Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1917, p. 2

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w h whitboh liadihh cukkiul diutot- obailmruuk furttu anli aa daatha rf day jlarjtlkoiplniml blrtkajfa ocdmllkmn drummers patriotic outing atc from british camp utnjuxtk wioakrfod joir jarf t lo mr and afra j melood auoab to nawaoa tbforrai oo monday jbv aour jm7 joaatbnwaoloelaoij inhemokiah untrmotftu lovlnd toaoory ol itfcii ard thotopaou wb dlad at homt aoaortltl awyjiuaaad laotb wa ban raaalad iba tolimlae laur- mttotf imtf row wlllay caaapl u aad hmislrbrw baft roaaaor- laxoldaar oldaaorjitown i uxawbl ribo-hr- theieobietownbeeilp wlomekdar eveo auoubt 1 im w ry owonlrig mkuk xpotta on lwiniday ajwktfeci wm eopto pmowbj tbo duwo oogtowtf tad vujoitr appiiolt tb uokav mt of vxcelica pnwrato lby o that oet roor botoro wa taw i attondanso o largo or umihomm gimdwthitqmblwlitmlh7kttii iwl wont 6r b000 pooplo pfwmtptl as tbo taoa al eooaift en vft6ym tb fork gf uuun wot rioooo ol hoiw drawb mtilck prmldont uill to w trxoattent cwimii and f bo i opening edit wm eiprmd hi buwar at tho urgo ation duw rod thanked all lot thlr inter in th ttvwt of lb ikueb yuri tawavkav i bot boing kopt in m matamoditloumtlmul wblutotdosoo boa v kopt bettor than other end many plot look mot tod trio boot th wbolo it look laibef noglocioit tblol eboojd bot bd w uop to t abl to tool a ebeug or tb bottom kwatt lw bmduuly aw ortawi wpstell uyi 11i vtmi ofli lpi 1omid koat cud in ooumuorsljotl b ti viuutll utblvm muf oj oonbdonuioti tb wd bod j tb orjlowy lori cwj wiib m lomt ooulni4 iflbwnuiioa j lli vsrioo frovutmi xutla la u07 uid no ud jm ttiuwkal lajonimtioa la tgua to to lb i6tll bojunod ofoowwyoa hno who w uadod lattikieasbuy worool uwraootomncmlaawajvlav la woofc wbil 1 wm uimv jim bud oty to m dm ud mkld wottld i fc bora for iwoiywbilm h umt dldat ooafld vory mvaaracla m ibo vsosp trawt up to bkufa ry mo wm w prtmar tboa wo wot mv itifoo itollw to kh udllo bat worn cwty i jhuidltai o uu w arria ohsx i summer suggestion twtfdcnthomtlll wo wfbrikovod orimd witb tbo iloib l7scdi aub pod i jloib tbm wo woatod mm toy wook i wok to loodoa uiob tobdlabarfbl ooiunitrfff boliovo o bad o ucwjito lfaduo oi 3oro4 to rr oa kboo utoa to tbo 17ia to ctob tou uoooyfeif gjgb od by atunofoor wlalotm troat 0rt cimo ww t au opnloalohiod i b3fi bub won uim uornrot yuk wiioa ol toronto tbo llaowl wrt ot ifonlltoa liuu 111 tritf of ladoat uaolpb mojo qoarutl blllf dorowd jo wlllunta edalmlluml moa otir una vt ruad la ttuwolagoo nod violia ouo umm at tbo eloao of tb eosottt daao wm bold la uto town boll kt which niboriotf of boib youaf tad old oamotanbty booralaktbouuidol tatot ina ww bold ia tbo 1ubuo llbmry itmvo itmrtwoll woj brmdtjd ftjtof invluntf tbo dntmaion to tttara to ooov towa of ibolr aaoa oauaa ooxt yoor oxtoododto tbom tbo triaat of tbo tows jl aowuoa wm wrlod tnwauoooaly to baolomi wltb tbo i poportod tohbw jlg ittoitbo to tuut oppoobioa a am bo opoood at mlceg am whoa won mom to booh ka wtimv to oom bofwo tbalmifa cltrmjld wa maodliog toodoy tawlo w wbiuoy wbo rw now cwyfoa oa tbo iamm ud i boot boo wof t to m cwap lo iteftlaad lud wo m oaf bojy al flnt i tooad it bard to kt tmolloo to two tbo oodoo yod fcoow oo boro yoa omot bay gmf una wultoot porwlt 1 mrmwd jo bay fow llooa ai tb wm4 ptoj la oaudua tnoooy kao b itallaa bat w boodto umibunm febom to bojr tbu xno jft tbio b woadorta o6ab try my uooillal oa bioitor vbora yoa oj h at kloo wry protty rtoon at hand ubv i wujbl oay that bm w woro boa tbo im lopihilm pttirll tf sklojww l uoorf it and ladttairy of tbo omiolry kltte li7 tbo twpt bai aloa in oaolontpla tloa bo lomlii of oooiiaoraorauvo ie obudpi to ouulat of an flrvd pnh dueitod of llarrby iwotluff tbo ftbor of oonfodfalbm itiu cauutitmm oa tubbalb oboorvatim attltorottiutbkutuuiromeotri bulood ibatutont ww loo tautu tukuaut bfaklog aod that utotor vldltltf ott rldu day ltu umnaud to at auitalim enuat it u trtu liio abto l provulon aa auy umbi tor ihutpotiltift paaplo ami aatoa utt tatitig eburdi arvumou ndtulayi bui ou hut otiitr ham ui auto l aio tbo tomoi wliarnby ebureb atuodaoeo obb b uifj voim will 66 ball ebbrtjt alliuluu cburoh oflldalg wtul ftdlul lit itutut to tut ibolr ebbfeb but ami to do ibu lbm tdiut b vlam of luurvat aud raora dvotlt i booi tm i 4lt of prouulun clilwimi tim lliuviurt llua ij ildly approc blntf la tut biylug bu wall pragtita d durlbff tlia uniuually good bay wmiii ar and lb wbaat u tuittlng noaily all eropi ifl toporud a good avarajjo ilia eill kmjilloa bibgtr eromuwiltcli with faro ke4ioi aromuuutfilly poor applm6i4eully no rapohd a all u re whllo paachm jtaaii plumi ud ebarilm aia uot mora litaji a 7ft ptr cenl crop itoou ind viptabu pioulia wall trnj all ftarilauprodiuii t abuudatii tbaro la proealao of a larga yuld of potato at tbougli rot u iblmunlbg la aoi ilbv lril it la bopd i hat hi prio ol ihma will not raaab ilia fabtjloua ujnur ol tb pait aoatot r i tun vuiwwmu pronlatuatron hi bma laitwd by ths uourlo oowommeut wharia kaluiday ilia till day ol aujftut 1017 will bo ilia bird aniilv my i oi dacuialloo ol war asd uio iuymiuu calla for lining tad aolawu reo union ihrougboot our wovliioai w lliioi baluvlng it to b right bd proper that our paopl thou id at that tlui naqlitu tbalr ball in u tlgbbjooabaai of lbs oium lor whjcb w ar flgliung and tbalr ipdailbla dalar- bliiuuou to eosllaua ha alrujtglo until victory hu ban aelilavad bav thought fit by tad wltb th advlovof our uu tlvooubsll tor the 1fovloo ol oolajlo to apoolat aud do haraby appolultb aildday tob obwrvad throughout our irovle ol oulailo lu tb miuuar afor aaldt aud wadoharaby urgathoealluigol public niatltugu throughout our provluto ob tb dal tuantlouad for tb purpow ol athnulatliig tb dvollou tad ilrloluiu of our paopl and of smluwlylsf utaa utttltomta in appioprula raaolutlooa tad tbraby uuluug liaoi eff actually for ui aupiani affort wbleli it naeaaaary lo bilk to a vuloilou imu uio atruggl lor tb rbalubiuaiiro of thou idaau ol llbarty tud jualla which ar tb couituou tad itoiad raua ol tb tllla wrwod 1m 1 m ot day uador th bum djtojto ttfi4ajajsk kball mjor uraoti and laj by tbrotb 1uu baud ifuodiwdj of ackbftl oblld- hu boy htfouta travollota auuma0 foot asd in auto all waving unlott jack mad a moat ituproxl paacl tbo kltotoooa piojfatu at tb park wa a uood oo tb dlffrat vttla war kaanly eoolmud ad caoaad eooaldw abl atuunt and ho uiuo aotoual ol ijurtht it would b bard lo hod a bior jolly or blggar baartad buueb of good alaan bitoru than ottr uuuiniar fiuuda ami tby war etalnly w fill lu tblr atfort om0l7toprovlda tartalamabt lor thalr gout tod bur than til to falw faoda far a bobt ptir- poa tbabaat of erdar pravallad during hi oohft on vrlilay avaalug and tb twnu on kaiurdayi ami our tluuna thoroughly tiujovad auolbar vult row our travollar lrlnda all look forward with ptaaiur to tbalr raiura to laorgatown in iolfl dfiite is the time of the the x findi it difilcult to ksdw what to prepaid for tueali here are 4 few uggtrtlon wnlci mghtid wiu preparing tneu year when pj hotuewife n new advertisements strayed or stolen boo vtf pimmum ooantctowi m inly fmb ipy vmcp anawlnif 111 w r im timilf voipbtalcut wfiu tlui an jm1hihi1 km4 ivcehra rwm h y yuhm mum ij hottiem u uioa- 10 ii 90pd ri botlu hizjz- ib ml ncum la htu fit quart ottluana la- s hwoat jama l mupaiara jamaloian a ttmlmau la 1 la uaa at kaluwa la i lb tlaa at oraaapaila aad lnuta arapa jalaa at umajulcaat try oar llarrlaaumj uall cooao at u kaadua i w u sa aad ma 10 u atfd im t 00 ladwaawbotaa isparbatu jj pa ua o at haadllix ii at alaual a i i laet mart ol oar mi mai aad ibay hlalv auaa qalu bit emwif lo kaauaoj i alaatar tfcaalii mllot to loo aooah aad braual llt bad aaooab to haw aall la lloool barla oold bat la ibla raop oa aaa hlr too ilk italarrlblalb aria ol llla oj bjra jaat oo 1 mlabl ay raaab udtlaautq sii aootloaal wbao tbar ta baar bm aiy lhl wu art abato aj wbtl noay llutf bad ibay lat it my nail bm aaiy ihlm art ahato and btl woaiy iluybadlbaylatltlly lay ool ibi all caoadlaaa ar nail fli raspberries oherries our- rants and goosebdes delivered flroh every moroiag at our store choicest fruit phone u your order i wjfmttd j band wall toot in mo- cnpdl apply m4umrw dnjll hlvro -j- if w bie boaao on oohib hi room otootilo hgw- batb anj furwtav tmwia to lkjobaip i- v mtrmrtd cano totbo wmatmt of uwtimli- tgnofllot ij fad lloo krworljj t tooatuyt july blallariibay iuumj with wnltomtot ownor imy hyv kaftitil by padag exponaao john crawmbaw phtmoirt i i tf cw wmmtmd waotod to buy jorwy wtf oly foil poatttoobu toll bodj a o juolpit bayppi mill 3d ijtd ontdim t at 4amjmmmjtmamawa the mens stores i spring announcement i new hpringoooda our aiook of bulling otereoatirig trmlmrinu eta joat arrlrad or spring eomrarulog aj4b ut- oai in atyio tod eoloexlng slkoalwo bava a laroa itoek of guajaaieod oloo ana black aorac vcrf wa ooaala navuu purehaaad tbanr long bafpro tfui itifulvaima ao4 will he afcle to aetl tfaom at pnietfoauy tile wd prleob i churstm i bod nod wblio boll rait aboutnyom old apply too bargaanl ulaa bod itp a m grandy the pure food store to abaci allodia ol aataur lal wzruscs apply lo j k k colu olaowillbuoajm iny paraoo iralojl oo iba ulaw oardldor makarra br p rw il o ja 1 aeomtortabloframabooo 7roottiaml etosat woodabod attacbod bard u tolt wator in boaao tarnaca tmamt floor hi mlkri aim of lot 72 v ist will 1 mj i backaou oaody loam aaltablo for any tbieg ltb riimn of aprlng wator run biofltbroocb loo lot largti hud hiiidll frou apply to boa 137 r plaxo your order qn dont 1 yootly for ouiofiowd eoaionitrau 9 a s i mu0 fuitdshings 2 jut amvod kowhokwoy now sfatria collar gotoo ilolory kto tbo uutiuleiti hot co of all tbo loadinit i maltoa wo- abow ji superb giocltof ovorylbitig min woajb- yoa j g cdohot find anytbing to oquj u in kny oiboy atoro in idwn amd 4 vory cow city atoro bturpaag it k pino boloeilon of med tun youth roadytowoa auit orrcooi odd poiil oterali oto iwyg od bjuul w inviu yod to call tvd iiupoct on aiock millar co q cihfi hk1k clab3 tallosimd and mfin t rurnlshlnos agont tof btoekfui uouunoa o co dyoto am olaanara toronto rataawawmmaaiimjmww j advertise in the hbraljy glenwilliams ikr bob ueuatur ol tba itmtli wrlua bla luur ifoaiogubd u wtowaf isdl yaaunlay wblob ol eura wa wl com yaa my mall la ooulug in all right now our tut paw la ovar anil i ahi now thinking ol uiy bait ona whlah will riulab uur training liar 1 llkad tb itlaiuy drill ikotutouuh ufarbal lay and hop 1 do ool liav i go back in thai again f aatit you a oopy of tb ii u h uigtulria wbloh will gtv you an ida f our work w tiw having on waauiar juu ftuougb rain to eool tb air our tomla r vary good how i oltau think ol th loaeraatn 1 uaad to gt ovar itotn i bav only bad on duh tint i eaoia liar which eoat to nin oaul ajid only got about ball aa tawh a m gt in fjauad lor da rnu wiey tud 1 tr laallag loo lov to all irou bhrthail uob uuanor wiuonh wawtrttowu la apiiidiug t fw wiwka wltlt itlaaiu bar uih oilv uarebinant o toroulo apanl th wk sod tt iter botu bar ut tboa win ipaul lb waaktod lu torobto mim uura koolt of araou la tb gumt ol tieroouida ulaa klaaoor uatuntonb tb niotl xblllbg bamball biaubof th auon will b plaiad on th local diamond hal ur day aug 4lh tt b ptd uorgatown va ulauwllluuna uuur harty nvn of uaorgatowa aoatit law daya with frtanda lur th waterworks oouunlua ha baaa doing eoui tine work tloug lltpl urov avauue ws eaouol aa why tpilnk- lluii carl uhuoi b uud lu town altaur harry itobluaon tud arthur ilargrava of torouto tr apaudlog t aw ra kdward 111 ltd ob tbli taonveoatttryaadvoty body i doing ihoh bit tb road ar all pad aud vry boiuuldl with tro elttwurlag on bub atd now jo i want to improm oo yno ttat w bav flu battalion having tamlvod a taw drill one a haltalloa laapllt up ua luud proprwlllorj to morganla ataln but vory binah to th eradu ol uol liautvlll li kinagwd to work it alright all tbaboyaar hn at lat bumtly all aud you oughl to bear our bandwow ehu our bagl band brolt up and r main to aud i u not tarry thy would dilv g nun ereay in tltnn tblug ar prtty hot at th front ltul now w a pact to go to frano about augtut lei i tboa air raid you rad about dont alj ullyi tb on at yolketon tud llyib wa pretty hero and w war pretty alow thai tint imt eve y man wood ga lug in tb sir ituuad ol b ling it theo raid ar only uutiaroluiurd etlnglurutoaut paopl aapeclally wofueu and ehlldrau tlioalllmroutdblow lbr uu to plewa la tweutv lour bouie if it waent forth reapmtotltlituomutaud 1 gueoa tbevr right at that th war will boon nd to dont worry old frlii la on th tun it la larilhl to aa tb wounded it llil oountry well jo i think i will go to bed harry ormerod and tow allen wllt to b renatdbered ami you eu look for ua bain about daeauitur itegarda to all h luiuntlna high school notes tb ualrabe to fatuity leault have baeu tbuounoml all thirteen who wroto at our high mcbool bav bean aueoeeaful andtbmoof ibetn bav rolvd honor auudlag vallowlug la th tut a oar adam ltrua bell weldou ttoui wall mary vealharatoo bououn btu art flaber tlougla uowdy bonor ivan iraen uuiiel llalnaa uutfano hunur yla kannady riotl afalthwhanouta howard maxwell uhdred uolfay tit tbova i indeed a oredlubla abow ibgand rarlmlamueli credit on irlnclpal hoe and bhjauu tbla u lb third yar lb umiaihib that til eaudldate who bav triad tbl aaaia bav been tuoo lul tit vtaanhoi in lb tlaff bav ban filled ur w it vorul apmlallet in hduno wlih wldackpaileuoo ukeablr icrwln plaob ulea albaru henab an honor gradiutouha th aloilsru poal lion aud ulu uabe howie a uoutuar eul hpaolallat will lake oharg of the eomuaroul work maw auii ikliiuiu problem for town tbafttiania in ontario tr lorebadowed by lb aclloit of urg toronto wall or der iiotu lu eeubllihlng order dpaiuufut in tl towu through out outailo tbo mall order evil baa btea tailou enough but now tba big taall older ociupua bu takeu another ilepaud placed peraonal repreaenlatlvf in tu ajjolulog town willi it irouiieia enlaigwd tb big butlnea bout will daubllraaltasnoouragad lo oonlinipltl luttbar wuviumbuiani oo lb right ol waller owe beet a thai laoucb-er- log upset ol ths uu and that la that the tight hand ally of lb big uierebaul la tleo available fur lb help of tbo small fttsrchauls we rour to ilia power of elf active nflttepaper adveilulag ludwd in on way tbcttnill uierohsbt hu lb big tallow haudleapted in the laa loir local trade aud favor ilea of lb towu httwapapei tr pafla to tbvlowu uwr shut aud iflluao to accept tuhll order tdvemuiiitf fills leave tb lml titer flhaulb wlih a iro field in which to prao tic lutbimlve oulllvallon ol wlllug idea looking lo tb groaler produulaa of pay lug ciuloiiicie th uuuy part ot it u tbal uuuy local uierchaula ar couleut lat tb big allow lu th city sow their own aiueular hualite- held wlih hid teed ol tuall older lltetaluro without m biiwlt u pulling in a uiuuivr crop they borui lotruat th loral edlluie tu kuip tbo vil weed plowl up paiauiially bav dotiti ihineuluralilo plowing ul tlitl tort hut lb uttm 1 couilug whun the bull older blot will b nnijly repro aulad and then what la uoikmij hual baa but ought to he att meichtuu bluo will baootuw utylug liutlinu for lb big -tor- lepra ur wu tlftnry of terr oolt hu liuiubspti lb brick itouoauii main ml cliwnflg to lanta walmm kw wa gmtovyv i itwiibw uoorgtowlt daya with iiraiul ur aw inlouh taa lor war purpose la pro poaed by tb ulnuter of ivlnabe al tliougb lbi will probably b soma eliangea thu tai u luoposad will turn out u lollowa iour par caul upon ittooma iieaedlb j000 per auuuni in th eaae ol ubtnar ileil wa or widower without eblldieu th urn lv on idooiuw iosadlng j 000 in th caw ol other paraoua ln adilltlou th following aupar lu la to l imposed wimn inoom eiee4it lfl000 and does not aiooed gu duo u per oeut whbi ineout ckreed v10coo and dcu boa sxoeod 120000 6 par eaut wltar lueou xoida 120 000 and doa not exeoed 30 000 h per ueut wltar inooto axoeeda fjwooo and doasnotexmed i000 loperosnl wber luoom xwda 160000 and doe not suoeed glooooo 15 per oent wium loeont exceed 100000 ia prtnt a ux of 4 per eeu on ineouu axoaad lug swo in tb two ol oorpotatlou or joltti tioek eoinpaules tlta plan will work out u lollowai unman led uaiilad terra cotta ur l uofah uu gab to oeotgelowb wbar b bu ueuhd employmaut in tb eoat tig mill on ol our dilaan reooh wliau over to uaorgatowb on haturday ovaulng bo found bis boro uuiledt fortunately lb aultoal wu a iiuut ona or b might bar gon hont buch uuki should not b loleraiad mr j b plaai and daugbur louis ol toronto bav ruevad to tbalr bouse at tb brick yard bar forth sum ear wa pleased to wsloou theia ulw aunl abm 1 1 ol luinltflu is visit ing wlih li lends la our btulet ur u leant bu opaued aa lo cream parlor in eonnsollou with iter star alias irlioa of toronto la thagueatot ur anil mr itobt puoksrlug ur ii haywood ol uaorgatowatosul th wmkad wltlt irtaoda her llerry picking la now the order ol tb th inamlmh ol union and tr ool t tied orosa uocuty out at th horn of i mh htokerltigott vrlday afurnoob but 4000 0000 ooo loood 111000 15000 110000 110 000 00000 to 000 100 oou 1iui00o u00000 uj0 10 400 slid mil ma uoll h10 1uio l0 umi 114110 oauu quou looao i 1u010 iinuo 14tui uotnx yujau tukoo isrik obituary jojili luwww lu ol monila bail kuon auaul in iba ptlaall ol juwpli llawaui wawl away ou uouiuy altaiaoao uaoauad wa boro lu nurval about 00 ytn w uu puil lib aouia ilia lu bla uauia vlllaaa il wu lu iba itapuuuaal butl itwa lor uauy yaal uil w wuuly known 0101110 laruiaia lu ibwaaolloa juwbb llawaou wu au bouolalua uu willi kind lrt ibal uaalor ouuua lu iblr uuki aud loriiwi aad bu uauui ullo aud oluwry won will ba uiiik1 la ilia oounuuuliy ii umruiwrud hul laailvkail by iwoalalam ufjluf kirk wail twulo aad alia laula llwwiu willi wluuu ballvadl alaoou iintlliar ur tliauaa llwaait tba iuubni look puta lojay wku ilia lanilu wralnurrad lo norval aam atry ilia wivba iwlag whdnriad by i bar mi vanjuaaiu 3 tbr wu larit luro out iiiuuur iba wrdu bald on ur uataball lawn on vildy iuuulirlea wrdu pally lo ba i ur urutball lawn on vruly 1mb vor lailbu pailloulaia u paudtoa barboliiu7awttb btrbrouir ur pallhoi tbla pilot ulwnoioia lluauraurulbil a uuui liar ol br liuad lo a blilbday wly on roraiuy aluruoou aud wu iba raelnuut ol luiay valiubla aad uatlul prawou limehouse tba llad ona woikir ol ulnwlouu aud vicinity aal barad it lb iwaui lul ol u ud aim lubul uounlily ua tbuhday avaataa and uul a woat tux tavoiad iba ruiaiabo wlut mvara bum banoabu aapbaaluia iur ijoualam ol uuilpb laipaiaonalaj hvaral aauu ion ol flariyuadar and wuwfaaud ly aaaorad l mia uflaatl ol uallluaud yv wvaul noluilotui uh t luilltuj llr jobn nlokll ur wu uowdy ml ur boillb alao look pul lu ilia program kvrybody piatanl bad a iwd uw aad bout w wu tatluai lor tba ilia omti ura uowdy and u la mmu uowdy ol uulili lallad al ui wu uowdya ovarhuudty ur ind ura k ivilkliujiioraa ol ijlu fori ula era vulliu ibalr par attla bar mr imlkllialtarua and toa kuulo kra holldayllk al walwaoruu brmk let hold liuulluat eau walob loil aa luly islli on lulipol way ollroalo hulmibau ily bolow norval vludar will bar ward by hlmularl auoa locllva luulia iruuw aloall uuui uoraaloaullp the skilfiil painter can brina into your home the soft beautifal colors of the big outdoors by decorating your walls and ceiling with lowe brother the li rjlnt thai utaklntf the plaot a 11 paper ia modem hornet malowa colon aeriettfawlwami they aeetti to eateh and holiuta aiinahlrtn theyonv ulnly do briifhten thlnni up for the intttx homa meixotow u fwteltaa wawiiable ktalatv taa d unitary aak for a colof earn abowioo tba iofiajtuivralabow unti w 0 anthony georgetown w 0 anthony georgetown cedar vale promos raspberries tlio ntaiidard cutimuut is now ou the market aud will laut probably three weeks iobvtlie fiueut preserve and jam uo other variety cau com pare wltb the cutfluilut there will be a grand crop do uot ueulect to arrange at ouce with grandy for your ueiiuunii requirements by rettiiir on the lint before thu bcanou advauceu too far we will undertake to tee- that you are uot disappointed tjwplba8b do not delay get on gssndys list now by cooperatlur with ua iu thin way you will anmir your selves of the vltuv ilnubt uuauyv and ihoajit u1iuv1cu aud lucldeutally make it possible for uu to market our eutlre crop iu georgetowu raspberry jam lor our soldiers small jars sent periodically to our boys will be he most welcome our wouieus patriotic societies aud institutes will no doubt use this melius of still furtherluft their rraud work kkw cywswrvrtv in mrvo thk uncknt hkqiihst u fvmm aintnoukm uanna we at home must rely as far as possible upon perish able foods bradlet rush pdk7vts st co atjgust trade specials i a few big values ii l r niiolce stock of trimmed millinery these w to clear quickly the balance of our choice stock ol trimmed millinery specials will not last long come today ladies and childrens wash dresses ladies middies illouueu wash skirls childrens gingham dresses aud middy suits at prlciu that would uot buy the materials mens suits hats gaps and seasonable furnishings ttt reduce stock quick see our lines our grocery department strawberry season the besl passible for firotclash fruit also jars and sugars at lowest prices special for saturday lopan ted good cup quality 5 l i golden pcko black tea cxtclleut goods j lbs for golden many other lino not listul at marvellously low prices fioo i oo come to us and try au orderlwekiiowyoii will omc agaiu f adams k coy georgetown phone 43 maln mil streets 0 w a

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