j the georgetown herald fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening october 24 917 tbeieobcetownberaid evftjty wjcdtalcuuy vbarao set to hkbauioweh fuiiftiwo office ukorijettowm olft 8ubhoriktiok bates op yaar tl60 orlltt if paid lo a rm j mix moouu e oaoi lq adraaoa tb ddreog tab abowa 0w date jr gadjacrijtfloj atptw oomtkaot advkptljulo rate d on appuoatioa run lor ant tnrtioo i ne ortfajfiirtfato id ihw mmt irwartlnn will b eewdiof all fcawstam advmlnmmia tmim uj loan inch p jutt wtthoi tr4 dlrac ham will b taaartad until forbid and baifml mcafdlacly aj m will bo ehaogad ah nuaatb without astr cfaaift ohwmm lor ooatnut advaathaaaaaaai j4m mooes arm rmm raj ll00sai if pl skovmuflg romlf4 ii standard anthracite 8crantonjcoal lasuil coal wood op tordoaaptl d llirahblas poronr haitblo d oual lh i li cany rttbio lo bbjooi u apoom ool mov4 rrs john mcdonald o 1 i- id mo we sell only reliable goods jwkennedy dircgtgry ol shittowl jrallbttldok daul buiuai golldloia ku tooomo lira qaosonowa oi luuhdr block i hoy dal in obonpi of ooittow ofljme imksi on joauru uoamdiutw ftitteu sod samoa moak1 omoo ol haiti uwlim him u t b oawtean sto4odrtosipia two u obao id smdooo mmia rt boodl oppomt prmbrbumui ebareb c l punt dl opl d iekoitobtowk oiom but lo library liioo iso specialist in defective eyesight urwub nouns wdoir lo a pm tod 6jto d bu htody it to ft to ud tf lo 9 pe llioa or ui apbolubaoet hhittpttdu mo l borgory or ot0b4by a u muilgltm d 0 undul ol tb wlour uu oiwul soboolol omropmoua dmvm port low us a otto orr uumlordtf bbo slor goaoalutloo nod sdiuii ablyj vrm tm itiufi tod ual ltott7tobpto pilous iso hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures i sewer pipe and cement tinsmithiug and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone 96 georgetown onl fine jewelry watohes clocks si etc ebpatbino a speciaity a b wilson main strswt 3csi c3c two big specials we offer yon a lost opportunity to procure a choice from two specials in small sizes tbeyure the best of ladies footwear and are going to be sacrificed at 98c and 198 per pair rumford t14e shoe torn the home of better shoes local agent wanted i tat uorfloma anh duu lei lo tail loi- tan oltf hatiakut votnatlh numutlm hpuddm iul ol loow lor tll tliuo 1817 awl uprlntf tuutlhi iu1h intludlng hod for aw dlnklrauil ckuthth auo iiabl4 propoaluoa iuuiuou fr lulfo tntory ubrl cow flcnth raxvn b wathon ud u w d s dkktllrr owisolowu ool llooml bs0 sta to s pu lmiuy lo oil llo bi dm bulk 01 luulilotl s l ukatu l1b1u oktrruit bi u blook tu door nortb ol hu1 otnbtt vsotory uncus k u iospw db l l ukknbtt oiujtlst ohcou mldodw uua bt oortb id boom onr ut u thtago rfaotw lis utorsotawu hlnj itnjii uwoawi atutiottml lor tulla tud fl ulmwluuwu iswt offlr dtioua maulartorlly and mm onljm ult at lha uwiuuaiowh uluuui ornta will him1v braidu almtumi jackson and jlbb civil engineer surveyor temple bldg brontford msj a u jukiud u u lw monhin kaslooer bu qtib iukj s ii 0 wyuabobotu wolu works an it ifl to f w 0 ttluybosubiwa ajohluol we want now a kallibla agat1 bt halloa oetutty ta all pmaum4 rwuijbks rsiriff ahu 0ua1 atawtai ytutm diulug wl wd wlou motuha oaodpay waloalmuhllom um mllim maldottn biocklodtmiltiankw varltrflm wwlxolud bjr u llaodwtim ty4o44u mimas aqttlpawal and m ta4t4linadun fjreaabwoifariotob waaaa maoftultwamaleil uilfll lloauu for hoohh oi potchtawa of aur tmtftttoek wtu now for iuy urau to rixbil nljbiev co toronto ontario tussssssm ybssbbsmsaa wnii mibbsl stone sod wellington til poiithlll ntlmriu ktubllibij 1u7 toronto ontario jihoh mu2imii arthur bgastell yk oollhoi v muamo why canada needs more money up to date the war has cost canada about 700000000 canada hai tpent in canada over 400000000 on her own account canada has spent in canada on behalf of great britain over 300000000 j j canada spends for great britain is really loaned to great britain and will be repaid or credited to canada later on mii4mm njjas1 iimms 4rte vihtfimtf tstlum v fla uy bftntfa mmw utun at iitumtuwii ut at imtwltl ttomtta puthom tuusd fciaowsw swimrtsji j m buck butcher 0orstown alwsyibuou html uwknikolol beep pcinui bau8a0b bologna ieto homesoured hams baoon lamb veal tllld w hatm ouvss hsihtk swsst mohus ih suut insuhanoe firb and accident ubs hoe jsrsjas iswiss great britain needs so much ready cash to finance her own expenditures at home fpr herself and for our allies that she must buy on credit from canada and front every other country where bhe can get credit of course great britains credit is so good that other countries in order to get her trade are quite as willing to give her credit an wo are in canada canada wants to help great britain not only because canada wonts britains trade hut because we are cadada and she is great britain both members of the same gnat umpire kin of our kin our mother land for canada it is both a filial and patriotic duty to supply great britains war needs and remember her needs are our needs also it is in canadas selfinterest to supply those needs and thus keep open a market far our products www now britain needs our wheat our cheese cattle hogs and many manufac tured articles canada also needs many of these things between the two it amounts to more than a million dollars tt day in cash and the producers must be paid lu cash neither canada nor great britain could go to a canadian farmer and buy his wheat or his cattle on credit the farmer and all other producers might be ever so willing to give their country credit but they could not do it because they have to pay cash for wages for rent materials etc they must be paid fa cssb or its equivalent bo cunnda says to great britain i will lend you the money so that you can pay cash to canadas producers for what you want lwlll borrow tills money from our own people just as you borrow money from your people i will ulso borrow from the peopla of canada money to pay cosh for oil the pro ducts tluit canada as well as great britain needs lu canada tluit is canadas practical patriotic part lu helping to win the war without this credit the canadian pro ducer could not uell to great britain and without thic canadian products the war would le prolonged so it is necessary for canada to give ixi great britain tlio credit lu order that canadas own producers who need a will have one and lu order that great britain which needs the products to win the war will ct them now how does canada get the money by which bath canada and britain can pay cash for canadas products by borrowing it from the people of canada tiirough the sale of canadas victory bonds to be offered in november tliut is why canadas victory bonds ere offered to the people to raise money to help to uuhlt die war canada must keep her shoulder to the wheel even though it be u chariot of fire ilnd the way for canada to keep her lihoulcser to the wheel is by buying l canadas victory bonds hnlwtkuhamwtiitwlwbyctursj4wuury bf aatltimt caiuuw victory feud hsassj by wd vmy xa oakmkas lib ddsualmsrfcaaauu mechanics wanted man waatual boys wanted cassutan baoa georgetown muott waanrxom yesao asd aborts sta twoalo bsssuvr nni aawsawawsw j a tbaoy lissl lor hdnl ui lassiswa t d oi umrumrtw4 i ntmm i wmmtto lly bualbom utrl ruau ud bosnl apity lion it urld offlo mii toroolo imtmum or ry knows 0nm1t omuroarold dlploiu or oartlsouo moo loo blilh tor our srftdo or work rr omhtlosu uu ur toy uuo w u sbavr vn r7 hobikmb ims hul olttoom jtoss 0rars sm torooki 1 50 per annum ot 25 if paid in advance 1 f i i to the mlcmt servict tb briuatt nary laahad ty iba wlolwa eou bf thsshfuamarhaai in h grip of ulpla ataal ja ttold 7ba kata to oar foavdafaai hluot moa trim aa aia casvlaaa of pabllo praim flcorofal ra laoabf a ov koainra b aodthu irlfllz fmlfaroo war vtmtmpug affldant and kasra kvarao mytmtd mrm yw wo ustri u4 data tw aaaa tto hiallaaa thjr roia of lit aaa io bulor atorm aataoa rftlaatad ill jul ila i thy oil ffithooi srub atraactb aa wa laaa if ibadow of doobtor fasy tha- bloodfad araaa on high whan that oattaoflaba doth apt roll apaad to bia ulf ba tbao loog toay ym mla lha aaaa oil apaad to bt toay y so will joatjoa and fraadooi dallstht uf thy slaa war la mnrr oft paopva kapt frao by iby iiht lord qod wa bomblr ibanh ttaa on thla and aay day or lha might of th bluab mary kaan u aaia lo tby car a pray eas prize list volloalotf la iba lut of thoaa wlto woo ohaaaat kaqoaalng agile oil tual bodaly vail falii- ilaat 1 year old galdln or fluyi elliott uait e funaoall um eolt lft7t hugh olwk hart x lsmnadall vulur uroa brood inorai vullar uroa liart b fanadatl uroad mti ragta aradi vu ullllaa bona hpacbu on baavy turnout i w w wit q a wllaon claaa ix achcouoraj dat pair boraaa a bamaasi si bl 1aitanon john 1all a u thorason nuyi mock ulvn uaat a yaar old galdlna or ral ly wen luga harold uingbanl konam uohonald uasl eott itttf joa uttor j v kllloti wu jfun dall ilruod moral j v kiuolc uari ix laitadall ww uundalt ctaaa iiih uoasssraj riwpoae utmt pair horaoa in hnnmsssi vf n koott u wiirl uae a wluotl llaat 1 van r old atriair or fitly l j w lmnto fun vrwt wrbulaaworth woiou- all llaat i yoar old molding or flllyi 3 h wlliwri w if allan w u cat- laraon uaat 1 ywir old goldlug or fll lyi uo c cunpball ut colt ltltf 1 aroy uttxiirt jo uoora llaat brood maroi 1 roy klariln john canpball ctaaa iv casrriam boat pair horaaal win c howard jaa till it karr mt alngla in bar- liaaai j j irorgravca jantaa till a nolaort uoat brood maroi n whg- ttlaamrortll jtta tilt k u pattftraon llaat i your old valuing or riliy in hartiaat u h houituvllla itablal whlllay llaat t yanr old galdlngf or flllyi jaa tilt a m uclhron daat una ymr old galdlng or flllyi n wrlg- alaaworth uaat colt ltlft n wrig- blaaworth fc s ioturaoo waal miusala llaat aaddla bora opni u uavaraau john nlokall hon uvkciaijjnuzkm cusas vtrmdatsjm llaat pair in hurnaaai v u hopltlaa uaat alngla in liamoaai harry uv6r- oaut c if ifaalop a vanco uaat brood rottr kuller uroa jaa tilt win j jjodaay uaat s yaar old gal- ding or rilly tn hamaaatw e uocraa dy john campball ti b atklrtaon itoat l year oidgaldlng or rilly i maim liroa jamaathl john nloball a hon llaat ono yaar old galdlng or flllyi b r 1aturaon wm j undaay john nlokll ron uaat colt lllll ul- lar ilroa ao anderaon llooald mo- donald w uat ftdr drivar by alay so itoavo fcuquaalngl jaa tilt wm o howard uaat altigla turnout by ix 1 mwaoni jav tilt u it itoutorvllla uaat lady driver fallahup trot or rttc u mil and unhltoh by joa laaumont qlanwltllama w it allan w w urownrtdga uaat road bora lat by alhart nlon harry davar- aiix w li uecraudy uaat trainad tiolt by boy uttdar lk yaarav any oolt on grounda allglblri by jua l tiland lulu a u aliaraon luuoan i uuip ball llaat itlgh atoupor by krntat uurraolough ulanwilnautat joa- lilt win c lluward llaat oolt by int uarlal allerton off aarvlco or till by jan htlliiei u a andaraon lloo ald uoftotinld heat oolt by nor dallo off aarvlea for itll by nix and nikojii joa moor hugh 111 iui k hart 13 j4iuadell lluat coll by haron audu boti any uiu by a hdchni uavld aiv- n john ciimpholl oatttm chu vf llvu ihwd thtrfagun uaat oow oalved or in calfi ira ii vaitnttor thou j tlaher john v uoiiuituld ilwit i year old oowi n ulllloa j mqna ira 11 vanulter john d wcnonnlj uaat i year old beirori john 1 uuuotiald ira u vtinuttar n ulllloa moita llel 1 yaar old hlfn lra ii vstnatlor u u flaok john u ilouonald uat liolfar cain lra u vauattor tlioa j vlalmr uaat elougb olanwiiilamis j k jajbr- fona hun llaat pan rina woolad haap ono malo and two famalaai by joa uaatitnonl olanwiuuimaf a m wllaort ham imtlaon a hon flaa pan any fjown alioap anowtn claanaac and baat apt flaacaa ffanry corkm a b wllaon cum xvlvbctawbit baal bosxri w w nrqwnrtdga ham lolaorl hon uft boar ltltf ham rolaon bon w w drownrldgav uaat aowt w w uro iolaon hon baat uolaon a hon w w o oasva xvil to baat baari a if ftald john l l- lla uaat boar laiti j e faatbaf aton hon john i laali baaf aowr w h ilald john u laalla uaat auw iflti j t paalhanrtona cua xvu1 tamwoaow uaat boari ham lolon a hon jaa ulaik uaat boar ltl7l jaa litarc uaat aowi ham uolaon a hon uaat aow iiiti ham dolaon hon jaa mark uasrt bar any othar broad i montba or ovmri toot fvrnllr uaat aow any othar broad its month of ovarf tom mckaoaja vnuurf wblt orptnirton cook w lautt man kdarard u hmlth wblt or sin gton han kdward u hmlth um lltiaa a ttorsa whit orpington ook aral mall ollllaa wopa wbtl or- cook jaa yiddlar nail ulllloa fe hona huff orpington ban edward u nunlth jaa plddlar huff orpington ooc st erol jaa flddlar j c norton buff bull 3 yearn or ovuri ira 11 vaiuhur ill lytwroldin ulllloa uon any uuhlit hut bull coin lra u hona jorasija llaat cow oalvad or in tulfi w a uochiro uaat i year old hvlferi da vld vroaer w a idcgluro john 1 ucdunuld uaat lielfar oalfl w a llu luro utnt tuiil niiy ugoi w a uoulura w j aloxandar claa vll uulatoht uut cow ealvetl or in oulfi t 1 italia heat l yur old hulfuri t i lattlto lloat 1 vaur old bulfori t i italia n tillllw 4t hona llaat bull utiy uga t i loale j k llultor caulln llpoolala llaat dairy out t la 1 bull 1 oow lielfor t liaifar culf by lltoilc of hum llloni t u uaho w a uoulura j k uuilur chuw x uraikai heat cow cuivud or lit culfi w ull lloa hon 1eray uurtlli j 1 uo iwihnld uaat year old oowt ioroy uurttn tlltlauft iluffniaii uvkt 1 yaar old bulfori john 1 alodunald john i ialle uaat 1 yaar old half- n wall ullllaa uoiiu obluoit ituff- muil llaat helfar oulft john uo uonaltl joa uooro uaat fat bauul atour or hoifori john 1 uulioimld julni u uuillo uuat dulry vow uuy brood jua uooro j u ffuiilct w alomaiider ull14l nu xi jaowbr hut rant ugodi j u latliaralono at hun w allan hot alioarllug rami j u vtalhorulono 4 hon haul rttitl lumhi j 11 ifoathcnitunu a hon w ii allah utiilvwoij u 1aathur atono i hon w ii allan uunl aliear llnu owoi j bl lioulliiiralonu hon w if allan hout owe lumbi j l voalhonilono a him w it allan ibtml ifll mirttublr ituutui uut rum lumbi a u wllaoi llftu ewoi jan ulark uaut ui twirl i nil c j at hlurk 11 oat owo lumln a wllann jua htark t la- xiii any other uowti ilottt ram utfodi a ii miuil ik 1 uarllng rum a m wiuun list mm nibt a h vwiaon jua hlurk hoot awut a u w limit iluat uuuurlluk uwut a wiihuii j nit hlttrk uosl owti ui mil t a h mlwti t laaa xiv viuwubl lloal rami win i uittraon heat bhuurllug rami win alloraon u lul aon a um hut mm lumbi win hut loraou ham dolauu a him ileal owoi uum ttolaon a hon ittlii 1allutaon llat bit uarl lug awoi wm iatluraon mam uutuuii a hun haul owo lumbi win 1 alt oi mil hum hobum a han uaat fut wathvr uuy liraadl haiti i mil eoit a hon a h wlltum claaa xv hthith uowtl uaat rami haut 1 hilton a hon llaal iwtl hatn dolaon gon li j ma fiinimr j w piorton uut orpington pullat j w uolbsrraon j c norton llruhmi eok kdward o hmlth nail ollllaa a hona ii ran ma han ldward o h ml hi i uaadnuui ilmhmo eoekeral klward u hmlth uratima pill lot kdward o bmltb itbeda uland o j cook noll ailllaa a bona w h allan it hod a laland had ban w j alasandar k b vfx- taraon it hod laland had oookaral nail aim hon ithod blind war a vs inuinm ts i aiursod urdwd lahorn nan k e 1 aturaon edward u bmltb urown leghorn oookaral toward o hmlth urown lasborn lla a hona huff uighorn ban anfry wltltn laahorn cook jan flddlxr jaa iturrcn whit- taghorn lnrt udward tl hmllli j n ho- i haraon whlla leghorn o on k oral j n melliarsmi jumud vlddler whit laghoni hill j ti he i iiimn joa lltltllar whilst wyumbiiiti cook ed ward 0 hmllli noll uihl a hong whlto wyalidolla licit toward o htiillh nail o i ii lea a siona whll wyandollo cockorol wllho a uov lclarj w h allbn whlta wyandolt nookartl ldwri j hmlih w h al lan minorca cook jasi iriddlor w if allan uhiorca hen j n uo- 1 liershirt jaa nueller minorca cook oral jua nddler j n uolhanon minorca duljrtt jaa klddlar j n ue- pharaon llurrad hook eoek e o hinllh n olllhm a hon harrad hook ban k o hmllli w j alnandar uarrot ittwk oookaral h a hmlth n illllea a bona llarrad hook pul let h u hmlth n ullllaa a bona muff hooks cook n ollllaa a bona huff hooka han n ulllloa a bona 1 hi ft hooka rockaral n outla a hona huff hooka pullat n qullaa a hona whit rook cock k o hmlth n ulllla hona wbltanoolt ban a o hmlth w il allan wblt hook oookorel u u bmltb w u al lan wblt hook pullet el a bmhfe w if allap any othr fowl oook hr 1lnnt jaa vfddler any otbor fowl joa klddler lr rianttany oth er fowl jaa fiddler w a hmlth any othay fowl pullet jaa vlddlar u d hmlth uooaa edward o hmlth hercy martin uandar b o abnltfe jua hlurk turkey w if allan gob bler w if allan uowan draka n tlllliaa a bona uowan duck n oll llaa a hona ftakln draba o a hmlth la hi kattaraon fakln duok m 13 iattaraon m u bmltb pan fowl old and young k u hmlth jaa kiddle baal utiff orpington oookerat by a b karnall jaa klddlar baal lw- rod hook oock oockerel ben or iul- lat by ju hoy hale w j alasandar uraln wlnur wheat t buehel karl wll aon w w llahar had winter wheat 1 buatteh t j vlelier hpring whaat 1 buahet john u llla uert b lanailell oala l buahel wuhk hud- del john i lulie liar lay rowed t biuhul vrunk huddell n ullllaa a hona itoata aii1 oilwir uuod oopa hililiol pututoea uuy kind oorreou ly nuiuod krunk uuddall w a uo lluro uolloollon 1 peok aaob kind uik bart 1 ijinadoll hix hwada turulpa a uilluro john i loelle ml oth w turiili dr riant mix tuango rueli c it keiulley frank ltud- dell two pumjiklu uert w lena dull tlireo alulku oualloga oorti aira w it whoeler w w llrownridg two cltroitu u j ioua m a ualley two wuturmulona h j lyon uh l ijiiudull ono uquuah uert u ijiutiilill ono ttuuaitli c u andley t- h 1 andlay ordltanl and garth ishsduofg ho hnow uiiuh w w urown idgtf i it kimduy ulenbaitu 11 p v w urowinultte mr a w it icy w w urownrlduo 1 laid win w w urownrblgo mr w h whoeler itlitidu ittlaiiii tiruuiiliianw w llrownv ridgn mru w u wlioolor huaaala w w itrtiunrlilho 1arl wllaon uo illtimh 11 da i it 1 oiidluy john u ijshuo i ntbu llort ii lot mt dull turi ulmn 1 ouru uitmlatt ura j b im ami ura w u wheeler war iluinuh lluuuly uru j b toraona 1 cura other vurletlw ura j 1l 1iirwm mr w u whooler 1luma 1 miilnml ivllui huiol hurruon ilra j 11 juruona 1liimn other varlullea 1 url wuaou ura j 1j imraotia ktv bumib bluuu gratia ursl w h ulioolur uik arrolh uhorlhorn ltev dr hint th uru j v uanihle big luiiilp iktiet mru j u oumble jaa htark uik long ho in w j aluttuh ilor lutri wlluon hi a ran i ui w jolnihinii l url wllo i ihroo tab limos null llulm i urns c u i uml llino t ill me u rod uurt b un m v liulev throu colory j i luruiiy threo oaulldow- mm j u luririnu t it lihd li y in onloitu rt 1 ur j b i uraouu inrt i i jhi lull ho on m utiiu urliikm lluv hr hmllli ii ion uuy lui iiiiniitori tr a llulloy mine llaaol llurii uu t ol lion of uplilue 10 doinealto vhha 6 of null ii londluy ura w it miuilur tolluillon of aple h tiilullo inrt 0 of raoli mr w u uieolcr it i ondluy hairy tlowi xxiv ho bi frouli imicr ura j 10 uuonu w a wll it w d john- ion i j ui itmliuiu id klngle lua bultcr m j yoni mr j u lur unu w a mluou jua uoflra kpfolab hluliuii lout uu duy of uiiqw elgltt inllou mil tnom full by maurloa luim mr a it hoolorho anlry lust 3d llx builor ilulhoroil ut hup by j liilloraon ur w it wbso uml lu hm hultor in brluu by uiiliuin jo monro utt 6 lb built r hi inlut v mr j 1 ruruou c ii imth r in l wurrui j u i 10 bi butler in blook ti n rt oil tinker who hue nut on i hun irlno at uuy fli ulm i iki4 iro uf fi llinvlug a hlmiur sut nut nluii 10 b it lk out a no r 14 value iu muh ritluluguel lis no 91- luo t id i j uuiluay ihhufsvliti uamifaoiuw tullur jim a hell lumber wag- tin ju a 11 11 i- alhbllllt t iu8 xvi isyeut aiuhril lrv ur hoy ar tinlil ii i 1 1 nuil lublo reutruiilioo dining muni ii luuvo n huv ilka oottllauad uu 1l maji hjme