the georgetown herald fiptjsth year i the lleobwttdwn herald iftvsir vyfcjmaftuat kvluuftk eau rowls pww10 oitmok duiyhtftuv itiuemnn u h tdraail bojrt thdeyo mlvuvtiou j ootti ujj aovfentiaiwo trw rnrrilehodon ypfktlo ted iwou i ho to am lnrtloe gad n- h iii ldnl for all mt if twonn itfm- to auvrlievtu niuwul eperidainirei m will w llirti lutuj tuffrtj ftd ampd swnffdliigjy advarll tewtll be rh one u4 k- in tb om by monday ovening j m moolttt 0r it nmtstshts 01m hu jk50 per anmlm umtp 748 a gli pm fc 81 p ui t 67 p fan uoimo soot sairftetwn cnnienatue amatlsa llu tba laat fuaadsy of aach month 8 vuumu wm abnold traaidant baoralary directory ot hiltolf wallbb11h111 4 daut lunwi boluuora ioo tokuw xmd oaoaoarow otttc i iuoady bloo la tloy dak in ehajva of uoflen t oom fcjttdlttl 011 johkiu uolndukw mylcib oflmhour j8lo0tbl lii i ml 7 lo s ptu j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixturea sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkenncdy phone 26 georgetown oni a reliable afant wasted la wvy il i own and dleirlci in on uj wbw w uot rvpreanl4 twrltory rrvd tor the rihl men huh oemmhsjoo paid attractive twlv rtuliig mailer hplvmoid urtral new hpeoiaiv tlbthr hkahon oltt1017 including 1m 4iw errbsrlng uswpberry be ttegia stone and welliutob tb vent hill mtuearie tbllhd 187 toronto ontario l l punt do opl 0 jeoulerown offloe it lo library bona 10 specialist ill defective eyesight chuck uouuy vdaaiuya to 1 put and 0 to p hi hauuiiuy j to ft p hj atd 8 t b pui lliuuti or ui appointment g insurance g fire lite and c 5 accident imuwof mfilhjit 1 lcu h curk third ulvlitoit court 1 t r dfid okoihbtuwil 2 j j uut untahio klllfmlkkav ilhlxtytattti cut down the high cost o living by u uudutla uargai o ouopjoby au nuilduu uc qrluwot hi iatuiijr llw oiikiihi hthjulol ultlroprhie luvwi port iowm u a ju ovur uuailonln bboa tuoia onwml ttlou atul tipituu aiulytu vr to- uuii tbtltul 8u5a7to8pto puomm u0a 9utal vklnw il wathon uuh ulh dntibt guiuwu onl utmthi iso atd u jtiu bwuluuy la all it bnutcutai itvu luiik ol luulltou i k ilium uuaduu dknllht othtw to ijum block bu doojr uorili ol 01411 uarri vaolory uum u ltd tott pu du l l uknnlirr dknrisr oflloi kwdwiiw uutt hl uartb flrot boui oyur utu ontlc ibous ij umruwtu jludutur wanted now rtliable salesman to act m artnt in hal too county pay weekly oitflttiv xclimiuluryml tatmmi toklngijpeuiiu ooriiv ut tirhliitbbiwlominr mil ui higluatnlai ol moek at mo4 kwaotiabl ptkm jtd onilw d llhilii flnicumeandlllas noi- mry aim t- mlllns wall ibla ymt tad ood t0ony wu bm ttvu in thb dl trirf rr ptkolrt writ balm unar xelhaif nub8ery co- toiuwro ontario aavtitm flkm bf tat wind so butk to namf of boyhood dt ttm guuf w puipd tb aonga w mn thi jo of ebltduh way 1 tb bo tbt arfc u lutw town tbtmamafj bf lb attauo tbi tflnuf u l rtii tb0h w motl ar dmiborilkn diaunl bid itw wfi m1 plrfrtr j- mirth injilo btkkwhfau ekm w oribrtldmrkkubmta tb boj wbi putl inhm th brook hofmnadkltmlrnulrtaute a di aq bv enjwrd to prtjd doad aji atari hi v a4rlt la ml lintdv tb- okl fcbwlhat if yt ebm mv rrihm ff bjr yu hot tb dftimt oltl 0m pkma i nn rtlr brw 1 rttr i votnarr bihtna bokbaicaki oo tlw old lmk ktltebm ttora tb roll by and wo by ooo thr ibfr uuk on tb bavlr iiul wblir frowm tb mp nut qoil m ttm bat ill my ltrt u laat a yonag a many ri fond uixmoru ofclilldbnoddaya will ltj and ll dtm4 nld ilm pkunw numtif whr i rov la m lbr b4klng bickwhtka on tb old buok kttchao atov jam a roaa to days story chable8 kexdhead warfen of halloa and bmtb of nelaon was bora in nelaon lowoahip 4b voaia ao ha has alvaja ukan a dmd islanst in tba aflaira of hla lownabip and county ho mt- vad as ooonaulot ona aar dpntyba two ya and baa on taais i al bool tniaua lor abuyeara during wbooh time was baetraa aud obalrman of uio board ha la a bard ftghtar but always fair to bla opponanta wardo itoadhaad has tha d- unetlon of belnit tba firl llbaral 11to of nlon ainoo tba lata john waldla 4a yaara ago ha ia ona of halloua moat pop and worthy young man and will fill tba wsrdena chair witb credit to bimaali and tba good old county of halton w a heads or i tails an airiomoblle story by clarissa macklfi irli aik tot uf ikvtm- 10udalvukrwitubwlubfeat raa a1a1uov ji mjuuo 14 ualvaclty m 3 otrial raising poultry i x arthur bcastell i ttf oollkoa o uuam wo aftti auuplv you with lumber rooflufi iiuu ilatnl aaah to build your poultry uouao havo a plan for a iiouao 20 x 20 which will accoomiwlttlft kwhonu w have tln a hittalhr afe toa- ooutumutu 110 liinih mill a uumll nno for haak artl for 10 luna thoao plana wri troiarj by mr hull of modunum cultiiio uml found ati factory for laying bumju all kimla of lumblraiul imimluff maturialu on bund in our yard i b mackenzie lumbir flonlun mlltu at acton mnd floritown tiaefisr of plana or in oarnei vinliad iflhjth tuliiwj ft in ajy baaab buapaf lum ol wtaintia atbty raiaaa ualnui u lmliia baa piano tuhtd shoes below cost 1 this is the time of year to clear out all odd line of poll aud winter goods in order to make room lor onr spring stock we have about 300 pairs ol ladies and mens odd lines also hockey and felt boots to clear below cost rumford theshobman a the home of better shoes 5rrssf2f3f3ie6i6 11knj ilrroll lluufcx aucuaafer for ualloa and llliulllkiu ial iwh uum ona- ituutltatkimlorily and at rmkwaabla htw order ufl at uur uaotulkrowm vruriakrll uk 3 novabd vb bvba n0uv1l qtwlou oalmla vvtmlnary oalusa utl ivuuoui utumly i1w4j tl 11 uimdmlumud ablnud ti41mi tmi u uumi mcliuaa pruulpu- c i uiu iuu 101 ii u ohlailuwttrlht rutsbl relia rep for fine repairing on all kinds of clocks and watohes see qaptittw mr ana atdas or fife nbbofj ajilnac tb bocklabarry boatia that buotf partlocudy on tj advaa of tb bank on ubr atte tba tnfea ottkuoa tb lralrack that appaatad to nn toe km dtatane tntvotfr tbaw tblek wootu ttwy bad not paaayrt ekuj for aom ttntav r luly w wont mat ntkav oar mus lujph mswh arraf mf tba road iko ob bat k patr of aamtlnwsuuat wqald tqp a eolb knd imkm a 04 niad nane uk ifrfa- w qltebt bawfc ont aaln ad tba caaatistllca sob wboa advan- iroqa aptru waa away wwag aba- rtnaerapa mbjhf aa aralfajo aboad and at m tiw and tb ar on qo tbtn tkb battajraajood road ilka tbut run ulna nfo forest atowl d llab hemy ijlvlul wrlticu lu tho tars yof latuvrad esapr artunod llalpn dy job 1 ullova it ut lutlrad bob in bu oar aid a alsbt tt tb4r ym u 9 brmlittit ibdr own vnt to an abrupt tattdatlll in rivnl at tltui waa another motor car a fiiall ruualmittt id it aal two ctrl fatlittf tbvtu vrltb duliwyad cin toatu- tl gtrl wttua lutuda wr on tb aiotriutf wbi wn a fair half ad bin ayod iualdo and br tvmpan ion waa aa dark aa a gypay tnd bots war pratty tlac aa datnaar uunuurad llob idlotr bbuad oalpb in bla in tban whipping off bla cap bo addraaa- ad tba fair motortaia w wul back oat udlaa and panni you to conttnua yonr way tb road la too narrow to turn in on uof ptotaatod tb fair ona ion a oar car baa broken dowtv at loaat it rafuaa lo uov on nrbapa w ran blp yon anld bnlph and o b andtjob ualnd to laara tbalr own ear wbll lb quobtionvd tba hrl coocwruluc tba tronbla witb tb ronaboul li want bomutlftilly until are ml- abka ao tbn it atoppad aoddeol i anppoa aomatblntf uaj btokoa yon a allaa wakaly tba fair nn noov dad toward bar dark eompautoo- wanta to uav tb rar br and ralk bk but i parauatud bar ta wmli aw bit aflat w bad loaaod a cola to ddd bo i waa hcbt aftr atl fa obatterad it waa rrtalnly tba wit iblnc to do asraad itob aoutnttly wlill lulpb mad a tborotivb luolliti ur tb run- aboat entdna domn t work auaouncatl tulpb ttow about your naaullnor a look of dlamay oaarapraad tba facaa of tba two rirla u nava tboosbt of tbatr criad tba fair ona ob dorotby uoor mnrmurad atlaa wakaly tba naxt tlu you aloal ii motorcar 1 hot yoo ii aa that tnara la plaoty of ciullnr steal t rtalod dorothy indignant ly who atibbtlon waa ut tba two young mm bendlntf orr tba car lookad at aacu otb witb alartlad ayoa- 1 dont boluta 111 datlarad datpa notiy i yon dont abf why nott tbo beauty aald ao aulfrod itob looradu- loualy tba beauty ttabl yotl dotlt call tba dark ono a beauty do youl now tbo fair oul may aa well tall you bob aboa tlta glh wltti tbo wpralned aakur nor aald bob incradu loualy taa corrected lulpb wllb a want ing klattea at bla waipanlu ij waut aroond to tba front of tb tar tour ttaaoilm lank u empty b aiinimncad aud from mirtit i abould aay that it bad immu leaking badly for aoua tlna iu volnled back down tb rad u tba dliwtloa wbaaca tby bad ottos and ubownl a s0he bas recqrlds li uutoa 1 tw hbavahav tary f h onm v fp tbo oarly day of baon wbma- waaklnb a tnm wmm on of tbe tpo epomadawal vtbtodeaof thoaan tb- boll w ap llvaly with pwiiiy pf robv bar jietwon tb ctfeta tb ratcfiara djry ad natrlctnd nod tba twldta owing to tnfbi1tbl traoawdoua batuluavo 1000 tlal o pranf uam 1 rroifi korlny wa oofiawwart ainjoat i minute d4 arora war b rifta mkavtbrna sotpa latn 10o ran jytbeu b irtntnala lo 1870 abat wjb tba cbt- cfmtf tnaaonr baing otop it crprd an xcltmant bu over kba ooonlry to qaranory of wilcb uaud tor ntbr bli a aeora of yaara ooptaleaaliy vbji now w bear of a taam ulna cbl cuoad tvacaoa of tba radical tlianca in lb rulsm of tb tm it wotud u ratbor mialaaolag to maur tijvacnt atands arda witb tbo modal wiupln an riant daya modern bbu bla- tory bwlo in 1bd0 in tb major leasimw tkalumal ivilgu ud auericaa aancitloiil lilrf nil font acorn bad bwj raguttirotl lu lite an dant dayasfto lu ha3 24n in ikh3 and 1887 and s30 in 1u ktt tb j rocord la modern bulory la tuli in lb national lu and 21 o tbo 1 1 trt ran thm time bt tb kati ool iri i cor of 100 waa tunitd lu tbi tlrat waa mad on july 10 lata lo a tam la imuabursb tb ilratea abutting one tna waablegtob by lb cyjr tbra yaara later nearly to fit day joly 8 hbo inn feat waa vroutad tb ptratm again abutting nut lb waablagiona i0o tb third ioo gaib wu pltied at kw york on jonn 7 1u01 cbkacc d- ftlng tftm uuatn tn tb anaarlraa laagaa- lhlrt uiut out cleveland 310 on rxit if qui and on xug 81 1007 n york ibut out waabiagton 900 pcsteir thi wattch spavdaolat etalpb dodjr bad takn hi dagraa at eollega bad rturud to hla natlva dry and waa waltluir on tbe platform of tb railway car in which b had made tbe journey fr tbo ahead of him to art off tba belt pnon hafor bin waa a girl badly loaded with baod baggage and there waa no trainman to help br down no attendant to car ry bat baloagltige whan ahe reached tb cement plat form her foot htruck a plao where ui cement bad been chipped ber ankl tnroed and aha felt a rrolt cae la en hand a handbag and an umbrella la the other went flying la different direction lulpb dropped bla own belonging and lifted tba tflri u ber feat bat when h got on thm abo would have fon down again bad be not aapported bar an attendant came running up and gathered tha lady belougioge indod- ing a bunch of vlnleu that bad fallen from ber belt ilalpb reached for tba violet leaving the other artlclee wttn the attendant then would bar toered away with ihe girl had aba not been unable to touch bar foot to tb pla ttoiu somtblns mbt be dona lulpb dodge had won renown aa right tack i 00 tba utverity team of bla fcollec aud tbe tarry in of a aim pi 110 pound waa a hagelelle h took tba girl up lu hu arm and car ried ber to a taxlcab tptting ber and bar ulougiugaall aacept tba vlolete- lato it be tipped tba attendant for bar www and with tbe moat courtly bow be i bl city atreak tbrouab tu wnler could enact bade bar adieu aa aha waa tba while aand s waiaked away what aball we dwiu utk and dodge went to hla bona thrilled 4 motm m9 h the uiacbltiar with tba aeuullou of having carried j tim dorothy uoore a pretty airt lu bu arma during tba aulutuii following bu graduatlou tulpb anil bla cbuu dob kutredge wore touring when they got into a regloa with wbkb uellber wan fa miliar coming lo a plara where tha road forked tbey eutpped to eou alder what tlioy altould do whlcb road abali we take bob quaatloued ualpb tttttredga reached for tbe ablomo- bll road map ui tha leather pocket capture the a med harrlgawa pu at the cuii llt in a te edward kxarrlgea onr ld that tb loet trying moment in hut tbnnttlral career occurred in tw orlraurf ttton after tha war htwnt t o auilr ii bad gauo aonth witb bla outpai and yielding aouiawhat to ki ulnr vpfjueet pat on tb llln aud t 1 drnv tba play had been 1 iuc op north but down aouth wlili ibn air till full df tba bittern- j uf tl vrar it waa a dajigeroua eipeitiuant tony rlatt waa to tenreaeut tbe coufdrat gray ao ha boated up a uniform of tb loqlalann ttgera and when b came marcblng on young at 1 wart baud- aome tb typloal aoldier boy in the beloved ojalfonn tbe boo man and women cheered and ahonted and cried for all their hereon embodied id tble boy iurrigatt atandma la tbo wlnga bs bla northern blue waiting to go on i bad jut op thooghttbey ll kill i mnl tbs be atepped out tha s i bedtmeot of tb enemy and a eoul i dead alienee fall upon the booea hot a band moved for him tb andieoo waa ten with emothsu and there waa only aa butant to act if tha play waa to b eaved llarrlgati bby kindly rood looking came awtfuy down to tb irjnt aud atepped over the feoulgbt gutter loan lug down to them for tb love of heaved wont you give the yankee a bandr bnejclalmed at once the bouae waa caught and nil tn pantup feeling turned tba right way there waa a yell of applauea aud the audi waa won georgetown and bramtton s l a a j a tbaoy s aul fa vwumi tu ismnaaa c oa omwi ml lira laas 5 aaiaoktnnllmr aaauwl la i aaraia oa unal wat hna smllxaaqb jamarof alarriaaa oew- fhwlinhmhm j bbnanrs m i nullum j m buck butcher ommrgauwa alwya ha au lluul ui vtiital of beep ii pork sausage boloona etc choosing a school our aim is to do one thiu well tcacb a practical bus new education if you wish 1 oood position you must be tuorouglily qualified for it aud tbe proper qualification cnunot be acquired except lu a high grade practical school tbe iinitructlou bere is of the highest order students may enter at any time session the entire year start on loriay for a thorough training businesscollege cute you will permit u lo drive you bom la our car we wlatit tow your machine oh uol let it ataud here 11hiu jemee aanda for it you ww ua tuy brothara car uea got a brand now ona and ullda uua wnkly d i thougbt it would be a lark to uo rid ing la tbu ona without jamea know big it wa mugglod it out f tbo t- rage and have only com tbu rar uud how we are tailed jaww will bo o before them theu ha drew back hi i byl dorothy aufbed palliptuaily a ili i a i 1 ll u in kiia1 pattersons meat market choice meats and fish butter eggs lard etc l home cured hams ft bacon lamb k veal m aaa tuaotainoovaa mgemi awagr noaiaa m mjm tiuulpu ont l l bouck trlidml car leaete v caal oil w 0 anthony baa juel teoalvad bla bral ear of a largo ahlpovaat of the beat ambrioan walnr whlu poi ooej ou wuoh be la ba rooeouy prohamd r oil all ordera of s jtmlloaaaad upwarda pnraulky 0a yonr aap sfrfr watch our window lor extra good values ou fridays and saturdays oholosbsafaomby quartar also uaf hola or bait at uulut prlau any person having veal calves for hale please phone or write us we carry a lull line of all kinds of fresh pish w j patterson qiorqcttown baud utmbliy fav it li chance llalph be said were out morely for fuu what dlf fareuce doea it make whet ber we got boma by way of onyivllle or through tlht worth ceutart all roada lead to hew york ti m dont you bellava it contradicted balph ive motored round on that theory and fetched up lu all aorta of ood fort weu hole where they think new york u aa rar away aud toiaee etbl aa loudon leta get uloug aotnewber any how aald bob ua too but a fall day to upeud wraugung lata loaf up for it i muted allaa uoora dimpling rbata alwaya your way of aoiv mhn ml rteciarwi m lav every problem laughed ualpu- very well to up lleada wtna tba right baud road abr ya- bob brought forth a caw and flipped it lu but palm tahai be auuouaced hope ua uo indication that well eoue out at tbe lull ond of thing rinaod ualph aa ha turned tba motor luto tbe lt batid road m baa decided for ua declared beboeutlmeutally 1 balleve 1 acaat llob bad been uelatf bu ear lu ukkd advautaaa i bag pardon bs luiur ruplad but ta j ha wedge uoore your brother r yea of couraa do you know html dorothy yea war rouud witb ur claaafaute of our bob utrluded nalpb lu a geature wy uauta a kit tredge aud tbla u balpb dodge 1 ve beard jauea apeak or you aav tolttad ula uoora a little brealbleealy tailed ma ttonebead kutreda dldut her aawed bob cheerfully while lllaa wakely auppreeaed a amlla yea ba dlda horrid nuuet adv oeenuf the mubfcam kale doe your penknife blade rfu ta eput tier la a certain and eaey uiotbod of hriughlg it to term place on corner uf your handker chief over tba back of the atuhbora blada and wind the ret of it tightly around tba knife hold tbe opilta corner between tha flrat and con4 anger of your right baud if oq are right biudadl and throw tba kntf from you with aom ipeed tio over and tick it tip and you will find the blade opened i bare yat to aud a kulf ao ruaty that it will not ytel 1 to thi treat ment aud u due nave the thumb naila outing chip of the old week tbara goeu a mlllluiuiiu who hraga bout bla eon to everybody who will listen m ajwldeutiy tba younw fellow i uot ilka tbe averaco heir to gieat winlth 1 so iniioori tlie i id i wiitltuiaa waa lrlutuiollnthaat04k tua ket ian week uud when bo dukoveiel that lilt own nu had turned ilia iri k ha wn the proudeat iuau lu tb uullad blalaa not at ell declared ihih vott gee i waa ao clever that tba chip lnly gritted tlielr teetb witb rajr nud envy nnd called wa itonabead for aplle it baa quit tba opposite nugnv lug lo my caw 1 doit t doubt lb intertvtlalad uua wftlioly warmly and bob threw bor mollliiu liluitce of uppredutlon muit did they call you ur dihilct hrked torolhy looking ui hull ii llb intereat oh ntilliliig at all ulai uoore ba auadvealuni t nnii biuiliy i want through unub let me out of it theu 1 tn not i trull nut veu a footprint tronat on gdvenlurea of credit ur fama behind lu r i no uop jerd hob incraduloualy mb wlll wtr hl0w bm0 what about the adventure of tha girt i wl ul n t eavartbte the fact witb tha itraluad anklet i beard thai cblrruped dnmuiy apralued it whaitahulttliti frow a 1 uy ij u oeronbe ereu aa trala aud that you amuiiwi ber la a taal and after it bad rulletl nwny you picked up a hunch of violet she had dropped and i auppoaa you cberiab tham to tbla day n ualpb reddened under bla tan an adventure uaually and lu somathuih or other ba laid ulacouiiectodly 1 uever beard oraaw tba girl artarward although tv ua uluppad and bit ua lip aa hla companion laughed heart lately f i dont wonder you are tor an adv vnturea cried bob take h from pm balpb youll meet bar aoenar ar etar ua written lu tha at are uue wakaly bad cbainploued bob a caiiao theu lifter a dlacumlon it waa dot id etl that hob nud ulae wakaly ware to retualu lu tha runabout while ilaljili took uue uoora lu tbe urn r and went to tbo uuow borne ror coureev alou aud bubttancc it waa not until after tba larga rar had backed out into the unlu road again that balpb reminded dorothy uoora or tha incident of the aprulnad ankle i but it waa not until aha nttklflted aa of lb principal performer in ai im what a narrow mad wwt double wedding that 1talflt alwwatl iter a total vclalmed balpb auddeaiy ortfl mi in tbe flip of a cole aud what la wrii ten in the mar lunk i ua loaf think ol thle cduuflau bouaat utau yetv ailod dloireuea it mi arnuui a thaiuuieitnii today tl nt lutorcktod mv ului t uu nuill a utly glvlug l liuusal iilug vuu run it c orouu trliitr t l hou fro tiuoj couk loi jivlllj ourlir- i ru hew they lev deah ou er a gun yawnluuiqii joo f to day m if i wuro ttimj ytru idl murlohy what bn jou u do- ua tu rojuveuutu jujraoin uoeloa iriuukrlpt a flue niatlnfttlen w ber hualiuii i n uiedlral nijut no 1 tbluk hue juit a alt ulut w eomatbiu cutveliuj u heaoer be juat and rear uot lat all tba auda tbou alnieat at lui thy rruutrya thy uod a aud truth a- biikmar f tntol i claimed ualplt jtbera oertaluly taut room for a turn out her if w abould meat aaotae car jbefi waant room ma aaytnhei an ome outhlett if thoaa of you who have u liutbana er brother or ahtter working hi au of fice will go to lb trouble- of making a flat cushion for tba chair of tb worker you will bod tbit it tavea lb troueere or aklrt from oetlltitf ablny aud alao helpa to ralaln the itarautug lu forulmjuod uaueekmplug i older stilt it makea a chap feel rather old tan meet tba grown aou of a former col- 1 uga tuata thatfa ao but if be trie to make love to tha grown daughter ur a for mer college chum abell tnaka blm feel older auu agvuerakl l 3 igal jtifeuuife ffr4 himibssmm iimds t