Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 13, 1917, p. 2

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el wnjtibon lbadimo dkitha dirkct orjuu kmbaijuqt imxmottqwn oft t0gs blrlb bbarrlegr and j01 iu eberi d to atut following rau luruiam mr dwtbe on tbojeay jod 7lfa 10 jlrt oetbarrn uyen norowlj widow oltb 11 jobn kraft waamjom walvaneoi obvjan atb 1017 jalnce wrav dopdnl lend kmmjwriabubotb yitr tbeieometownbeeiid wednesday svko fum 13 w if uwkuiku iw afro and riding bl cycu oa aldwlk ar not dla ltt cloorgatowu mdm pereon l tlv t gat bait liter lit m law prohibiting both and mr cllluoa bv h rigbllo b protected agmlaat recklm dawarvead umlk rider tiikb tttavlv ha no aborteg of pot toe la tlif melioa ii 1rovldcnc end lb wibi- taa gh u deotat wailr taking lb ad tlwmt tbetu tod bo doubt axlraciadby umi bug plo atw- pbua ar bow bringing ajtnoat eirary body ba plant potato gad ii tnfory ulng prepr lbr tumid b boot par inspectors report to tb vtabm of b rnblle acbo on tle rpmputtnn ftl any rsir laapmtlon of yoof eeiool 1 be plarjty in pratlntg pf kfnh no uta conditio tberji in doing aw i bed botgo lain grwal iuuii only b natter rqjr natw in lb nuw of aoono d4ud i no lhtyuuliimfivuilu ujvfroomrgjrjaaationaitr tbtv lrvnet ta u bt nmi lu moaotbr wble bur pkobably juautwd mi u tltn by bdefaalauadikw yon will obwrv tbat your rarojidwm u approactt log lb ogtiam of y ago end it is unit paafw ibal at uwopaliutojfim m ira in sapumhff yrw wld again rqair let ip yoof ataff th kennalaurtrf la ww a llto qt 43 bait tmw moqlb bowing plaady ln- cr irf hrgm btlttloom i uu son ibw ybti will not permit ny coomciloa in th otanuatlaa of lb actiool hjmw ouiio cpold b utf piodicbj to in ihf tott- o wialpmnl i find that hoihtog it b0 d fcloe ty ucsn wr tpo4 la tocraaao hm nnmbwr ol uoho ituu bookm la 4b4 dlavraat vorad aji bfor vtpuitd tn bdmlwr i qalt ihadmaab and d huonal cupw whit awotrr bji holiday lor tb bnntmm poopu ol uofi4owd t bonly ii otbryllummid towoa can ilfai d to lonjit bobirf or ball dy wmk oorgt0wiieadolnmm utiunot all in tb kmoaat ol taonay w ueomtf ut loia bava a ultla mcraatlod ud nfoymant on ear ut tilp along llfoa batbway all batbr now wbai do yodwyaboatu7 tog mam who ddyatwobarrauiof hoar wbara on u bu ratt bd andtlia botwowlla wbo patbtma twalydouu gga lo pacblttg wba lorttufly lt cut ly pot dowa ua dona ar tiuliar ol thatn inthtth ota um cbajrgabf btlug 4f god axellata to blgb prlua for loodaiaifa lb uaoy trmfwha tb ptlblu bu bad ewuldaiably to butoa tor tat lag tip tb pilot i- j tan llvutiokutifl towroomtnu4ab ol oabulo bu ukaoovtrtba tiilvalaly owned onuilo i r oamfiauy for h wjbofto 71 a imrty wui tuu to tha hydro uu irlo cotuulialoo oa ilia 1u ol attgafel l to tli rewut ilw tl a uydro coi uilwlon an ur aa niagara powar la rauoaftwd bw bua mrly a dlalrlbator and not piodatar but how wltb lb ontario lvwr compauya plant uqolrwj tb will proddoa niagara po r it u alotfcud tbat 170 0000u clodlog ha uouay lurnlabad by tliu tntuldpaliu ar iuvud io lljdrc twopatty l oaurlo ranqiitmttv you bar a rich man aim d baeaua ba tuyt oa be job that uiul bliit rlcli ittitaad ol tpftiihntt bla lime gaildlau alwiul tlio vartb lu atarch of a good lima hut it it hardly lal iteuhm uiat avtrlea ai d tttt ttont audi aetlnti or aveu that it u ucu of alili in huiniully vaiy llbtily ii a work dons rapnwuu lb gvol tlma lor ibu mtti wbomajiaht itafivrall luwdof wnik ba faaaad lor it li oaiialu that ihort ara ntaay libwicl wbalcoiutiipuhappiuw ard ibamao who iucta loalttiglaaitt to rl lju bu ubid la utu if ha trlta il doing nothing u baidar lhau work ttd ii a bun baa apant maay yah at work laaralng lltil ol play work btluga bbsi tnoi tnoyiat than tb batuilly xlaunoa ttuv uanv ol tba moving pltluia flltua f r by tb board ol oabaori of otn dnaiabalngeiihlolud lo ut datriuaut el tb obaraalaia of canadian cblllran la lbs tarioua charta which lira dootuar of lottdon baa ulrctad agaltiat tin tllaul drain before tba national council of woiuau lo wluulprg it i lio doubt tin ibal atua flltna pauad by lb6aa- tota da portray morlaa of vlrlua balug vaaquubad by evil tad lb fault for tbalr uannlaettira rtl wlllt not only ha btan wbo niakca tbaoi but tliatullllona who go to aaa tbau a wall a tba eaaaora bo partnll tbaoi lo ba ahowu ho iota ttiaathmr u going to luro out aa artlelal wbuh baebuotallaiidapblaia which li uaflt lor a child la alao uuflf for aa adult hu tba mfiaori evarclw a woi rigid lupaivuilob but above tbla 11 the publla do utalr owa canaoilugaud hey will not b glvao pulurw ol rlatju ebatubr ii lliay nlua lo ptlrouka ufctu tb uollott plelur liaa booua a tie toandoua luiluetica la tba hi ol to day and ii 1u patrooa ituui ou it balug kautl elaa ll will ba kapt claaa tliay will b glvan uactly what tbay daiuaud welcomed home uai b q arnold ttotby of too town bmi atirw haa from tha flf- pg ium wlil bbad lh lor aom ilc0 lo akin lui i r and w4t qolla ojl lfwamraltlaijlaa ht lb 20th rgt- hand and ainal to hla ulna boa whp b rroaplloa wa uvdarwd mm hiwll allr ifthnlog 1uol arnold hn lih a ewrjw on behalf of lit town e wnrd kirck ala mpakm worda ol wajeonia lo um tiafl m ur lwi arnold and hi ht mr ti t arnold la nai apaaen lbaakd gtljor inalr kind yatatptloa nf tf wbkh rrfraafanmnul wt nrd f awtt arwild u botn on arlougn in ord lo ranln hi bjth atta a uloaaav rvldad in lb prbnary alioold h ptoi vormi additional lb lor aopt wmasury raadlng kbottbl alo b provided- coo i aoll th- plnlpal id oonmctloo wllb both ol tltaa bmu i am vary plad io uam that atp hav uari lakaii toward a baglaalng la luul lnphlou of thii aaboblbbll irm uueb erwsll appaart t b dew iw v k w lor hi inurt la thu vry im portant toattar and i inwt tkat lb ibtard iii utaka lit ylw of ibapamloo patf manantandafiaftlv tharaaolurannot but baaxoadiogly baoaflclal tba annual nurtalnmatit of lb acbool bald la april which i had tb pwaor ol nodlng again daiyottatfaiaj tb bn lqo poriiioo ol lliaehool in tit raonty mom wbkb plaoaa do ampbaala opoa th moalcai and biatrial training of lu baplla and all eoooanwd in tb p lion ol tb aoallni wvmtom an lo b haar illy eongntnlaud lu conclnalon i hav only to aprm my aalufaeiloa that yoar coptnl buff of tchr la unboka yod ah mrvad by a autf tb anparlor of it would b dimcnlt lo flud military notes mr7pb afotbiall rmlvmaubl on jon lwh fxxn vnnm front liaot- cal paxla oc atallag that hi won pi j h uotbmmll of no 0 pwd aw bdlaao wbo bad bnon1cbilly ttpatimd la hav dud on may jku float ga pol ioolog waa wall township council 3y wbirh voar wlntlpal u twrnltliog la iwy allfltlou to tba maitagaumiol th ohool aad ta hnwndad by ajtrwry loyal huti of awuunia u thaa daja of high ly increud eoit of hvlog i would y mamctlully call yaur attanllofl to tb la aluacy of tlui prloctpal aaalary which la araicaly eonttoanaurat with hw abilliy aud wrvleaa lo yoor aahool eom woolly a fclmllar lamark appllaa to hla aiaial an you would b dnlug a wia and jutlblhg i ihlnk luaaublubltigaaalary ubadula h adeuoll baila rvrognlalag tb vprunn and eontpabmoa ol lb thanking yoti on bah all of tba danart man of kdurallou lor your rarafol at uullou to tli a imlnlatrallaa ol tli atf air of lb kbnol i am air oi v r kallblolly yoort j u iy stewarttown tho following 1 iha aebool raport for hrlii tdilh dillon toti iii1u dor olhy liaaoddfa vlora murray jr lvuoiuhy itaa itaalrie hand ub joaapb blaiiduli ihirolhy tblrvion i aunla kflly tlwm itaa koia wllaow tlioiiiaa4litii ilaiold hr illatl6n uuiiik klwahl luhy jr illuoidoo lillm liv hilu lua tde hod ir r 11 marartt olhan frad ilona than iv icy itallv nnruian mcaliltw hr i laito uilfii uou thomiwn lordon iraham wilila vaulknar ug ala luiinii jr i v liauhi vaulkrifr tlordon tlilralon ada llimia ililli hr iflmary allmtt kanlknar ruth iilfaii hill lu natii t maltw li i bam itlck hlatnimi ltila utabuti uor thy tliuhai unrdtu mcah lu llaila jr 1iluiary cum id paulknar wao cia tliottipaou frank kally atiwiil ikh of in nth waikad avaihito attaudaure a0 kayiuoainif lltli jnno 1011 tho council loot an court of iknrulou uovd by mr lfatntwblro aooandoil by kir buwluh tluu id- joo ba chair btau of tlio court carrlod dinflliaaj bundiab that tb appeal to uil court bo doddod k followa j ii uokaaai rduood f 100 j if wlubua aoa roduood ijoo coord k vonnu al lowod wail laabby rodueod f 100 uu ton trwaaad brick co dutolaaad w j awltaor aiopd ono nfth act v w raddell aaabbbbrj t00 jaa cloave aa- oaaod m400- j k drown aimniij tw- 00 j v brown aaaaaaawt vmoo wu niltman a n ml f300 harold blnu hatn kmonhad s900 if ti iluu build inifm 4ttj v j owcu dlamlaaod john fllveu uman adtlod carrlod 1 lliolt ifainttahlm that tb chair nan of thin court bo boroby autborlmd anl rulrod to lutul all oometioo allorailon roductlona and addition taado t v thu court lu tbo aaaeaamaut poll for 11m year 1017 aiul tb aald aa eaatiuint lloll bu anally revlaed ami car reeled bo pawed by tbla court aud thai tho clerk ho aulbohiod to certify to aald itoll carrlod tli court then roue tho council tbeu met tbo minute of laat tueellnif word read and couflrutoil utandlah klllott that the followlnu auuta bo retunwwl aiialnat proterty in ward no si j u llucb lotlllooii uf 4 63 w 1 mikou lot id oou 7 w0 wm cordou lot l cou 7k st hlbbhahi blandish tliat tbo treas iirer tay the followlujjaocouula w it kalkor i u u for ktaluto labor collce ted tu hla ill vision lu 1010 alao 14 for llobort h flptowl 3 tlaya otratlnjlrwul uuuhlno carrleil klllott ham twh ire that tho fireb urer pay tho following accounts ueoro 1- h letty for huilainj cetnout abut tuont to bridge ou 4tb lino ia0u carrlbd lllnuham llainiblro 1 hat tlio irea aurr pay lite followlnu aeoounla it h hottdoraoa statute laltor lu 1010 14 0 w i dick iouai advloo i j alex d hume ulatuto ulior ta so j t hund illsli advance to john macklo ho holujj in lutllifeut elreuiiiklauoau 110 w 1l new advertisements j9 ttmnt 4 rdnrd hxw- main pply to maggu l a lmnr i to idaggu l avarr r bravalofflrxclar pahiy i brldg ooartrorllon t utt tft work failicalar t u4 liut h jl i i frmmtm pmnhnatln hrad boggy vrly i will b aeld iwaoqbt a vi r a 1 ooof oaraga ttaorgrtown o 23 tl tom salt hasot tlaim bro jfi y- cvilrwrt orand tyorlgba good adkvt and teto- taxma ukibia b wulaon the mens store n rr mam urn of tb baat baalruw lai la u ktorbaiowdt apply at lutald oulcr ooru jratf jt4 aun ptmbta j ii oodfr tfoalph s- baa lor wj si hw gardaa caallllowsr tianate atnd oalaty plant alao aavon of tb uwt vgtithj of cabbag plania gown linti wbicb to ebooa ira urn to grt btvy estp u rok mmlz two 4ay boraac drlvr farai wagoti ueatr rak adr plough for aab apply to v uaarst il il no 1 tfl carrlaf 7lb lln oorgtown up rfsmlmthmal booa oa cbwlm b good locailon abymrg lo o c 4oanaalnn aioi boa cbarkab mthmtcd oam to tb pramiae of tb uudarlff n dabootlwo waaka agtt a whit ork daboottwo waaka agtk a whit ork fair pig abonl 4 me old uwuar may blfb bum of tog avawaae uav eqoaalng o13tt proving bieparty an 1 y w if laalllotli h jacksons utaru utatiito labor wailam ollliuan for dutvclllua r6 ift lf operatlnij tfnutor nuo day j carrhnl hluiihaiit llamiwlilrn that wbau tbla council adjourns it u a ijouruod ull olbjulyusxl cdiikd ballinafad mis- uupliau uoawl rbturnad to bar ham a law daya ago altar baiagaway for lb wlutar mr a k farnell baa purcbamd new ford car and 1 making good ua of ll uu ilealiloa llllla ult for tbawaata wk ago wbera aba luunda apandla tlitf auuuiar with bar aular mr will kautuar mr hlewart lawrla li at tlta bcapllal in uuelpb wbaie it uudarwent an opr- alliu mi tuefctay laai mil it uouelhu rlumd home alt ar apeudlog tb uat waak with frlaad in toronto mr j hlnclalr ol tba unlit lltu la arvaudlag a ftw daya wllb biadaaghur ura utbouipaon norval following la tbo icbool report tor may u iv atihlaucmaaklu albart lluu tar liagl hughaa iultvaltca wbllflald jr iv mary campbell winule knlgbl rkoltfrguion uliau uiiouand kwaii ifarly aqual kihel louth hr iii mary mcuwklu uunav lailrd abeabaf melaughlln dough llliaaall obarll luukln jr ii ualioo nobt mariou oellop oliver ii outer qeotn moot haury wblttuld llarrlaeti wluou karl mo our ivy w lilllla id laont loulli ur 11 maimha mtilaaklu fvu oraaa willi fiddler dorolby wluou nuou lluuler jr ii hilda kauklu luuuaid icnlibl jauiw medougall gordon uaw lay hr i luacaiupball uargaiat wllaou uwala cauiuball loha noble muiulo luglu lutvfa llnntar una kerr jvwju hmallu llaaaia mrtjiur wvalut loulb uaoigullulla ulwanl iuiiw n jr i- u llllo 1 1 tiha biuu jdtur irlm wood jau ea llvitw n 1 1 rnku lluwuiu jr wlui- hal h wlmiiuld u onion hbarp uaruarel mfidiumll ihilun i uuatlar an i tl hi b r iiui tliy llu i a claaa main louth uw iulu it uu kdlth uawlfy u claaamaul hunt umald tuno ball jaautltaaii luim uimwkln uail louth halatt vlulay mac waiaou ikih bl coptund claietic lluuler cardeitbanki w baiaby ooitvey uur alneeiatluuiki to our many liivuu and rialahhor lu uaurgawiiwii lor lltair tuaiiy cludnaa b o lu lb bad barwtvmueiil eauaad bylbvdaaib ol our lr btuband and igibgav mlebaal trey who paaead away myablir miuuahultuulv obituary jauu wauubw 0 l8 at walkeilon oa fiuuy altar biui llloaaa mr janiaa wairaa dotalhlou laud hurveyor parted away ha wa theyouugett ol alamlly ol alg brother ton ol the lal jams warrea who earn to canada from ih highland ol uot- laud lu lusil audaaluadin tbaiownahlp of katjuealttg uaar aclou only ott of iha brothaia now uvta i ur donald warren of uaetilee nabraaka wbo bag uaaaad uw age ol ninety and amort good health flit daceaaed wu la hla right lelh year la hla eatly daya ba taught aebool at waterloo lu ltquaitig lowuabln ijuer ho i ml lad civil ebliilng aud lor inug tlma devoted hituaelf to land aurveyluu and draughting lor bridge comlructlon ha did much ol ihle claia of work in kiquealug aud nataagawayg am hi tlta couuly ul uruoa lu ihu3 ibu uimrgeiown waurwmka ayateui wa cotialiuclad under hla tllraellon in ihw aarlur yeara imgluuliig with 171 he did tutuh ol tha woik in rouuecllon with the bubdlvldlub ol lowiuhlpa in manitoba aud leier in the provtucee ol haakalche wau il albi rla umlvr ih govuruiuant ofhlrjoliii maclhiiiulil hon aloiauder ilcubtiata and sir wllttld uuriar hla laat govurnttuiiil tvinlract being tilled about uil yoaia ago lboeawd waa a lie lial lu it union and a i literal in poll tire ii loavra a ublow u sulur i f llav houetl ji hi lb a 1 d nl ut ulraal aud ibieu dauilitvia t at homw audnoag mbalotiary in chli n who ctnis liooie on lurloiiub juat a tew weeka ago the bur lal took plam at kincardine yeaurdav miui joiih hyan auotlior of our tiatoeiuod and luoat bllbly roapeoled ruaidiuu waa rouiovod uio uoe yau icwiiud wau a rtiehluut ut uooruouiwu t ir many yt uni khu wan a klud uulgh by deatli on 1 hurwday juuultb ut tlio iu nun of mm ilfiarlno llyau uw lrowluy widow of tbu utu juliu ltyati luir ami inio frlcml whoao imfcsluu lu til tod ono miu ur jno v ltiin of houtroal romaluy u uioiim lu rtrnxillud ono miu mi of uoutroal rouialu uio luua of a kind ami uhootlouato tuutb i r hit f mural umu uliuo ou uaturday iikiiuliiil uinl afttir a stir vice lu holy r wu tiiiiit1i ooiidncunt by llov fallter lit ylt tin it uialuu wuro inujriod lu 1m t imoiulcuiiiutury llu pall lioarora wero j hoolt j j uu licuu jmi itudily juo ueaou 3 j blefrlul aud a owou iha iibw radial ir now tun a lol htwa loin heoigetowui w4 fclko ant i w and 0 4u i iii kwi 7 bu hlb0 a tu li uo pbi mil ilav wtm iu lb bui 7 iu uul kaat u abl and u1u uu w kcott cabtonia voi infant and chudna in us for ovr 30 yfmtra alwaya baam in signature of baptists m session tba quelpb abaoeulloa of uaplut cliurcbaa hall at new hamburg euct ad otllcer uat friday a lollowar mod aralor ltav v wule new hamburg lwrkoi amocutlou llev a ii froruow urauptou praaelier of annual bermou uev k v acamwoa ullelianarf alur nata luv j t vrlaal ii a tuilounlilu a cordial invitation hag haeu given by iba uaapeureburch to hold the ateocl lion uaatlngi there nasi yaar ilevt j lllnda of haapelar la a pap ar ou tli challenge of tba cemniuhli lo iha church aaed that if ih churcl ahould find out what ohilat irqulrea of bar aba will not be challenged ii aba doe ar daty iter j n wooda of iimieburtt lu opeulntf ducuauori ott ihla paper alafed that tbar ware but lsouuu church mauibara lu canada out of a population ol 11000 000 houghly ipeaklug lor ou member la tli cbttrtb here ar aevau who are unchurched uev j t iheat 0 a addreeaad lb eaaoelauou on kvery member a boul winner and mr ueo cuik iciuhan ar gave vary balpfdladdrou kvaa galutu in tliahuoday bohool outera wbo tuldreaaed th meeting were v dr hogliaoo ijirauord on omuuelou lr waleon uao u oa tb oouvenlloa t ian of flu auggeeling that llta minimum aaj ary ol towubw aliould be 11 9u0 uav p c oauereu oa tba needa ol tliej canadian iuplui and luv or w t urabaat toronto on weatara mia aloe coverings attractive durable eatily laid and easily cleaned thats con- golrti pretty matting and floral designs for bedrooms tile and conventional de signs for bathroom pantry and kitchen any one can lay it as it requires xuo fastening and wont curl up ab solutely waterproof and wont crumble at the edges like printed lin oleum alio costs less and looks better conobmt stti benort cannot be told from polished oak when bid next to a rag or carpet a wonderful effect at an extraordi narily low cost alio for hire baaing urn ml a ebaoffara lfcna i aa prepared lo convey part at raaaon bla tpajeaa day of night u w her rlagtoo phone bl uaorgatown i3tl spring announcement now opting ooodaroyr aiockl ofhurgop ovcoaainga 1ou8rnrra fetfl jtut attired tor bpring eoropruing ill tho t eatjid gtylb slid eolonruio k t hlloiaiwahav ftlajgo atock 61 guaniniiod- aloa and madt aorcog very aegrca aoodg ovinb tmrobftbed uiom long boforg uf big advftiioe and will be gblo tbaeuihom gt praoucally lb old pneo iuc your ovder gi oaoo dotii wgat bginpte now ready for otilol town ettatonierg t mens ptirnibliiiigs just nrrivod new neckwear new flhiria collars oloveg htmtiery vic the uteat atjle in hale cap a of all tbo leading sj niakotf wo gitow g gnperb rtodt of everythipg a wan woow yon 1 cannot find anything to equal ii in any other ilore in town and 2 very fow city atoreg anrpsaa it a a fine beleeiloa of meng and youth ready lowear aalu a ovoreoaia odd pant overaua ete alwayg on hand j we invito yon to call and iaspeei our atoek millar 8c co m fins hmvclass taiumino and mutb vurnishinoa afant or stdekwril bidmaoa a co dym uid oimiiw toroato large shipment of pineapples pineapples 15c etch orangesi boc 40c 30c aud 26c per do tomatoes per lb 15c onions 10c lb potatoes per pk 75c atul bir lft apcuu or ualurdty a restivo prult specialist main street georgetown a car of salt i mechanics wanted man wantedl boys wanted ckiiiluan boq gcoruttou n d will arrive at george town in about 10 days plcae your order now j and secure special price off oar we furnish your windows with piue quality wiudow shades poles curtoius and draperies the di w ii i co fa scrantoa coal th standard anthraoitn the dl k w berontou iu al iea u the only hard coal mo carry a largn gloek now ou bum alao thy and unithh eoal 0oj blni oppoeito korval btatioti phone 6ara4 bell liue you can save money by buy ing furniture now we have a big showing of exceptional money saving values in furniture for every room jacksons georgetown jellies have high food value make oa many aa you can they will be wortb a groat deal to yon neat winter lantic s li q a r tub elur jllrlmti uiuuims my 3ujikjb 102ouoou atk yoar crocerfor lajntic sugar i you 4- crn 4- g6t moremoney j watkins norval seed corn for ensilage a m grandy the pure food store ajc3i m i d 1 u i advertise in the herald -por- your cram -at- georgetown crfcamery tbau auywbcrc cim uutll further uoticc we will guarantee you highest market price eggs wanted we will pay vou the highest market price for presh kggs in any quantity llluliet ormiu tw uiu wkkj kuoti u ii j w taybr 41 georgetown creamery co h saxe mutator hdrms go eeeeee i specials this week w millinery department we have added to our large display a number of uew lines every one sep arate aud distinct m de iijii wtyle ana trimmlugs we bave a very complete showing of stylish goods and will be glad to hive you call ladies suits skirts coats and blouses we have a very nice uhowing iu ladies suits separate skirts spring coats fancy stripe and plain blmnci these lines are uew and stylisbnud of exception al quality aud value a visit to this department will be a benefit to you uow greater production we are tryiug to assist you with your garden by providing the best seeds at lowest prices we offer now to ah ii in the work problem a full case of mciis aud boys overalls smocks and shirts at prices less tbau manufacturers cost at this time grocery department all our ltiici imc nlw uid presh aud the best values the markets will afford come to us aud get the most passible for your money adatvs fc coy georgetown phone 43 main mill strteu uffl

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