j j r iriir tbe6e0r6et0wnber1ld wbdne8day bveu3 jan 10th 1918 a little love j f by florence e book a little love snatched from the mesh of things that go to mike life full of murmurings viewed in the life of retrospect one day will prove jewel that shines bright for aye a little sympathetic clasp of hand is language all the world can understand word are bulwasted where the human u v jibstv v- cab thaa jaterprewhe h ljcanart arecdllialon tbatin aher jearv omfir the balancb7 weigh th sanies and tears- just proportjonfree ths tonl bom btrife- ijhia i the beat analysis pdife yet better stl spirit dwmtleea brave the throne in the home wtml two 8houlri rule one to in- aure real happiness m man may build a throne for uie woman be loves snja tho motbera magaslne but be will find tbuit to make her a queen be must mount it be side her for only whore two role au ode can either hold truo sway whether married or alngle wo do not live unto ourselves alone all the world aomo- bow is affected by what wo arc anil fri the married atate we have a greater obligation than merely to keep trjo peace or to observe tbe convention or to jomonstrote- hoy- werioi manure tfrearjiljkv v wfa itr reft if a correspondent to oaeofourexchsng tje makea rbe following- very truthlul re marks ii v it 1 amailnitoreadtotbe papers the vlaws of those people who imagine that if one does not agree with them on any of the questions of tbe day they might as wel pasaln their checks or all the good they are or will bqtbehitare every- once ln whde wetead of life ions reader of your paper that be is sur prised at your tarnover to the enemy or your attitude on a certain question and to on and so on and from this day henceforth will not allow tbe paper to enter his home to tbe end of his pipe dream well when we read of a few of these spasms we just took for the an nouncement of tbe suspension of tbea- foresaid paper and tbe closing op of tbe whole business on account of this man lopping his paper say we would hate to know as little as those people who are so wrapped up in themselves that if one does not agree with tbem and tbelr little one horse views lofty ideals they think they are one mlght as well take to the tall timber at once just tbe same it is laughable to read those fnonlgrame and the littleness of the writers in question to get down to realities of human na ture and tbe peouliar makeup and va rieties of peoplea living in this world to day the man wbo runs a country news- kper is tbe one who can tell yoo all a- 1 out it story of a scott beadle sir henry oliver baa a fond of good 8cotch stories hs tells one nniwmlnp a certain beadle whose doty it was to show some visitors over the ruin of an old abbey somewhere beyond the tweed on one occasion a lady at tbe close of the inspection merely thanked tbe beadle na ahe went out of tbe gate and be renarked weel my leddy when ye gai g bama if ye fin oottbat ye have lost yonr parse ye maun recol lect tbat ye havoa had it oot here 4po aefajkatof iss4h9veiuailnsrrt3 gotfvglvea power o wind sjsntjktt every quality end rotf and virtat sat our cpmmstad before and after 111 or- del- to live tip co tho privileges and rj- ponslbilitiee marriage bat nun rtagje fprtiinotely is a thing- of lb heart ftther than of hu intellect kpd it- la- pur yvrgjattltuao of mfttd box jyirjo matflmpiiy ihitt jhouilil irai4t 4bvrnj tit our 9wn level ajuftiilm m f coabpreienalop and thako 1 imrw jbufaiari linlatelse iiistfeajlqf jmjirlnft gkfc trttmlfobia jbaleo f a presaldji tov ifestvityt bjrse bfiwevvtlnld ba fat encompass all of ou- poods in janct sorrow- f we vcotltdhave ikenajufe with iis life pity eternity aav tod awlunefaef of pur existence fro nij llvebp to- it hour by hour lv a spirit of faith and hope and cbarlty bombs from airplants umpfe device that aide in dropping the miaailea accurately at the numerous aerial bombing schools pilots and observers are taught how to drop bombs accurately on sta tionary and moving objects on tbo ground and on captive balloons bombs of all classes are used from tb eight pound high explosive bomb to tie 200 pound bomb ob well as the pfaoa- phorus and rocnambite bombs ibe instrument tbat is used in direct ing tbe placing of a bomb on tbe object aimed at u a simple device and is pro tided with several adjustments tztat can be made almost instantly one of these gives the speed at wblcb the ma chine is traveling another is an ordi nary water level and both in conjunc tion with two mirrors which show tbe pnot the ground below serve to sun tbe bomb the wind has to be sertotw ly considered when dropping bombu and most bombs are dropped up wind bomb dropping is a most lmportast branch of tbe air service and pilots have been known to drepbomba on- emy trains and transports from fslrlr good heights and also en tbe vital parts of bridges and on depots and railway junctions munitionplants a odromea and submarine bases vinol creates 911016111 poaitiveviafaicinf proof it la all vary well to make claims put con they be proven we publish the formula of vlaol to prove the statements wemake about it n ccdutvruidbmfrapwiimiroiiabd r m jan tree and any mraian citrate claw aasfsnsa aisversv p c any doctor wol tsq yon that die ingredients of vlnol aa published above combine the vary e needed to mske strength all weak rundown overworked nervous men and women nay prove tbnr at our expense there is nothing tike vlnol to re store strength and vitality to feeble old people delicate children and all petsone who need more strength try it if you are not entirely ssr- nfied we will return your money without question that proves 0 fairness and your protection the traok of the eartnv if the sun and earth and the earths orbit could be seen thenr-tab- track of the earth would be a spiral aroupd tbtat of the sun qo take a broomatlck wind wire around it like thread on a spool take out the stick and stretch tbe coll until tbe space between each turn is say onethird of nn inch and make a hundred turns of tbe wire then tlili spiral or coll would represent the track of the earth through spsco daring a hundred years tbe sun moves toward tho star vega at a speed of twelve miles per second and carries the eartrj all the planets and tbelr moons slonsj but tbey all more around tbe sun sit tbe same time and therefore trarorao spirals represented fairly by extended nils of wiro l v hodbigan town also at the best ontario towns druggist druggist george in al 2w ifijvv amotion of farm stock the undersigned bas been instructed by duncan 8in0xaib to self by publio auction at lot 2 otb 1 e rin on thursday jany 17th 1918 at 1 oclock the following horses bay mare ii yre in fool graynprae 8 yre peroberon bay horse gyre heavy 2 spring colts peroberon cattle jersey oowflyrs due feb 12 durham cow 7 yrs calf at foot durham cow 8 yrs calf at foot gray cow 7 yrs due jsny 26 part dorbam cow 0 yrs milking well part durham cow 7 yra 2 fat cows 2 yeara i steers 1 yr old 4 hellers yr old 0 spring calves 6 calves 6 mos old 6yoong calves ball 1 yr can pigs yoong sow dne 1st january 6 pigs 8 month old terms 10 00 end under ossbi over that amount 10 months audit oh applov- ed joint notes 6 per oenl per annum off foroaab w a wilson benj fetch cork auctioneer auction of 55 head milch cows young cattle pigs the undersigned has been instructed by ambb08s hancook jb to soli by public auction at lot 17 con 8 west onlnguacousy h mile from nor- val station on friday jantjaby 28tji 106 at 1 ooloob tho following 1 cows durham oow calf at side s yrs durham cow calf af durham oow calfatsld ham oow calf airsldo 8 oow calf nt sldo 4 yrehoisteinoowt duo time of sale s yrs durham oow due tjmo of sale 6 yrs durham cow duo tlmo of solo yrs durham oow one feby 20 0 yrs durham ooyr due feby 2b 0 yrs loraey hoifor due march 14 8 xrs durham heifer due apl 18 t yrs urham hoifor duo april 18 8 yrs hoi- stain cow duo march 85 8 yrs1 holstoin s 1 holsteln helfor duo mor ao 8 yrs holstoin heifer duo fexivs i aort bull 8 months ttlbio heifer omos b boifors rising 2 yrs piqs yorshiro pw duo apl 2 york- shire now duo april b yorcahue sow shape of lilt hand the resaon our finoora are notau oftha same lonath there la no unnnn rrnrin rrlij oner angers shmihl he of illfteronl lengqis today in fnrl it in iiumiriii by some lioople tbnl lie hnnd vinlil he htronger if tho flngorh ivero ull ttt tho same length says hie honk of wonders certainly bowovor iho bmiclb would not then bo so beautiful and might now bo so useful tbe human hand today la perhaps tbe most versatile thing in the world ton can do mora things with the hand than vltb any other thine in the world tbe probability la tout the shape of the hand today and tho length of the fingers aro tbe result of tho different things the human being has enllod upon tbe band to do during mans develop ment np to the present tuna wo must go back to tho time bow- over when men walked 011 fours for tbat is probably tbe real explanation originally mans lingers wore of dif ferent lengths because all four footed animals bad the same peculiarities the shape and length of tbe tons and their arrangement were the ideal arrange ment forgiving tho proiier lialaneo and support to the body and in moving about and in climbing produced the host too bold 8mall comfort never despair somewhere beyond the clouds tbo sun is shining yes and somewbero below tbe sea theres a solid bottom but that doesnt help a man when be falls overboard baltimore american larjvvood flodrs co3t less than carpets it is cheaper to lay hardwood floors in a house than to buy carpets for it whafs more the hardwood floors wffl last a lifetime are a faithful horse paul rsverve 8turd steed fairly in titled to paul reveros name was made im mortal when he rode from boston to lexington and concord warning the putiiots along the way of tbo british approach and bis fnme has tieen se curely enshrined in tbe hearts of ell americana historians hnvo honored themselre in honoring him poets haro found in splralion in praising hlni he is nn idol of rhililhoml nn cxamplo in tbe lirlmq q manhood and a solacing mem- hardwood flooring irtathcwghh join drieetttiwt rteh fljbtaed to ttata ijfcw 60 f wfeetbar lie wbt4d go becjt totfce 6lrlrwckjd jtktffa aciarpets lhe jbrisaitnat cwvmioyotl fm it rpaslo buy hardwood floofa fattvtown and achxtn renew your subscription to the herald 9195 if paid in advance otherwise 150 than k you wilfrid t grenfeh author explorer missionary will speak in the town hall georgetown on january 31st 1918 keep this night free to hear this famous man 4nd inpl beercwas one of these he was- one of tbe pcoclcma jeyt qnroat enouirb 6 crnap hn op por unity todo anfricalealablajbofnjtv rokojiind hutiwule we crve deertcd glorto inul- uevcnt 4j- as np joheforiwtv tljat fherew dnutberfirin bx that ivroy4the1ioriis- 4n oujerhqrenjfelit hlrve doseaa vrir njlglifnrij otber rhanfiaredorioi wthrperijapi sq might warflippflotl disparage iv hert t 1 wit tbefafcf scmains ttjiiti ii ws pirul borereandiaul teveres bprss- that did it aidthf harder wotitfell on the horsc kufr tbe tnie horses faitbfrilness rau iterere would mva been 8 failure luelrn history by novels in tbe womans nomo companion anne bryan mccall says one of the pleanantest ways i know of mnklnc varied travels into history is by reading historical novels 1 re member that when i was twelve years old i read iiarrlson alnswortbs wind sor castle and when i was fifteen i resd scotts kenllvrortb when i was sixteen i read hawthornes scarlet letter i was not thinking of history at nil when i read tbem i read tbem solely for the story yet from those tbreo bonks i learned more of the tjmes of henry viii nndjueen elis abeth and of early american days i do bellero than in the many historical chapters covering tboae times that 1 have read since those books made tbem times llvo for me and it was as though i mysolf were living in goal in all sizes iin4rttta ssamar-ftsb- w- vvjva jl mom- vohn fiallantme oortirrbvcr v 1 ehonesp iofjt smart girl toacoor now nelllo woald it b proper to sax i cant learn yon noth- instt nellie yes mam teacher why nelllo oansa yon cant lon don telegraph rikfso good and bad flour can always be had if yon hunt around for it for the first named best flour made yon are snre of betting it with every sack of flour slid here bad flonr con be bad wlthontgo lag to jail for it bat not from us be happy and wise and i buy our good flour robert noble umlted 3storv a t cxssrrjljrio his job it takes two to make a tmnwlri tep my wlfo and the storekeeper bat im paying tbe bills i detroit free qmtormyeathor there- will i oopontniodauon tov horses and f 111 heldanoerioover 3ia and under oasbi over 94wwmfr6 bracelet watches 55 children cry for fletchers castorii the kind you havo always bongbt and which has been in on tor over so yours has borne tho signature of and has boon made tinder big per sonal supervision binco its infancy allow no onp to deceive you in this all fjounterlelts inattotlons and justoseood nro but experiments that trifle with and endangror the health ot infants and children experience against experiment what is castor a oaatorla la a harmless substlljite for castor oil pare goric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other jjnrcotlo btahstanco its affo is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays fovorlsunoss for ntoro than thirty years it has boon in constant use for tho relief ot constipation flatulency wind collo all teething troubles and diarrhoea it regulates the stomach and isotvels asslnulates the food frlvlngr healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea tho mothers friend cenuine castor i a always bears the ignajpre of vmn and 8erfiiramis van is a city ot immemorial an tlqulty which gave tbe name to tbe ynnnlo empire of assyria and was supposed to ha b foun the semlmytblcal queen semlramls un less cruelly libeled by the legend sbs was no better than she ought to bare been wblcb is not surprising if she real ly was n dqtigliter of tbe mermaid wbo ruled tho neighboring lake van is to day famous for tbe cuneiform inscrip tions indelibly printed on rocks by nbicb forgotten van dwellers at once preserved tbelr historical records and provided against future paper tarn ino tbe wattlna ef england if tho king of enjrland were to re nounce tbe throne and resolro to be- ctimo an ordlnury citlien bo would be oiled gcorgo wetlln how does the iiuino wetlln conio to bo tbo knurs surname tins la the answer qiicgu victoria married albert dako of saxocoburgqotba of tbe senior branch of tho bouso of saxony the tamlly naiuo by wblcb this boase dat ing from tbo middle of the tenth cen tury ramo to bo known afterward was wettln and this was and la tbe snr- nauio of both branches tbo ernestine and alberuno of the bouso of saxony the- name comes from tbe castle of wettlu near magdeburg which claim ed wlttoulnd as tbe founder of the race f lee ilaundry the old reliable laundry firstclass work guaranteed at tub lowest pricb shirts 10c bos blocs aaoaaarowh r c nixon georgetown substantially made harness reoina pneumatic cleaners for rental at j dollar per day a good amortment ot trunks and valises agent for page fence wire repairing promptly done nixons harness repair shop and the apache of the high seas tbo snbinarino la the veto power of tbe sea it is purely obstructive and dostructtro it contributes nothing to wealth or civilization it is in a class apart from other craft the other forms of water craft can be used and aro used to innketbe world a hotter niaoo to llro in vbey convey mer- chiindlro and pnssongcrs tbey serve n n meiias of communication between notion nil iwoplcs tho submarine is a mere killer it cannot even fight it must kill furtively and socretly like an assnsslueihvard o lyowry in worlds work not an american proverb uomer sometimes tnra even nowa days the sntimltr rlow la respon sible for tbe btr ni tbat the prov erb honesty i iv best policy was improved lnt united states into slake imiiiei honestly if yon can but mako it julntus uoratius flac- cun nils not an american citizen and tlic great american republic waa not thought of for a good many centuries after ho penned his famous injunction item futoro recto si posses do a thing but do it right if possible loo- don globe fruit trees and plants frjr spring planting wo need no further introduction the fact that we have been in tbe nursery business sixty one years and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants direct lo tbe customers at rock bottom prices send or our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order dir ect and rave the agents commission of which yon get tbe benefit our prices will be rnre to intercbl you and all stock la absolutely flrt class and true to name the chase brot1her8 co of ontario lid e8tinulikd 1867 coluorne 0t our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver iu plea sant remembrance silver and strap 7 a is jewols gold filled 7 iff- jowels solid gold is jowols solid gold 14k 11 jewel movement 1800 and upwards 1000 92000 8000 in use for aver 30 years the kind you have always bought extinguishing burning liquids many peoplo baro often wondered tvliy it is pormlsalblo to uao water for extinguishing somo burning liquids and nut for others for instsneo water is offcctlre for extinguishing burning al cohol or acetone but quite tho reverse in be case of gasollno or oil toe difference lies in tbe fact tbat water mixes readily with tbo flrst two liq uids whllo gasollno and oil do not mix with water but float upon its sur face and aro thus scattered over a lnrgo area if tbe thief lacks orporpiml 4t thinks himself honest local agent wanted for georgetown and district to sell for tub old reliable fonthill nonseniss splendid met of block for fail planting 1017 and spring planting 1018 including many new varieties wicn we alone con trol send for new illustrated catalogue also agents proposition handsome free outfit exolnsive territory liberal com missions stone and wellington the fonthlll nurseries established 1837 toronto ontario j insurance ifire and accident mrs roe georgetown ontario ii- tjfsjoanjatgjejmmnvl hamvi mh vowk ottv soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case- fitted with walthani or swiss movement xt a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery mln street next mcgibton hotel coiater check books we are flow prepared to furnish the best counter checkbooks made to merchants and others wlio require same let us have your next order m farmers buy your gutters sleighs robes c from me j good smomlhand cutters for isle cheap also horse blanket snd bells tb0sehews0n norval ontario phone 101r38 the dl wep gos scranton coal the standard anthracite atents all the dl w soranton in siees is the only hard eoal we carry a large stook now on hanfl also throshing and smitbing ooal goal bins opposite nprval atation phone 6st24 bell line j watkins nonal itil saaii township iwfl agent lor federal ltlelnsdn oo canada ihatlgos fire inl once oo trsmliflrtjoojibieiait outttnoe oom qretwert nent loiui uoeai umq 3i ssiisfflisii wi