w h wdllson leading funeral dibeot- ok and embalmeb bmldaros office opp mercbants bask opan diy and night geohoctown ont phonc 64 births marriagea aod death are charg ed or at the following rates births 25c marriagea 60c deaths 60c fi t a ig jv li 0orjv obandy in georgetown on friday jan nary uth lfllfl in mr and mrs o w grandy a son married j- sulnlbotai pnttwieriib0r lffl bine ajisdahghter of sfijeh j j onlorionolriuorlpk to mr john edward lbwlb plllnferiokt bask son of mrs lilyliowib glenwlliiams oct di hauley intieorgetoicn qh wednesday gj jbnjoniabnt iir ocbjiito in jaoyloti 6ta year bshft jnny10ih18 aeorga cnrrie m h fffyiv a-i- fo it- bii i tai the e0r6t0wn flrald wednesday eveg jaw lflth i8 loir shoes and apata or woman are being advocated now to save the leather that haa been piled into womena boots in recent month pretty good idea that 6ome women have been wearing them that bigh that theyve got coma on their knees town council council met on tuesday evening with reeve hrartwell io tbe chair and coun- oillors barclay cook speight aod rash present on motion of barclay and cook tbe iphawlnjr committees were appointed or the ensuing year the first named in each case being chairman the reeve being a member of all committees waterworks and charity barclay and speight hydro and finance bosh and cook- streets and walks speight and bar clay fire property and cemetery cook and bush on notion of speight and barclay lev boy ctloww appointed tows- sojloitor iir hofr retailing ilffc v t v op mpiwbolbamlay end spelghl drt udiibw wrtaitowq tth qfficar im ward sanitary in iot surd david brooks- a member o ttt andrew rfoalt specie tip local board of heatlb the medloaj health officers salary waaflxed 7o fpr1be ear and that of thiisaniaaryi inspector at 266 perbodr ubile mged-ae-faohi- titles may come and titles may go and the men who get them olten are tbe least meritorious or sovereign recognit ion the time is coming when the man who wears tbe distinguished service or- der the victoria cross and the military medal will ar outrank in the worlds es timation the kobe the kom gs tbegomos and all tbe lords of tbe nobility what a man earns not what he ia decorated with or get easily is going to count barclay king copper was aipplotet truant of- fiier wilhoareatary ipr the year j918r- onjdotxbrvo kabliiarjd cook nelt knntr was irppblritedfire chuil ata jllary dfoks per annum robtv brwln wputy chhf at a salary off 15 and john taylor caretaker of fire ball at salary ol10 onmotion o barclay and cook ii a et foot was ar pointed a member o the public library board for the ensuing three yeara 0a motion of cook and speight o b davfoot was appointed high school troitee for the ensuing two years on notion of speight and barclay tbe report of tbe fire brigade as present ed by she seoretary wsa adopted on motion of barclay and cook dr f r watson was appointed a member tbe firs brigade as proposed by robt erwln a bylaw authorizing the borrowing of 110000 by tbe corporation to meet cor- rent espouses was read the necessary number of times and passed council meeting nights were fixed or tbe first and third monday in each month council adjourned madame guedy in france the lady referred to in tbe ollowing article taken rom tbe chicago american was formerly miss clara williams of glenwllliams madame guedy gifted and palriotlo canadian woman whose red crois work in france has attracted wide attention is a cousin o charles e williams well known aa tbe secretary of the british empire aaaociation when she was in chicago last year on a vjilt to relatives rhagate a drttglnlly informative talk on- her work io th british atnerigab worfiana hit when itieleft ebewsa ifcaow wlth gi idfhe warijlifferers ovoraeae recently word caine that msdahie suedy- who hails row glenwilliams oot had been made bapfiirjteodentpj borgical dreetlnge for tlie u8 aroiy in france tbe fallowingeztracta from -let- ters to chicago kirteolk rom madame gnedy witt be read with intereit writ log romrue firtrj cdsrpi- aliet v v i jyon rone t not ihtborprlifld flwrlie my letters in drlbletetbereis absbiutel pt ajntnute in be tfavrtime 4w write et rs i- must do trmt at olf ht td o hp perfect v trpihfo b been o4 in ma room at night loat i have not been tjble- to writer- more ban half an hoorpf o before belrtg so ilroronjjhly cbftled through thffljitie gone to bed tokeop warm the hotels add boarding houses are forbidden to light their fhjrnaces until nov 1 and coalia so tremendously high that we have felt we could not afford tbe added expense ol grate fire last winter tbe suffering and incon venience due to lack of coal was intense water pipes rose no water was to be had or weeks no bathe no water for toilet purpoeea and no washing oould be done it may mil be onile so bad this winter i nave been told how many ameri can wonnded men we are preparing hos pltal supplies for in tbe spring but i am ol courah forbidden to give out tbe infor mation but it is a mighty big number and we shall all have our bands full from now on with little time to think ol min or dicoroforta snch as bad brand very little sugar no coal perhaps and other home o a like nature still if yon could send me 2 or 8 pounds of flour every month never mind the sugar if you cant obituary witnm the past week a number of doga nave been poisoned in georgetown it appears that someone ia very careless ohejurnowljjnttjpxiwli the dogs some that have been killed were valuable and tbe owners would be justified in asking for an investigation whether the poisoning has been done intentionally or through carlesaness it is a very gre re offence and the authorities should enieavor io prevent a reoccurr ence of it tiie poor controllers office says tbe four western canadian provinces have in aigbt a surplus of 2830000 bushels of po tatoes about u per cent above their neede and consumers get them at 80 the other three provinces tbe five east ern provinces have an estimated surplus of about 4000000 buihele the united slates will not be likely to need any can adian potatoes having a surplus estimat ed at 100000000 bushels the office gives thia bint to eastern farmers if armere in these provinces do not let tbelr pota toes get on tbe market freely attbe pre sent time it ia altogether likely that tbe price in the spring months of 1018 will not net them aa much money then after making allowance for losses from shrink ing and wastage in storage military news fte sbolto buck was borne rom ex hibition oamff over sunday lieut hervyn kennedy ol kzhibilion camp spent a few days in town last week mow oay l oor- perey dotnville late of tbe 164th batt alion ia to command a permanent con ducting party to transport draftees to enfland captain e e linger of the 1641b ia paymaster at the brantford de pot olthe new army 120 invalid soldiers arrived at the brant home at burlington last week the war office baa issued a snromasy of tbe british captures and losses in the war daring 1017 the total captures on all fronts numbered 114 644 priaonersand 78 guns the losses are numbered 28- 379 prisoners and 166 guns a despatch from london eog last saturday says that a verdict of suicide in oaseof major vernon harconrt powell j set it i would be grateful the bread ere is so bad most feople would t if i to of tile ca self with 11 uian artillery whoehot him pleasure ride at a range in tvnl woken wear trousers that grim quealion has long been hotly debated since tbe war trousers bave become real ities to those women who are doing mens work in order tbat ibey may be released or lighting in paris however trousers have more than a strictly utilitarian use tbe paris correspondent ol harpers bazar writes in the january lsauemore and more trouaera are being worn indoors instead ol robes that cling and cling and cling fashioned of tba richest of tissues are tbese tronearfrooks trousers of gor geons metallic aluffa below jackets of soft velvets trousers of velvet below coats rich with embroideries and exquisitely filmy moostelinea in tbe aalona of martha gauthier in the rue dea capnoiries here la a creationo pottycolored velvet embroidered most deooralively with roses and blue thread the square chinese coat falling nngirdled over embroidered yelvet trousers ol tbe straight variety go london was returned major v r de v powell n a teacher school oalcville when the war broke ont he was well known and bigbly respected in oakville at applboy bi the county council the ollowing are the members of the county in councillor 1018 trafalgar reeve o h potp heave w h morden nelson re turner de readhtad de- eeve ohas puty reeve wm irving efqaeslng reeve alex joe deputy reeve james l standisb naiugaweya reeve jas moffat milton rears j f little georgetown reeve h h heartwell burlington reeve hugbea cleaver oakville reeve a s forster de puty reeve geo hillmer the first meeting of the county coun cil will be held on tuesday jan 22nd glenwilliams a manual on elementary agrioulture and horticulture for the use of the teach ers of the province in connection with instruction in agricultnre in tbe third and fourth grades in the pobllo schools is to be issued by tbe ontario department ol education themsnnnal for wbiob tenders have been oalled baa been pre pared under tbe direction ol dr j w wetberell editor of text books for tbe department ever since classes in gard ening became a hart ol eohool work part iculsrlv in tbe rural districts there baa been a pressing need for such a mannnal as that being prepared many teachers who have never liyed on a arm have found it difficult to instruct the children in agriculture and horticulture tbe now mammal will give ihem carefully prepared data upon all matters embraced n tbe course about five million copies will be piinted as a starter every teach er in training will be required 10 get ono and at least one must be placed in every school library we ire glad to give out the following information regarding ibe glen boys who are doing tbelr bit overseas pte arthur peek who went to france with the 2nd signal corps and returned to england with trench fever la still in the hospital at seaford sussex pte percy graham who was ill in the hospital somewhere in france ia now convalescent and expects to return to his unit at an early date pte tbos heartsborne of tbe machine gun depot france sends tbe report home that ha is well end still going strong pte fred weaver wbo went overseas with tliel64tb batt sends word home tbat be is ok and expects to go to france shortly pte 8 j momaeler who went overseas recently with a construction batt re pojta that he is enjoying all tbe good things in old blighty and expeots to go to france shortly pte wesley brennsn who was wound ed is still in the bospitaj in england and is progretsing aa wail as can be ex- willing to do without tt if possible i would also like 3 or 4 cans of snerno our sugar ration ia jo bo cut down to 1 lb monthly instead of if please write miss lester that i wsa able to bay 8 dor- en eboola of thread with her 4 00 and that i distributed ihem in workroome at lyons where tbey weremos gratefully received on th other hand t rumr is not a d i am not saddened bv the stories of poor women whom the war has driven to cruel and desperate straits today it was a french girl wbo bas lived muoh in russis who was in constantinople as u governess when war broke ont she was forced to leave turkey she was given a fiost in the russian army in france as nterpreter in tbe hospitals whore rubs ians were taken care of the russian army is being sent baok to russia an she is out of employment she had no place to strop i gave her a little money and told her to come baok tomorrow and we would see what could be done there la aleo a young roumanian woman form erly court pianist to queen ellzeheth at bucharest 8he is here with her mother 1 am sometimes ashamed to oflvr tbe smnll wages i am permitted to gi ve our helpers doinr the heavy work are wen oh leave or lninrr from the front 10 days every 4 months one of these was a parisian who reached home to ind his mother ill and needing the doctors care the brave boy has spnt 8 or 10 days working ilk a hearer rom 7 to 0 in order to ram money io iny bis slok mothers bills could devotion be great er he said goodbye tonight when i shook his band and wished him good look asking him to come and see us on next leavo be said i will madame il i am still living he is going to morrow into the thick of tbe fight he haa been badly wonnded already i oould fill pages ofeuoh instances i am on my last can of sterno and soon will not be able to bave a cup of hot tea in tbe evening we cannot have hot water and are allowed only qne bath a week or which we pay 40o but wo never bear a word of complaint at the bottom o our hearts we are all glad to take part in the general suffering and feel proud we are permitted to do some thing in tbe rear to help those at tbe root it la astonishing how muoh one can do when necessity holda the whip eliza ann jo0naon another oour esteemed and rvepeoted residents has been called to her reward death has removed from our midst eliza ann johnson widow of the late john g harley who passed away at berbomeon john st on wednesday january otb deceased was born in rocklon oot on aug 8th 1848 and was irrher 76th year when she died she was married june i6th 1870 co the late j g harley wbo predeceased her some four yeara ago as a resident of georgetown for the past 60yefbah4 bdndeinany irienda wbcf jielcr hev fa hlklreuiweiji 8basan mr- rljor vuoeraut3rtk rnrikb hlrejfl tfielr euiftvallom- i a life long member ol the baptist church and always took a deep interest io church affairs shu andber late bosband- being presentat the tied ifiauon of the- church hsrev by per deahagabav neighbor kind andafitysuoiiate pjothevpd crithvomao bas been rmotedlrom wrmi4axjdiihr ot four pkildteinl eurtlveiijj mh w jajleyi tt- ointo ms8vx olarjceyrcaljpiryi f a rtarley and d allarjoyqorgetownv three sisters also survive mrs c bara- efpvotou mtsallred harlan caryalae 0emnd jvlrs d jborbiv plahmouth neb l the remains were interred in green wood cemetery on friday afternoon- the service beifl cbnducted by rev- br oline tbe pallbearers wereo b day ootdr f r watson j n oneill 8 nevens james nickell and wm hortop gboime ouiiniz alter an illness o a week mr george currie of eequeslng passed away at bis borne on tbe aevanth line on thursday last mr currie was in bis 61at year and was one of esquesings moat pros parous and respected residents be sides his widow wbo was formerly miss hume two sous hume and george of eiqcieslng survive also a sinter mri freeman ol hamilton a bother a rcbi- bald lions head and two halfbrothers mathew job of nasssgaweya and byron job of michigan tbe remains were in terred in nnrval cemetery on monday tbe service being conductod by rav mr truax the pallbearers were j h wil son geo anderson w lindsay thos coxa geowilson and robt given red cross contribution the following communication has been received by mr 0 w grandy manager of tho meruhants bank in acknowledg ment of red oroes contributions for warded to toronto parliament buildings toronto dec is 1017 c w grandy eaq treaiurer british red cross georgetown ont dear sir we are in receipt ol your favours of november oth and 20tb with the en closed contributions of 490136 rem georgetown aod wl900frpm ujenir iji6for e- british rvi ctfoes fiioft arpouote bays ajraadj bcn ackiwwmj ed by vm- provincial tfeajsnrjer oth benah bihlthnmour lisate- tiant governor tbeonearilaaifon of re- aouroea corntnitton which is wicharireo this campaign in ontario and the ut- ten red croeti desire jo thank you and all others who hayoso geparobly ooptrt- bated o thia amount for the response htebvotthavb mfcwiejhls appeal v yon ttfve helped to majtvorilarjos enbqttjra- tjils jew or splendid trjanever before ahdtoay- ha vetbe poji- sclbusnesa that th4 gratitude otoqr brave men dveraeas all- those who work of tbe british yours jlibarl h abbott i secretary mail contract new advertisements position anted yonng lady gradual ol bhaw busi ness schools desires position ae steno grapher good referoocee apply steno grapher care of herald ofiic tl something new i 8 riceman geoiioetovvn will buy anything you have to soil and pays tho highest price for llvo poult ry i oan afford to pay a higher prlco than otbors iu oufnrio uh i ship to mon treal any person having poultry tp jsell jet mo kirow apl h can ouarintco- you hettor hatisfacttob tjllnrl jtofjwll eyrofftanyucldlbi3 rh with or without wolosr lilsu rnfls rubborfcbbttjoi olfltiron ktovoh aob- 6ml bflnd choaj iliidos aiftl sjtlnil r ndyajirico hint will aurprlno you ii you have ffnythluff to soil rudli mo a card 8 liicouuuii xixutooyin po private rendonoo post door j a 7wo xw sfiv nil titjr irwojiopeas ibmhege viewtconvflnv ijnify ukuited v jter abdbjectf lj- ifobf- ptentwhiir applxenjinamul horuasb ppllege vlews box 408- omn hi 2118 tp wlusj to ntnr yratoooavrflon isfueet orooreaand water inside- immoiliate ppmosafqn appwvpe balurinegvorg l custom knittitid tsm prepared to do oneiotn mndhfnt knfttkignt all kinds o hoslerv satlelap tion gnaranteed all patforis mrs t j fbher malost georgetown 9lb4tp ianuary bargains at the mens store tjjat wutie tpiihio the range pf every xpn tuie iae oppwriotim to place yimr pwtjsrfco gbtih6t3f sid tendera addrmmd to tlie poatnisuttr qeneral will b received mt otuw uutll noon oti friday tbe iflth jauumry ju18 for the con- raymnott of hla mjetyt malls on propoieil oontract for four jeara six times wr week tin tba route hornby lturl route no 1 from tbe poetuiimter uunerail pleuure printed notice containing further informa tion ab f conditions of proposed contract may be seen at id blank forms of tender may be ob tained at the poet office of hornby and at tbe office of tbe post office inspector toronto a sutherland post fllce inspector post office inspectors office toronto dec ember 4th 1017 w i lee sing laundry the old reliable laundry flrstclaas work guaranteed at the lowest pricb shirts 10c bob blocs 1 qsobobtowb this week please doing it cheerfully by wal mason i dig np coin to push the war and grin in cheernil stylo thats what niy faith fall mug is for to show a beaming smile we spoil oor gills if ws lo- l ilng onr d legos t spoil oor gifts if ws look handling ont the dust arid sour when cave arqpnd torhaksn hour expressing onr dingus t tbe tightwad heaves a heartfelt groan as be brings forth bis roll and says 1 pots ill gluto bone but i am in the bole tbere are so many calls on me io help thia canoe or thai that in anothor month or three i shall bo busted hat so hera v w w a y pp in sink- ipg gorman boaisiwlsb this dingdong edwar would end before we loss our eosts and sib lis gives with grudging and wbo ought to lilltbely- shout oak my unlos and my- land to help our sofdtoraouh solicitors come round lo m mfl mx fwa need jojne soldi tr ne jonk across tho aea lor so i iig my lucre bo kopecks iberei id peqted oorpl thos roberts wbo baa been overseas abobttnroe years ia now io the hospital england suffering rom inn sbot wounds reports tbat be is doing nicely but it will bo some time before he will be tllsobarged from mishoapiti1 pte eddie fieerman wbo haa been in tbe hospital england snfferipg rom wejinda received at the front will soon arrivo home particulars havo not come to band yet at to tbe date of his arrival sapper alfred allan who haa been in france for tbe lust year sends word borne that he is ok he also gives out the information that ibe canadian boys are doiusgrand work in france pie wm henry preston wbo went overseas with tbe 164ih bate and bas since been transferred lo tbe machine uorps is progressing favorably we hope eoon to see bim home pte jack fry also a member ol tbe 104th batt wltea home aod advises tbe good people of canada to hold strong as tho war sill soon be over pte robt momaeler who has been in a horpital in england suffering from wounds received at the fiont is church newt baptist the 71st anniversary ol tbe oborob will be celebrated next sunday chancel lor mcorlmmon of mcmaaler university toronto will preach both morning and evening everybody ia cordially invited to bear bim the members and adherents of tbe church are asked for a special freewill offering ol at least one hundred dollars on account of insurance and other matters y mrrnobist the league puiposea holding a debate in the near future look or it next sunday morning we will worship in the baptist church it being their an niversary evening seivlce subject of tbe pastor some unwise things we do renew your subscription to the herald 126 if paid in advance otherwise 16q clifford linliam butcher main street cfor the choicest beef pork veal lamb fookedheats butter lard eggs fish and sausage swifts noted premium hams and bacon deliveries daily to of town any part clifford linham phone 196 tiivciol gondii svol webfferiajtywnfeill 4e- so i 8mmfuim vttv a tyldjaulofove tfcese goodsbyiot b elejujed wo will aire vqu the boat tbargafns eyejr pffeio4iri- jourbtociris lurgfwndtojtnstbe reduced thib is a money eavor slp weinviti6vou locall aiwi je eotawhdejcl millar co qeorqetown phone 126 fine high cla88 tailoring and mens furni8hinqs agents for stockwell henderson a oo dyere and gleaners toronto h51cz1 i 0 what of tomorrow is the problem of every thinking man and woman the propor buslnosa odncahon ohooscb milton grossing favorably mr e y pro- iiarraclough illei managing di rector of the ulen woten mills received word two weeke ago that his brother oorpl peroy dirraolough ol tbe lanca- shlre fusellors was liated as miising a cable reooiyoil here lust saturday slated tbat be had landed in england and was enjoying a well earned rest oorp ijarra ciougb while with a aooutlog parly in no mans laml was seporateil rom bis com ay ound ft noceeo- in a rades and losing his wa- nry to take prelection in a shell hole or some lenjlh ol has until lis found his fes loh onio time later when bs did not rpnorl ba nlgbl be waa listed as miuiiig mis l lewis who bas been quite ser iously ill is alowiy recorerlog wo are peased lossy abtswlie5tlefloilninoiedijina4jn mr and mrs wm cowan and family spent new yeara at the borne ol the let ters brother l stewarttowri mr and mrs sam harrop left on mon day for st petersburg florida where tbey will apend the winter mr harrop aleo intends visiting jamaica before he returns john appleynrd ol georgetown for merly ol milton heights was in town on tuesday he said his son pta wilfred appleyard 78th batt who lost a leg at the battle of tbe sotnme bad been fitted with an anidnial one and had gone to work on mnnitlonsat unit the fuel sbirtage is severe in milton many coal bins are empty or nearly so and tbe coal dealers cannot esy wben ibey iii get supplies some wood is coming in at loa cord or the beat many coal oil beaten are being uaed mayor earl and james houston went lo buffalo last friday lo try to buy a supply of coal for the town the corporation to pay for it and distribute it they got lit tle encouragement they were told tbat canada bad been given all tbat can be spared and none could be shipped lo can- ada witboul tbe sanction of the 178 au tboritlea dr howard harrslon an old milton eohool boy and sob of the late daniel harrison bob lately returned from eu- rope wben war broke ont be enlisted at once was promoted to tho rank of ma jor and u ad obaigo ol a military bos pltal over sinoe the annual meeting of the ffalion plowmens association will be held in fred robiniona office milton on tbura- day jan 171b at2 pox gordon ford was ibe flnt milton draf tee to be notified to report for service he did not apply lot exemption he yreat to hamilton last friday and report ad for dnty his chum harvey whltmer wbo wis not a draftee being less than twenty years of age want with bim and enlisted all metcalfe reported aftoron than k you and teaohob tbose facts ohaontlal and useful to tho dally life of tbose who aoquiro it it will profit you to seenro a busin ess training in this practical and suo cossful school of business students may outer at any time at the qxxoxioia business college gdelph ont and rooelvo individual instruction 1 lb0dck principal the hoipe of good groceries how is yo ur fruit this is the lime of year wben women find it quite a problem to know bow to moke their stook of fruit to last till tbe fresh fruit arriv es here ia a list whloh may help you solve the problem wagstaff pure raspberry and starwberry jam per 4 lb pail 08c furnival pure strawberry and rapberry jam per 4 lb pail 90o furnlval pure raspberry jam per 2 lb tin 4fio compound jam per 4 lb tin 76o pure strawberry ronnberry and bliulc currant jam per jar 25 4 80o plum pearb and apricot jam per jar 26o marmalade per jar 20 25c raspberries and strawberriee per tin 80o peaches plums and pineapple per tin 28c we also bave aetook ot corn syrup aud maple syrup at different prices let us have your order satisfaction guaranteed a m grandy the pure food store make all your winter evenings at home enjoyable by owning a grafonola there is home vajmbobitociilitr pbwww4h1wrtoltt won tfondiy edward sherwood alio bsbnjmtlfihlbbm nothing that will bring into your enjoyment in such varied forms aa a grafonola practically every kind of entertain jtnent that the stage offers in music oraforytreclta- tlon etc is reproduced and at your command at a moments notice without stirring outside your door you are never at a loss to make your friends visitu thoroughly pleasant there need be no dull moments where there is a grafonola prices 2122 up for this small sum you can secure a perfectly dependable instrument tbnt has most all tbe apecta features that distin guish the columbia grafonola other prices are su b0 tes 102 1135 up to 650 and all may bo bought from ns on extremely eaay terms small amount only need be paid down you can 1iave any type of orafonou sent to your borne at once on payment of a small fraction of the purchase price the balance will be arranged in lite weekly sums to bo paldsfuratyourcooveulencs how ia tho umsto decide bemuse you can get the full advantage of enjoyment ulat a oroonoja will bring tor indoor evenings are hers adams coy i hl l all cash store roods you want and will want in the days to come mayhap not until next fall or winter but now is the time to buy and pro tect yourself and family money saved is money made we will be into stocktaking in a few days and we always have lines to clear at cost price ours is the best store for general dealing let us save you money on your next order 0 0 hdhms co geobgetown phone 43 main and mill streets saturday treat it you liavff triad our homomodo poppormlnt iiiimhuah tbon you will bo after a pound or two on saturday a candy that yoliufl and old enjoy bog 80o lb s sfturday twat price 10c wbtjsp 0h0col4tbss our homorljido obooobitossro always frosh thats why- wo sell many of our vroafciend ojiocolotes assorted flavors boa 40o wkndsnesj w-