jj fjftyfist year of publication l- i 1 j wedneda may stk 1919 iv i r vviv 150 per annum prl25 if- paid in- advance -777- lit the georfletown herald tyms v- v- livu v hbaxdjkiwek fttflfc scftoot fltcjmtfi v svid w4ubjwlrtru 44 qoxi vnv etfnesdafcy evejtncf fl polkltpnw hoiiortf ftry r- fekll4gto coptalb lfrswtooi refill fovavst prrntiwgofflc armtroh v- cvannioyoy brampton reprice- mcqvtitfh faoy fhr l n subscripxqn ratesf- v ond year l5fl or l2fl lf paid it bdvnnrc htx mohthn 6 cynth in nd- vftnpe t v xlitf uddrerts lald miioch the date your jtjtibkcrlptjpji expires contract advertising rates furnished on application ton ttiith per line fur tlrnt insertion and live centh per hup for each hubso- luent inttertlon will i10 chnrffed for all transient iidvertlaeniouth twelve linos to an inch adwrtlhenuiit without specific di rect ioiim will bo intkited until forbid tihd charged accordingly advertisements will be changed once itch month without extra charge changes for contract advertisements must be in the ortlee by monday even ing j m mooiir imblulur legal m v y itwkimit jkifwlp iowardlfcfc ancterhotv wiih lylnp in oiovmlutary fbjltl hokhctf oofotriry thompgpn iilil flnxniiwin ml t miilhn kiluf piruhn t3itfift a wilt itill mnfitlllltl shilton wallbridge dale barristers solicitors etc toronto nnil joorpetown olllco kennedy i hock ijo hoy lale in chnnro of jcoikc- town oilier medical optical auctioneers benj petch ileonmd auctioneer for hulton and reel ulewininmn ytmt olflce hhioh onucted nutlnfactorlty and at r-a- honable ratch ordurs left at thfl siwirgptown ileralil uttlco will ivoelvn prompt nltontlon saturday treat pomuii crinp ik a iont fnvohto witli ho many bhi saturday wo off- oryon 100 lbn of our homomade ivanut crihp a thin toffoo with loth of imaniit in it to hhvo butftir rotfboo- saturday prifo 23o weekend ohooolates owiijg totlio incroaho in theprico of riigar and nearly all material uritul in nwmufjuturintf candy wo will havo to hiiko you a little 111010 however wo would rather athaneo the price and give you good quality retf-ioc- weekend 880 corp and mih c h pairley of iuelph hpenta couple of days at j n oneillb corp fairloy wan in fiance for 18 niontlm with the 20th battery and wan sovotwly wounded in october take a run ovor and see the now wollon mill duildintf of mr h corke then you will he delighted to poll your vote on may 20th in favor of the bylaw to assiht such a worthy induntry gclt 7 r rtt j jittfert yduuff of mriplfo received a iolpyran tocuiviriflorjni cooju yruwlhaji of mr wm slccartnoy ftc hei uirft her pn tte g9 valexnlfr jlitv cumgo4ovh retulnel t6 nlhlionio otr sunmiyvprtl 28tlt utter two ytmirt f liflfvi yorvlee ovorhmh alxmt jfl pf 0 fi iondy we- prehcntimr ifliye him ri ipl wtdcome immer 1tc- vohink a mln of mr and mih vred youtifj sorrt c o polulnktuirno hit k been itwinmod the nistlnorulhluil conduct mtdal while servink with tli knpln- iiih he remained for a lonti period in an advaikcd urea mitinttunlng and rpairlnw telephone wiron tllft work wih carried out continually unher hhell fire irid lie khowcd th prviitert courage and initiative in k4ilnk the llnoh riiiilrcd on tine mrawliin when a hurled cable wiih hrolien in he vera i placea jimt infore an nttiiek ho work ed eontlmiouhly for twelve bourn under lntenmo lire until the whole lino wim impaired it was due to hih energy and rohourco that communlontlon wiih maintained serirt iolklnprhorne went overmah in liuuiary 1916 lie wih formei ly ninnabor of the ledfr do- partment u the harrih ablntoir itd imh father is o k polkliirliorne or fjmohouse out dr joseph mcan d r e w phoicin and surgecn meillenl iincor of health pintrlet ritirreon j t it oillce monrhl to 4 and 7 to h p in phono 58 ullce and kehidonco main stieet houth fpponlte i ehbvterlan church chiropractic no medicine surgery or osteopathy a m neilsen d c jradtiate of the palmer the ori ginal iichool of chiropractic diiven- port iowa l h a uric over lloiirlfranh uruff store conmiltiitlon and kplnal analynlh iree tutmdayh thurndnyh and sntur- dayn l to b and 7 to 8 p m phone 150a l l plant d o oph d eye specialist georgetown oillce ik xt to library phono hd for apmlnttnent jental frank r watson d d 8 m d s dentist georgetown ont hours 9 a m to 5 p in except thursday afternoon dintlntry in all ita brnnche over bell tulophone office f l heath l ds d d 8 dentist oillce in lane i hock one door north of oneillh cnrrluiro factory ilnuri a m to 0 p m hoiluil bnreeroft kiu jndonbaht nlnce april 13 wlfh geuerfrl concuw- nloiii pto aodeion with a rtlhlmiv itc8tlbmit he hu tw3 othr brothuh overhcmc lieut jolin qonnell onltelf a popu lar olllcer of the kilth hulton and dufferln hattalton ban been wounded according to nowh received hy hln relatlveh in toronto on thurhday ho wiih wounded in the hhoulder and 1h hi london lieut oallen wan captain in the hi 1th and went overneiih with hut rank in april 1917 when the r hlvihlon waa hplit up ho reverted to lieutenant in order to accompany a lira ft to 1yanee he wan at milton while the 104th wiih there a brother wan mi led in france ubouu two yearn uro county council sapper thoh j korirrmo enllhted at toronto january 10th 1117 wont ovor- hfith in april and to belgium lnt of june and to franco in september and wiih at murncull near alt st kloi at the time of iiih death mo wim htruck by a piece of uholl on llio 28th and died of wciitidh on the 9tli he would havo been 20 yearn ojd lial lio lived to the 2nd mirr hefaro enllhtinff he worked in the c p u freight ofllcc toronto kings message to mrs armstrong th king rommtnds nu t imt juj of the true kymputhy of majthty and the queen in yow norrov truly rfecjctary of mate for war ih irance maixii lint id18 from oltleer commanilintr uth can light itly operating coy to mm kllzahcth armntroiib jlen- wihiamh out dear madam it is with the deepest iepriet that i write to ndvuo you of the ilenlh of your htm sapper thou j korgrave on the 20th march 19ik ue wiih woundeil by 11 piece of hhell on the 28th march and wiih rtihherl to huh- pitil with all pohuible hieel owing to tho expert hervlceh remleieil by the hu rgeoiih lnmyf ered no tropin he nhowcd except ioinl fortitulo audi pann ed away with a umlle on iiih fnce h fa greatly minned by the oillce th and men of the company an uceount of hln choery dlnpohitlon and wllllngnefh to help out any httuntlon no matter how bard he hni provon hlmuolf to be a man worthy in every way to wear the kings uniform he wuu ulwiiyn fearlehh in the fnco of danger and hid coolness lnapirod confidence in all who came in contact with him ilo wiih laid to rout in the imthdi cemetery at aublgny between arrim nnl st pol and 11 minlhter conducted thn burial hcrvice a ciohs him been erected to murk iiih grave an that uf a holdlcr who fell in action while doing iiih nil to help a nolghborh ciiuho a dedication hervice wiih held today in a y m c a hut where wpeeinl hymiih wero ntttig and prnyeri ald lor your loved one and thouo who are left co mourn tho iohb of a brave andl fenr- leuh canndlnn holdlor our hympnthich go out to you no many mlleb away in your unci he reave meat and nltio my pledgo dint every one of uh who are left will iff lit to the itmoht of our nbillty to crimh the lloitil who ban enured hiicii deep heron vo- mont to be jtuffored by the innocent onem in our dear home lnnd all lier- the county council met at milton on ttichday april 0th the miiuteh of lant met ting weo mad and confirmed after being an end ed by htrlkliiff out the word ui anl- moiihly in mr cleaverk motion ru production and eoiikervation a number of comma nlcutloiih were read ueaclheadllttle that tho hum of 151011 be grunted by thin county rmuh tbeciotlhi v m c a for war work the amount to bo paid in f iur fjutil liihtulmenth iayahle on th ut day of may the 2nd day of july tho lnt day of october and on ie 27th day of december 1918 and that thltt rertolutlon bo carried unant- moiihly carried a number of rejiortm were prehonted and read from varlouh ktunllng enm- mittoen whlh were aftdwardu cimhm- 1 red in citmmltte of the whole and afterward n adopted by the council mr mordep moved hcconded by mr joe that the county council meet at oakvllle on wejiwdn may htli tit eleven oclock to inspect abeideen hridge and llu nimroncem and auo in- hpect tannley bridge in the afternoon and the commltlee on louds and bridg- ch are emuwered to enter into an nttcmrnt with the toronto- hum ii ton iltghwify commlhhlon for huch repairh to the on it vl ilo bridge an they deem wine hucii expenditure to bo made without prejudice carried mr hillmer moved v by mr moffat that the audltorh iteport for the year ending 1917 bo recoived and ndoptiid and that thlh bo lnntructioiih to the clerk to have 200 cuplen of name pritted hendlug to each number of the county council the ununl number of coplen carried mr hyndh moved heconded by mr turner that the treiihurer be nnd is hereby authorized to apportion tho amount received from tho halo of de- bentureh under hylnw no avh to thoo mimlclpalltlfh pin ticlpitlng under tl e 1- aid bylaw and to place nuch amount ih jdhortiined to the credit of those municipalities ai rled mr headhead moved ueconded by mr irving that tho warden the chair man of hood itoada committee and the reeve of tho townkhip affected hu appidnted a committee to confer with adjoining countien regardhw tio cni- htructlon of contlnuouh coimoctina roadn in the countien carrie i mr read head moved heconded by mr irving that the clerk 00 imtructcd to prepare a byiawfor the next regu lar meeting of thin council undor and by authority of the act piihhed in the year 191 6 entitled an act to regu late the road of vehlcleu operated on county highwayh the clerk to have the hhklhtance of tho county solicitor if neeohhary carrie rwlyn fleavch alvuf hell margaret trouiior jack harbor vlviun vnt 011100 iynntej wrgor- orotfn wm1u maponiibr mttivtuot mchuy 4j iv piikh maiy lawhon ntflllo mtitfl- iiiul fleck oorddn uurbor vn- nm richnond lcllen i trad ley sr ill honorh tom kiihoii rdith cave maud mcdonald merle fiahor i ford and c whitmeo p mcaitney and ii nivciih ii iuwaop i lehlle itethell o richmond j lojbeh l laird jr ill iloiorh alleon moore piims m mc kin non 1 truax e hampton k shearer i mccualg v tuck nnd m mckay n halewood n itiadloy m hillock v hoe p hulmeh m fleck jr ill honoi h ivy hplruh jenn mckeii7le eorglnu henry marhle mcdonald herbert coutth clarence king pahhliliian wathoii nellie franriii kathleen treanor arthur tyndtll john willis alex friiner violet i uean thelma henry huhid canute dorothy frnmpton lenore cook minn saxe muriel ontrander raymond whltmee sr ii honors butbel mcdcrmld ruth orr margaret coutth and marie comertn cnual delia hoich myrtle toht piihh- lillian kennedy clarence spence jack lucuh hadyh tiwt ller- naiml armhtmnff curnoa wulturn stanley lodfrey norman search clarence llouhkill foe allen oeirge hale jr ii honorh alive tuck ilti toht piihh mary wiihh marie fleck wlnuifred 11mm ihirothy llallitulne claud nurnnide jr ii a honoih victor norrhig- lon aileei rohh fred spireh pash jen 1 mcgibbon allan hnkcr jenn alb n icvelyn htockfoul iaiilebl mcollllvray raymond hurley vic- or ijiglgiih sam mckenzie equal lichhle nobble cell stapleton en mil alex vance albert living stone john armstrong equal har old uulllvant elvin ostrnnder jr ii r prb margaret kennedy john s ienlle victor tedder irene tout sr i honoih margaret kennedy pearl saxe hruco heath dnlhy jen- nlngh jack mcdermli piihh el teen itullivitnt newman truax bennett arnold margaret wil- toughby courthind richmond charlie whthon jiugo dlgglnh lordou spenco murjoiie hillock lome cave willie merritt olaf stapleton klonnor maw sr primary honorh kathleen hnrueh jean watt jenn hiiiih marlon search donald ilerrlngton rohh bdge claude kentner fuhh violet illalr willie forben ialny oregg icdwin hoare jack har rison inahel cameron roy hilts her bert hamilton jr prlmni y piihh mario cook ralph armstrong maurice hillock evelyn hiiiih alfred jennlngh alleon croat arthur smith roy bradley margaret hralhby iteshle smith glen williams sr iv 1 lord en murchment hio mcmahter 77 int iv stephen hplpln 72 hohhio sordt j w mooro who wan kill ed in notion on march 21st unlisted in georgetown and wont overseas with the 2nd butt lutenn div forgruvo flc madeline mullen 70 lizzie given 54 jr iv kddle mcmiihter 80 harold wheeler 68 wliilo reaumont 80 norma oilman us jack addy 00 delta whoeler lift 12 in ma beaumont 08 jr ill marie graham 89 erne t forgrave 89 siulie bell 81 annie mcmunemy sl kukhoii wheeler 06 sadie gregory 61 viola logan g4 ivy huutley 54 tommy halnea 04 sr ii lily lehlle 77 bert march- ment 74 anna cooper 72 ruport beaumont 71 brock boaumont 61 junior department jr ii sarah hiilpin 246 ivy hain es 21h emily norton 242 grace mc- menemy 238 aviuie allen 237 don- 11 id appleynrd 223 total 300 flret ciohh wlnbton whoeler 183 george cooper 177 joe marchment 160 franklin logan 140 willie chap man ubsent total 200 prlmury sum my allen 37 albert trucy 110 jack norton 118 bob boaumont 116 stun ley logan 108 total 150 a clnhm roben simpson 136 jack graham 135 willie houro 131 aunlo mcnally 131 hazel huntley 124 total 150 b ciohh murle diivhjon 142 snndy norton 138 franklin gitmnn 127 jack beaumont 110 freddie green 82 alfred bell ho total 150 c class helen mcmenomy 94 luiolla held 03 jack roberts 00 catharine alton 80 edward bludd 88 mary wheeler 86 mury halnea 85 dummy hood 82 eloanor allen 82 elva brocklebank 76 mabel mc nally nbuent johnnie hood abaent total 100 m e currle m b wright teacher si i i vcoilnitl tvem tf 8 ojolook with tlforybii thgtpjbift nl uipm all tlisoittmjilayetsiihih tbo roiriutch ojihe- thrfee vovii- hns nfvppbs wore ind rerikooti- flimpj colutunicatiomi were road from hydro- kleotric power system al- lrt sacks phoi couijoiibi otlii- wu dohcity mfco mrs jw komiody j- d colfrcvdeiart- mont of lands forosts and minos ciuiiula food board ottawa le hoy dale and royal alexander hospital fergus a deputation from the firo bri gade waited on the council asking for rubber coats boots and gloves mr hunter f mcnally and win long nddrossed tho council in re gard to this mat tor the clerk was instructed to get prices on about 18 or 20 pair of rubber boots about 20 rubber coats nnd about n pair of rubber gloves mr ilerrington addressed the council asking when the cemetery ground would bo ready for the planting of tho maple trees order ed from him p j burlier addressed the coun cil in regard to the oxiienso of the signs put up by the georgetown motor club mr tulloek addressed the coun cil asking for a drain at tho back of iuh property mr p a hurley addressed the council asking for the straighten ing of water street in front of ii arley kays property moed by speight seconded by barclay that the clerk be instruc ted to refund water rates to a sackr for suck portion of same as was not used- carried moved by cook seconded by rush that the following names be added to tho georgetown fire bri gade leonard harding proposed by k mcdonald and robt hynds proposed by robl erwin carried moved by bnrclny seconded hy speight that the clerk be instruct ed to refund water rates to mrs j m kennedy for such portion of same us was not used she having obtained water from the spring near her residence nnd from mr gartleys pump- carried moved by hindi seconded hy barclay that bylaw no 427 pro hibiting the coasting with express wagons tricycles and kiddie coast ers on the sidewalks within the municipality of georgetown be now rend a second and third timo and finally passed and that tho seal of tho corporation bo nttnohod there to carried moved by hush seoondod by cook that tho following hydro ac counts be pnid postmaster stumps 4 00 g a henry horses b 50 j h mckcnzie 4 12 bell telephone offico nnd electricians house 12 90 j t cnmeron 8 61 j m gnss inspection 6 00 hydro- electric p com supplies 87 14 hydro-eloctrio- p com power for march 894 00 northern electric co supplios 28 29 mcdonald willson sup plies 16 80 central electric co sup plies 224 78 l v hourigan supplies 1 is j w kennedy supplies 6 07 h lutz inspecting meter 8 76 carried moved by cook seconded by speight that the following ac counts be paid hydroelootiio system lamp town hall 1 40 hydro eloctrro light for town hall s 40 hydro- eleotrio st lights form jan to march 407 10 bell tel co cost of mov ing tel to constable res 1 00 bell tel oo town hall 00 w ward sts and walks 4 00 outta porcha rubber co 800 ft firo hose 876 66 king edward sanatorium mr bridge 19 01 concluded on page 8 1 v tv t 2swjsxx jj