4it rzw- v ws w h wnjcison leadihu nlnltaui pibxot- ouimd khbiuike mjn a pi op day a aisto ompaaatowa o rwoaa e births marrlaass aad daslbs a saioseithsfoirovloaialasl h silaas ma daalhsmo rltutzi ocuw ninovonnr at usofsalowa on toan- dajolv 17ui to mr and fan john oar jotr ui i a wtllnaeul mars a son fbartram kp died natsrisfc la oaorjxown on ridar r jsrwn uy ct vbnatinv sots io7 orvoat buffalo on loir lull mu usfaua unad afli tfim twr tbeie0r8et0wnbeiiid mxqwbvkv uvsaivsjv tu vni ymlm ixoyit uaoiuim be toad a chrhfltlo reply lo lb as ovrmtut cweelfw pkfa mmoag otiier i hsv reed tbat epeeou b it aj my duty to read lto6 intern mm hirfe lo ek wtylhlo il it iron wblcb oold hop lot tbaeodof uib bloody etrufgle jd i aa in it vbasi ludtudru tot llalflam a bam ammocitef tot owmany and bast pcao w atnrasav j of be ablest aool to eat up a toil eote ewrsiadby their blood a a mer ean louy lofwwql obituary lt kennedy home avtoyruptllmomii royal wicmm anothef ol oaf native mu la too per- oo of uot mervyn luenady bm r- tarmd from ty battle flfs of vntw wooadafl bdt bpy tba wit ilatt vaa tnmbwi 6 orl- eat lo 10 0 v boodredso tduaaa ad mfm of deniij sato fiat town apd v id pity awaited lb riid uit qdock train laat olo to welooo jjani kaindy omoostoaay brav twyrfwbo ba bm dolr bla hhofibm jtmpliw msui iuxn a lui votv twdy mcoupmiud by bla uw lxi w ttasimdr lllil lronumtralab vm irmlmlwtii iibtr iir elmwddte oprtid t fco aoli iti wtilio a tocm ijoo m thw fornix uj if turn vkb bautj uul coupofmj o ooy hcoou luoi kndy iiwl ruo4i uwwn orlop lodtv l0k lit oto bbd bnodrad jd ul4on ubt vugtfwdbaiiljdgworoltrubry dlpuy o dlisttu in btitoidrlvjdtf uwo uir utwr uiuit kiui if of acton rut kmbdy iul fnjti iiuliob iudjwfftt rotdi ii ii wodu a big bly mpcud iwaw of ibu elty pumd owsy oa tumday udrnliitft july 7 lb in th oman of llr hirtro uwry wouo wbo died t bu ul rwwo on powll blimt flr n xtndd iii turn uu duh wh not annpoetad dmommi wbo ai in blautb ymr vu bora la acton and w ton aon of tb lot rramao and un wotdmi u uars d tb barbattog irada with blfl brotbar in actnoj iod li prtbi uaaltol tolwoetd rdtg to utulpli oboatilk vmt ago wliciv in puichatwl uta barbvf boalnm of mr coaiu wblclt ba cu doalad katfmtauy unlil but wlnir whrn b aa rompalud to ftlrm on ad ovnt of 111 lualtli h want into lit 111 liwiritv bualnmtf mtttl attpil t afonw aoua imptovmtat but imui u ttubllii go a rauear davtopl in lila fm as it finally tantad lil du twtinly ibimymraar ba wu uiairtml toulm hmiuali nluvcr ilnuahur of ur aud mr thw oluvur of kftn and kltu will on fir juiil k m ii wmdfri mirvlva tliu ihimr wnlnvimj wllh tb illllvfitpliy curt of tomr la anil in mtirmi in vratiea ha wu forutrrly on th atj if of tba utialpb cotuu itt- mhdu 1 mmk wu a mmbr of dub ln hit4i uadiodial cliurcb balooalua tnlba look and lb oranit ordam tb fduaral took puoi on tlttlraday ajufbdon to aeloa wmtury utuljt oiiuliu vtuuxtivu mr chad vimnaia on of tttatga iownioldmtrmldaou f trlday ufirnluj laal al tb aa o 1i min tha ilaeaamtl waj boru lu 1tu ilntb ami wu fur fotn unut in tlm utii bloy of hwluiii a lfualion furitl lira dilr on wytulliitn atful llul itih lmlmttehltm ittlo btulam lor bltuaalfon qoaba bt about tta ymm o he eauia i uaornalowu wiir b bu rjld on ur flartlio u die lut of four btotban bul u uiivlvad by on auur mm a ttowtuou of vo ill wll ntdcatd bltd lv yaaia uo tlir daoabut alao turvlva mm ll uallajb f aim tuml uwlpu tod llaithi and mlnnl at tuoigalown tli fuoaftl took pleultttday tatornlu0 at lualtb m arrival of tb tula row tb taab u utf dlrtotl llouan cat lml ui emat nty tit uallbmrani wm j k waakw a hadtuld uburuou ii uaaa a yuletty and u ualuliar iiuu4w ulult llamuuj omd wbodud atlluuoloou wadnaaday altr a wire hluawt wu known lo uuuiy ifaiald raadoi ho wu born ib lllllauuiv fortyubl yaat ijpi wbau tuliiltjk youbtf toanbnod it wit to uownibovlll and uur to uuffalo wlutf ita auuiad tba employ ol ilia iull tauu ur co u forsuau eaioauur 1alurly h uwild o ripoulbl pal foil willi tli until aiiroplau ua botlllou wbub bo beld al tb tliu of bin dull a quatur mblury uu tliu uoauad ltewu kmtilun of a widow i ad and it wa a uot impotlbrj upaoial on arrival at bi fatbar bant our bofoton wu again loudly ebrad ajur tollolb wu praaaanud by llavv if art walonbah wlwiabaod torn toll watcb tulubly loacrlbad ra w nlwn 1 moon kanttady and bi fatbar inaply tbankadall for ibalr loany kind dj bantiaota alft and toanlflkit afumbr cliur for uwt uanuody and ll klag ui albarbk duparatd fullnb troud of uiair bfellr aoti and bi py ijjkt utoy bad in a kuutll wty bun abl tit bbow tbatr ppriiallon of bin bobliarm from the boys ila flmt 1arr wrllu bl motliar from england u follow wltuy damp daaf motbr i will now writ yon n uw llou toolgbt boplog tbl hod yoo all wall ant tbr i bad om baoan today front bom and wad plaaaad in raeal utaiu aluf i wa throuah rcadln tb i took uiairt down to ihcu httfll l l ow tti qiiauitilb lr lit tlty i no down in o hi it naarlv avtry nlghl lton in oni of tinumln tcw hot 1 dtittblnl it i iioki uuy dflll yet w ar iiuvid lftvy wraibtr l now tb bom bav jut torn in iod uiltl in ibfrt u tu camdlmb tnail in ao nw lor it biall tuiijlibl awav wa btdaboliilay ytrday il mug tb lal of july tliu uonwifal itid i wstitdown lo lodaftnlnlf and wtul ui lit tlvtr laid down atiil bid a iwp for a wbli than w bad bvok around lb bmn no i nun bttiuo aaln w ar u luiv u lutial in our luoui cltu i drnl ktinw wbh wiri0wovarlo rraiu but i dont tliluk u wilt b ion- until wa ar oh our way marvyu uannady wu down lut wmi toituiu him0lur htni lo oauoda for uir monllia j m oni baiad t tjaorgotowh whan it arrlvu wall bllv m roolbar i kttau b daurvm it our old onw ar aji buk and it im nrat to liav tit town council town hafllbalbm tout fcfartrt j mobtdpaj oonnoll mot laat friday votdng al if oeloak tb in tha cbalr and qoondll k hpnjtu cook nod tb min of tb nravlno imtbcui cbijnalwuoaa am toivd froaa kubar oonatabu in mpdird 1 oppliu i toronto tabarbar from dortumol of www lligbwara ka nanud toaalnplwof graalam tnaiii mr wfaawyapokalncard to dngay inn alias it wu motad by w llaiay aao0od d by j a itali chit tbvotork b id- trociad to ordw front tb mnleipaj world- mr nf bandfott bad and polwman baton at iw pritm jootad law ar ual rporld bo ll eoodjtloo of tb nuk aim it wa nwvad by jf 0 boah amgodadl by w itanlav tbolaoiioitor dal ha in atmatod to uaar ntrmrf ugaj alp uv tb ootiactioo of back- um oafrud movad bjf fluok aaoondad by barofay tbaiui foubfrlo aoapobt b paaawdi 0 hukt atrmla 10 wataawofk lof if marcbmant miaaia watarwotk 17 m win ueuooald tumis u 14 bo oualdb unral ifoa eliaiuy mr i lirgt 2ft00 jobii ibottonoalr town haji soo if 11 haartwll ad raitt to aoldlar bojjo movd by ttpafkbl aaeondad by v cook that tb following hai b eharaad for tb town ball tat patriot purpoaa 10 waukar i to if eontlnnad ajut ulnlgblj eburob porpoaa ml daooa m trayallino troopaf lil caratakat vi mj bolitlcal tnaauncs lft w loeal aatar ftlur tndlwr fourbildrii and towiidah mauliow cimduh nortltws ibafai it txaicuwl i lovuitf imloriul carol aaut uoratowu dutlng aliibrwyuh tli burial took uuo at liuffato on haluiday wlitrtli arvio wa otmilutud by tb tutor ol tb llaplut oliureb and fla iuovof wblob tloeuaail wj a tustnbar jay riders break jail on ol lite wo darlni jail mcabh for ttisy ytui took blue piaoaat mil ifburiday ovanlnj at duak iitoa htbl bins tun yai of iw and joliu uotllb iwaaiyon who bad bun oaiytlil ut joy tlu irouitoiontonfawdayr ago oanbiouu motor at uakvtlt anu iu ukoad to lupriioutofut at ilia county town ovrwwid lb jallar and hie tuiukay nf tba jail altar a fjaru ibouali bilof bibb awl not alaajtaway unrlitii bad baau oommlllad on a all tunntba aaauuo or burglary at llrotttai inilib to hilily daya for earryluu eonomlad ailb tuinkayi tnn lu ma uotb ar ttraiiy toub youlbi lb jailor a uaulbbou and uia ay w ii 11 id wvro purluu tit a tba oalla for the blah on ol lb biaj man took a ourvad plw til boatd wllb a abate dt find wllb lltlh tmiofd on f turnliay kuublug it i in down by abate dt fuid wllb tit in tmioid on tba turnkey knocking blui down by n blow on tb bud tba wound iirlwinsr ar li rnahad at tb jailer but ita at llrtt liald bla aaullaut down until tba aral tiuonur braudlabluif the woodau waauou struck at him mviflv and wound iilni on tlia bud alo a wound ovarau lueb iodu wu oatuad but it atuok to bla man ilia tuiukay triad to mma lo bla auut auof wlwuguau aaaooad blow agalu en tba baail by tba flrt pilaouar wlto al obo tut bad agalu on tb atrumguug jail or aud dull uliu aaaoaad blow wllub atubuad bliu holli brlaonaia bi a lew aamnila bad tbo oulclabiat tbalr maroy tbay wit the two weu lyluu wuil alun tud on tba door and u the main door ul tb lal only ubua and clia row tba euulde ibey found iliu lett ajar tbrougb ibutbtiy got lnl a oouilyard and p minn it tbruuyli tlia tiiriikeva buuia out to lb road ii wu uioro lliaii ball aa hour bafof ihr jailer and turnkey eould get ataliiauro from uuulile but by i ibla tlioa tba tun yntiig men itail matlu tbalr eetuiw thpy wuru un bv emu boy aud were ullowl lor notiu iiuuiko bul lautiulukly and wltan lul wen jiul bafor iferkumuml in wvrw litdlnu in a wliml held all ilia tulli fcuiuuiu in lliadblikl wvio al out informed but till to i ho phwrtl no further irao ol hi wan itu biwii diarowued tb wouiidii an llm livaile ol tba tun hu aawuluil wmie ooiiiiiumhi uvert uiougb bin dangermi fhny were ol aueli a naliiro that ibey rauid imuiud uu alohhllltf nkw canadian rockies ii you do lint kttiiw atuuit tint winiilwr ful mouulaln acaiiivry liuludlim jtuiur and mount ktlimiti luikh ir4vtimid in ilia trauaooiit loan lal lluu ol llm uimlun nohltarn itallwky ulwuti kdmontmi aad vaiioauver ol a iniy nl uur baml oumidewdltillvi oifikli i ln imd ur ibanialug iijuj u j alaluiuw ogeut ui o ill ear thai w hav alwaya hl wlili again il i jut ilka old tlutu i u lb th tbat uulab wu bfiu o monday w ha n vary nu eautp liar a la ilka living the bute itold ak thirty man and waliavatwutablu what wa can do our wriilng am play card at i aa thay bav lb nw railroad oan titare 4laorirlown will be galling lj be aoto town now tbay hav aow giaalroadd over bar i waiobad lliatn niaklag aoua yealarday aad ibay oar t airily put a lot of work on tbetn bul tltay ar tba road whan tbay aro eom platad wall mother i think i will clou far lhu tlrn bari cahu of thanks i horwby oonvay biy alnoar tbank lo friend aud ualgbboi for tbalr many klbdbuua and ayntpalby aataodad to bi and tuy lllllo daughter in our wy ud baruvmanl cauaad by ut dulbof tuy beloved buaband harurt koaa 11k herbe uoaa economical yftavkl wlielber you are gulag weal la houja- elmul or only to a tilji tb moat eoonoui jutb leal method of travel i to take advaulai ol our low llomauekere laru good going on apodal eheumoni every monday vor tlekebi and full mrlloulara apply to l idlan northern lull way nmanl 910 truk9l i iur midnight gamed w orad bv ftnali aioed4 by w bar buy thai tula eoandl do now adjourn to maai mon mig tb 23rd lnl military notes mr lawla of j uo wll i leu taoalvad wirt tnua bar two aolduf aona harry im lmd laat weak iiotb at wall and in tha thick ottb dgbl a lattor raeaiwd today by tb herald from oorpl c ii uou of tb uutb bait mataa that all tb boy ar well and tx4 anon to go to vraooa uot 4allantlnbunrhvadln0aa ad and i okpecud bom in a few day stewarltown ur hitillh and family ar vpfltdlftglb holldaye at their aunimar wiliag al houiliainpian itev vlrtar jarvlaof torottlo will lake tharge of tb turvicu in hl joline tjiiurcb bt homtay au lotarullng fveut uwk pua lai thuraday on mr tfanye lawn when ib kmualng wtiinetie jtirtllihe held a if rj tiiwi in hid dim ollhflr mairilmie hi viva tlioth frewtli n her dft urn bi lake un ltnl lime butting tb 8cumle wur prvitlly ilunrit wiiii ga aud buuliug afer llm arrival of nieiulier aud gueei the liulllui od waaanug mu lleekin gavuiworead inge tli following addreu wu than read i mua kla hi0anpaorl oa iba av of your dariur to lake up training for lied 0ou work w hav wet toewther to bid yoti mod anted in ui uobl and lf denying work you are nndetlakln titer la uolbliig tltav u doing tnor for tli wluitlng of the war than tb aireauooa labor n tit nursing titter u tuey help lo make it poailbl tot tb wodotled fthlure to rturn lo itaalth and ilia frmi w bellav tbat your bappy dli itl m well u good pbyebua bvullaily fit you lor ibla w vloaod lio4 you will have ilia bappy summer suggestion jj ib is the time lks findi it difficult to know what to pretwre lot mull here are a few aggetion which might aid he in preparing meal u nioa lie 1j o ba 9 to v r hmiea la bouu u ifeklmlufcotumat kwoof lildm ifrbulkpbiiurt f jaim fa mnilln aft h jaut in un i w pv umi m ftalnwnfdl lbujmit modm uu la t lb uot i91j1 ih baspberries cherries cur rants and gooseberries delivered fvcub every nioraiag si our store choicest fruit fhone ua your order f i a m gr andy the pure food store bono ko dai al lit aetlon of uutelbg many war worn belou baok hfamt knowlug tbat vi will bontldei i mij rawaid tich bpfiwlugr ibatyod ui jf reward u bav kiotul wllli pfuur tha lu urut you bav alwav taken in the avt lvillw ol tba womena ineuiuu on uia oeoulon bf your vlalt boue ami oannot lu yon go now without aoin allgbt n uambranoa ol daya goo by w yon to aeeept thla wrlat watab i ii token of our regard tttng thai you may your work and hpared lo ootn uak to tvbetinf tba you biay b bluud in your old horn in pue w aubaorib mruivu on behalf of tba itaiuulog wouieua loaututa nelll wllaon iraeldeut maney umlib let vloa president harab a thompeotl sod mayy a ually hureury ua tboupeotl fluklw anulatruy oomuuta dabibil uevareauv ulu tbouipaou lu a few word thank ed lb member for their remembrahoa lit htalth gave a aliorl addiwu and un i u fittier ung yaiawall alter the i- i national anlbeui tea wu aarvad aud eoapebola taken u mamaulo ol tliaj oooulori house ior sale thin apleudid built residence to be 4old situated on queen st apply for particular to jalg frr6 oubbn st x- georcbtown ciui alilk tawuw cuplul pslaii tuawm attfaiua wmm peseta uncertainty no oua knows wksi tba tolnm may brinf lotib wlilla your bulla u aooj anj your aming 6 adly unlupalm4 latiiustamutnn lata a eompaln ona douav ilapoauad in tha baull el itaolulaa will atari h- bgaaaaoaol g c mackay mutttker oeoritutowu liraucb new advertisements vomf j ants unl harnaa au1 onaa1 baary baraam apply u o k iulslns boras umahonaa 7 11 3 toar oa tsaiity algbt baipaaa btmmtihomu bill aad 3aomova ap koto chain jllu naoaralaaly fl wmmtta aaaaallbaaarrvuli plans of land la oroaaroamamon apply iuipa- uaalaislwtaaw ba ii uaoraa- lowau7 u4lp ctmfrf tmlt bad asal alalia ball sail om apply loobaraaaoi p moapaaf laa ui- mrfmrh k annuity of naod umuhy hay by i ha x doiaso illlh aboal bldill mm ijof bvptaauar lair slsad fo pariienlsra apply lo ik icvaw olaujuna7 utl j mi im fmhllm 1 aaffnoo isnmina no lha cllana oafdaa bald or mlorys urry palate 41l va -i- dark baoaa nsara arts aound anl iti good aoaduion sned to work ioubl oraldah i bofssbrfcmbayiala0rhlloo ow looilayar noaiaol prlca fso apply al harald offlovllo turn wmmlmd with soaas kaoaladsa ol woollo mill fork waaa traas stfa par hoar up ad aordlng io abtllly apply lo if corsa a pol oaofaatoan woollu uiiu 11 rutmltmmjmmmtl k eoalorubla tama houas 7 ootn and rloa1 aoonabad auaciwd banl ami toll watarla booaa fomaos twtnaal floor in sallari alaaollot73ais4 wltlilursal backl sou sandy loam anltabla for aoy iblnf wllb atraaid of aortas star ran bins ibroawb uia lot lars anj amall iroll apply aprto lasa to bos 137 uaorsaloau the mens store trdusari sat io s black annua terr aearea goooa having p uuhn ionfr boforo faifa to n7ll4hn si p tl dont walt i damplaa tlwold no spring announcement now flprfflfl oood oar gtoek oi fiuuliuta titoreoaiinw rloaa eujtut arritad un spting oompriaing ail iho 1a- tylo amd wwariog blecatawohm kalurga rtoek 1 guaiintaed o1u tnd k srgoaja tory aoavrea t tlni hi wiu irieon trloc toot order tu aaa mens furnisbingfe j just axrlrod mw naekwsar new bhlrta collars qovta iloawry eto tba utaat atyu far bala caps of all uia trading biakas va abow a annarb aloak of evottthin a inaii woajrs vou i cannot tlnd anything to aiitial it in any otlutf atora in town ami vory tow oiiy atoras anypaaa it a fine saleetlon of manv and youths raadyfbwaar suits ovarooats o4 pants overalls eta alwaya on band wa invite yon to eall and inapaet oof etqek millar co aeorqetoww phone 126 pin hlahkclaam tajumino also mino purnishino aaanls tor fftoekwall uandarsoa at 0o dysrs and olaanam toroafo advertise in the herald honmkeeping h not hie talk it uted to be modern invention hit dona away with much ol the hard work for liutgnce the cleinlfla and poluhlha of hardwood floor the justlnf the tuirf unaer the nullaior etc re now nuile esiy wlih the thaaahackbratuitj uiai cedar vale products with it you ran unit clean and pollih kardwwwj float id tbi tlma it formerly took you to net ready to do u itiiuri you d not imvs in grt dawn on your uudi and brtua looum uthbjr tlva led or olliar liar j tnctl4t iluii or laelalf to dutl tha up ol the hlah all of ihe bird waik li now made eeiy wlih lha ccidir kulili mop it gitlnre u sj alasl w um it hfvlm ml lalh it tv auf b mils liaavlj if valadal ul uatal ltlwi w fciw u bal ij u wueutr la w au warlmbjtl iuujumii uaswd mj u ium uaa yui aamlg vuram w 0 anthony georgetown ripe cherries and l ml ic s u it 1 1 make doliolout aad economical prjrvtyi in 10 30 tuitl 1004b aaeka 2 tiutl tihiuud eartottj htauavtm ukau tute jj kill ikjtib lue tvtak al 14 atlalu ajliiitlaiwarridbiaiuauiid be wady for- ras tliu stnudard cutiiuitut will be on the market bogluttluk about juiv 26th aud will tut probably three weeba ior the fluent preserves and jam uo other variety cau com- jure with the cufliumtt there will be a grand crop do uot ucglect to avrouge at once with or andy for your ucauonh reqtilruuiauta dy gettliik on the hat boforo the aeanoti odvaucea too far i will uudertahc to nee that you are uot disappointed now plbasb do not delay get on grandys list now by coopuratliik with ua lu thin way you will assure your- holveu of tllo viiuv 1inuht uuai1tv anii 1uoupt hhuviclt olid iucldeutally hiuuu it possible for us to market our eutlre crop lu georgetown raspberry jam tor our soldiers small jam ueiit perlodicully to our boys will be be most welcome our wouieutj patriotic societies aud institutes will uo doubt ttue this muaus of still furthcrlupj their grand work wkw cfwsmtvnr in uiho wu vhcknr hhqvtlsr of nooo contholuth hahna we at home must rely as far as possible upon perish able fomla a larger car better materials lower price its tekebt u 112 lrtcku aats five big poop in tttrlmct comfort hmttmt rrtatarul t into this cy truui nyathercaf of such conv fortubl size sold for so low prit watbuylnlayarquanu tjm ttnd sat lilglt quality at low urlca with no sotrltico at quality w otkaa csa so bawutif uia so powaw- full mewoatomlc osruyrlillng ttnd of such cornfortabu slw bav calisaj foe yauurat wt hav tro- ducad tha famous 3s horsapowaar ovariand in largar quantlttas than ana othar abriliaa car ia patacaol it la vajua iitiaqtiatladtfat yours uow prlca this cay lowoythanany b m mcintyre agent georgetown uadal elsklyrlmfour 1250 aaoavw hptit 0 a a a hdhms st co aaaaaaaaaaaaoaa july trade specials a few big values all bradley rush cv90xsrotaov7xx a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a to clear quickly the balance of our choice stock of trimmed millinery these specials will uot last long come today luditib and childrens wash dresses ladles mlddleu mouses waab sklrta childrens gingham dresses aud middy suits at prices that would uot buy the materials mens suits hots oops and seasonable furnishings to reduce stock quick see our lines our grocery department strawberry season the best passible for firstclass iruit also jars aud sugara at lowest prices special for satuatfky july 26th floo 100 come to un aud try japan tea good cup quality 5 lbs for golden ieko bluclc tea excelli eiit goods j lbs for matty other hues uot listed at marvellously low prices an order we kuow you will come again adaas fc coy phone su georgetowtl mlra fill 5trteu 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a