1kad14 pumkhal dibiot- oh amp kmbalheb otmn datm ofgaoa t w pit blrjthi rowtte end deaikl ameemf srvteimdanttefe n nd bumbgtm bof boxn ow1j ob a iw7 to ur avd mm jotey arm treat a d0htr i hbmotyam witf in iwo tmbory oi in jama killed wbile irrilb bu xlngl aad votuutjt la bliioaprtl job w v am eetlv tefoldo tbooffw fleje u unarms tt jenna iwinwt- f n levlm mraorv of oar utile mo and brother orvlp pubucschoolreportfubuc school board votiemtog la tbe oeorejabrarn vobllo beaool rvport to um monlb of march iv cj jlosiwnra pearl dcaney fimbm aiperon loan annan tee epliuuiftjno oardloer jac thomtwo bert jrbom peon eddie olbbane metto back icetfa uo wocujtf bnale gamble br hi llenownowajd illlloelb bob ufiolbboa ueoe kennedy willi tfedeneld paaebobert tfooaaltf ethel boo kill lutweui mbuuwn houlo blair momuibrodwaoq jen- bawr ed ward mnjjee qorrfoo barter wube- toot am irw gml uraitb ifebbie who mmd into the oi ynod aprilbihjblo oh rer luu ou oar imdi etili aore a ufata am by mm blu mora mu ctaerfol ble aniline iim no one on wflh tan1l blr plaea 1n day and night be hot jraat paint we mutit for cur bat ell in vain bel utnl ion he thought u beet to ear bbi mill and give him rcet kedly nuwl by father moth lirotber deaaiv in lovintf uataoty of oat dcerl gnumlaon orrllle bote bobble feat a year ago yod left b llow we tnlm yod orville daar you are gone bet not iwfotted uy the one that loved yea dear nwllyuuadby oraiidpeendumndma bathalofi the qe0b6et0wn heeald itkonkwdav kveo aphil 11 17 tiih au emi m ol oatiaio ha mora mnid on to th ottawa utatit tbalr taootsloaadatloa thai that felumld ba twolnd plaoa to bantlac sad llialaoott ajapataod ueoadasiad to ildtll im bhottld u ukaa tbra a long m tl daalll tfially tmnataa avary prwdtlid khoald m ukad a nt6 tba kmttlait irotn iba tpbar whara morbid cturloally bat a chaaaa to ton wild if oiti council ii tola bsooallotui lata aaofia m hoam uifsnl tbay opan lb- iorailncaiulbtlluladluyna wortuahotnuii jjdnlog had bat that urchin ballad ba ullan low db oaa iln tba lflib of uablaabar llkawlaa that aalaotlob iron urand opant hall hall tba u all ha aboot all bkt rmto4 of tba roltlahlng tnoftea pni la a old lang hyaa and oood mlibludi d 111 xooonvktonoa adama con trdstee nominations at a mantlea of tba ratapayara bald in tba town ball tart avanlntf to appoint a school traataat 011 tba vaaaoey naoaad bythadaaihel mt boa th lollnwlnt 0 t ftfoluy by w barclay and kd mooaooali k wo hurt by h ulrk and ha y brmd lay j m uoora by j a ttuab fend vvad cook oi tbom naulnatad llr moont wad tba only oa imaaat and wban oallad b atatatl thai ha would ba a oandldata any bomlnaabaa tba prtvllana n ill n low ttp to bockwk tfala aval huuld lbra ba au alvouon tba vota ba ukaa nxt twaday april 17tu l military notes arantnnla ara unw laltig mada by thw department of ullltla or tba turn knar training eainpm in ihu ullltary dla- trlol it la undrtood in ba tba lntan lion of th antborltlm to bava abont iwo tboowttd troop at niagara md aboot twalva huhuand afoamn bordao how hay will valaa tba taan la not ttatad bat arratigniaal0 tr ulng tnada on thla acala troop will in all pobblluy mova in u bamtnr eantpt abont hay is a olhl from corp 0 i oou wrttua wtttronlrwtl liood yilerlldv alalad hilllonoar way vflday to boyaail nna i4ol lbtdartek a wimut an ou jwiiuiwii boy and bou ol mr w a vf ll wall known author ttablad bla panl at toronto on tburaday that ba hid ban woundtd llaaaldbabad katwlvad a timh wound ua tit iblgb while advum front oitawa wrtlbf morn i that it had baaa allgbuv wonndad tn tha thigh by blrapnal ilia paranla vatawiul h lattar from him in wbuh ba tlu nl hi work ii la with lb ckaad a kualnm and wa in narg nf a nsng of boo tuaneabl laying ranald ii wm liartl work u ha taaannt praolla ally all ulnbl and lha kbalkt eonatanuy fatilngtrouudtbaai v lufot anllatlng luat vraaar wa a tblmyaarktadantat th uebonl of w- anna i prominent u aibullm balng a bmtnb nf lb junior argos and inn oapltal rogby uam glenwuliams vollftwlnti la the aobool raport lof aurolm ur tfept iv- j oo wauamay ad llaanar poantitont as mtbaj lubbutu tt illllyardoatrandor 11 ulohudlia vnolouuh 7 krla lluntlny h mul mo kualor ah uordab uambmaal u ua alo morton ho jr iv uartha uambmanl so ntap hu haljdn uoaaln vorgravn ay mad- 1 nloltut atuluu aa luala olven 67 vlnw ulil u vnuny weave w ida klellea my 10 br 111kdlla uomaauv 61 uoautuoal aaliakdd wlwalar ao knna dnautuonl ta uany tracy u mora oiluau ii uargretta whaelw ia nek addy aa allan norton hi albch vreaa wood aa viola hutimtt u annie ftlamaa- emy id kalhlaeu norton u avttraun attendaaoa aa jr iil jr ii lou 4ww4h oralmut 4u ivy lluutloy twa uamaai vonirave otfl linn oluunt wu alyrtftt bulburlaud am lluaaal wheeler ma badlti hon aao tommy ifalueu h9 hoy morton lllii lal ulan isuia wo joala buthar uud uo7 anna cooper lad uupari baau monl unit brook beaunumil l bart afaielimontiao fhniary 1oaa uflflktuily norton ml willie allen ithi wllhalmluellyndri 1t0 donald apldeyard iad utaon alouau- my uo willie chapmen 111 vranklln loilan ilia atnaw 1v ham and vary laweoa lwgit pfmal iforater luy ngtmm fan rlcv wray 34 ill eaadtth oat varle vlqmt xw eaaau uehw lwaonr baglnajd bleckburn- donald romtar draaay bjohmond fattn bpa john oaraon insa leajlo tit ii tlooora allaan ftfoo poreyl dmmaa doronn teccoajif horrau shi- lockifcury afokunnod ltaaa dloif uoe baggla xfaaelwoodi fbaaal bradloy edna bbfaaror harjorla uauanune alak vrnt baymond wbltmeo marlon umiuv annie allan haiala m donald kna vrampacat aur- tba blair jr ii uonor kuthloan treaaor ddaia canute uarv jobnatone and lu una wataon ovjuaj maula jama dot othy vramptoe jaan helcenalej lenom cook ctarenoii king uuhel o btrander john wulla douglaa ilarlay ifdnatap i uerfoarl uootu feeamarry wood afyrtln toat bomalle longboed oarnal wlggln vearl fare wlllla ifyde btanley ood fray curenoe waliore jelu bole toat clantnen bpaoecada dane ioe bonkill i a honora- mafii fleeb and brie kmaraon equal bernard arm atrang edith raneie ullan luwnedy baynuod tlerloy auea tuok dajey wbltmee peaa beta tom and aibart urlng- tone equal alex vanee vteto dig tna joe ilugglna btella blelghlboim lra dohblo beaaio dobble haaai holme b uonora kluah om and afnrgarae ktitaequaj w i paaarred bplrva wlnnltrad jamam bam mekenala han willi annie paaoa jean meolbbon walter qyde jr i honor floaale blair lorn walter viator toddor john daalle jean allan irann toat onlrlaa vramp ton howard vint ulak toraiar bari halekthel voratcr kveiyn etoekiaad wlule harriu uarold baulmntuugo dlgghui vletor korringlon gordon faaa kdgar buab helen lane kan neth wotou wilfrid heorath jack wataon lome cava marion barkei boy dgja charlie oroom br frtrn honor- vance johnatotl margaret tfennody bruee heath don aide gaidar joh criobton klleea belli vent jack uedormld raaa laoball loogbaad mewtnan trnaa conrtiand blebmond mariohe hlllooi allee lreaner llenben baaon faaajaek uajrteod prl tn beard me at rm bera pwentt kannedy blair hester ma iflan and 1 bonipa hlnnaaaev urn meatleg were jed and moved bybllr and unntaa thai fell- wimr aeoenate be pakv- jeeallantlna fnl ja abfc a ooaoppllw moved by blair and mooter that htla d ba aw irwe jr primary datifl wr jean walt herble hamlkon hadellne erwlu boaa edge violet blair kllamboth spepoo fred caalla mathaw botuhui sb n4 9 itl j tba lollowlagu the aobool report for marebl br w paavoordon mereditb br iii hoaaraattbar lane 77 oertie handeraon 7d faaa lloyd oraan 67 oeona uendet aee4kdaahiil68 br ii honorafearl mcdonald 11 hi i joe mcdonald 7ft faaa tom hnadaraon 71 jr 1 uonoracmaoa roa th primer kenneth mcdonald bo o lady a h ulna sjlnotfkitig tba following l ill repert bf b8 no 18 lor month of uarebi jr ivw towmend k mekay jr iilc bartb b berth v ban en br iiu townead k- benderaoa e ebacialrjlawdmn fromoied lo jr ill u fdwntand v 7 brvtra8ihnir u dldaon l loam i ka tewnaand 07 imarj uekay w wringer teacher b blanje watheraldo paid ftaflo nnawehferhlaako at the tinea 0 o boww death carried mid by mooter and tbonfnaon tba ur baaa ba eppolnted m member of the pemf llfararyboard oarrtd moved by tbompaoo ad blaluha ehnlnoaa and dv heamaaer ba a een- ilowauoaimkawetbenid tn eaa wewid neneanl ta anbatltnt when called nn ieeof any teaeher not betag able o be pmaant canrriad dr wataon thafa pr to the and burapertof the oeniaj inapaotien ad tn h law lew ween ii wee moved by aalrand maaiiiater that tle boird aeeapi dr wateoaa report and th the tbaak of tba board ba tendered blarfar bu work ia reapeetlb the dental inepaetion cprrled the report wee a olfew- tnaoenrgainwd foblur uehoei board gentlemen the following a report of reel semination nf the aobool anildren eeibl- me pnpll semlaed uo eavitiee in temporary teeth 410 he eavllies lo fennanent teeth 80s total ho raqnlrlnb flulag jkouo ho tei4babonld b eilraeled ies 800 baking total dleeacad teetbt97i mo o of pen modotiou 30 116 ho eaaea wejoeeloaioa u si he marked bad ineieaallnaai u 13 the above largely nceonnle for the aoonntof aiahaa- among children and eleo of the teaeber tba air mnet be vary fool from ao miny abeaieee prveaai in eblldrene montbj it u of one moat nnfortenate eondttfon thai with all the teaching taeeblld lenot tanghl th brat tnndamentat bow lo live tbe earde mattoaeboolglvea practical ednealfon of ear of the month thaee abojtld need all tbe time iwo or three ennai live card being placed tn a room fortwo or three da ve end need then neat three following i wonld ilk tn eee thaw card bane certainly the condition in oar eehool la eppehng and alpteaantany way with tbe problem can lo all th parent and yonr board baa at leaet pot the obligation where u moat rart for time preaanl 1 tbaak yon for year interact and el oepeelally frlucipal urean in tbi work th ehlldrvtt are graaily in need of medical mamlnalion ejao v il waleen moved by bui and moallkter that the aattaryadtfartiaan tbe herald af april 41b and lltb for arerelaker doiueto eontmene april 10th anpllcaata to atnte alary and all application to ba in by friday april lub canted moved by hanlarand tboapeon tbei the board now ndfoorn to mart friday april uitlpg carried f uih u and buying mutowxssttcd i very niu fpyia nvatnunt swuiitie ymi tbnmir tjw retain pi phc to valu th mcwlotor iatefrity d wlua 4ll4 ul when ybo comwct itu rtlatson cl prmtovalulhoovoukd bit four and uzhtsbu cofuplcuototly tand oat mt more autonioblle for tho moiuy than can ba bad la 1 any other cav pt imilor pecblcatioaa aa to mcurlty the winyg-ovei- land indurtiy fiirnly ln tr with mora than utyalgbt ratluon o ttf with mora than fourthou und aijcrtfu dealera and bntnclkalaaqurely bode oi thq integrity of value in theae can throughout the whole aeriod 61 udr oaa id your aarvlce aa to r tvturn theaol can give you in acrvlce their economy of operation and rugged reliability are ettablbhed by over three hundred thnuaanr in ua value securityll return i ii until may lat big fount l 100 ugbt stxea la80 while we have thein to deliver there alter 12s0 and fu3i b m mointybe rbpriaentative oeoroetown saturtftfj treat dnmtlnua roa will bear uu mvia hew leat eat we aneh oaalr- thl u rx adlm wben nfcniag u rih taa ma tail ear uomi madeoalldikaani bolamnklrn awlat m amwfc tfck msuwtmlts a flnl oum mau mia ralr j bab lla tf drtrea omttll uanw boffly eouar h aad mbai f wile at a laawmhla priai hauihw- ii ifleeuier a vaaallui oaesimeaa java air mautlmt while wrudetm bfi i 1 00 ear aetua meu hal ilea oearamawe ttp udelamv l7lar atrala lua jwlhaktaaaa am yeaaa buta waaud la ueru tuwiallb- laaaaariaaiuea applr te 3 w kaa aklr oeenatewa wgtl norval tb lolleala i tba tiaol tatoert lor uarabi br dpu br ivvalur juduf kuly albit hnnur hual llaibal lot ivallcu wliliaki mary oui- bwi jr ivwunu kalhl lllua nraan ikolt viuuo hoij wblllku k bvly ktbw lotilb hi vllauuwi muablla doaim uiy uoltlila obulw luk- afeaaa ar ml vow bouaa eorar joba aad qaaaa bu oaonutewh tor aala ma area- ebaaaa aaply to j 3 w blmaanu 11 toronto b toroate 4 4 4 iwv uol la marray lalpil jr illhuloa noble ullhr uaaur halloa lollop hlruoo wboo knn moon koii mooluioloery wbilaad oaoqwloul jr boom looib tlluaraantmauaati ixjby hlbaa wlula la era tiraeo vlddler nuoe llonter 7riihlidlnlwurfdonoe john bolton willie unlla ja dongail bernard knlabt ilna owdpblt maigarai wlieoa its ivy italoua ibs aeorge uoopar bare flalplu uvjaek mortonvo ja martin aa albert tracy trr ulna k all aa htauloy ilottau 74 jomdt maimb jeaale ah bew- uoumw fttah 160 hubert boaumonl to itutwrt blitiwou 7e wllue uunre u ivy froaawoud 00 baluuel allen 00 i 0 laaa foaalue 100vrankllu ill- man 10 jaok untualat all llaael hunt ley 07 alfred bell u jack boaumonlao bantu y hood by fred omen m ivereujo atuudanon w m m ourrie uutohar m ib norloa i fttbel kobu keeaia jnntar brveie he jraaa weal bmallla st inpbil uaonjiehall taewat4y leotu jaala jrikdo ttur mlaab lagui u- aaal b below raw lamu laalla jl film maream ikdooaalli bo alojr rilu- ualpb wbluuid oou- di n a to r niw uaipb wbiuiold uo loa bbatpa uailaud huauer itaolt imewiailtu loatu uaorgia la ik ullb ualy fwrmmlm clydwdala tllla aad olydamuie mm- lopa rilaa yra aed tboroagbly hrohoe amoauuetatoal fli1 elw yoaoblie brood aowt arml aaad yoonf im with limb prloo and unni ivaaonabla buke vmlbl balllaaliulhi tl mati wmmnb k aararmt of fertllee ben waaud ai oaoa apoly te w llataiiul lobe 84 qaniaatowa tamtp a rtaaatlty ot aood eoned aadar boil bob for arde good for b u wood m per buadnid apply te j 9 tnauay phone a r 8l4 4t jfaaam fe heaf s teonui aoltable for llab bouaakaop taa apply to ii buioktoid oooraa hr bhoim 4tf oeu rar gale u boa el o a o oata he 71 teal m peaanl j m 1c oalu sunt cotta pboee a r a a 4 ti maaia fe af all taodora eoaveulaaaoi aa obaila fit oaoraetowa apply te w d jobu far jfeje void ear la good eondluoa will be aold maaoaabla or aaobaaaad for aood aaddla tiorl apply at llareld palo up deli far iaae 109 baa aaw aunlujf eau lor feala m- aatdlaaly alau aad a ooed yuudaf price l baab1 a j hljill7 pboa 41 ii ianoikare wbnianianaadrea amaet art aa amwa tbl helarday w oovr 60 1 be of eer boon mad mepieoeeei wbkkebjaad obelnalobefailteldaaaa4aaulltaa4acveas betaluleeperlb sfrtnrakrr trtat prtc mo b ice cream bnbottiimeaintialkebrikleofaaaialautlaiac vkitear aarlera aad laaa eaar oar meaa maih mtmtlt fhe highest market pricesthe choicest r5 bagb rubbers horse hair scrap iron all kinds of metals wool feathers bags titc etc wliaaairayaabaraaayelthe4beaailaaaalceealedliial atteer lawaaorialliyoawlllaaillibaelmlereababea mmkht kimtn om tteeiwewarw jan awat ut oaajar ftoep4uee- uoe hoeeel walahl aad bkyf oaju eauleaaau lor all hlabeat marirei rriaa be baa foeltry ta aay rjnaauty harry eisen junk and metal dealer phone 167 write to po box 1076 georgetown ffif shut repairing t yon 0000 latnan low aiam amd ttpbblob wobxmahahit i bare aa equal ta tbe oooay 1 mood all kwaotbbota sboo aad rubber oa nborl notlo bepalriaadeae while yea wall boooodkend doota boaahl aad aold ladteebaebaahadaaeauypaloaforlta tw xloitxdv tbaooueaoauataadi ogottosrowk jrr puaaa doat leave yooirpoaaei beob an lha bieao we 1 i ur spring ajinonneenient htw spring oooaavoor taoeji ot bttumyt o trenierlna bt luat airtrad aafflprtag etropruiilgrml 4b lf oat in atrto r itrartag apkciilwe nare ilaaaoargea very eeaavegoefui tlioblbaaraoo alm wul prloea pbwavouj otdeym oa f padr for oatitoarn umlnaeh boaaiot l a wiafi btmfim mena fvlriiislifjiga v jul ttrrlred new naekwar new bklrta 0ololoiai hoelory ete th uieat atrle la hatav oatat of att toe h raakea w allow anperb aiaafcrfeterrthing ntanwaaa im cannot itnd anything to equal u la any other tore ta tows very law pjty atdna eurpaaaj ti a flue beleetloa of mena aad yootba readytowear tmna ovorooate odd pania oyeralla ate aiwaya on luuut we invite you to aah aad inepeot our atoak millar co oeoraerrown phone taa eini hiomclaaa ta1umuho a10 ajaay- uanttamtm a lor blook bendanraait dyer end o teaaata mmwmr3mnimmwmc3mi9fflt hnttlxmcnts joaeph heweon norval ont hunter praaef george- towa out p clifford lintiam butcher maiw btjtjtt fob butten- rwfc lard veil etf- flab cihtii haato aa buaaf siruta noted premium hams nd bacon deliverlea dally to any part of town clifford linham wall paper fc special s 1 aa we have flewjded to go out of the waufaptr bail wc an offering oar entire stank at coat there are same choice linea and it will pay yon tn call early i a m gft andy the pure food store to oxxexee advertise in the herald au oa mala 84 north ly ta maartal a knaeady4u u sew oeu eerf j aboot an boa el barley 1 ate all ebetei olraa aead t ralbaar let it roa ii afcoaaaae wlaaataa aolllll111 07ere far isb dravalolflratabaaqaaluy leraaalar idea woaeiraetloa or w ataiial ota farilottlare irora k 1 fa t 1144 tuuauw rer saay illy ef ajooed mad a qaanuty oi ajoaed bead ahaaa imaiulaaeaiaaaaeipula atalra baa alall door aad aberluoj aaply la a hlao albert uosl flaonji aaaeba aiutt grafonolas eaiup retsorde columbia grafonolas and records today columbia leads bub amd uhatt vtum at l v houiugans georgetown your cream at r geor gc to wfl creamery aii we pay the higheat price or your cream and give yon the cain at time of delivery pair dealing and courteoup treatment are win ulng u many cnatunera bat we want more we want your trade and we will guarantee to pav you more here for your cream than you will get by ahlppluf it away how about your cream p open evenlnga until 10 pja to receive cream eggs wanted we will pay you tba higheat market price for preah egg in any quantity ulrb404ia tut ihu weakji kaaea 41 b mouoaeldrl georgetown creamery co txsajrlwuar hdhms st co z eaaaaaea aaaaaaaaa i millinery x the home of all that is first in millinery a oar goods are exolusive imported styles and j are models of good taste ladies goats and suits here again we have the latest ideas and best materials and with all extra values oome and see e staple department j we have a good oholoe in all lines and can a supply your wuntb at the very closest prices seeds seeds seeds e now is the time to get your seeds and get j them good mauy lines are very scarce and a are selling out very quickly grocery department our grocery stock is complete fresh and a appetising and good value oome and bee adans fc coy i phans43 georgetown uii nm 3tru e a a e e a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0