w h wlllson leading funeral direct or and ehbalmbb raslasnaa fcdfflee oppmsrcaaou baak open day and nlfbt ocoroitown ont phoni 04 government interveiwed births marriages and deatba are charg- ed for at the following rama births 26c marriages 60c deaths 60c i v hi t- tvv boj7w given in eiqoesinn on march 22nd to mr and mrs nark given a dangbter died lyons at his residence norval on son- day march 24th 1918 samuel j ljrooa lir bis 77th jsar senhtuailaon- ifflcfbl fte lajs ipbv hope sp toe 6e0r6et0wn be8ald 1 a f we a ib people fchift hi gdo4 oiki to tie to we taw- j jfliteh1kpiiilp today havff beq 4wngpoioky tiniea k jnqiasotujtn rtnyi 6tb towiiofits filh iu tljeyrovjncer yjiero- aib no flitftfln br ajidthpuijhe ttustaftona gramme dw aiitt ihon we imyc just about the biatvid moatprahperoua taviiin tbis grand old bomnionwoalth now own pp- havent wo- public school board reeve alex joe o esquesina baa re celved the following letter from the dep uty minister of agriculture re a recent interview by council regarding bheep and dog aot toronto march 18 1018 dear sir following the i a tew days ago in wbioh memoers oi yortr council and yourself were good enough to discuss the sheep and dog act with me 1 submitted your views to the min ister sir william hesrat and thought you might be interested in subsequent consideration given to the subject the two points which i understood yon to empbaslre moelwwp wa ehonlwrp of counclle eothat the owner of tovtn and village dogs which often do the most barn would share the cost of sheepprotectlbo and second that any land wbioh doea not contribute in taxes to the township riized iboold not have abi the recomrnendbtlono careti triday fa6rnog a poettag cfllturwoynrtltteb hlch fr claims i ve tentioa minister prprhised torsive both these ullttentioii on 6f-tmugri- iraiioaaltf cstdendtmavtin0tl field adpreylo 1im fie iialtdnwmpn- laslred both tbe the only opposition tliat will aribe to the increased tax on dogs will come from dog owners who will now have to pay2 and according to the sex of their canines there has been a demand for some tax that will perhaps load to the lessoning of worthless dogs running at large and whether the new tax will result in this desirable reduct ion or not it will at least bo pro ductive of an increased revenue in accordance with the higher cost of living ratio at the hoard of trodb meeting on monday evening it was decided to recommend to tho counoil that a loan of 10000 be made to mr h corku to assist him in reestablish ing his woollen mills recently des troyed by firo wo believe this recommendation will meet with the hoarty npprovnl of every ratepayer and that the council aro justified in submitting a bylaw for the above n mount mr corke has built up u laiie business since coming to georgetown and has proved himself a thorough business man worthy of the confidence of bur eitizons the regulation of profits by legislation owing to a rightly inflamed public opinion now seems desirable were it not so and were the sentiment not universal tho proposition would never have ap peared in tho speech from the throne war has made necessary a readjust ment of what is and what is not a reasonable profit on invested onp- ita and tho accumulation of mill ions of profits will rovort to the government in the shape of taxat ion or limitation of profits will bo effected in some other manner the profiteering in foodstuffs has prob ably given impetus to this legislat ion as it was felt that the poor were suffering unreasonably by high prices while others added millions to thoir accounts that savored too much like tho price of blood it is admitted now by the government that womon may bo olassed with human beings and ac corded tho chief priveloge of hum ans to east a vote that shall help redress the grievances of the coun try and that havo woighed heavily on women for many generations for this result the women alone are entitled to uroclit they have fought in season and out of benson for the right to help shapo their destinies through the laws that govern them and by which tiey were too often despoiled of thoir liberties by the enforcement of med ieval legislation women will per haps not at once adapt themselves to the new conditions but they will sooner or later take as aotivo a part in tho scieneo of law making as tho most ardent suffragette would de sire and when they do man will have to reason why for hell havo to do or die politically speaking of course uri iuxqd a inr fni and atrongly emphi points aabove mentioned he inform ed the foinrnitftelbat one tswrjsmpin bicqppffty vaa under a decided hardship by reasoned tbe tact that a considerable acreage had been withdrawn tax- attpnanot was- fieinfe used saaabeep ranchywhleb both deprived-thetown- sbipof taxbi they had a fight to expect and made them on ihe other hand liable for damages in the casool ipse- of bheep he urged that land so herd should ne put in tli ssafe ofess las highways and tbe township he relieved from- any claims for damages occurring on such lands he pointed out that it was a de oided hardship and injustice for small townships to have to bear the claims when they might aggregate very large amounts because of the fact that a large number ef ebeep were kept in a small area he farther pointed nut that very often the damage was done by dogs from towns and villages and if the act wore changed so that sheep losses would be paid by the connty this would be assess ed back against tbeso municipalities in stead of being carried entirely by the township municipalities in reply to these recommendatlona sir william hearst said that he had al ready given the points raised consider able consideration he recognized that tbe township to which reference had beep made might be under a consider able hardship and thought there was much justice in the point which dr nixon bad raised at the same time he pointed out that the purpose of the act under discussion was to encourage the keeping of sbeep and be feared ihe foll owing nut of the recommendation wonld not serve this purpose he intimated that tbe two polntb involved might well be considered separately namely the question of exemption and tho question of sheep protection and damagen he announced that a special committee was to sit daring the recess and they were to consider the fnll question ol tax ex emptions the exemption in keqneting township could be considered along with others at that time and dealt with in ac cordance with the facts after the com mittee bad bad an opportunity of going into it fully aft to the other recommen dation in regard to aasossing sheep 1 escs against the county as a whole fie ex- brassed himbelf as personally favorable e felt however that the matter had not yet been sufficiently discufleed by all parties who would be affected by a obange which was somewhat far reach ing in its efteots under these circum stances he felt that it would be well to leave ibis matter over for another year at least in order to allow for full coneid eratlon but be had no doubt that it wonld be brought up later on and unless objections not at present forseon were raised it might lie very reasonably adoped it seemed to mo that you wonld be interested in the consideration above set out and i have pleasure in advis ing yon accordingly yours very truly w bert roadhonse deputy minister a special meeting of the board was held in the board room at 8 pm tho following members present dr mcallis ter chairman hauler moore kennedy and thompson the meeting was called to consider the advisability of engaging an extra teach er to take charge of the 30 or more cbild- iren that are reported intending starting to school after easier moved by moore seconded by kennedy and was carried that the beoty be in- utrnclecq lo advertise in the toronto llobe and mail empire for a qualified teacher at a salary of 60000 per annum with engagement for three months with probable reengagement if satisfactory moved by hunter seconded by thomp son thai the board now adjourn to meal nextthursday at 8 pmoarried l h r gfrvr-tvrv- advertisements ronsale two good village iota la college view apply jo mrs h q mcnally 327 41 cowfok fau yoni etiolce erf two gooujeieej one frbqiber to baivoavi 1 w ply to dof mabdrew godrgetown p5 r- watltcd i8riiart glrla gener mrexi h mcrafamcv sb general head- brampton bbooc no wsthlng l torhatckthoi x erompore bred bredtdly barred rocks whitd wyajtdottsahd white teg horns all persistent winter layer h 50 per 16 r 8 murray nerval phoile74j2 ftp stewarttown presentation to mn t e hewbon the choir improvement society wo mens auxiliary and members of ht johns church stewarttown met fit l ho residence of air george b thompson to spend a social evening with mrc t e howbod formerly miss bessie thomp son towards tbe close of tho evoneng the rector in a few appropriate remarks made appreciative reference to mrs hew eons serviced in the choir as a teacher in the sunday pchooj and ai n member of the two societies on behalf of thopo present mrs henry wilson mrs a j re eett hmith and w j little presented mrs heweon with a handsome cut silver casserole pie dish and pie server mrs heweon fittingly returned thanks lo tbe honors on tho nme evening the members of 6igma tomma kappa gave mre heweon a miscellaneous ehowor as a slight remem brance of many pleasant associations a dainty lunch was served and tbe singing of god save the king brongbt a very enjoyable evening to a close clearing auction of farm stock implements furniture tho undersigned has boon instructed by m williamson to noil by public auction at lot 14 fitb lino esquosintf on friday april fitb at 1 oclock sharp tho following norses black porohcron maro 11 yrn brown clydo tuaro 12 yrn black porch oron toam chostnut driving homo 8 yre 04ttle durham fi ratio cow 8 yra calf at side part jornoy icow duo time of salo durham cow 4 ym duo sop 10 milking well durham hoi for fl yrs duo oct 22 part jorsoy bolfor 8 yrn duo oct 1 grado durham hoifor milking 1 fr grado durham hoifors 2 yrs 1 dur- iam steor rising 2 yrs 1 yr last spring calves d baby boof stccro hoifor calf a mos 20 heavy fat steers an extra cholro bunch tigs and fowl yorkshire sow bred 8 weckm 11 lgh 10 wooks old 11 pr plymouth rock fowl implements luinhor wagon box and stock rack lumber waggon box and neat democrat waggon nearly now 1 top buggy cutter pr bob tttajghr hay rack picas tiro sleighs massoyiianih binder noarly new masscyharrlh ntowor spring tooth cultivator rihkoii disc root rcufflor deohng mower brant ford mower massoyharrls hay rack noarly now 10 ft hayrnok hay tod- dor bishcil land roller doerlng seed drill nearly new sot diamond harrows doublo mouldboard plow llht 2 furrow plow turnip drill 8 number 21 moury plows 2 wilkinson plows garden wheel hoc 8 root piilpcrw fanning mill buggy polo pluifuiuj scaloh 1200 lbs h5 lb hay fork rope sugar kcttlo sot wag gon springs coal oil tank and oil sot doublo h o ivy linrnoss noarly now sot plow harntkn 2 ntt doublo haraoss sot singlo hanickfs 1 dn giitln hags a num ber of loddth quanity lumber number ho tso collaht household furniture 2 bod- fi toads folding loaf tabic 0 kitchen chairs 2 small tables cook btovo box stovo ohurn buttorbowl and ladlo flour barrel milk pail and pans hay and oraln quanity of clover and timothy hay 400 bus seed oats va rious other articles too numerous to mention evorythlng will be sold without rosorvo as tho farm has boon sold terms hay grain fowl fat cattlo and sums of 1000 and undor cash over that amount 8 months c rod it on approved joint notes flvo per cent nor annum off for cash w a wilson benj pbtch clork auctioneer rtt3ssj3ssj8s3fc vvs3isssai the mens store in spito of tlio fact that owing tojtbo wnr british woollens havo advanced greatly in price and tailors all over canada have been compolled to raiso prices wo will continue to make blue and black serges scotch and knglish tweeds and worsteds at prices that will be witbipthe range ol o very mtuu v vcclsty c- tiriflthepijmrtunufaoifpptoceyowoidr j vrtntago of- the olttrtrrces mm we want now a reliable agent in halton county to ell pkmiamh pekklbss fhuit and ohna- mental titkkh luring fnll and winter months tiond pay exclusive territory see selling equipment over goo acres of the choicest nursery stock including nrw varieties controlled by us handsome uptodate selling eqnipment nnd a splendid canndun grown ftock to offer customers we are not jobbers nb catnlogue sent on request to ap plicants for agencies 01 purchasers of nur- ery stock write now for agfency terms to pelham nursey co toronto outano ballinafad military news llenl lindsay seltherlaod who la re covering from wounds recleved in france spent saturday with georgelown friends fte hugb ttrabam ol llio foreatry batt returned borne irom england on tuesday among canadian soldiers reported this week ss decorated with tbe military med al or gallantry ere pie h joly 164 batt alion and gonner david anderson son of rev and mrs d e anderson bur- lington lieot j b peacock ol tbe lmtb batt alion got home to milton on tuesday morning having been granted a two mon ths urlongb on account ol the death of bis father captain bnhbio kerr of bis corps travelled with him having been nder similarly sad circumstances both of bis parent bavins died at hamilton lately mr peacock left tba 164th at wifely expecting to go to franca soon tbe kings regulations provide tbat wben any soldier becomes 111 on leave be or bis friends mast notify tbe officer in command of his unit tbat officer will have his use investigated and will ascertain if be la securing proper mediol attention either from his family doctor or from a medioal officer it is probable tbat tbe majority of aoldiera and tbeir friends are not aware of tbe existence ol this regulation it is probable tbat tbe majority ol soldiers and tbelr friends aro not aware ol the oxlftence of this reg ulation jt la a reaconeblo rule and cer tainly ought to be made clear to all civil ian practitioners toronto news mre a k vannatter and son master pharos have gone to atterchfi where tbey will be tho guests ol mrs timburn- er and other friends over ihe easter holi days mr i b vannatter spent last wednes day in toronto where be went to see a spetiutt mr walter kentner accompanied bv miss mary vannatter were recent guests ol tbe misses hang hillsburg we are pleased to em miss m smith ahle to take up her duties at tbe peacock hcbool again alter her recent illness maple syrup making is now the order of tbe day tbe farmers clnb ol this place held their annual meeting in acton last satur day afternoon tbe automobile is again running in tbis vicinity mr frank swaokhammer has been quite busy around the fad cutting wood with bis ciroular saw auction of chattels the undersigned will sell by publlo auc tion at stewarttown on friday april 12th t i oolock tbe following chattels ol the isle w b nixon viz outterj 8 cooking slopes box stove 2 copboarbe bath outfit carpenters toolsil chairs extension ladder garden 1001111110 numerous other useful arlloles terms cash w a wllaon benj pktoh olerk auctioneer gibbefs raisin bread all the advertis- rxrents in the world would not persuade you to buy more than one loaf unless the bread itself was right our raisin bread went on sale some weeks ago hundreds of housewives bou ght it they con tinue to buy it be cause of its delici ous flavor and wholesome good ness for your own sake try a loaf gibfefs cqrner bakery b v cibbens beeves vacuum cleaner the reeves varum cleaner is tin only hand cleinrr manufactured that wilt do the work and do it easy a child can operate it u takes the plat of the broom and carpet aweeper and does th bme work as the most expensive electric cleaners furnjflhecl with nn extra nozzle for cleaning upholstered furniture and mat- treshce complete prlre 050 fo b cash with the ordor sold with a two year frmitnntee descriptive circulars op application a if en u wanted good commission oj stakrkt toronto j 46 mavpty rt distributor for ontario the daint y decorator makes the home brighter lacqueret is the true friend of the housewife for it ren ders the greatest service in small things as well as larfje there is no limit to the many uses to which it is adapted lacqueret is designed for beautifying and preserving old marred or scratched furniture soiled woodwork dingy and dirt stained floors and the hundred and one odds and cuds in and around the house all wool goods- snqh as we are fuelling at present will be b0 percent highorira tltespringbdynow i v- clxck iitwweojr rtwrgaiaseverj jom m menginr i re3ucedtljj8 is s rnonejrsavetsale v- ii wq iivite jon to call aadbavcorrvincoxfi millar co- stprgftown prfqne 128 fine hiqhcla88 tailoring and mens furnishings agents lor stockwell henderson a co dyers and cleaners toronto n eg1i 13 with a can of lacqueret and a bpeckhs brush a man can in spare moments produce wonderful results up in the following size cans quarts pints half pints quarter pints wo- put aud w c anthony phone 46 georgetown a the home of good groceries china and crockery specials 2 only 97 ploco dinner snlti rrulir fill for t fl os tea hbtth lobular 00 fur t 59 dinner tlntch rnlai- frj lnz fm- 1 75 ilrculcfhkt ilatuh rc 81 0 doz fur 1 59 oatmeal lcnvl iik si a dnz mi 05 14 in 1lattorh inre juiic diliti vc fi11 iu- 95 i iii rinitcih larijo om ilrslitn icu 7c- fir 9 10 in ilftttors laru uokc dckik vvii iir fur 80 h iii platlerh ittiho hone dolnn rru loe for 23 iancy plates vct mc for a ltjic clips auil bauccrh ion 2jc two fur ill ciijih and bauccra liaud paintod nippon ihiiia it idc 2 for 01 tlio pricch of abovo nrllclch an lrs til in vc can liy tlum whole- kalo todny come early and gel your choice a m grandy the pure food store hone 73 u i lets send you fee herald only 125 in advance replace your buggy with a ford more than 100000 fords are owned by people in canada in preference to the old horsedrawn buggy and other makes of cars your neighbors and farmers in every section of the dominion are abandoning their oldbuggies selling their driving horses and buying fords ford cars are utility cars they are built to endure the strain of constant daily use over rough roads these are the tests every farmer gives his car the ford meets them in a satisfactory manner it is the farmers carjso why not replace ydwr horse and buggy with a ford i 4 touring runabout coupe sedan chassis s5bs 1is76 1j7to m870 83s the universal car oneton truck 7so fobeqrd0nt j n onbill dealer georgetown adams coy all cash store 1918 march 1918 unknown today in any line of roods is prices being reduced everything is higher aud still higher we are just through our yearly stoc klnldn and we have many articles in our big store you need and you can get them while they last at less than cost prices today 1 hurry money saved is money made j j grocery department everything fresh and neat the most possible value for your mouey come and see us today dont miss this chance of goftds cheap hdrms sco georgetown j phone 43 mnin and mill streets 0 m spring wallp nothing will alter the appearance of a room quicker than wall papil er nor will auythiug add a more pleasing air of comfort to the homejfr than rooms whose walls have been beautified with wall paper of plea- sing design see our stock we have patterns at all prices 7 ki xjh store the best in drug stoic merchandise mlimmm the finest in drug store service mummmm x v r j ij3i is fil lli