arhang of feed at agricultural iuh uiltoo january 4lb and sib 1917 pkicr list whlto oata it- 00 o ac no 79 t00 any other verioty 1 00 any early verioty 1 00 itarleytilrowtmlf 1 00 loaa 1 00 1outoem uul 1 w touumie early 1 00 rulh4 aijukhoolatios- 1 ahpsllbllonmuuatbo inomboreof tlte lfaltun county hoard of agrlonlton fanner inatltute a ao entry foo of 10 cent will b charged for each exhibit b two iiu1mi nf grain and una btuhel of putatocmniut tw mho via i kxhlhlta miut bu in plaoa by is oclock tuvthurmtay jan 4tlt 1u17 8 hash xhlhlt nnut bo oorroouy uaitwd rath inhibitor hhonld alao notify tho kdcitilary aa to bow many huuhelai hu ban for unic u kxhlblli ft lit b ogproea co koo- rotary will imi txhlblt4d ami axpreiod luuk to tho lhlpju r 7 kailihji may imi btiit to tlu boo- rotary at kill ton or to thu duttiot ileprttsieoutlvoat uurllugtou j v amvvm a li momaud rroaulent bwraury w y uthomg ilutriot ltttrtwnutlv0 7f wk fellows who play hockey should use automobile skates nearly all the amateurs and prochamps use them reason- ihey are the lightest owift- est8trongestmotcoiufortablesliatc9 ott the ice the perfectly balanced aluminum tops and hard tempered nickel steel blades allow you to skim along like the wind catlla aik ta se automobile- gkiut and wall ghn jrou a dandy hockey guide for ato w o anthony georgetown 3 national call f- irvformatioi vmm um teutr aa hujw w am haourrtv w av tu utiaa an office cutbluh if lliouo of jim who have u buahaud or hrothor ur nulor wurlilug hi an of fice will go to thu trouble of waking flat luahlon for tlio chair of tb orkor you will mud that it aavea tb tremor or eklrt from getting ablny aud bimo help lo retain lbs garntabt ui fonu uootl uouaekeeplug old- ttlll it ualtea a chup fcal rather old t meet tbo growu aon of a former col lag lunta tbata to but if ho trlee to tnaka lovo to the growu daughter of for mer collog chum ubu llmak him fl oldev nllll agauarald tb night kiho i uodera kteamehi ar uoauni bev ttl do tbey omploy tba ball boojra llaluiuor ainartcan i it faava a urg uaw waltln aaoaa tn our baw ktnra and none for tba email loier- tieatoa trauacr4 vua uu a u ue m tuemeivi national iwjga service i wuiiirwmum a h a v it vui itwi u latl t le iwk utkmt ii mjw 4u ui uw u aif v ia o vajrueit oi yaw kur wteftwl- r ukjialesamsvwmel m isaaiirwraff a wsm h- wm fmub a happy new year to our many customers we point with pride to our very choice aud exclusive selection of mens furnishings for the holiday trade uvv and tutkmm ta barf makai al claw piriadlaa labilrt tu aailbraeal uaawua lie la ji100 ti anio2so 1 00 i si 78 new hosiery night robes capi imni uhoes slippers etc umbrellas bouse coats dressing gowns bath robes etc etc all fairly aud reasonably priced weve the sort of gifts hen like an exclusive ranae of articles suitable for new year presents for your soldier friends brill co main st georgetown winter term opens jan 3 david now ui alr th famou xobohto 0 yang and uiuu ti toronto tbli achool tlenda without aaujwrior in canada wihw f r calaloau wj kluoli iriadpal 734 yonge kl toonto s lee sing jlaundky 5 tb ou uallabla laundry ft mratcua work guarantmel at b thb lowest pkicfi z ibirt sg aoa autca 1 i naoaaarowif films tend ui that ttxt tutd for developing and printing a trial will ooovltioa yod thatl know bow 1 tab photograph of group bonaa or other outdoor tuljerie frank j brlreorgetawn new butcher shop in the lane block everybodys if wa1 ttt w tomilaa u lua lkwj levawiaihu weihuif ta h- h e lltia m na4lal i i amikaelwml u lhltaavr i 14 am maulm u vu taiurtv um u nid to u wtu vuwwliuaetf eimuoeujiueiariitbr writeour answers on tke card j whichyou will skoruv received mn keiurix pinun s obligatory jvcllfed soumclts iwihwerisht- sojbov mbatsvou know are wcmt i svory day uf it liattla and if you hopo to uiu ou hliouhl oat ouly tho 1ut moalu priuuralilu our stook is at all tiuii u lnth uud wlioloaouiu auil we will aurvu om in a iiluasiug man- nor phonb lo6 clihpord linham georgetown if yotj have anthing to sell adxsrtlm it in th hbrald sju you get um best rssulu r c nixon uuohuirruwn suulmitiuuii made ba11nkss iteqlna pneumatic cleanlcloi for renuil at 1 cwar per lay a aooil auarttiunt of trunks ami valium agtntfor ligt wirt iene repairing promptly ilont nixons harness and repair shop if s near iwur ol marriott llmhitl u o aipnl lor hi ptrt lift land dtwlitmt muwixo ilaaljuwii hunan blm ummitaa dflail coutraot lit tit jit iljhkae in ike thtsittteeur jlkvtlfti huweueril ratea v mki jiitury llll uvlae aea a tuauulu uom lu hsitjamf leaersa ul ulr ehalhtuir imriber lluo u 1 1 viihiki arteu wtt tn ul wiiwei k- utrt tlllhi iusuiii rw if a auiatia lhmljmt i v v

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