a matthews drug store 1 christmas post cards christmas booklets i christmas seals tags etc e e private crweunf cards have tfaem printed with your own name and address iwe have some very attractive samples to cboosc from kooilu kp barruu k peinal mmw fit al kuium wluiu ouocolatt d j matth esfsl druos and stationery bovlt pvmrim btoc 8vacmlnafr victom tarooan aw obuwakuomu 5 si george cluirch juuu barl l tu red laf aanrlc m follovaj mallae useo sonde aanrlee m evetiaooej 1 vtn flood bebool 0 45 iblln basement holy ooauaanlad let and fcrd mardar f fb month ai ii nn c0idbisbdjibi8 items kjectlod deeenbrl7tb ttremeoe ball ke yaar eve h d uoarlgsoe bis eel edrl on pc4 tb mlaeloo bend ol icoos cborefa held a eooceaeinl buor lea batordajr beontlnwsttn hb conoart this prlday aeaaloe a th program trill b nio sharp at iul tb good r otterlne tb rink by lewder tbl eeeeon 8m adr in ad ptbar column a fog bomber from tow a and vldfl- liy want to mutofl laet thursday to bear premier bordeo mr win fcklfro be patch a lb freeman property on mala 6 north bom mr wullenj mmw flf carry tb oiiuu and lain bind alaty resor ueetol gift lorxmalo0 upward st a u wlueon tb proceed irorn tb victory tee gtveo by ui kapply outtrnllte ol tb wpl amounted to us sd w eipbet in km yon in brampton baa oar ad oleesbeia it tbl lame w rt vcut lb jeweler brampton berne ol the man ooottacted wltb tb hear tiewdl feeury m lookl tat bone in order to too their amllu to town waterman oonauin tvnlh vry bast 00 tb mrk4 plain and gold monol ad io mi i- 111 ufa and ordinary from wm upward al a 11 wlliaon jeejr melton boy a tb junior team in tb jodfitiaj eompeliuoo al gulpb vat block show tbl weelf ul titty wileen a hllaon uiark and clayton wiuoo cblaf a udnaid and mr jan xra- old abtunantorc w gaofgatowat ba aoaapuudtbalr work and liatd of voui nay now b man in lb pott oflu 4joratomn baa raealvad a huraan ran sn u cio mylng tbai b 11 at all hw oandy al uooiabaada bwm tby bavri lh largo vsrlaty and tbalr prtow ar lb lowaat ouar ing atutlon tal of borata eauu aheap pie latplnunu of win iwviln loto eon 4 trafalsr on tnaaday dan 11 to at 1 p w abarp no rasanra t jlcilwtolm ansuooaar all panqoa bavlna aeoooob agtlut lb mdaldpallly of oooraaiovn ar qaasud ubav aa la baada of ti clark bafar zktvutbu ii uaart- wall baava oat yottf rnbbara ropalrad tb w way w bav a uabln tbat putm tb patob inalda lb vubbar any plao ibaa it la u ftioond tb ouud and yon aat a jbj honay a son tb ald boot adanu and go al faab ator wa bav vary oampuu aworunanl olcbrul mm goada raady lor aal goto to ua lor any lla you mid wa biv aotn varyapntul clarn llaai on lala ibta waab jtuaui a co look out or ut w ai gblatt in pot pakliaa on wouuta boou tar ft and on maoa or 1ft ltdlaa nbbar hu pnfconsod trtanaiod from now ualll xtnu w win ull trl buou at oo tbat at woitb 93 00 llaaa box ealf boot at ii 00 wuava a uaw ptolilhtf woblu tbat la uarval ladua booia olad and rubur liaala for 7r w aaalland waeau bft all vmtn kml oar on law pilo j uunuyauon tb gold bool uaotgatowu ctmhf caadr tfomi wa ar now prvparad to farnub urob anu or btfi taa lu any llu wild any atyl of oounur ubtek book tl4aiu lattwhitvt yuur oidar whn you naad awytbluajlo lb u i la a ft montatidm fttd sam cmbhittoh tbrougb aulaiaka la raeopyluk krly imanalalbuumtutof tbwoiana rlolto laagua to tha llarald lb ul son eobulbuilooa atnouiti tollovoo waawitda to rad blu lneludad in balanoa on hand at tb boauuu- of tba yaar laataaul of wloa palfld in tba janr bbiutuaut w klcaunady traaa njuatfjo a poliu uaouas in tbi inuratuol union itviutdanl will b bald in fb town ball ulaawluuua tflday dafl- j atwpin addraaam will b lullvaiwl by of it k andanan union jovrn mnl oandulal dr a w nlflii uvv a u ronlar of oik villa and otbara smhtitvalmutsi aboilod hu of oatti and klimp tb undmatnoad ba baaa inatrtieud by hr u 1 clark is tall by publto auction atta uoul uoutbbon milton balurday das atb a ooloek tb bllawlni 10 mllkara and bptlnaart w yaarllnna and twoyaarolda 100 braadtnat and wa lamba v pdr brad oalord down ixmk laaabn tarma 10 uoaib eradit on tp ptovwl botaa ttpareaatparnnnutnolf tor eab 0o andrawa auttldnaar flna wblla mr and mr kobt burrmuww ibtmt mi m dalhboa d halarday avatt lajjibaarbooaaaadoootanuailoitiult um kaqaaaiag waa totally daatroyad by in ttcllof tbartawtkjwo ftehombajaanjad to mr wax wjlla atoinidltmai to mr imirrstt famj xi mmnhr wjll to m let ol wlnabla latest hewsjbout home t out bubiaribtrt w tbank h who o promptly tvapaodadtooar aptaj r wbiehputna du ua tbalr kind oonaldat ion la rr talnly apprwrlatad tbr ar trflll lara norabar o othara itnta whom w ha not yt board w would k lhani to kindly altaod to tb uaiur bow b forualpa tbl maotory tbaok you lit tbaraday artbai- flood alia ronald mcponald tg 17rdd jolliy bafor jodga ullot to tb charaja of aual lag ffooa mark bowaj o tralalca 00 lotb inai mar a top bogxy at alogb baraaa woullaa nbnitt wblp and awaatar coat if had ban arrud at toronto on tb ltb lo and crown atioraay ihak got nollaa uut b bad bn toawonib lot iluu on uilt atnjaat uat in tbai etty tb judga au- tanoad tba yooib to fonr moolba io i fa coooty jail mttktmtuli la veis canada will aoou wllnaia a rallgotu r aranduoi ii will ba takan by tlia ut- b- odlaia ttt tb uootlolon to dtl upon tbaabolllloij ebabstior rlblu ofiba paatoialurm uoat ulbwui iulilra fivor t abolition of a limit la ilia ufa it la net known wbalbar u uajorliy of lix eburcb uaibira ata tor or again tb prwaal byaihd tha vote la to ba takan in pabraary wltli 1 vlw to ucllao by tba matbodlat gaueral eonfafaiuw wiileb uaalaavary lonryaara and la dua to tnaai naxt baptambar vollawlnji la tba aeliool rapoit far nov- b bar mr ivmab1 millar 70 jrlv ulbr luuyhl uaorga uurt 01 cba hlnclalr 60 hrlllmnll wcol7s itowna rlull 70 icaonatb haria w vrd vmikh 60 jrlllkaobtb nlekal 60 howard eioii fj jr ii jack uudatyas 1atar by u itobt u0tr vi br i vva blnclalr 01 haul hootl as rariiioml oornall 71 ivfu uarrla 77 hrir arthur hcoitou itoy unit 6u a cijuraoibrilng ho jaau tltom koioia mllur taaebar s no 3 rolloalog la tba tehool report tor hfl ko vobliianaeooay forlb taonili oinov ntbar x ludieataa prct aliatuunc ivwilll hiubbr laaull wilkin iiik1u harding x nllu hldlav ftada uorfla wllfild lll- x ualia yuhmx iladla tiragory hugb olark walt- t hldlay x ihrlucy harding x wllnta hlduy vrd lurdlug jrlloyttuali xjoha slrd don- aid olark athurourk iya llanoocb x plonuoa hancock x kvhiw youig x hllaaal hlduy kilan llardiug o oalvln oragary oacll ttopar taanaw auxiiidt ammiiaj sow tba wouana auulliary oikt oaoravt obureb will bold thalr annua aala in tba sunday school room on thursday dae bib altaroocn and avaning mat ttpaiu ata p u vaaey woik apron aud many ahlclraanltabj tf xwaa gifia wilt i offarad tba hontatnftda tbl will ha woaelally atihullva caw ami tti mmi el tba good thing tbara will la a candy boot worthy ol your patruuaga ua mr to ban airy al ilia luiky tub uafrvabtoantawlil b aervad altarnoan and evanlug wbau hot eblckan pla will ba a ipmial attract too afatlf ji html oliver lclrkwoolttooltnakarbaipm ulurqualillaailoni blugbaoiily known uari lu toronto papihl ol luritiiig nut carlala aball nquulla whlolt ikulra dallcata uuulpulatlou ilia aaiptorar wbu tppaard wltb lilw kaid ihay war onagavaraatant eoalraot lor tlnaa mou th and thai hla loaa would ba n mrlou band leap not only to tbaai but to oilier flruia to wltou ba wu nooaaloully loanad auotltalll hagoaito kuglaudbaulll ba uablkd from tha army and put in a factory thara notluhoa tulha world of thai wld tb military rapraaautallva uad ara too badly uaadad w hava puutyof muni i loo at prtaanl but ar abort of tnau tba appllrani la axampt fortbr monlba ii ba continue n hl praaaat am ploy qiao t you uiuat hava oavaoua to tak bu plaot tban atldtul ua tribunal fttnmcl f ruwm it will b poaalbl allar dwbr i io onea uor aud prlvaa paioau to aoidlara in jartniu pruou camp prnvldd that thaffcilatlooa at hr i oily adhrd to tha rulaa ar laid down in tha allowing rablgraiiijutrelvadfroiiibeidquaiti in kniflami thoadlnbrlkwl will plwu nota thumnuutararaluliyi anuoutk in praaa tlu lollowlui ratfuuliomt lmr aonal idtoebilroiu rlalvkbi prlmar otharuuui oflirara way ba wnl direct oua avary tbiaa moniba cnjion for wlilch muht im ohtalnad toiu vtimxaur itaparl tnaul fjockapnr ijindmi uuglaud no parcel ran ba orwanlad from far 1ar oal mtut not walgb tuor than ii uuuula and uav contain auyol tha following nl- claii llp bponga pabclla poutada kglmanlal badga iliftlng hrttab aalaty raaor molialr boouacaa plpaliabla haaalu ona bandkarcbiaf on click abavlng aoap baaltb aalta laaacuoliia braoaa or wabb lug ballc eomba hair btuahaa bultoui chaaa cltackara dowluoaa dubbing bob ua caudta rlbboua bfaaa polub rnltiana uuffiar oua ol aaab 1aical llahlato eoallaeatloulfolbarartlalm lu oludad uobama lu lorog from daoatuba tbaflrat p wlirtrarfcwrwiraiaal a public ruaatlug in tba luuraata of union uovafuimnt will b bald is tb towu bait laorawtoan wad dm ii at b pw adaraaaa will b dallvoiad by wlulau lluralvatnur of oatarlo mr u a duob of hamilton la wtlo 4 mra o c llomt mia cotton of torooto la vlalttog i mr j 00 ucdasaaa mr joabaa ool of orlllla apant laat waok mltb nanda la lowtt mr j i tbampaon la vutting frueda at ifayfuld and brampton mr and mr ttawmao and eon vera kgtldaton apaiot tbweakod lo town if jrbn il rullnr of toronto apeat uw wkenl wllb frianda in town mu hctlle cook daogfcur of mr wea uy cook la in toronto octdacgolng operallon mr king ooopr ba awved bu famllr to town tbey are now comfortably eat tlad in cborcb atraai tawvaoa- mut kvo maakeed aoo of mr and mr j b mukeoai who bad bw ug broken whiuplaylngat acbool al ooopu of wawka ago l prograaalag lavoarably mr wld ifanry and daughter of cbnlunham bav tnotad ino thir dew bom tveantly porahaaad on main airat north mra jtbn if uoaainati wbo taakea be bom rflui her daughter mr ud- ward flnuy eeubratcl bar nloetyaao end blrtbday tboraday kovembor sotfa mr d willlaue of toronto and mra cumberland and two poo of mncbea orawk alia war id tora in town tb port lew daa mra oombarland and eona leave for tb weet today mle j o uibntaoo of hamilton wbo ra vultlrjg at lb bom of br ooci mr tt i oardlner ft eg a eolo in the vea- byurlan clmrcb on flnnday tnornlnjt wblcb wu greatly appraolaied mr ctrl adam baa bean cboaan sod tenor of thf unlveralty octaiu wblcb iii give ibalr anndaloonoart in oonvoe tttlou 1n1i on uoc mill mr adam i to berongralulaudon hl awlectlou from a urge cbua ol vocaluta old tea lookg all right old tea and fresh tea poor tea and good tea all look alike no wonder a woman often gets a bulk tea she doesnt like rod roan tea la the eealed package 1 adwayg freah nlwray good ajmyi worth tbe pfic on tlic ubel kept good by the sealed package we youtchotui tlout read it out loud dr koui on may 4t yon toil- mr wed cok baafwo feoond hand atactrieatly hjulpped ford ear a roadatar and a five paaaenger tbat can be biwgbt at a bergalu if taken at one auo two cbavrout ear only need a a holt lime fee him at but 014 kooma willougbby ulock ttm lltiariri ulnuy- kpkod 3 of tba voice on li ul tha ninety and nine dratua and cepuin jink italy ontnedy tliaday tlt ialilot wllb w ii ilatu fart- kiituylvtod yaav a mnlnal uaatoriiioe bblurdaythe olrl wbo did vei care hpecul ivan froddotlon difauihr ctli 7ve vadra two yaar irnprlaontnant wu tba mb law loipomd by uaglatat dobu upon alnbloe ueoregor at tort artbur lb flrat man arreaied lor failure to rvgleter nndv tlta military service act alter being ameted mcoregor wu given avary opportunity to report to tba military aulhnrltue but rafoeed and when aeu teutwd wad an ltijpaelooed addrea to the court declaring the whole thing bv cludlnv tha military servlc art illeand tosludv war topic tba ululaler ol kdueeilou annoonca thai at ibe departmental kuamiaatlona of 1018 eucept lu tba paper en ancient hutory t at on and not more than tan lull ruttloo upon tha war will ba arked in each enenilaallou paper in hi lbt he aleo aanouaor hat wltb da rgrd to the gratldof each miuloailcn geographlral feature uvh u eltlig lelanda mountain waterway and trad route mdeepeeully algulfleant in tb war may ortu theaubjtct of rjueataoai in lb drlatenlal egantlnauon papara in geography provided tbat aocb gaugta ptilcal aaturee come wlibln tbaicopael tba regular curriculum lu urography new advertisements custom hftirftna 1 am prepared to do euetoni ttticblo knitting l all kind of bnelery kalufe- tlou hoaranteeil all patron mr t j flabar mats ht oaotgetown -u- ii 4 1 p houmt ro fttwr 7 rooniad rauto boua on oharlai fit idmaulnb nov i61u apply to w uulllvanilr tf jtuto re mmi auto and traitor lu drat olaaa eondl tloii ibuut he wild at ouoo uum aoou loavhttl for vranoo a bardala far oaab and qulok ual harry ubten aaorgo towu comt lost will tb pertou who found tb over coat wblcb wa put in tba wrong rig al ilr ttvana aalw on toeaday kindly ra turo uuie lu herald offlee lip rom mmlt daley oliuru nearly new 1 dlabato ereaiu aeparalor apply at vrd uooki aula halearooma fott mmlk hlael tiro covered buggy ut elugte lurne u will ba told cheap apply at herald 3ftlce it an aer a v w union uoeagfj rjimu ron mmlk 1h urn larttt lor tale bo arrw workable baunr ljuah aju ueelnr land uood turn and lions tha bvet of eprlng wat er couvenuut to aebool aad railway apply at herald ran mmlk uadlaut llmjin 1arlor cook move inr aal abw ihriar out oak bedroom aullo talilea riialre lanipe ata new lul winter lurgalu to quick buyara apply o mr j wright union tt near uieantiouui tip ro utttur cottage nuar 1ubllo bonool inr inotllutu pumikbiou apply to a hub- liaril juoou hi up umv yon mir about 10 or hi ton of good timothy and clover bay apply at herald ootoa itp wood ran mmlk tlood tnapl wood oat any ubgtb johu ford inaekatilieal wlntttk ttm mom jan sad lattllott tomowtok 0fat ynnga and clutu bu toronto lolula wllb ptldd to tta long ilea of euoooaaful giauluatoa a blgh ktaut ilard la ajwaye tualntoinad bee wrttd for our cdlalogoe acoea df mattdtor alodonto- w j xx440n 4naj irwajarajwarweiarawaaaawaawaeajseaawa vwwwaewvwv af0www0wwvllwwwwwwvww 13 aristhills psml jjfd uabtojtb bubojim btorx only 20 days to xmas if 1 aecaaaary tbl year torormll lb extwnditora no luvurbe people ar baying with more ear and dlacritnl nation udfar who ere looking for oualiiy end nod aolld vmlom tot ihslr luooay lbilne- tlv1y turntolhlahlr we baveall itragood ibloga for xueaof tb blgheei quality at hi dtoot r price groceries 4 1b duu hiln tor 4ac 1 lb baot blcbmood currant for 50c 9 lb ebotoaei dripped peel tor 05 3 pkg dato tor 3c ftlid almoode per lb u- 50c rliallwl wloola pr lb iritu 4 1b idog eager tor tie hwitle atllver laj lard aoo batter per lb 80c taaareaode blecnlt per lb vu cora fake pr pkg 00r 3 pka mbraddwl whaat for 1 hu4tonl to no j pkes macaroni 0 be onr block of toy eooautlng of doll automobile borne book tc w baver bail a btlar mlaetloo waaleobavanlo rangaof muttarav t ulovra handki clilw ac foed wblcb yod oeold eoelly alcf art liable xma owf it will eartalnly pay yon to loepeet oar valor barn hi ls norval this week specials cbouc cleaned current pit lb vrrtb tabled haulua 3 lb for uuad iwi per lb cook log flge llaai yailnw nookleg augar 11 lb redpatb iranuuud tuar 10 ibe tugla raima 1 lb una 1 obrlati hoda larue bog mcdonald tobacco 5 plug star ataoula large box b for quaker oata large package bbreddad wheal u pk lor old dotob ouanear 8 for fuvorlngkitracl 8 bottle for sftc crm nlwoeal per pkg ubewe per lb 37a or 4 hie for polled vel tongue or htm a una for iwiut butler per lb maple hotter per lb rxr wuy taldmuml p iftf try oar sukla pawd tt mooukoiwi ultuoml f lb s we ua 10 1100 ii 00 iso mc u7o sim siu 310 sftfl tfa i ii 00 mo soo mo ho iso 1b0 j j g1bbens lane block georgetown plkihu 160 bltfl- it i a sweetmeat a srlmolnnt and ahealtbhelpalllnone it benefits teeth breath appetite and diges tion it steadied stomach and lnervea it is evexvreddy refresh- ment when youre fauued i swaaw ttgbtmcpt afem tf i mammoth house georgetown great olieabing sale of ready-to- wear hats and a few pattern hats to be cleared regardless of cost lodw ami mihmm black volrot bailor 600 anil oo tot utfl ladle blank turban i0u and 40 lor j0c lodlra uillilury ball 400 io 6u0 tor 2m lad and miu colored foltllai s0o 11 m and 400 for 2 00 cuirdb felt hatb obild im bat la navy cardinal 76o tor soe 100 tor 70s cuildb 8wkatku coats a forgo aiaortment of ohlldrn woo twmitt eoau in drown cardinal orey navy a wbiio at 1 co 17fs tjoo 22s uoya aoator mo 76o 100 170 wool t0qukb ladiok uiaau and cbildron wool toque anj wool ear in auoriod color fauoy wool aol 2k 276 and 1100 laney wool cop 7o and 100 fancy wool tcatfi 128 and 1 mcbean co geoigetown j1cks0ss chrigt sugges do your christmas shopping early jx we offer you a big selection of useful service able and lasting gifts our furniture department have a splendid display of enduring gilts for tbe home a large showing of useful practical gifts in all depart ments s silk lisle hose wool cashmere hose flue wool hose pxtra worsted hose flue wool mitts fine wool gloves sweater coats coat cap scarf sets scarfs caps veils veifiuge neckwear handkerchiefs childrens dresses bear skm coat cap baby kiik feeders dibs woweus wnits skirts aprons table linens table covers napkins doylies towelling towels embroidery liueus wasli cloths stamped linens fancy linens tabic squares tray covers stand coveis sideboard covers fancy work wool slippers cushion fmbrodery silks fancy wools fancy work niateiial blankets comforters bedspreads sheets sheeting pillow cotton cases pillow shams wool sheeting mens gloves hnudkerchelfs sox tics scarfs shirts underwear sweater coats hats caps mens overalls jackets raincoats suspcndors armlets umbrellas tie pins cuff links collar buttons hosts of pretty useful presents iii all departments jacksons georgetown special december service iiistwukn toronto and winnipeg daily wmtuujdm9ftja2aj lulbcuoj dm lit tjlus nut tilw uy wivtm uill b iwuuwd llwwjduf h nam au kkuvicm euealoa ujvuconar tmwmklv wbnlm tad ejbmtou dailv ktw d j matthbw gb0getown 9 farmers buy yoyr vanit iiiipuniieulg looluilbtg vvrtn rid lug ulou i miaul heury awl wllbluaou liliiwa ilwuollt liludsr twine bi jgu iultia witvleiiiilugand pokle tim iua- aguut for jack moo wagon- plow re pair a ulwayn oil 1 mid 1jh0sehews0n it- norval ouulio j juloa i- u i-